Changes to make size estimator more accurate. Fixes object size, pointer size

according to architecture and also aligns objects and arrays when computing
instance sizes. Verified using Eclipse Memory Analysis Tool (MAT)
This commit is contained in:
Shivaram Venkataraman 2012-08-11 02:16:15 -07:00
parent 6ae3c375a9
commit 00ab5490b3

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@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet
object SizeEstimator {
private val OBJECT_SIZE = 8 // Minimum size of a java.lang.Object
private val POINTER_SIZE = 4 // Size of an object reference
// Sizes of primitive types
private val BYTE_SIZE = 1
@ -32,6 +30,28 @@ object SizeEstimator {
private val FLOAT_SIZE = 4
private val DOUBLE_SIZE = 8
// Object and pointer sizes are arch dependent
val is64bit = System.getProperty("os.arch").contains("64")
// Size of an object reference
// TODO: Get this from jvm/system property
val isCompressedOops = Runtime.getRuntime.maxMemory < (Integer.MAX_VALUE.toLong*2)
// Minimum size of a java.lang.Object
val OBJECT_SIZE = if (!is64bit) 8 else {
if(!isCompressedOops) {
} else {
val POINTER_SIZE = if (is64bit && !isCompressedOops) 8 else 4
// Alignment boundary for objects
// TODO: Is this arch dependent ?
private val ALIGN_SIZE = 8
// A cache of ClassInfo objects for each class
private val classInfos = new ConcurrentHashMap[Class[_], ClassInfo]
classInfos.put(classOf[Object], new ClassInfo(OBJECT_SIZE, Nil))
@ -101,10 +121,17 @@ object SizeEstimator {
private def visitArray(array: AnyRef, cls: Class[_], state: SearchState) {
val length = JArray.getLength(array)
val elementClass = cls.getComponentType
// Arrays have object header and length field which is an integer
var arrSize: Long = alignSize(OBJECT_SIZE + INT_SIZE)
if (elementClass.isPrimitive) {
state.size += length * primitiveSize(elementClass)
arrSize += alignSize(length * primitiveSize(elementClass))
state.size += arrSize
} else {
state.size += length * POINTER_SIZE
arrSize += alignSize(length * POINTER_SIZE)
state.size += arrSize
if (length <= ARRAY_SIZE_FOR_SAMPLING) {
for (i <- 0 until length) {
state.enqueue(JArray.get(array, i))
@ -176,9 +203,16 @@ object SizeEstimator {
shellSize = alignSize(shellSize)
// Create and cache a new ClassInfo
val newInfo = new ClassInfo(shellSize, pointerFields)
classInfos.put(cls, newInfo)
return newInfo
private def alignSize(size: Long): Long = {
val rem = size % ALIGN_SIZE
return if (rem == 0) size else (size + ALIGN_SIZE - rem)