[SPARK-14369] [SQL] Locality support for FileScanRDD

(This PR is a rebased version of PR #12153.)

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR adds preliminary locality support for `FileFormat` data sources by overriding `FileScanRDD.preferredLocations()`. The strategy can be divided into two parts:

1.  Block location lookup

    Unlike `HadoopRDD` or `NewHadoopRDD`, `FileScanRDD` doesn't have access to the underlying `InputFormat` or `InputSplit`, and thus can't rely on `InputSplit.getLocations()` to gather locality information. Instead, this PR queries block locations using `FileSystem.getBlockLocations()` after listing all `FileStatus`es in `HDFSFileCatalog` and convert all `FileStatus`es into `LocatedFileStatus`es.

    Note that although S3/S3A/S3N file systems don't provide valid locality information, their `getLocatedStatus()` implementations don't actually issue remote calls either. So there's no need to special case these file systems.

2.  Selecting preferred locations

    For each `FilePartition`, we pick up top 3 locations that containing the most data to be retrieved. This isn't necessarily the best algorithm out there. Further improvements may be brought up in follow-up PRs.

## How was this patch tested?

Tested by overriding default `FileSystem` implementation for `file:///` with a mocked one, which returns mocked block locations.

Author: Cheng Lian <lian@databricks.com>

Closes #12527 from liancheng/spark-14369-locality-rebased.
This commit is contained in:
Cheng Lian 2016-04-21 21:48:09 -07:00 committed by Davies Liu
parent b29bc3f515
commit 145433f1aa
6 changed files with 291 additions and 37 deletions

View file

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.{Partition => RDDPartition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.rdd.{InputFileNameHolder, RDD}
@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ case class PartitionedFile(
partitionValues: InternalRow,
filePath: String,
start: Long,
length: Long) {
length: Long,
locations: Array[String] = Array.empty) {
override def toString: String = {
s"path: $filePath, range: $start-${start + length}, partition values: $partitionValues"
@ -131,4 +134,23 @@ class FileScanRDD(
override protected def getPartitions: Array[RDDPartition] = filePartitions.toArray
override protected def getPreferredLocations(split: RDDPartition): Seq[String] = {
val files = split.asInstanceOf[FilePartition].files
// Computes total number of bytes can be retrieved from each host.
val hostToNumBytes = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Long]
files.foreach { file =>
file.locations.filter(_ != "localhost").foreach { host =>
hostToNumBytes(host) = hostToNumBytes.getOrElse(host, 0L) + file.length
// Takes the first 3 hosts with the most data to be retrieved
hostToNumBytes.toSeq.sortBy {
case (host, numBytes) => numBytes
}.reverse.take(3).map {
case (host, numBytes) => host

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{BlockLocation, FileStatus, LocatedFileStatus, Path}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql._
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.planning.PhysicalOperation
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{DataSourceScan, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
* A strategy for planning scans over collections of files that might be partitioned or bucketed
@ -120,7 +119,10 @@ private[sql] object FileSourceStrategy extends Strategy with Logging {
logInfo(s"Planning with ${bucketing.numBuckets} buckets")
val bucketed =
selectedPartitions.flatMap { p =>
p.files.map(f => PartitionedFile(p.values, f.getPath.toUri.toString, 0, f.getLen))
p.files.map { f =>
val hosts = getBlockHosts(getBlockLocations(f), 0, f.getLen)
PartitionedFile(p.values, f.getPath.toUri.toString, 0, f.getLen, hosts)
}.groupBy { f =>
.getBucketId(new Path(f.filePath).getName)
@ -139,10 +141,12 @@ private[sql] object FileSourceStrategy extends Strategy with Logging {
val splitFiles = selectedPartitions.flatMap { partition =>
partition.files.flatMap { file =>
(0L to file.getLen by maxSplitBytes).map { offset =>
val blockLocations = getBlockLocations(file)
(0L until file.getLen by maxSplitBytes).map { offset =>
val remaining = file.getLen - offset
val size = if (remaining > maxSplitBytes) maxSplitBytes else remaining
PartitionedFile(partition.values, file.getPath.toUri.toString, offset, size)
val hosts = getBlockHosts(blockLocations, offset, size)
PartitionedFile(partition.values, file.getPath.toUri.toString, offset, size, hosts)
@ -207,4 +211,43 @@ private[sql] object FileSourceStrategy extends Strategy with Logging {
case _ => Nil
private def getBlockLocations(file: FileStatus): Array[BlockLocation] = file match {
case f: LocatedFileStatus => f.getBlockLocations
case f => Array.empty[BlockLocation]
// Given locations of all blocks of a single file, `blockLocations`, and an `(offset, length)`
// pair that represents a segment of the same file, find out the block that contains the largest
// fraction the segment, and returns location hosts of that block. If no such block can be found,
// returns an empty array.
private def getBlockHosts(
blockLocations: Array[BlockLocation], offset: Long, length: Long): Array[String] = {
val candidates = blockLocations.map {
// The fragment starts from a position within this block
case b if b.getOffset <= offset && offset < b.getOffset + b.getLength =>
b.getHosts -> (b.getOffset + b.getLength - offset).min(length)
// The fragment ends at a position within this block
case b if offset <= b.getOffset && offset + length < b.getLength =>
b.getHosts -> (offset + length - b.getOffset).min(length)
// The fragment fully contains this block
case b if offset <= b.getOffset && b.getOffset + b.getLength <= offset + length =>
b.getHosts -> b.getLength
// The fragment doesn't intersect with this block
case b =>
b.getHosts -> 0L
}.filter { case (hosts, size) =>
size > 0L
if (candidates.isEmpty) {
} else {
val (hosts, _) = candidates.maxBy { case (_, size) => size }

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Try
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, FileSystem, Path}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileInputFormat, JobConf}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Job, TaskAttemptContext}
@ -342,16 +342,31 @@ class HDFSFileCatalog(
if (paths.length >= sqlContext.conf.parallelPartitionDiscoveryThreshold) {
HadoopFsRelation.listLeafFilesInParallel(paths, hadoopConf, sqlContext.sparkContext)
} else {
val statuses = paths.flatMap { path =>
val statuses: Seq[FileStatus] = paths.flatMap { path =>
val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
logInfo(s"Listing $path on driver")
// Dummy jobconf to get to the pathFilter defined in configuration
val jobConf = new JobConf(hadoopConf, this.getClass())
val jobConf = new JobConf(hadoopConf, this.getClass)
val pathFilter = FileInputFormat.getInputPathFilter(jobConf)
if (pathFilter != null) {
Try(fs.listStatus(path, pathFilter)).getOrElse(Array.empty)
} else {
val statuses = {
val stats = Try(fs.listStatus(path)).getOrElse(Array.empty[FileStatus])
if (pathFilter != null) stats.filter(f => pathFilter.accept(f.getPath)) else stats
statuses.map {
case f: LocatedFileStatus => f
// NOTE:
// - Although S3/S3A/S3N file system can be quite slow for remote file metadata
// operations, calling `getFileBlockLocations` does no harm here since these file system
// implementations don't actually issue RPC for this method.
// - Here we are calling `getFileBlockLocations` in a sequential manner, but it should a
// a big deal since we always use to `listLeafFilesInParallel` when the number of paths
// exceeds threshold.
case f => new LocatedFileStatus(f, fs.getFileBlockLocations(f, 0, f.getLen))
}.filterNot { status =>
val name = status.getPath.getName
@ -369,7 +384,7 @@ class HDFSFileCatalog(
def inferPartitioning(schema: Option[StructType]): PartitionSpec = {
def inferPartitioning(schema: Option[StructType]): PartitionSpec = {
// We use leaf dirs containing data files to discover the schema.
val leafDirs = leafDirToChildrenFiles.keys.toSeq
schema match {
@ -473,15 +488,15 @@ private[sql] object HadoopFsRelation extends Logging {
// Dummy jobconf to get to the pathFilter defined in configuration
val jobConf = new JobConf(fs.getConf, this.getClass())
val pathFilter = FileInputFormat.getInputPathFilter(jobConf)
val statuses =
if (pathFilter != null) {
val (dirs, files) = fs.listStatus(status.getPath, pathFilter).partition(_.isDirectory)
files ++ dirs.flatMap(dir => listLeafFiles(fs, dir))
} else {
val (dirs, files) = fs.listStatus(status.getPath).partition(_.isDirectory)
files ++ dirs.flatMap(dir => listLeafFiles(fs, dir))
statuses.filterNot(status => shouldFilterOut(status.getPath.getName))
val statuses = {
val (dirs, files) = fs.listStatus(status.getPath).partition(_.isDirectory)
val stats = files ++ dirs.flatMap(dir => listLeafFiles(fs, dir))
if (pathFilter != null) stats.filter(f => pathFilter.accept(f.getPath)) else stats
statuses.filterNot(status => shouldFilterOut(status.getPath.getName)).map {
case f: LocatedFileStatus => f
case f => new LocatedFileStatus(f, fs.getFileBlockLocations(f, 0, f.getLen))
@ -489,6 +504,12 @@ private[sql] object HadoopFsRelation extends Logging {
// well with `SerializableWritable`. So there seems to be no way to serialize a `FileStatus`.
// Here we use `FakeFileStatus` to extract key components of a `FileStatus` to serialize it from
// executor side and reconstruct it on driver side.
case class FakeBlockLocation(
names: Array[String],
hosts: Array[String],
offset: Long,
length: Long)
case class FakeFileStatus(
path: String,
length: Long,
@ -496,7 +517,8 @@ private[sql] object HadoopFsRelation extends Logging {
blockReplication: Short,
blockSize: Long,
modificationTime: Long,
accessTime: Long)
accessTime: Long,
blockLocations: Array[FakeBlockLocation])
def listLeafFilesInParallel(
paths: Seq[Path],
@ -511,6 +533,20 @@ private[sql] object HadoopFsRelation extends Logging {
val fs = path.getFileSystem(serializableConfiguration.value)
Try(listLeafFiles(fs, fs.getFileStatus(path))).getOrElse(Array.empty)
}.map { status =>
val blockLocations = status match {
case f: LocatedFileStatus =>
f.getBlockLocations.map { loc =>
case _ =>
@ -518,12 +554,18 @@ private[sql] object HadoopFsRelation extends Logging {
val hadoopFakeStatuses = fakeStatuses.map { f =>
new FileStatus(
f.length, f.isDir, f.blockReplication, f.blockSize, f.modificationTime, new Path(f.path))
val blockLocations = f.blockLocations.map { loc =>
new BlockLocation(loc.names, loc.hosts, loc.offset, loc.length)
new LocatedFileStatus(
new FileStatus(
f.length, f.isDir, f.blockReplication, f.blockSize, f.modificationTime, new Path(f.path)),
mutable.LinkedHashSet(hadoopFakeStatuses: _*)

View file

@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources
import java.io.File
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{BlockLocation, FileStatus, RawLocalFileSystem}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job
import org.apache.spark.sql._
@ -267,6 +268,80 @@ class FileSourceStrategySuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext with Predi
test("Locality support for FileScanRDD") {
val partition = FilePartition(0, Seq(
PartitionedFile(InternalRow.empty, "fakePath0", 0, 10, Array("host0", "host1")),
PartitionedFile(InternalRow.empty, "fakePath0", 10, 20, Array("host1", "host2")),
PartitionedFile(InternalRow.empty, "fakePath1", 0, 5, Array("host3")),
PartitionedFile(InternalRow.empty, "fakePath2", 0, 5, Array("host4"))
val fakeRDD = new FileScanRDD(
(file: PartitionedFile) => Iterator.empty,
assertResult(Set("host0", "host1", "host2")) {
test("Locality support for FileScanRDD - one file per partition") {
"fs.file.impl" -> classOf[LocalityTestFileSystem].getName,
"fs.file.impl.disable.cache" -> "true"
) {
withSQLConf(SQLConf.FILES_MAX_PARTITION_BYTES.key -> "10") {
val table =
createTable(files = Seq(
"file1" -> 10,
"file2" -> 10
checkScan(table) { partitions =>
val Seq(p1, p2) = partitions
assert(p1.files.length == 1)
assert(p1.files.flatMap(_.locations).length == 1)
assert(p2.files.length == 1)
assert(p2.files.flatMap(_.locations).length == 1)
val fileScanRDD = getFileScanRDD(table)
assert(partitions.flatMap(fileScanRDD.preferredLocations).length == 2)
test("Locality support for FileScanRDD - large file") {
"fs.file.impl" -> classOf[LocalityTestFileSystem].getName,
"fs.file.impl.disable.cache" -> "true"
) {
) {
val table =
createTable(files = Seq(
"file1" -> 15,
"file2" -> 5
checkScan(table) { partitions =>
val Seq(p1, p2) = partitions
assert(p1.files.length == 1)
assert(p1.files.flatMap(_.locations).length == 1)
assert(p2.files.length == 2)
assert(p2.files.flatMap(_.locations).length == 2)
val fileScanRDD = getFileScanRDD(table)
assert(partitions.flatMap(fileScanRDD.preferredLocations).length == 3)
// Helpers for checking the arguments passed to the FileFormat.
protected val checkPartitionSchema =
@ -303,14 +378,7 @@ class FileSourceStrategySuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext with Predi
/** Plans the query and calls the provided validation function with the planned partitioning. */
def checkScan(df: DataFrame)(func: Seq[FilePartition] => Unit): Unit = {
val fileScan = df.queryExecution.executedPlan.collect {
case scan: DataSourceScan if scan.rdd.isInstanceOf[FileScanRDD] =>
}.headOption.getOrElse {
fail(s"No FileScan in query\n${df.queryExecution}")
@ -348,6 +416,15 @@ class FileSourceStrategySuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext with Predi
def getFileScanRDD(df: DataFrame): FileScanRDD = {
df.queryExecution.executedPlan.collect {
case scan: DataSourceScan if scan.rdd.isInstanceOf[FileScanRDD] =>
}.headOption.getOrElse {
fail(s"No FileScan in query\n${df.queryExecution}")
/** Holds the last arguments passed to [[TestFileFormat]]. */
@ -407,3 +484,14 @@ class TestFileFormat extends FileFormat {
(file: PartitionedFile) => { Iterator.empty }
class LocalityTestFileSystem extends RawLocalFileSystem {
private val invocations = new AtomicInteger(0)
override def getFileBlockLocations(
file: FileStatus, start: Long, len: Long): Array[BlockLocation] = {
val count = invocations.getAndAdd(1)
Array(new BlockLocation(Array(s"host$count:50010"), Array(s"host$count"), 0, len))

View file

@ -91,6 +91,27 @@ private[sql] trait SQLTestUtils
* Sets all Hadoop configurations specified in `pairs`, calls `f`, and then restore all Hadoop
* configurations.
protected def withHadoopConf(pairs: (String, String)*)(f: => Unit): Unit = {
val (keys, _) = pairs.unzip
val originalValues = keys.map(key => Option(hadoopConfiguration.get(key)))
try {
pairs.foreach { case (key, value) =>
hadoopConfiguration.set(key, value)
} finally {
keys.zip(originalValues).foreach {
case (key, Some(value)) => hadoopConfiguration.set(key, value)
case (key, None) => hadoopConfiguration.unset(key)
* Sets all SQL configurations specified in `pairs`, calls `f`, and then restore all SQL
* configurations.

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@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetOutputCommitter
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{HadoopFsRelation, LogicalRelation}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.DataSourceScan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{FileScanRDD, HadoopFsRelation, LocalityTestFileSystem, LogicalRelation}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHiveSingleton
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SQLTestUtils
@ -668,6 +669,43 @@ abstract class HadoopFsRelationTest extends QueryTest with SQLTestUtils with Tes
df.write.format(dataSourceName).partitionBy("c", "d", "e").saveAsTable("t")
test("Locality support for FileScanRDD") {
"fs.file.impl" -> classOf[LocalityTestFileSystem].getName,
"fs.file.impl.disable.cache" -> "true"
) {
withTempPath { dir =>
val path = "file://" + dir.getCanonicalPath
val df1 = sqlContext.range(4)
def checkLocality(): Unit = {
val df2 = sqlContext.read
.option("dataSchema", df1.schema.json)
val Some(fileScanRDD) = df2.queryExecution.executedPlan.collectFirst {
case scan: DataSourceScan if scan.rdd.isInstanceOf[FileScanRDD] =>
val partitions = fileScanRDD.partitions
val preferredLocations = partitions.flatMap(fileScanRDD.preferredLocations)
assert(preferredLocations.distinct.length == 2)
// This class is used to test SPARK-8578. We should not use any custom output committer when