Revert "[SPARK-30625][SQL] Support escape as third parameter of the like function

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

In the PR, I propose to revert the commit 8aebc80e0e.

### Why are the changes needed?
See the concerns

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
By existing test suites.

Closes #27531 from MaxGekk/revert-like-3-args.

Authored-by: Maxim Gekk <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>
This commit is contained in:
Maxim Gekk 2020-02-11 10:15:34 -08:00 committed by Dongjoon Hyun
parent 99bd59fe29
commit 45db48e2d2
4 changed files with 31 additions and 75 deletions

View file

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ package object dsl {
def like(other: Expression, escapeChar: Char = '\\'): Expression =
Like(expr, other, Literal(escapeChar.toString))
Like(expr, other, escapeChar)
def rlike(other: Expression): Expression = RLike(expr, other)
def contains(other: Expression): Expression = Contains(expr, other)
def startsWith(other: Expression): Expression = StartsWith(expr, other)

View file

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import java.util.regex.{MatchResult, Pattern}
import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.Block._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{GenericArrayData, StringUtils}
@ -30,19 +29,17 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
trait StringRegexExpression extends Expression
abstract class StringRegexExpression extends BinaryExpression
with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {
def str: Expression
def pattern: Expression
def escape(v: String): String
def matches(regex: Pattern, str: String): Boolean
override def dataType: DataType = BooleanType
override def inputTypes: Seq[DataType] = Seq(StringType, StringType)
// try cache foldable pattern
private lazy val cache: Pattern = pattern match {
private lazy val cache: Pattern = right match {
case p: Expression if p.foldable =>
case _ => null
@ -55,9 +52,10 @@ trait StringRegexExpression extends Expression
def nullSafeMatch(input1: Any, input2: Any): Any = {
val s = input2.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString
val regex = if (cache == null) compile(s) else cache
protected def pattern(str: String) = if (cache == null) compile(str) else cache
protected override def nullSafeEval(input1: Any, input2: Any): Any = {
val regex = pattern(input2.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString)
if(regex == null) {
} else {
@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ trait StringRegexExpression extends Expression
override def sql: String = s"${str.sql} ${prettyName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)} ${pattern.sql}"
override def sql: String = s"${left.sql} ${prettyName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)} ${right.sql}"
// scalastyle:off
@ -110,65 +108,46 @@ trait StringRegexExpression extends Expression
> SELECT '%SystemDrive%/Users/John' _FUNC_ '/%SystemDrive/%//Users%' ESCAPE '/';
> SELECT _FUNC_('_Apache Spark_', '__%Spark__', '_');
note = """
Use RLIKE to match with standard regular expressions.
since = "1.0.0")
// scalastyle:on
case class Like(str: Expression, pattern: Expression, escape: Expression)
extends TernaryExpression with StringRegexExpression {
case class Like(left: Expression, right: Expression, escapeChar: Char)
extends StringRegexExpression {
def this(str: Expression, pattern: Expression) = this(str, pattern, Literal("\\"))
override def inputTypes: Seq[DataType] = Seq(StringType, StringType, StringType)
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(str, pattern, escape)
private lazy val escapeChar: Char = if (escape.foldable) {
escape.eval() match {
case s: UTF8String if s != null && s.numChars() == 1 => s.toString.charAt(0)
case s => throw new AnalysisException(
s"The 'escape' parameter must be a string literal of one char but it is $s.")
} else {
throw new AnalysisException("The 'escape' parameter must be a string literal.")
def this(left: Expression, right: Expression) = this(left, right, '\\')
override def escape(v: String): String = StringUtils.escapeLikeRegex(v, escapeChar)
override def matches(regex: Pattern, str: String): Boolean = regex.matcher(str).matches()
override def toString: String = escapeChar match {
case '\\' => s"$str LIKE $pattern"
case c => s"$str LIKE $pattern ESCAPE '$c'"
protected override def nullSafeEval(input1: Any, input2: Any, input3: Any): Any = {
nullSafeMatch(input1, input2)
case '\\' => s"$left LIKE $right"
case c => s"$left LIKE $right ESCAPE '$c'"
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val patternClass = classOf[Pattern].getName
val escapeFunc = StringUtils.getClass.getName.stripSuffix("$") + ".escapeLikeRegex"
if (pattern.foldable) {
val patternVal = pattern.eval()
if (patternVal != null) {
if (right.foldable) {
val rVal = right.eval()
if (rVal != null) {
val regexStr =
val compiledPattern = ctx.addMutableState(patternClass, "compiledPattern",
val pattern = ctx.addMutableState(patternClass, "patternLike",
v => s"""$v = $patternClass.compile("$regexStr");""")
// We don't use nullSafeCodeGen here because we don't want to re-evaluate right again.
val eval = str.genCode(ctx)
val eval = left.genCode(ctx)
ev.copy(code = code"""
boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${eval.isNull};
${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${CodeGenerator.defaultValue(dataType)};
if (!${ev.isNull}) {
${ev.value} = $compiledPattern.matcher(${eval.value}.toString()).matches();
${ev.value} = $pattern.matcher(${eval.value}.toString()).matches();
} else {
@ -178,8 +157,8 @@ case class Like(str: Expression, pattern: Expression, escape: Expression)
} else {
val patternStr = ctx.freshName("patternStr")
val compiledPattern = ctx.freshName("compiledPattern")
val pattern = ctx.freshName("pattern")
val rightStr = ctx.freshName("rightStr")
// We need double escape to avoid org.codehaus.commons.compiler.CompileException.
// '\\' will cause exception 'Single quote must be backslash-escaped in character literal'.
// '\"' will cause exception 'Line break in literal not allowed'.
@ -188,12 +167,12 @@ case class Like(str: Expression, pattern: Expression, escape: Expression)
} else {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (eval1, eval2, _) => {
nullSafeCodeGen(ctx, ev, (eval1, eval2) => {
String $patternStr = $eval2.toString();
$patternClass $compiledPattern = $patternClass.compile(
$escapeFunc($patternStr, '$newEscapeChar'));
${ev.value} = $compiledPattern.matcher($eval1.toString()).matches();
String $rightStr = $eval2.toString();
$patternClass $pattern = $patternClass.compile(
$escapeFunc($rightStr, '$newEscapeChar'));
${ev.value} = $pattern.matcher($eval1.toString()).matches();
@ -232,20 +211,12 @@ case class Like(str: Expression, pattern: Expression, escape: Expression)
since = "1.0.0")
// scalastyle:on
case class RLike(left: Expression, right: Expression)
extends BinaryExpression with StringRegexExpression {
override def inputTypes: Seq[DataType] = Seq(StringType, StringType)
override def str: Expression = left
override def pattern: Expression = right
case class RLike(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends StringRegexExpression {
override def escape(v: String): String = v
override def matches(regex: Pattern, str: String): Boolean = regex.matcher(str).find(0)
override def toString: String = s"$left RLIKE $right"
protected override def nullSafeEval(input1: Any, input2: Any): Any = nullSafeMatch(input1, input2)
override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
val patternClass = classOf[Pattern].getName

View file

@ -1392,9 +1392,9 @@ class AstBuilder(conf: SQLConf) extends SqlBaseBaseVisitor[AnyRef] with Logging
throw new ParseException("Invalid escape string." +
"Escape string must contains only one character.", ctx)
invertIfNotDefined(Like(e, expression(ctx.pattern), Literal(escapeChar)))
invertIfNotDefined(Like(e, expression(ctx.pattern), escapeChar))
case SqlBaseParser.RLIKE =>
invertIfNotDefined(RLike(e, expression(ctx.pattern)))
case SqlBaseParser.NULL if ctx.NOT != null =>

View file

@ -3560,21 +3560,6 @@ class DataFrameFunctionsSuite extends QueryTest with SharedSparkSession {
test("the like function with the escape parameter") {
val df = Seq(("abc", "a_c", "!")).toDF("str", "pattern", "escape")
checkAnswer(df.selectExpr("like(str, pattern, '@')"), Row(true))
val longEscapeError = intercept[AnalysisException] {
df.selectExpr("like(str, pattern, '@%')").collect()
assert(longEscapeError.contains("The 'escape' parameter must be a string literal of one char"))
val nonFoldableError = intercept[AnalysisException] {
df.selectExpr("like(str, pattern, escape)").collect()
assert(nonFoldableError.contains("The 'escape' parameter must be a string literal"))
test("SPARK-29462: Empty array of NullType for array function with no arguments") {
Seq((true, StringType), (false, NullType)).foreach {
case (arrayDefaultToString, expectedType) =>