
92 lines
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** Initializes a random graph from the subgraph of the WWW graph by
** assigning probabilities to the edges in the following way:
** p(u,v) = degree(u) / max degree(w)
** Assumes as input two tables n0(u) and e0(u,v).
drop table to_subset cascade;
drop table in_degree;
drop table out_degree;
drop table e1;
drop table edge0;
drop table no_edge0;
drop table edge;
drop table no_edge;
Create random graph example
create table in_degree as
select v, count(*) as d
from e0
group by v
select u, 0 as d
from e0
where u not in (select v from e0)
create table out_degree as
select u, count(*) as d
from e0
group by u
select v, 0 as d
from e0
where v not in (select u from e0)
create table e1
as select e0.u, e0.v, 1 as bit, o.d::float4 / (select max(d) from out_degree)::float4 as p
from e0, out_degree o
where e0.u = o.u;
insert into e1
select u, v, 0 as bit, 1 - p as p
from e1
where p != 1;
/* This table represents all subsets of the total order over node as possible
create table to_subset as
repair key u,v in e1
weight by p
create table edge0 as (select u,v from to_subset where bit=1);
create table no_edge0 as (select u,v from to_subset where bit=0);
/* add the missing edges to no_edge0 */
insert into no_edge0
select n1.u as u, n2.u as v
from n0 n1, n0 n2
where (n1.u,n2.u) not in (select u,v from e0);
--create table edge as (select * from edge0);
--insert into edge (select v as u, u as v from edge0);
--create table no_edge as (select * from no_edge0);
--insert into no_edge (select v as u, u as v from no_edge0);