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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script translates invalid authors in the contributors list generated
# by When the script encounters an author name that
# is considered invalid, it searches Github and JIRA in an attempt to search
# for replacements. This tool runs in two modes:
# (1) Interactive mode: For each invalid author name, this script presents
# all candidate replacements to the user and awaits user response. In this
# mode, the user may also input a custom name. This is the default.
# (2) Non-interactive mode: For each invalid author name, this script replaces
# the name with the first valid candidate it can find. If there is none, it
# uses the original name. This can be enabled through the --non-interactive flag.
import os
import sys
from releaseutils import *
# You must set the following before use!
JIRA_API_BASE = os.environ.get("JIRA_API_BASE", "")
JIRA_USERNAME = os.environ.get("JIRA_USERNAME", None)
JIRA_PASSWORD = os.environ.get("JIRA_PASSWORD", None)
sys.exit("Both JIRA_USERNAME and JIRA_PASSWORD must be set")
# Write new contributors list to <old_file_name>.new
if not os.path.isfile(contributors_file_name):
print "Contributors file %s does not exist!" % contributors_file_name
print "Have you run ./ yet?"
contributors_file = open(contributors_file_name, "r")
new_contributors_file_name = contributors_file_name + ".new"
new_contributors_file = open(new_contributors_file_name, "w")
warnings = []
# In non-interactive mode, this script will choose the first replacement that is valid
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
options = set(sys.argv[1:])
if "--non-interactive" in options:
print "Running in interactive mode. To disable this, provide the --non-interactive flag."
# Setup Github and JIRA clients
jira_options = { "server": JIRA_API_BASE }
jira_client = JIRA(options = jira_options, basic_auth = (JIRA_USERNAME, JIRA_PASSWORD))
github_client = Github()
# Generate candidates for the given author. This should only be called if the given author
# name does not represent a full name as this operation is somewhat expensive. Under the
# hood, it makes several calls to the Github and JIRA API servers to find the candidates.
# This returns a list of (candidate name, source) 2-tuples. E.g.
# [
# (NOT_FOUND, "No full name found for Github user andrewor14"),
# ("Andrew Or", "Full name of JIRA user andrewor14"),
# ("Andrew Orso", "Full name of SPARK-1444 assignee andrewor14"),
# ("Andrew Ordall", "Full name of SPARK-1663 assignee andrewor14"),
# (NOT_FOUND, "No assignee found for SPARK-1763")
# ]
NOT_FOUND = "Not found"
def generate_candidates(author, issues):
candidates = []
# First check for full name of Github user
github_name = get_github_name(new_author, github_client)
if github_name:
candidates.append((github_name, "Full name of Github user %s" % new_author))
candidates.append((NOT_FOUND, "No full name found for Github user %s" % new_author))
# Then do the same for JIRA user
jira_name = get_jira_name(new_author, jira_client)
if jira_name:
candidates.append((jira_name, "Full name of JIRA user %s" % new_author))
candidates.append((NOT_FOUND, "No full name found for JIRA user %s" % new_author))
# Then do the same for the assignee of each of the associated JIRAs
# Note that a given issue may not have an assignee, or the assignee may not have a full name
for issue in issues:
jira_issue = jira_client.issue(issue)
jira_assignee = jira_issue.fields.assignee
if jira_assignee:
user_name =
display_name = jira_assignee.displayName
if display_name:
candidates.append((display_name, "Full name of %s assignee %s" % (issue, user_name)))
candidates.append((NOT_FOUND, "No full name found for %s assignee %" % (issue, user_name)))
candidates.append((NOT_FOUND, "No assignee found for %s" % issue))
# Guard against special characters in candidate names
# Note that the candidate name may already be in unicode (JIRA returns this)
for i, (candidate, source) in enumerate(candidates):
candidate = unicode(candidate, "UTF-8")
except TypeError:
# already in unicode
candidate = unidecode.unidecode(candidate).strip()
candidates[i] = (candidate, source)
return candidates
# Translate each invalid author by searching for possible candidates from Github and JIRA
# In interactive mode, this script presents the user with a list of choices and have the user
# select from this list. Additionally, the user may also choose to enter a custom name.
# In non-interactive mode, this script picks the first valid author name from the candidates
# If no such name exists, the original name is used (without the JIRA numbers).
print "\n========================== Translating contributor list =========================="
for line in contributors_file:
author = line.split(" - ")[0]
print "Processing author %s" % author
if not author:
print " ERROR: Expected the following format <author> - <contributions>"
print " ERROR: Actual = %s" % line
if not is_valid_author(author):
new_author = author.split("/")[0]
issues = author.split("/")[1:]
candidates = generate_candidates(new_author, issues)
# Print out potential replacement candidates along with the sources, e.g.
# [X] No full name found for Github user andrewor14
# [0] Andrew Or - Full name of JIRA user andrewor14
# [1] Andrew Orso - Full name of SPARK-1444 assignee andrewor14
# [2] Andrew Ordall - Full name of SPARK-1663 assignee andrewor14
# [X] No assignee found for SPARK-1763
# [3] Custom
candidate_names = []
for candidate, source in candidates:
if candidate == NOT_FOUND:
print " [X] %s" % source
index = len(candidate_names)
print " [%d] %s - %s" % (index, candidate, source)
custom_index = len(candidate_names)
# In interactive mode, additionally provide "custom" option and await user response
print " [%d] Custom" % custom_index
response = raw_input(" Your choice: ")
while not response.isdigit() or int(response) > custom_index:
response = raw_input(" Please enter an integer between 0 and %d: " % custom_index)
response = int(response)
if response == custom_index:
new_author = raw_input(" Please type a custom name for this author: ")
new_author = candidate_names[response]
# In non-interactive mode, just pick the first candidate
valid_candidate_names = [name for name, _ in candidates\
if is_valid_author(name) and name != NOT_FOUND]
if valid_candidate_names:
new_author = valid_candidate_names[0]
# Finally, capitalize the author and replace the original one with it
# If the final replacement is still invalid, log a warning
if is_valid_author(new_author):
new_author = capitalize_author(new_author)
warnings.append("Unable to find a valid name %s for author %s" % (new_author, author))
print " * Replacing %s with %s" % (author, new_author)
line = line.replace(author, new_author)
print "==================================================================================\n"
print "Translated contributors list successfully written to %s!" % new_contributors_file_name
# Log any warnings encountered in the process
if warnings:
print "\n========== Warnings encountered while translating the contributor list ==========="
for w in warnings: print w
print "Please manually correct these in the final contributors list at %s." % new_contributors_file_name
print "==================================================================================\n"