Merge pull request #116 from jianpingjwang/master

remove unused variables and fix a bug
This commit is contained in:
Reynold Xin 2013-12-22 11:44:18 -08:00
commit 44e4205ac5

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package org.apache.spark.graph.algorithms
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
import org.apache.spark.graph._
import scala.util.Random
@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ class VT ( // vertex type
var v1: RealVector, // v1: p for user node, q for item node
var v2: RealVector, // v2: pu + |N(u)|^(-0.5)*sum(y) for user node, y for item node
var bias: Double,
var norm: Double // only for user node
var norm: Double // |N(u)|^(-0.5) for user node
) extends Serializable
class Msg ( // message
@ -20,7 +19,15 @@ class Msg ( // message
) extends Serializable
object Svdpp {
// implement SVD++ based on
* Implement SVD++ based on "Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: a Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model",
* paper is available at [[]].
* The prediction rule is rui = u + bu + bi + qi*(pu + |N(u)|^(-0.5)*sum(y)), see the details on page 6.
* @param edges edges for constructing the graph
* @return a graph with vertex attributes containing the trained model
def run(edges: RDD[Edge[Double]]): Graph[VT, Double] = {
// defalut parameters
@ -32,7 +39,8 @@ object Svdpp {
val gamma2 = 0.007
val gamma6 = 0.005
val gamma7 = 0.015
// generate default vertex attribute
def defaultF(rank: Int) = {
val v1 = new ArrayRealVector(rank)
val v2 = new ArrayRealVector(rank)
@ -44,7 +52,7 @@ object Svdpp {
// calculate initial norm and bias
// calculate initial bias and norm
def mapF0(et: EdgeTriplet[VT, Double]): Iterator[(Vid, (Long, Double))] = {
assert(et.srcAttr != null && et.dstAttr != null)
Iterator((et.srcId, (1L, et.attr)), (et.dstId, (1L, et.attr)))
@ -67,10 +75,10 @@ object Svdpp {
// make graph
var g = Graph.fromEdges(edges, defaultF(rank)).cache()
// calculate initial norm and bias
// calculate initial bias and norm
val t0 = g.mapReduceTriplets(mapF0, reduceF0)
g.outerJoinVertices(t0) {updateF0}
g.outerJoinVertices(t0) {updateF0}
// phase 1
def mapF1(et: EdgeTriplet[VT, Double]): Iterator[(Vid, RealVector)] = {
assert(et.srcAttr != null && et.dstAttr != null)
@ -89,21 +97,18 @@ object Svdpp {
// phase 2
def mapF2(et: EdgeTriplet[VT, Double]): Iterator[(Vid, Msg)] = {
assert(et.srcAttr != null && et.dstAttr != null)
val usr = et.srcAttr
val itm = et.dstAttr
var p = usr.v1
var q = itm.v1
val itmBias = 0.0
val usrBias = 0.0
val (usr, itm) = (et.srcAttr, et.dstAttr)
val (p, q) = (usr.v1, itm.v1)
var pred = u + usr.bias + itm.bias + q.dotProduct(usr.v2)
pred = math.max(pred, minVal)
pred = math.min(pred, maxVal)
val err = et.attr - pred
val y = (q.mapMultiply(err*usr.norm)).subtract((usr.v2).mapMultiply(gamma7))
val newP = (q.mapMultiply(err)).subtract(p.mapMultiply(gamma7)) // for each connected item q
val newQ = (usr.v2.mapMultiply(err)).subtract(q.mapMultiply(gamma7))
Iterator((et.srcId, new Msg(newP, y, err - gamma6*usr.bias)), (et.dstId, new Msg(newQ, y, err - gamma6*itm.bias)))
val updateP = (q.mapMultiply(err)).subtract(p.mapMultiply(gamma7))
val updateQ = (usr.v2.mapMultiply(err)).subtract(q.mapMultiply(gamma7))
val updateY = (q.mapMultiply(err*usr.norm)).subtract((itm.v2).mapMultiply(gamma7))
Iterator((et.srcId, new Msg(updateP, updateY, err - gamma6*usr.bias)),
(et.dstId, new Msg(updateQ, updateY, err - gamma6*itm.bias)))
def reduceF2(g1: Msg, g2: Msg):Msg = {
g1.v1 = g1.v1.add(g2.v1)
g1.v2 = g1.v2.add(g2.v2)
@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ object Svdpp {
def updateF2(vid: Vid, vd: VT, msg: Option[Msg]) = {
if (msg.isDefined) {
vd.v1 = vd.v1.add(msg.get.v1.mapMultiply(gamma2))
if (vid % 2 == 1) { // item node update y
if (vid % 2 == 1) { // item nodes update y
vd.v2 = vd.v2.add(msg.get.v2.mapMultiply(gamma2))
vd.bias += msg.get.bias*gamma1
@ -122,23 +127,19 @@ object Svdpp {
for (i <- 0 until maxIters) {
// phase 1
// phase 1, calculate v2 for user nodes
val t1: VertexRDD[RealVector] = g.mapReduceTriplets(mapF1, reduceF1)
g.outerJoinVertices(t1) {updateF1}
// phase 2
g.outerJoinVertices(t1) {updateF1}
// phase 2, update p for user nodes and q, y for item nodes
val t2: VertexRDD[Msg] = g.mapReduceTriplets(mapF2, reduceF2)
g.outerJoinVertices(t2) {updateF2}
// calculate error on training set
def mapF3(et: EdgeTriplet[VT, Double]): Iterator[(Vid, Double)] = {
assert(et.srcAttr != null && et.dstAttr != null)
val usr = et.srcAttr
val itm = et.dstAttr
var p = usr.v1
var q = itm.v1
val itmBias = 0.0
val usrBias = 0.0
val (usr, itm) = (et.srcAttr, et.dstAttr)
val (p, q) = (usr.v1, itm.v1)
var pred = u + usr.bias + itm.bias + q.dotProduct(usr.v2)
pred = math.max(pred, minVal)
pred = math.min(pred, maxVal)
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ object Svdpp {
Iterator((et.dstId, err))
def updateF3(vid: Vid, vd: VT, msg: Option[Double]) = {
if (msg.isDefined && vid % 2 == 1) { // item sum up the errors
if (msg.isDefined && vid % 2 == 1) { // item nodes sum up the errors
vd.norm = msg.get