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--set search_path to data_s0_1_x0_001_z0_1_m8;
create table nation with oids as
select U1.c1, U1.w1, U2.c1 as c2, U2.w1 as w2, U3.c1 as c3, U3.w1 as w3, U4.c1 as c4, U4.w1 as w4,
U1.tid, n_nationkey, n_name, n_regionkey, n_comment
from u_n_nationkey U1, u_n_name U2, u_n_regionkey U3, u_n_comment U4
where U1.tid=U2.tid and U1.tid=U3.tid and U1.tid=U4.tid and
(U1.C1<>U2.C1 or U1.W1=U2.W1) and (U1.C1<>U3.C1 or U1.W1=U3.W1) and (U1.C1<>U4.C1 or U1.W1=U4.W1) and (U2.C1<>U3.C1 or U2.W1=U3.W1) and (U2.C1<>U4.C1 or U2.W1=U4.W1) and (U3.C1<>U4.C1 or U3.W1=U4.W1);
create table region with oids as
select U1.c1, U1.w1, U2.c1 as c2, U2.w1 as w2, U3.c1 as c3, U3.w1 as w3,
U1.tid, r_regionkey, r_name, r_comment
from u_r_regionkey U1, u_r_name U2, u_r_comment U3
where U1.tid=U2.tid and U1.tid=U3.tid and
(U1.C1<>U2.C1 or U1.W1=U2.W1) and (U1.C1<>U3.C1 or U1.W1=U3.W1) and (U2.C1<>U3.C1 or U2.W1=U3.W1);
create table part with oids as
select U1.c1, U1.w1, U2.c1 as c2, U2.w1 as w2, U3.c1 as c3, U3.w1 as w3, U4.c1 as c4, U4.w1 as w4, U5.c1 as c5, U5.w1 as w5,
U6.c1 as c6, U6.w1 as w6, U7.c1 as c7, U7.w1 as w7, U8.c1 as c8, U8.w1 as w8, U9.c1 as c9, U9.w1 as w9,
U1.tid, p_partkey, p_name, p_mfgr, p_brand, p_type, p_size, p_container, p_retailprice, p_comment
from u_p_partkey U1, u_p_name U2, u_p_mfgr U3, u_p_brand U4, u_p_type U5, u_p_size U6, u_p_container U7, u_p_retailprice U8, u_p_comment U9
where U1.tid=U2.tid and U1.tid=U3.tid and U1.tid=U4.tid and U1.tid=U5.tid and
U1.tid=U6.tid and U1.tid=U7.tid and U1.tid=U8.tid and U1.tid=U9.tid and
(U1.C1<>U2.C1 or U1.W1=U2.W1) and (U1.C1<>U3.C1 or U1.W1=U3.W1) and (U1.C1<>U4.C1 or U1.W1=U4.W1) and (U1.C1<>U5.C1 or U1.W1=U5.W1) and (U1.C1<>U6.C1 or U1.W1=U6.W1) and (U1.C1<>U7.C1 or U1.W1=U7.W1) and (U1.C1<>U8.C1 or U1.W1=U8.W1) and (U1.C1<>U9.C1 or U1.W1=U9.W1) and (U2.C1<>U3.C1 or U2.W1=U3.W1) and (U2.C1<>U4.C1 or U2.W1=U4.W1) and (U2.C1<>U5.C1 or U2.W1=U5.W1) and (U2.C1<>U6.C1 or U2.W1=U6.W1) and (U2.C1<>U7.C1 or U2.W1=U7.W1) and (U2.C1<>U8.C1 or U2.W1=U8.W1) and (U2.C1<>U9.C1 or U2.W1=U9.W1) and (U3.C1<>U4.C1 or U3.W1=U4.W1) and (U3.C1<>U5.C1 or U3.W1=U5.W1) and (U3.C1<>U6.C1 or U3.W1=U6.W1) and (U3.C1<>U7.C1 or U3.W1=U7.W1) and (U3.C1<>U8.C1 or U3.W1=U8.W1) and (U3.C1<>U9.C1 or U3.W1=U9.W1) and (U4.C1<>U5.C1 or U4.W1=U5.W1) and (U4.C1<>U6.C1 or U4.W1=U6.W1) and (U4.C1<>U7.C1 or U4.W1=U7.W1) and (U4.C1<>U8.C1 or U4.W1=U8.W1) and (U4.C1<>U9.C1 or U4.W1=U9.W1) and (U5.C1<>U6.C1 or U5.W1=U6.W1) and (U5.C1<>U7.C1 or U5.W1=U7.W1) and (U5.C1<>U8.C1 or U5.W1=U8.W1) and (U5.C1<>U9.C1 or U5.W1=U9.W1) and (U6.C1<>U7.C1 or U6.W1=U7.W1) and (U6.C1<>U8.C1 or U6.W1=U8.W1) and (U6.C1<>U9.C1 or U6.W1=U9.W1) and (U7.C1<>U8.C1 or U7.W1=U8.W1) and (U7.C1<>U9.C1 or U7.W1=U9.W1) and (U8.C1<>U9.C1 or U8.W1=U9.W1);
create table supplier with oids as
select U1.c1, U1.w1, U2.c1 as c2, U2.w1 as w2, U3.c1 as c3, U3.w1 as w3, U4.c1 as c4, U4.w1 as w4, U5.c1 as c5, U5.w1 as w5,
U6.c1 as c6, U6.w1 as w6, U7.c1 as c7, U7.w1 as w7,
U1.tid, s_suppkey, s_name, s_address, s_nationkey, s_phone, s_acctbal, s_comment
from u_s_suppkey U1, u_s_name U2, u_s_address U3, u_s_nationkey U4, u_s_phone U5, u_s_acctbal U6, u_s_comment U7
where U1.tid=U2.tid and U1.tid=U3.tid and U1.tid=U4.tid and U1.tid=U5.tid and U1.tid=U6.tid and U1.tid=U7.tid and
(U1.C1<>U2.C1 or U1.W1=U2.W1) and (U1.C1<>U3.C1 or U1.W1=U3.W1) and (U1.C1<>U4.C1 or U1.W1=U4.W1) and (U1.C1<>U5.C1 or U1.W1=U5.W1) and (U1.C1<>U6.C1 or U1.W1=U6.W1) and (U1.C1<>U7.C1 or U1.W1=U7.W1) and (U2.C1<>U3.C1 or U2.W1=U3.W1) and (U2.C1<>U4.C1 or U2.W1=U4.W1) and (U2.C1<>U5.C1 or U2.W1=U5.W1) and (U2.C1<>U6.C1 or U2.W1=U6.W1) and (U2.C1<>U7.C1 or U2.W1=U7.W1) and (U3.C1<>U4.C1 or U3.W1=U4.W1) and (U3.C1<>U5.C1 or U3.W1=U5.W1) and (U3.C1<>U6.C1 or U3.W1=U6.W1) and (U3.C1<>U7.C1 or U3.W1=U7.W1) and (U4.C1<>U5.C1 or U4.W1=U5.W1) and (U4.C1<>U6.C1 or U4.W1=U6.W1) and (U4.C1<>U7.C1 or U4.W1=U7.W1) and (U5.C1<>U6.C1 or U5.W1=U6.W1) and (U5.C1<>U7.C1 or U5.W1=U7.W1) and (U6.C1<>U7.C1 or U6.W1=U7.W1);
create table partsupp with oids as
select U1.c1, U1.w1, U2.c1 as c2, U2.w1 as w2, U3.c1 as c3, U3.w1 as w3, U4.c1 as c4, U4.w1 as w4, U5.c1 as c5, U5.w1 as w5,
U1.tid, ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_availqty, ps_supplycost, ps_comment
from u_ps_partkey U1, u_ps_suppkey U2, u_ps_availqty U3, u_ps_supplycost U4, u_ps_comment U5
where U1.tid=U2.tid and U1.tid=U3.tid and U1.tid=U4.tid and U1.tid=U5.tid and
(U1.C1<>U2.C1 or U1.W1=U2.W1) and (U1.C1<>U3.C1 or U1.W1=U3.W1) and (U1.C1<>U4.C1 or U1.W1=U4.W1) and (U1.C1<>U5.C1 or U1.W1=U5.W1) and (U2.C1<>U3.C1 or U2.W1=U3.W1) and (U2.C1<>U4.C1 or U2.W1=U4.W1) and (U2.C1<>U5.C1 or U2.W1=U5.W1) and (U3.C1<>U4.C1 or U3.W1=U4.W1) and (U3.C1<>U5.C1 or U3.W1=U5.W1) and (U4.C1<>U5.C1 or U4.W1=U5.W1);
create table customer with oids as
select U1.c1, U1.w1, U2.c1 as c2, U2.w1 as w2, U3.c1 as c3, U3.w1 as w3, U4.c1 as c4, U4.w1 as w4, U5.c1 as c5, U5.w1 as w5,
U6.c1 as c6, U6.w1 as w6, U7.c1 as c7, U7.w1 as w7, U8.c1 as c8, U8.w1 as w8,
U1.tid, c_custkey, c_name, c_address, c_nationkey, c_phone, c_acctbal, c_mktsegment, c_comment
from u_c_custkey U1, u_c_name U2, u_c_address U3, u_c_nationkey U4, u_c_phone U5, u_c_acctbal U6, u_c_mktsegment U7, u_c_comment U8
where U1.tid=U2.tid and U1.tid=U3.tid and U1.tid=U4.tid and U1.tid=U5.tid and
U1.tid=U6.tid and U1.tid=U7.tid and U1.tid=U8.tid and
(U1.C1<>U2.C1 or U1.W1=U2.W1) and (U1.C1<>U3.C1 or U1.W1=U3.W1) and (U1.C1<>U4.C1 or U1.W1=U4.W1) and (U1.C1<>U5.C1 or U1.W1=U5.W1) and (U1.C1<>U6.C1 or U1.W1=U6.W1) and (U1.C1<>U7.C1 or U1.W1=U7.W1) and (U1.C1<>U8.C1 or U1.W1=U8.W1) and (U2.C1<>U3.C1 or U2.W1=U3.W1) and (U2.C1<>U4.C1 or U2.W1=U4.W1) and (U2.C1<>U5.C1 or U2.W1=U5.W1) and (U2.C1<>U6.C1 or U2.W1=U6.W1) and (U2.C1<>U7.C1 or U2.W1=U7.W1) and (U2.C1<>U8.C1 or U2.W1=U8.W1) and (U3.C1<>U4.C1 or U3.W1=U4.W1) and (U3.C1<>U5.C1 or U3.W1=U5.W1) and (U3.C1<>U6.C1 or U3.W1=U6.W1) and (U3.C1<>U7.C1 or U3.W1=U7.W1) and (U3.C1<>U8.C1 or U3.W1=U8.W1) and (U4.C1<>U5.C1 or U4.W1=U5.W1) and (U4.C1<>U6.C1 or U4.W1=U6.W1) and (U4.C1<>U7.C1 or U4.W1=U7.W1) and (U4.C1<>U8.C1 or U4.W1=U8.W1) and (U5.C1<>U6.C1 or U5.W1=U6.W1) and (U5.C1<>U7.C1 or U5.W1=U7.W1) and (U5.C1<>U8.C1 or U5.W1=U8.W1) and (U6.C1<>U7.C1 or U6.W1=U7.W1) and (U6.C1<>U8.C1 or U6.W1=U8.W1) and (U7.C1<>U8.C1 or U7.W1=U8.W1);
create table orders with oids as
select U1.c1, U1.w1, U2.c1 as c2, U2.w1 as w2, U3.c1 as c3, U3.w1 as w3, U4.c1 as c4, U4.w1 as w4, U5.c1 as c5, U5.w1 as w5,
U6.c1 as c6, U6.w1 as w6, U7.c1 as c7, U7.w1 as w7, U8.c1 as c8, U8.w1 as w8, U9.c1 as c9, U9.w1 as w9,
U1.tid, o_orderkey, o_custkey, o_orderstatus, o_totalprice, o_orderdate, o_orderpriority, o_clerk, o_shippriority, o_comment
from u_o_orderkey U1, u_o_custkey U2, u_o_orderstatus U3, u_o_totalprice U4, u_o_orderdate U5,
u_o_orderpriority U6, u_o_clerk U7, u_o_shippriority U8, u_o_comment U9
where U1.tid=U2.tid and U1.tid=U3.tid and U1.tid=U4.tid and U1.tid=U5.tid and
U1.tid=U6.tid and U1.tid=U7.tid and U1.tid=U8.tid and U1.tid=U9.tid and
(U1.C1<>U2.C1 or U1.W1=U2.W1) and (U1.C1<>U3.C1 or U1.W1=U3.W1) and (U1.C1<>U4.C1 or U1.W1=U4.W1) and (U1.C1<>U5.C1 or U1.W1=U5.W1) and (U1.C1<>U6.C1 or U1.W1=U6.W1) and (U1.C1<>U7.C1 or U1.W1=U7.W1) and (U1.C1<>U8.C1 or U1.W1=U8.W1) and (U1.C1<>U9.C1 or U1.W1=U9.W1) and (U2.C1<>U3.C1 or U2.W1=U3.W1) and (U2.C1<>U4.C1 or U2.W1=U4.W1) and (U2.C1<>U5.C1 or U2.W1=U5.W1) and (U2.C1<>U6.C1 or U2.W1=U6.W1) and (U2.C1<>U7.C1 or U2.W1=U7.W1) and (U2.C1<>U8.C1 or U2.W1=U8.W1) and (U2.C1<>U9.C1 or U2.W1=U9.W1) and (U3.C1<>U4.C1 or U3.W1=U4.W1) and (U3.C1<>U5.C1 or U3.W1=U5.W1) and (U3.C1<>U6.C1 or U3.W1=U6.W1) and (U3.C1<>U7.C1 or U3.W1=U7.W1) and (U3.C1<>U8.C1 or U3.W1=U8.W1) and (U3.C1<>U9.C1 or U3.W1=U9.W1) and (U4.C1<>U5.C1 or U4.W1=U5.W1) and (U4.C1<>U6.C1 or U4.W1=U6.W1) and (U4.C1<>U7.C1 or U4.W1=U7.W1) and (U4.C1<>U8.C1 or U4.W1=U8.W1) and (U4.C1<>U9.C1 or U4.W1=U9.W1) and (U5.C1<>U6.C1 or U5.W1=U6.W1) and (U5.C1<>U7.C1 or U5.W1=U7.W1) and (U5.C1<>U8.C1 or U5.W1=U8.W1) and (U5.C1<>U9.C1 or U5.W1=U9.W1) and (U6.C1<>U7.C1 or U6.W1=U7.W1) and (U6.C1<>U8.C1 or U6.W1=U8.W1) and (U6.C1<>U9.C1 or U6.W1=U9.W1) and (U7.C1<>U8.C1 or U7.W1=U8.W1) and (U7.C1<>U9.C1 or U7.W1=U9.W1) and (U8.C1<>U9.C1 or U8.W1=U9.W1);
create table lineitem with oids as
select U1.C1, U1.W1, U2.c1 as c2, U2.w1 as w2, U3.c1 as c3, U3.w1 as w3, U4.c1 as c4, U4.w1 as w4, U5.c1 as c5, U5.w1 as w5,
U6.c1 as c6, U6.w1 as w6, U7.c1 as c7, U7.w1 as w7, U8.c1 as c8, U8.w1 as w8, U9.c1 as c9, U9.w1 as w9,
U10.c1 as c10, U10.w1 as w10, U11.c1 as c11, U11.w1 as w11, U12.c1 as c12, U12.w1 as w12, U13.c1 as c13, U13.w1 as w13,
U14.c1 as c14, U14.w1 as w14, U15.c1 as c15, U15.w1 as W15, U16.C1 as c16, U16.w1 as w16,
U1.tid, l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_suppkey, l_linenumber, l_quantity, l_extendedprice, l_discount, l_tax, l_returnflag, l_linestatus,
l_shipdate, l_commitdate, l_receiptdate, l_shipinstruct, l_shipmode, l_comment
from u_l_orderkey U1, u_l_partkey U2, u_l_suppkey U3, u_l_linenumber U4, u_l_quantity U5, u_l_extendedprice U6,
u_l_discount U7, u_l_tax U8, u_l_returnflag U9, u_l_linestatus U10, u_l_shipdate U11, u_l_commitdate U12, u_l_receiptdate U13,
u_l_shipinstruct U14, u_l_shipmode U15, u_l_comment U16
where U1.tid=U2.tid and U1.tid=U3.tid and U1.tid=U4.tid and U1.tid=U5.tid and U1.tid=U6.tid and U1.tid=U7.tid and
U1.tid=U8.tid and U1.tid=U9.tid and U1.tid=U10.tid and U1.tid=U11.tid and U1.tid=U12.tid and U1.tid=U13.tid and
U1.tid=U14.tid and U1.tid=U15.tid and U1.tid=U16.tid and
(U1.C1<>U2.C1 or U1.W1=U2.W1) and (U1.C1<>U3.C1 or U1.W1=U3.W1) and (U1.C1<>U4.C1 or U1.W1=U4.W1) and (U1.C1<>U5.C1 or U1.W1=U5.W1) and (U1.C1<>U6.C1 or U1.W1=U6.W1) and (U1.C1<>U7.C1 or U1.W1=U7.W1) and (U1.C1<>U8.C1 or U1.W1=U8.W1) and (U1.C1<>U9.C1 or U1.W1=U9.W1) and (U1.C1<>U10.C1 or U1.W1=U10.W1) and (U1.C1<>U11.C1 or U1.W1=U11.W1) and (U1.C1<>U12.C1 or U1.W1=U12.W1) and (U1.C1<>U13.C1 or U1.W1=U13.W1) and (U1.C1<>U14.C1 or U1.W1=U14.W1) and (U1.C1<>U15.C1 or U1.W1=U15.W1) and (U1.C1<>U16.C1 or U1.W1=U16.W1) and (U2.C1<>U3.C1 or U2.W1=U3.W1) and (U2.C1<>U4.C1 or U2.W1=U4.W1) and (U2.C1<>U5.C1 or U2.W1=U5.W1) and (U2.C1<>U6.C1 or U2.W1=U6.W1) and (U2.C1<>U7.C1 or U2.W1=U7.W1) and (U2.C1<>U8.C1 or U2.W1=U8.W1) and (U2.C1<>U9.C1 or U2.W1=U9.W1) and (U2.C1<>U10.C1 or U2.W1=U10.W1) and (U2.C1<>U11.C1 or U2.W1=U11.W1) and (U2.C1<>U12.C1 or U2.W1=U12.W1) and (U2.C1<>U13.C1 or U2.W1=U13.W1) and (U2.C1<>U14.C1 or U2.W1=U14.W1) and (U2.C1<>U15.C1 or U2.W1=U15.W1) and (U2.C1<>U16.C1 or U2.W1=U16.W1) and (U3.C1<>U4.C1 or U3.W1=U4.W1) and (U3.C1<>U5.C1 or U3.W1=U5.W1) and (U3.C1<>U6.C1 or U3.W1=U6.W1) and (U3.C1<>U7.C1 or U3.W1=U7.W1) and (U3.C1<>U8.C1 or U3.W1=U8.W1) and (U3.C1<>U9.C1 or U3.W1=U9.W1) and (U3.C1<>U10.C1 or U3.W1=U10.W1) and (U3.C1<>U11.C1 or U3.W1=U11.W1) and (U3.C1<>U12.C1 or U3.W1=U12.W1) and (U3.C1<>U13.C1 or U3.W1=U13.W1) and (U3.C1<>U14.C1 or U3.W1=U14.W1) and (U3.C1<>U15.C1 or U3.W1=U15.W1) and (U3.C1<>U16.C1 or U3.W1=U16.W1) and (U4.C1<>U5.C1 or U4.W1=U5.W1) and (U4.C1<>U6.C1 or U4.W1=U6.W1) and (U4.C1<>U7.C1 or U4.W1=U7.W1) and (U4.C1<>U8.C1 or U4.W1=U8.W1) and (U4.C1<>U9.C1 or U4.W1=U9.W1) and (U4.C1<>U10.C1 or U4.W1=U10.W1) and (U4.C1<>U11.C1 or U4.W1=U11.W1) and (U4.C1<>U12.C1 or U4.W1=U12.W1) and (U4.C1<>U13.C1 or U4.W1=U13.W1) and (U4.C1<>U14.C1 or U4.W1=U14.W1) and (U4.C1<>U15.C1 or U4.W1=U15.W1) and (U4.C1<>U16.C1 or U4.W1=U16.W1) and (U5.C1<>U6.C1 or U5.W1=U6.W1) and (U5.C1<>U7.C1 or U5.W1=U7.W1) and (U5.C1<>U8.C1 or U5.W1=U8.W1) and (U5.C1<>U9.C1 or U5.W1=U9.W1) and (U5.C1<>U10.C1 or U5.W1=U10.W1) and (U5.C1<>U11.C1 or U5.W1=U11.W1) and (U5.C1<>U12.C1 or U5.W1=U12.W1) and (U5.C1<>U13.C1 or U5.W1=U13.W1) and (U5.C1<>U14.C1 or U5.W1=U14.W1) and (U5.C1<>U15.C1 or U5.W1=U15.W1) and (U5.C1<>U16.C1 or U5.W1=U16.W1) and (U6.C1<>U7.C1 or U6.W1=U7.W1) and (U6.C1<>U8.C1 or U6.W1=U8.W1) and (U6.C1<>U9.C1 or U6.W1=U9.W1) and (U6.C1<>U10.C1 or U6.W1=U10.W1) and (U6.C1<>U11.C1 or U6.W1=U11.W1) and (U6.C1<>U12.C1 or U6.W1=U12.W1) and (U6.C1<>U13.C1 or U6.W1=U13.W1) and (U6.C1<>U14.C1 or U6.W1=U14.W1) and (U6.C1<>U15.C1 or U6.W1=U15.W1) and (U6.C1<>U16.C1 or U6.W1=U16.W1) and (U7.C1<>U8.C1 or U7.W1=U8.W1) and (U7.C1<>U9.C1 or U7.W1=U9.W1) and (U7.C1<>U10.C1 or U7.W1=U10.W1) and (U7.C1<>U11.C1 or U7.W1=U11.W1) and (U7.C1<>U12.C1 or U7.W1=U12.W1) and (U7.C1<>U13.C1 or U7.W1=U13.W1) and (U7.C1<>U14.C1 or U7.W1=U14.W1) and (U7.C1<>U15.C1 or U7.W1=U15.W1) and (U7.C1<>U16.C1 or U7.W1=U16.W1) and (U8.C1<>U9.C1 or U8.W1=U9.W1) and (U8.C1<>U10.C1 or U8.W1=U10.W1) and (U8.C1<>U11.C1 or U8.W1=U11.W1) and (U8.C1<>U12.C1 or U8.W1=U12.W1) and (U8.C1<>U13.C1 or U8.W1=U13.W1) and (U8.C1<>U14.C1 or U8.W1=U14.W1) and (U8.C1<>U15.C1 or U8.W1=U15.W1) and (U8.C1<>U16.C1 or U8.W1=U16.W1) and (U9.C1<>U10.C1 or U9.W1=U10.W1) and (U9.C1<>U11.C1 or U9.W1=U11.W1) and (U9.C1<>U12.C1 or U9.W1=U12.W1) and (U9.C1<>U13.C1 or U9.W1=U13.W1) and (U9.C1<>U14.C1 or U9.W1=U14.W1) and (U9.C1<>U15.C1 or U9.W1=U15.W1) and (U9.C1<>U16.C1 or U9.W1=U16.W1) and (U10.C1<>U11.C1 or U10.W1=U11.W1) and (U10.C1<>U12.C1 or U10.W1=U12.W1) and (U10.C1<>U13.C1 or U10.W1=U13.W1) and (U10.C1<>U14.C1 or U10.W1=U14.W1) and (U10.C1<>U15.C1 or U10.W1=U15.W1) and (U10.C1<>U16.C1 or U10.W1=U16.W1) and (U11.C1<>U12.C1 or U11.W1=U12.W1) and (U11.C1<>U13.C1 or U11.W1=U13.W1) and (U11.C1<>U14.C1 or U11.W1=U14.W1) and (U11.C1<>U15.C1 or U11.W1=U15.W1) and (U11.C1<>U16.C1 or U11.W1=U16.W1) and (U12.C1<>U13.C1 or U12.W1=U13.W1) and (U12.C1<>U14.C1 or U12.W1=U14.W1) and (U12.C1<>U15.C1 or U12.W1=U15.W1) and (U12.C1<>U16.C1 or U12.W1=U16.W1) and (U13.C1<>U14.C1 or U13.W1=U14.W1) and (U13.C1<>U15.C1 or U13.W1=U15.W1) and (U13.C1<>U16.C1 or U13.W1=U16.W1) and (U14.C1<>U15.C1 or U14.W1=U15.W1) and (U14.C1<>U16.C1 or U14.W1=U16.W1) and (U15.C1<>U16.C1 or U15.W1=U16.W1);
-- create table W
create table w(cid bigint, lwid bigint, aid serial);
insert into w
select c1,w1 from u_n_nationkey
union select c1,w1 from u_n_name
union select c1,w1 from u_n_regionkey
union select c1,w1 from u_n_comment
union select c1,w1 from u_r_regionkey
union select c1,w1 from u_r_name
union select c1,w1 from u_r_comment
union select c1,w1 from u_p_partkey
union select c1,w1 from u_p_name
union select c1,w1 from u_p_mfgr
union select c1,w1 from u_p_brand
union select c1,w1 from u_p_type
union select c1,w1 from u_p_size
union select c1,w1 from u_p_container
union select c1,w1 from u_p_retailprice
union select c1,w1 from u_p_comment
union select c1,w1 from u_s_suppkey
union select c1,w1 from u_s_name
union select c1,w1 from u_s_address
union select c1,w1 from u_s_nationkey
union select c1,w1 from u_s_phone
union select c1,w1 from u_s_acctbal
union select c1,w1 from u_s_comment
union select c1,w1 from u_ps_partkey
union select c1,w1 from u_ps_suppkey
union select c1,w1 from u_ps_availqty
union select c1,w1 from u_ps_supplycost
union select c1,w1 from u_ps_comment
union select c1,w1 from u_c_custkey
union select c1,w1 from u_c_name
union select c1,w1 from u_c_address
union select c1,w1 from u_c_nationkey
union select c1,w1 from u_c_phone
union select c1,w1 from u_c_acctbal
union select c1,w1 from u_c_mktsegment
union select c1,w1 from u_c_comment
union select c1,w1 from u_o_orderkey
union select c1,w1 from u_o_custkey
union select c1,w1 from u_o_orderstatus
union select c1,w1 from u_o_totalprice
union select c1,w1 from u_o_orderdate
union select c1,w1 from u_o_orderpriority
union select c1,w1 from u_o_clerk
union select c1,w1 from u_o_shippriority
union select c1,w1 from u_o_comment
union select c1,w1 from u_l_orderkey
union select c1,w1 from u_l_partkey
union select c1,w1 from u_l_suppkey
union select c1,w1 from u_l_linenumber
union select c1,w1 from u_l_quantity
union select c1,w1 from u_l_extendedprice
union select c1,w1 from u_l_discount
union select c1,w1 from u_l_tax
union select c1,w1 from u_l_returnflag
union select c1,w1 from u_l_linestatus
union select c1,w1 from u_l_shipdate
union select c1,w1 from u_l_commitdate
union select c1,w1 from u_l_receiptdate
union select c1,w1 from u_l_shipinstruct
union select c1,w1 from u_l_shipmode
union select c1,w1 from u_l_comment; |