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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from typing import overload
from typing import (
import datetime
from pyspark.rdd import RDD
import pyspark.serializers
from pyspark.storagelevel import StorageLevel
import pyspark.streaming.context
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaObject
S = TypeVar("S")
T = TypeVar("T")
U = TypeVar("U")
K = TypeVar("K", bound=Hashable)
V = TypeVar("V")
class DStream(Generic[T]):
is_cached: bool
is_checkpointed: bool
def __init__(
jdstream: JavaObject,
ssc: pyspark.streaming.context.StreamingContext,
jrdd_deserializer: pyspark.serializers.Serializer,
) -> None: ...
def context(self) -> pyspark.streaming.context.StreamingContext: ...
def count(self) -> DStream[int]: ...
def filter(self, f: Callable[[T], bool]) -> DStream[T]: ...
def flatMap(
self: DStream[T],
f: Callable[[T], Iterable[U]],
preservesPartitioning: bool = ...,
) -> DStream[U]: ...
def map(
self: DStream[T], f: Callable[[T], U], preservesPartitioning: bool = ...
) -> DStream[U]: ...
def mapPartitions(
self, f: Callable[[Iterable[T]], Iterable[U]], preservesPartitioning: bool = ...
) -> DStream[U]: ...
def mapPartitionsWithIndex(
f: Callable[[int, Iterable[T]], Iterable[U]],
preservesPartitioning: bool = ...,
) -> DStream[U]: ...
def reduce(self, func: Callable[[T, T], T]) -> DStream[T]: ...
def reduceByKey(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
func: Callable[[V, V], V],
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, V]]: ...
def combineByKey(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
createCombiner: Callable[[V], U],
mergeValue: Callable[[U, V], U],
mergeCombiners: Callable[[U, U], U],
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, U]]: ...
def partitionBy(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
numPartitions: int,
partitionFunc: Callable[[K], int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, V]]: ...
def foreachRDD(self, func: Callable[[RDD[T]], None]) -> None: ...
def foreachRDD(self, func: Callable[[datetime.datetime, RDD[T]], None]) -> None: ...
def pprint(self, num: int = ...) -> None: ...
def mapValues(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]], f: Callable[[V], U]
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, U]]: ...
def flatMapValues(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]], f: Callable[[V], Iterable[U]]
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, U]]: ...
def glom(self) -> DStream[List[T]]: ...
def cache(self) -> DStream[T]: ...
def persist(self, storageLevel: StorageLevel) -> DStream[T]: ...
def checkpoint(self, interval: int) -> DStream[T]: ...
def groupByKey(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]], numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, Iterable[V]]]: ...
def countByValue(self) -> DStream[Tuple[T, int]]: ...
def saveAsTextFiles(self, prefix: str, suffix: Optional[str] = ...) -> None: ...
def transform(self, func: Callable[[RDD[T]], RDD[U]]) -> TransformedDStream[U]: ...
def transform(
self, func: Callable[[datetime.datetime, RDD[T]], RDD[U]]
) -> TransformedDStream[U]: ...
def transformWith(
func: Callable[[RDD[T], RDD[U]], RDD[V]],
other: RDD[U],
keepSerializer: bool = ...,
) -> DStream[V]: ...
def transformWith(
func: Callable[[datetime.datetime, RDD[T], RDD[U]], RDD[V]],
other: RDD[U],
keepSerializer: bool = ...,
) -> DStream[V]: ...
def repartition(self, numPartitions: int) -> DStream[T]: ...
def union(self, other: DStream[U]) -> DStream[Union[T, U]]: ...
def cogroup(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
other: DStream[Tuple[K, U]],
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, Tuple[List[V], List[U]]]]: ...
def join(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
other: DStream[Tuple[K, U]],
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, Tuple[V, U]]]: ...
def leftOuterJoin(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
other: DStream[Tuple[K, U]],
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, Tuple[V, Optional[U]]]]: ...
def rightOuterJoin(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
other: DStream[Tuple[K, U]],
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, Tuple[Optional[V], U]]]: ...
def fullOuterJoin(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
other: DStream[Tuple[K, U]],
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, Tuple[Optional[V], Optional[U]]]]: ...
def slice(
self, begin: Union[datetime.datetime, int], end: Union[datetime.datetime, int]
) -> List[RDD[T]]: ...
def window(
self, windowDuration: int, slideDuration: Optional[int] = ...
) -> DStream[T]: ...
def reduceByWindow(
reduceFunc: Callable[[T, T], T],
invReduceFunc: Optional[Callable[[T, T], T]],
windowDuration: int,
slideDuration: int,
) -> DStream[T]: ...
def countByWindow(
self, windowDuration: int, slideDuration: int
) -> DStream[Tuple[T, int]]: ...
def countByValueAndWindow(
windowDuration: int,
slideDuration: int,
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[T, int]]: ...
def groupByKeyAndWindow(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
windowDuration: int,
slideDuration: int,
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, Iterable[V]]]: ...
def reduceByKeyAndWindow(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
func: Callable[[V, V], V],
invFunc: Optional[Callable[[V, V], V]],
windowDuration: int,
slideDuration: Optional[int] = ...,
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
filterFunc: Optional[Callable[[Tuple[K, V]], bool]] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, V]]: ...
def updateStateByKey(
self: DStream[Tuple[K, V]],
updateFunc: Callable[[Iterable[V], Optional[S]], S],
numPartitions: Optional[int] = ...,
initialRDD: Optional[RDD[Tuple[K, S]]] = ...,
) -> DStream[Tuple[K, S]]: ...
class TransformedDStream(DStream[U]):
is_cached: bool
is_checkpointed: bool
func: Callable
prev: DStream
def __init__(
self: DStream[U], prev: DStream[T], func: Callable[[RDD[T]], RDD[U]]
) -> None: ...
def __init__(
self: DStream[U],
prev: DStream[T],
func: Callable[[datetime.datetime, RDD[T]], RDD[U]],
) -> None: ...