SVMSuite and LassoSuite rewritten to follow closely with LogisticRegressionSuite

This commit is contained in:
Xinghao 2013-07-28 21:09:56 -07:00
parent 29e042940a
commit 67de051bbb
2 changed files with 162 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package spark.mllib.classification
import scala.util.Random
@ -7,7 +24,6 @@ import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import spark.SparkContext
import spark.SparkContext._
@ -19,43 +35,82 @@ class SVMSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll {
// Generate noisy input of the form Y = signum( + intercept + noise)
def generateSVMInput(
intercept: Double,
weights: Array[Double],
nPoints: Int,
seed: Int): Seq[(Double, Array[Double])] = {
val rnd = new Random(seed)
val x = Array.fill[Array[Double]](nPoints)(Array.fill[Double](weights.length)(rnd.nextGaussian()))
val y = =>
signum((xi zip weights).map(xw => xw._1*xw._2).reduce(_+_) + intercept + 0.1 * rnd.nextGaussian())
y zip x
def validatePrediction(predictions: Seq[Double], input: Seq[(Double, Array[Double])]) {
val numOffPredictions = { case (prediction, (expected, _)) =>
// A prediction is off if the prediction is more than 0.5 away from expected value.
math.abs(prediction - expected) > 0.5
// At least 80% of the predictions should be on.
assert(numOffPredictions < input.length / 5)
test("SVMLocalRandomSGD") {
val nPoints = 10000
val rnd = new Random(42)
val x1 = Array.fill[Double](nPoints)(rnd.nextGaussian())
val x2 = Array.fill[Double](nPoints)(rnd.nextGaussian())
val A = 2.0
val B = -1.5
val C = 1.0
val y = (0 until nPoints).map { i =>
signum(A + B * x1(i) + C * x2(i) + 0.0*rnd.nextGaussian())
val testData = (0 until nPoints).map(i => (y(i).toDouble, Array(x1(i),x2(i)))).toArray
val testData = generateSVMInput(A, Array[Double](B,C), nPoints, 42)
val testRDD = sc.parallelize(testData, 2)
val writer_data = new PrintWriter(new File("svmtest.dat"))
testData.foreach(yx => {
writer_data.write(yx._1 + "")
yx._2.foreach(xi => writer_data.write("\t" + xi))
val svm = new SVMLocalRandomSGD().setStepSize(1.0)
val svm = new SVMLocalRandomSGD().setStepSize(1.0).setRegParam(1.0).setNumIterations(100)
val model = svm.train(testRDD)
val yPredict = (0 until nPoints).map(i => model.predict(Array(x1(i),x2(i))))
val validationData = generateSVMInput(A, Array[Double](B,C), nPoints, 17)
val validationRDD = sc.parallelize(validationData,2)
val accuracy = ((y zip yPredict).map(yy => if (yy._1==yy._2) 1 else 0).reduceLeft(_+_).toDouble / nPoints.toDouble)
// Test prediction on RDD.
validatePrediction(model.predict(, validationData)
assert(accuracy >= 0.90, "Accuracy (" + accuracy + ") too low")
// Test prediction on Array.
validatePrediction( => model.predict(row._2)), validationData)
test("SVMLocalRandomSGD with initial weights") {
val nPoints = 10000
val A = 2.0
val B = -1.5
val C = 1.0
val testData = generateSVMInput(A, Array[Double](B,C), nPoints, 42)
val initialB = -1.0
val initialC = -1.0
val initialWeights = Array(initialB,initialC)
val testRDD = sc.parallelize(testData, 2)
val svm = new SVMLocalRandomSGD().setStepSize(1.0).setRegParam(1.0).setNumIterations(100)
val model = svm.train(testRDD, initialWeights)
val validationData = generateSVMInput(A, Array[Double](B,C), nPoints, 17)
val validationRDD = sc.parallelize(validationData,2)
// Test prediction on RDD.
validatePrediction(model.predict(, validationData)
// Test prediction on Array.
validatePrediction( => model.predict(row._2)), validationData)

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@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package spark.mllib.regression
import scala.util.Random
@ -6,7 +23,6 @@ import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import spark.SparkContext
import spark.SparkContext._
class LassoSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll {
@ -17,35 +33,90 @@ class LassoSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll {
// Generate noisy input of the form Y = + intercept + noise
def generateLassoInput(
intercept: Double,
weights: Array[Double],
nPoints: Int,
seed: Int): Seq[(Double, Array[Double])] = {
val rnd = new Random(seed)
val x = Array.fill[Array[Double]](nPoints)(Array.fill[Double](weights.length)(rnd.nextGaussian()))
val y = => (xi zip weights).map(xw => xw._1*xw._2).reduce(_+_) + intercept + 0.1 * rnd.nextGaussian())
y zip x
def validatePrediction(predictions: Seq[Double], input: Seq[(Double, Array[Double])]) {
val numOffPredictions = { case (prediction, (expected, _)) =>
// A prediction is off if the prediction is more than 0.5 away from expected value.
math.abs(prediction - expected) > 0.5
// At least 80% of the predictions should be on.
assert(numOffPredictions < input.length / 5)
test("LassoLocalRandomSGD") {
val nPoints = 10000
val rnd = new Random(42)
val x1 = Array.fill[Double](nPoints)(rnd.nextGaussian())
val x2 = Array.fill[Double](nPoints)(rnd.nextGaussian())
val A = 2.0
val B = -1.5
val C = 1.0e-2
val y = (0 until nPoints).map { i =>
A + B * x1(i) + C * x2(i) + 0.1*rnd.nextGaussian()
val testData = (0 until nPoints).map(i => (y(i).toDouble, Array(x1(i),x2(i)))).toArray
val testData = generateLassoInput(A, Array[Double](B,C), nPoints, 42)
val testRDD = sc.parallelize(testData, 2)
val ls = new LassoLocalRandomSGD().setStepSize(1.0)
val ls = new LassoLocalRandomSGD().setStepSize(1.0).setRegParam(0.01).setNumIterations(20)
val model = ls.train(testRDD)
val weight0 = model.weights(0)
val weight1 = model.weights(1)
assert(model.intercept >= 1.9 && model.intercept <= 2.1, model.intercept + " not in [1.9, 2.1]")
assert(weight0 >= -1.60 && weight0 <= -1.40, weight0 + " not in [-1.6, -1.4]")
assert(weight1 >= -1.0e-3 && weight1 <= 1.0e-3, weight1 + " not in [-0.001, 0.001]")
val validationData = generateLassoInput(A, Array[Double](B,C), nPoints, 17)
val validationRDD = sc.parallelize(validationData,2)
// Test prediction on RDD.
validatePrediction(model.predict(, validationData)
// Test prediction on Array.
validatePrediction( => model.predict(row._2)), validationData)
test("LassoLocalRandomSGD with initial weights") {
val nPoints = 10000
val A = 2.0
val B = -1.5
val C = 1.0e-2
val testData = generateLassoInput(A, Array[Double](B,C), nPoints, 42)
val initialB = -1.0
val initialC = -1.0
val initialWeights = Array(initialB,initialC)
val testRDD = sc.parallelize(testData, 2)
val ls = new LassoLocalRandomSGD().setStepSize(1.0).setRegParam(0.01).setNumIterations(20)
val model = ls.train(testRDD, initialWeights)
val weight0 = model.weights(0)
val weight1 = model.weights(1)
assert(model.intercept >= 1.9 && model.intercept <= 2.1, model.intercept + " not in [1.9, 2.1]")
assert(weight0 >= -1.60 && weight0 <= -1.40, weight0 + " not in [-1.6, -1.4]")
assert(weight1 >= -1.0e-3 && weight1 <= 1.0e-3, weight1 + " not in [-0.001, 0.001]")
val validationData = generateLassoInput(A, Array[Double](B,C), nPoints, 17)
val validationRDD = sc.parallelize(validationData,2)
// Test prediction on RDD.
validatePrediction(model.predict(, validationData)
// Test prediction on Array.
validatePrediction( => model.predict(row._2)), validationData)