Merge branch 'streaming' into ScrapCode-streaming

This commit is contained in:
Tathagata Das 2013-02-18 13:26:12 -08:00
commit 6a6e6bda57
242 changed files with 9609 additions and 3478 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class BagelSuite extends FunSuite with Assertions with BeforeAndAfter {
sc = null
// To avoid Akka rebinding to the same port, since it doesn't unbind immediately on shutdown
test("halting by voting") {

View file

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ fi
# Set SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS so the master report the correct webUI address to the slaves
if [ "$SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS" = "" ]; then
# If we appear to be running on EC2, use the public address by default:
if [[ `hostname` == *ec2.internal ]]; then
# NOTE: ec2-metadata is installed on Amazon Linux AMI. Check based on that and hostname
if command -v ec2-metadata > /dev/null || [[ `hostname` == *ec2.internal ]]; then
export SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS=`wget -q -O - http://instance-data.ec2.internal/latest/meta-data/public-hostname`

View file

@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
@ -94,6 +98,11 @@

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@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ class Accumulable[R, T] (
extends Serializable {
val id = Accumulators.newId
private var value_ = initialValue // Current value on master
@transient private var value_ = initialValue // Current value on master
val zero = // Zero value to be passed to workers
var deserialized = false
@ -63,9 +62,12 @@ class Accumulable[R, T] (
* Access the accumulator's current value; only allowed on master.
def value = {
if (!deserialized) value_
else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't read accumulator value in task")
def value: R = {
if (!deserialized) {
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't read accumulator value in task")
@ -82,11 +84,18 @@ class Accumulable[R, T] (
* Set the accumulator's value; only allowed on master.
def value_= (r: R) {
if (!deserialized) value_ = r
def value_= (newValue: R) {
if (!deserialized) value_ = newValue
else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't assign accumulator value in task")
* Set the accumulator's value; only allowed on master
def setValue(newValue: R) {
this.value = newValue
// Called by Java when deserializing an object
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {

View file

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
package spark
import java.util.LinkedHashMap
* An implementation of Cache that estimates the sizes of its entries and attempts to limit its
* total memory usage to a fraction of the JVM heap. Objects' sizes are estimated using
* SizeEstimator, which has limitations; most notably, we will overestimate total memory used if
* some cache entries have pointers to a shared object. Nonetheless, this Cache should work well
* when most of the space is used by arrays of primitives or of simple classes.
private[spark] class BoundedMemoryCache(maxBytes: Long) extends Cache with Logging {
logInfo("BoundedMemoryCache.maxBytes = " + maxBytes)
def this() {
private var currentBytes = 0L
private val map = new LinkedHashMap[(Any, Int), Entry](32, 0.75f, true)
override def get(datasetId: Any, partition: Int): Any = {
synchronized {
val entry = map.get((datasetId, partition))
if (entry != null) {
} else {
override def put(datasetId: Any, partition: Int, value: Any): CachePutResponse = {
val key = (datasetId, partition)
logInfo("Asked to add key " + key)
val size = estimateValueSize(key, value)
synchronized {
if (size > getCapacity) {
return CachePutFailure()
} else if (ensureFreeSpace(datasetId, size)) {
logInfo("Adding key " + key)
map.put(key, new Entry(value, size))
currentBytes += size
logInfo("Number of entries is now " + map.size)
return CachePutSuccess(size)
} else {
logInfo("Didn't add key " + key + " because we would have evicted part of same dataset")
return CachePutFailure()
override def getCapacity: Long = maxBytes
* Estimate sizeOf 'value'
private def estimateValueSize(key: (Any, Int), value: Any) = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val size = SizeEstimator.estimate(value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
val timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
logInfo("Estimated size for key %s is %d".format(key, size))
logInfo("Size estimation for key %s took %d ms".format(key, timeTaken))
* Remove least recently used entries from the map until at least space bytes are free, in order
* to make space for a partition from the given dataset ID. If this cannot be done without
* evicting other data from the same dataset, returns false; otherwise, returns true. Assumes
* that a lock is held on the BoundedMemoryCache.
private def ensureFreeSpace(datasetId: Any, space: Long): Boolean = {
logInfo("ensureFreeSpace(%s, %d) called with curBytes=%d, maxBytes=%d".format(
datasetId, space, currentBytes, maxBytes))
val iter = map.entrySet.iterator // Will give entries in LRU order
while (maxBytes - currentBytes < space && iter.hasNext) {
val mapEntry =
val (entryDatasetId, entryPartition) = mapEntry.getKey
if (entryDatasetId == datasetId) {
// Cannot make space without removing part of the same dataset, or a more recently used one
return false
reportEntryDropped(entryDatasetId, entryPartition, mapEntry.getValue)
currentBytes -= mapEntry.getValue.size
return true
protected def reportEntryDropped(datasetId: Any, partition: Int, entry: Entry) {
logInfo("Dropping key (%s, %d) of size %d to make space".format(datasetId, partition, entry.size))
// TODO: remove BoundedMemoryCache
val (keySpaceId, innerDatasetId) = datasetId.asInstanceOf[(Any, Any)]
innerDatasetId match {
case rddId: Int =>
SparkEnv.get.cacheTracker.dropEntry(rddId, partition)
case broadcastUUID: java.util.UUID =>
// TODO: Maybe something should be done if the broadcasted variable falls out of cache
case _ =>
// An entry in our map; stores a cached object and its size in bytes
private[spark] case class Entry(value: Any, size: Long)
private[spark] object BoundedMemoryCache {
* Get maximum cache capacity from system configuration
def getMaxBytes: Long = {
val memoryFractionToUse = System.getProperty("spark.boundedMemoryCache.memoryFraction", "0.66").toDouble
(Runtime.getRuntime.maxMemory * memoryFractionToUse).toLong

View file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package spark
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashSet}
import{BlockManager, StorageLevel}
/** Spark class responsible for passing RDDs split contents to the BlockManager and making
sure a node doesn't load two copies of an RDD at once.
private[spark] class CacheManager(blockManager: BlockManager) extends Logging {
private val loading = new HashSet[String]
/** Gets or computes an RDD split. Used by RDD.iterator() when an RDD is cached. */
def getOrCompute[T](rdd: RDD[T], split: Split, context: TaskContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel)
: Iterator[T] = {
val key = "rdd_%d_%d".format(, split.index)
logInfo("Cache key is " + key)
blockManager.get(key) match {
case Some(cachedValues) =>
// Split is in cache, so just return its values
logInfo("Found partition in cache!")
return cachedValues.asInstanceOf[Iterator[T]]
case None =>
// Mark the split as loading (unless someone else marks it first)
loading.synchronized {
if (loading.contains(key)) {
logInfo("Loading contains " + key + ", waiting...")
while (loading.contains(key)) {
try {loading.wait()} catch {case _ =>}
logInfo("Loading no longer contains " + key + ", so returning cached result")
// See whether someone else has successfully loaded it. The main way this would fail
// is for the RDD-level cache eviction policy if someone else has loaded the same RDD
// partition but we didn't want to make space for it. However, that case is unlikely
// because it's unlikely that two threads would work on the same RDD partition. One
// downside of the current code is that threads wait serially if this does happen.
blockManager.get(key) match {
case Some(values) =>
return values.asInstanceOf[Iterator[T]]
case None =>
logInfo("Whoever was loading " + key + " failed; we'll try it ourselves")
} else {
try {
// If we got here, we have to load the split
val elements = new ArrayBuffer[Any]
logInfo("Computing partition " + split)
elements ++= rdd.computeOrReadCheckpoint(split, context)
// Try to put this block in the blockManager
blockManager.put(key, elements, storageLevel, true)
return elements.iterator.asInstanceOf[Iterator[T]]
} finally {
loading.synchronized {

View file

@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
package spark
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import akka.dispatch._
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.remote._
import akka.util.Duration
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.util.duration._
import util.{TimeStampedHashSet, MetadataCleaner, TimeStampedHashMap}
private[spark] sealed trait CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] case class AddedToCache(rddId: Int, partition: Int, host: String, size: Long = 0L)
extends CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] case class DroppedFromCache(rddId: Int, partition: Int, host: String, size: Long = 0L)
extends CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] case class MemoryCacheLost(host: String) extends CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] case class RegisterRDD(rddId: Int, numPartitions: Int) extends CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] case class SlaveCacheStarted(host: String, size: Long) extends CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] case object GetCacheStatus extends CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] case object GetCacheLocations extends CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] case object StopCacheTracker extends CacheTrackerMessage
private[spark] class CacheTrackerActor extends Actor with Logging {
// TODO: Should probably store (String, CacheType) tuples
private val locs = new TimeStampedHashMap[Int, Array[List[String]]]
* A map from the slave's host name to its cache size.
private val slaveCapacity = new HashMap[String, Long]
private val slaveUsage = new HashMap[String, Long]
private val metadataCleaner = new MetadataCleaner("CacheTrackerActor", locs.clearOldValues)
private def getCacheUsage(host: String): Long = slaveUsage.getOrElse(host, 0L)
private def getCacheCapacity(host: String): Long = slaveCapacity.getOrElse(host, 0L)
private def getCacheAvailable(host: String): Long = getCacheCapacity(host) - getCacheUsage(host)
def receive = {
case SlaveCacheStarted(host: String, size: Long) =>
slaveCapacity.put(host, size)
slaveUsage.put(host, 0)
sender ! true
case RegisterRDD(rddId: Int, numPartitions: Int) =>
logInfo("Registering RDD " + rddId + " with " + numPartitions + " partitions")
locs(rddId) = Array.fill[List[String]](numPartitions)(Nil)
sender ! true
case AddedToCache(rddId, partition, host, size) =>
slaveUsage.put(host, getCacheUsage(host) + size)
locs(rddId)(partition) = host :: locs(rddId)(partition)
sender ! true
case DroppedFromCache(rddId, partition, host, size) =>
slaveUsage.put(host, getCacheUsage(host) - size)
// Do a sanity check to make sure usage is greater than 0.
locs(rddId)(partition) = locs(rddId)(partition).filterNot(_ == host)
sender ! true
case MemoryCacheLost(host) =>
logInfo("Memory cache lost on " + host)
for ((id, locations) <- locs) {
for (i <- 0 until locations.length) {
locations(i) = locations(i).filterNot(_ == host)
sender ! true
case GetCacheLocations =>
logInfo("Asked for current cache locations")
sender !{case (rrdId, array) => (rrdId -> array.clone())}
case GetCacheStatus =>
val status = { case (host, capacity) =>
(host, capacity, getCacheUsage(host))
sender ! status
case StopCacheTracker =>
logInfo("Stopping CacheTrackerActor")
sender ! true
private[spark] class CacheTracker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, isMaster: Boolean, blockManager: BlockManager)
extends Logging {
// Tracker actor on the master, or remote reference to it on workers
val ip: String = System.getProperty("", "localhost")
val port: Int = System.getProperty("spark.master.port", "7077").toInt
val actorName: String = "CacheTracker"
val timeout = 10.seconds
var trackerActor: ActorRef = if (isMaster) {
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[CacheTrackerActor], name = actorName)
logInfo("Registered CacheTrackerActor actor")
} else {
val url = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(ip, port, actorName)
// TODO: Consider removing this HashSet completely as locs CacheTrackerActor already
// keeps track of registered RDDs
val registeredRddIds = new TimeStampedHashSet[Int]
// Remembers which splits are currently being loaded (on worker nodes)
val loading = new HashSet[String]
val metadataCleaner = new MetadataCleaner("CacheTracker", registeredRddIds.clearOldValues)
// Send a message to the trackerActor and get its result within a default timeout, or
// throw a SparkException if this fails.
def askTracker(message: Any): Any = {
try {
val future = trackerActor.ask(message)(timeout)
return Await.result(future, timeout)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new SparkException("Error communicating with CacheTracker", e)
// Send a one-way message to the trackerActor, to which we expect it to reply with true.
def communicate(message: Any) {
if (askTracker(message) != true) {
throw new SparkException("Error reply received from CacheTracker")
// Registers an RDD (on master only)
def registerRDD(rddId: Int, numPartitions: Int) {
registeredRddIds.synchronized {
if (!registeredRddIds.contains(rddId)) {
logInfo("Registering RDD ID " + rddId + " with cache")
registeredRddIds += rddId
communicate(RegisterRDD(rddId, numPartitions))
// For BlockManager.scala only
def cacheLost(host: String) {
logInfo("CacheTracker successfully removed entries on " + host)
// Get the usage status of slave caches. Each tuple in the returned sequence
// is in the form of (host name, capacity, usage).
def getCacheStatus(): Seq[(String, Long, Long)] = {
askTracker(GetCacheStatus).asInstanceOf[Seq[(String, Long, Long)]]
// For BlockManager.scala only
def notifyFromBlockManager(t: AddedToCache) {
// Get a snapshot of the currently known locations
def getLocationsSnapshot(): HashMap[Int, Array[List[String]]] = {
askTracker(GetCacheLocations).asInstanceOf[HashMap[Int, Array[List[String]]]]
// Gets or computes an RDD split
def getOrCompute[T](rdd: RDD[T], split: Split, context: TaskContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel)
: Iterator[T] = {
val key = "rdd_%d_%d".format(, split.index)
logInfo("Cache key is " + key)
blockManager.get(key) match {
case Some(cachedValues) =>
// Split is in cache, so just return its values
logInfo("Found partition in cache!")
return cachedValues.asInstanceOf[Iterator[T]]
case None =>
// Mark the split as loading (unless someone else marks it first)
loading.synchronized {
if (loading.contains(key)) {
logInfo("Loading contains " + key + ", waiting...")
while (loading.contains(key)) {
try {loading.wait()} catch {case _ =>}
logInfo("Loading no longer contains " + key + ", so returning cached result")
// See whether someone else has successfully loaded it. The main way this would fail
// is for the RDD-level cache eviction policy if someone else has loaded the same RDD
// partition but we didn't want to make space for it. However, that case is unlikely
// because it's unlikely that two threads would work on the same RDD partition. One
// downside of the current code is that threads wait serially if this does happen.
blockManager.get(key) match {
case Some(values) =>
return values.asInstanceOf[Iterator[T]]
case None =>
logInfo("Whoever was loading " + key + " failed; we'll try it ourselves")
} else {
try {
// If we got here, we have to load the split
val elements = new ArrayBuffer[Any]
logInfo("Computing partition " + split)
elements ++= rdd.compute(split, context)
// Try to put this block in the blockManager
blockManager.put(key, elements, storageLevel, true)
return elements.iterator.asInstanceOf[Iterator[T]]
} finally {
loading.synchronized {
// Called by the Cache to report that an entry has been dropped from it
def dropEntry(rddId: Int, partition: Int) {
communicate(DroppedFromCache(rddId, partition, Utils.localHostName()))
def stop() {
trackerActor = null

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
package spark
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
* A ThreadFactory that creates daemon threads
private object DaemonThreadFactory extends ThreadFactory {
override def newThread(r: Runnable): Thread = new DaemonThread(r)
private class DaemonThread(r: Runnable = null) extends Thread {
override def run() {
if (r != null) {

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ package spark
abstract class Dependency[T](val rdd: RDD[T]) extends Serializable
* Base class for dependencies where each partition of the parent RDD is used by at most one
* partition of the child RDD. Narrow dependencies allow for pipelined execution.
@ -12,12 +13,13 @@ abstract class Dependency[T](val rdd: RDD[T]) extends Serializable
abstract class NarrowDependency[T](rdd: RDD[T]) extends Dependency(rdd) {
* Get the parent partitions for a child partition.
* @param outputPartition a partition of the child RDD
* @param partitionId a partition of the child RDD
* @return the partitions of the parent RDD that the child partition depends upon
def getParents(outputPartition: Int): Seq[Int]
def getParents(partitionId: Int): Seq[Int]
* Represents a dependency on the output of a shuffle stage.
* @param shuffleId the shuffle id
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ class ShuffleDependency[K, V](
val shuffleId: Int = rdd.context.newShuffleId()
* Represents a one-to-one dependency between partitions of the parent and child RDDs.
@ -39,6 +42,7 @@ class OneToOneDependency[T](rdd: RDD[T]) extends NarrowDependency[T](rdd) {
override def getParents(partitionId: Int) = List(partitionId)
* Represents a one-to-one dependency between ranges of partitions in the parent and child RDDs.
* @param rdd the parent RDD

View file

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
package spark
import{File, PrintWriter}
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil
private[spark] class HttpFileServer extends Logging {
@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ private[spark] class HttpFileServer extends Logging {
def addFileToDir(file: File, dir: File) : String = {
Utils.copyFile(file, new File(dir, file.getName))
Files.copy(file, new File(dir, file.getName))
return dir + "/" + file.getName

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerList
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ResourceHandler
@ -27,7 +28,13 @@ private[spark] class HttpServer(resourceBase: File) extends Logging {
if (server != null) {
throw new ServerStateException("Server is already started")
} else {
server = new Server(0)
server = new Server()
val connector = new SocketConnector
val threadPool = new QueuedThreadPool

View file

@ -206,5 +206,8 @@ class KryoSerializer extends spark.serializer.Serializer with Logging {
def newInstance(): SerializerInstance = new KryoSerializerInstance(this)
def newInstance(): SerializerInstance = {
new KryoSerializerInstance(this)

View file

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
trait Logging {
// Make the log field transient so that objects with Logging can
// be serialized and used on another machine
private var log_ : Logger = null
@transient private var log_ : Logger = null
// Method to get or create the logger for this object
protected def log: Logger = {

View file

@ -38,10 +38,7 @@ private[spark] class MapOutputTrackerActor(tracker: MapOutputTracker) extends Ac
private[spark] class MapOutputTracker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, isMaster: Boolean) extends Logging {
val ip: String = System.getProperty("", "localhost")
val port: Int = System.getProperty("spark.master.port", "7077").toInt
val actorName: String = "MapOutputTracker"
private[spark] class MapOutputTracker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, isDriver: Boolean) extends Logging {
val timeout = 10.seconds
@ -56,11 +53,14 @@ private[spark] class MapOutputTracker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, isMaster: Boolea
var cacheGeneration = generation
val cachedSerializedStatuses = new TimeStampedHashMap[Int, Array[Byte]]
var trackerActor: ActorRef = if (isMaster) {
val actorName: String = "MapOutputTracker"
var trackerActor: ActorRef = if (isDriver) {
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new MapOutputTrackerActor(this)), name = actorName)
logInfo("Registered MapOutputTrackerActor actor")
} else {
val ip = System.getProperty("", "localhost")
val port = System.getProperty("spark.driver.port", "7077").toInt
val url = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(ip, port, actorName)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ private[spark] class MapOutputTracker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, isMaster: Boolea
var array = mapStatuses(shuffleId)
if (array != null) {
array.synchronized {
if (array(mapId) != null && array(mapId).address == bmAddress) {
if (array(mapId) != null && array(mapId).location == bmAddress) {
array(mapId) = null
@ -142,8 +142,7 @@ private[spark] class MapOutputTracker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, isMaster: Boolea
case e: InterruptedException =>
return mapStatuses(shuffleId).map(status =>
(status.address, MapOutputTracker.decompressSize(status.compressedSizes(reduceId))))
return MapOutputTracker.convertMapStatuses(shuffleId, reduceId, mapStatuses(shuffleId))
} else {
fetching += shuffleId
@ -159,25 +158,19 @@ private[spark] class MapOutputTracker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, isMaster: Boolea
fetchedStatuses = deserializeStatuses(fetchedBytes)
logInfo("Got the output locations")
mapStatuses.put(shuffleId, fetchedStatuses)
if (fetchedStatuses.contains(null)) {
throw new FetchFailedException(null, shuffleId, -1, reduceId,
new Exception("Missing an output location for shuffle " + shuffleId))
} finally {
fetching.synchronized {
fetching -= shuffleId
return =>
(s.address, MapOutputTracker.decompressSize(s.compressedSizes(reduceId))))
return MapOutputTracker.convertMapStatuses(shuffleId, reduceId, fetchedStatuses)
} else {
return =>
(s.address, MapOutputTracker.decompressSize(s.compressedSizes(reduceId))))
return MapOutputTracker.convertMapStatuses(shuffleId, reduceId, statuses)
def cleanup(cleanupTime: Long) {
private def cleanup(cleanupTime: Long) {
@ -267,6 +260,28 @@ private[spark] class MapOutputTracker(actorSystem: ActorSystem, isMaster: Boolea
private[spark] object MapOutputTracker {
private val LOG_BASE = 1.1
// Convert an array of MapStatuses to locations and sizes for a given reduce ID. If
// any of the statuses is null (indicating a missing location due to a failed mapper),
// throw a FetchFailedException.
def convertMapStatuses(
shuffleId: Int,
reduceId: Int,
statuses: Array[MapStatus]): Array[(BlockManagerId, Long)] = {
if (statuses == null) {
throw new FetchFailedException(null, shuffleId, -1, reduceId,
new Exception("Missing all output locations for shuffle " + shuffleId))
} {
status =>
if (status == null) {
throw new FetchFailedException(null, shuffleId, -1, reduceId,
new Exception("Missing an output location for shuffle " + shuffleId))
} else {
(status.location, decompressSize(status.compressedSizes(reduceId)))
* Compress a size in bytes to 8 bits for efficient reporting of map output sizes.
* We do this by encoding the log base 1.1 of the size as an integer, which can support

View file

@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ class PairRDDFunctions[K: ClassManifest, V: ClassManifest](
val res = self.context.runJob(self, process _, Array(index), false)
case None =>
self.filter(_._1 == key).map(_._2).collect
self.filter(_._1 == key).map(_._2).collect()
@ -485,18 +485,6 @@ class PairRDDFunctions[K: ClassManifest, V: ClassManifest](
saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(path, getKeyClass, getValueClass, fm.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[F]])
* Output the RDD to any Hadoop-supported file system, using a new Hadoop API `OutputFormat`
* (mapreduce.OutputFormat) object supporting the key and value types K and V in this RDD.
def saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(
path: String,
keyClass: Class[_],
valueClass: Class[_],
outputFormatClass: Class[_ <: NewOutputFormat[_, _]]) {
saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(path, keyClass, valueClass, outputFormatClass, new Configuration)
* Output the RDD to any Hadoop-supported file system, using a new Hadoop API `OutputFormat`
* (mapreduce.OutputFormat) object supporting the key and value types K and V in this RDD.
@ -506,7 +494,7 @@ class PairRDDFunctions[K: ClassManifest, V: ClassManifest](
keyClass: Class[_],
valueClass: Class[_],
outputFormatClass: Class[_ <: NewOutputFormat[_, _]],
conf: Configuration) {
conf: Configuration = self.context.hadoopConfiguration) {
val job = new NewAPIHadoopJob(conf)
@ -557,7 +545,7 @@ class PairRDDFunctions[K: ClassManifest, V: ClassManifest](
keyClass: Class[_],
valueClass: Class[_],
outputFormatClass: Class[_ <: OutputFormat[_, _]],
conf: JobConf = new JobConf) {
conf: JobConf = new JobConf(self.context.hadoopConfiguration)) {
// conf.setOutputFormat(outputFormatClass) // Doesn't work in Scala 2.9 due to what may be a generics bug
@ -602,7 +590,7 @@ class PairRDDFunctions[K: ClassManifest, V: ClassManifest](
var count = 0
while(iter.hasNext) {
val record =
val record =
count += 1
writer.write(record._1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef], record._2.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
@ -615,6 +603,16 @@ class PairRDDFunctions[K: ClassManifest, V: ClassManifest](
* Return an RDD with the keys of each tuple.
def keys: RDD[K] =
* Return an RDD with the values of each tuple.
def values: RDD[V] =
private[spark] def getKeyClass() = implicitly[ClassManifest[K]].erasure
private[spark] def getValueClass() = implicitly[ClassManifest[V]].erasure
@ -651,9 +649,7 @@ class OrderedRDDFunctions[K <% Ordered[K]: ClassManifest, V: ClassManifest](
class MappedValuesRDD[K, V, U](prev: RDD[(K, V)], f: V => U)
extends RDD[(K, U)](prev) {
class MappedValuesRDD[K, V, U](prev: RDD[(K, V)], f: V => U) extends RDD[(K, U)](prev) {
override def getSplits = firstParent[(K, V)].splits
override val partitioner = firstParent[(K, V)].partitioner
override def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext) =

View file

@ -23,32 +23,28 @@ private[spark] class ParallelCollectionSplit[T: ClassManifest](
private[spark] class ParallelCollection[T: ClassManifest](
@transient sc : SparkContext,
@transient sc: SparkContext,
@transient data: Seq[T],
numSlices: Int,
locationPrefs : Map[Int,Seq[String]])
locationPrefs: Map[Int,Seq[String]])
extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {
// TODO: Right now, each split sends along its full data, even if later down the RDD chain it gets
// cached. It might be worthwhile to write the data to a file in the DFS and read it in the split
// instead.
// UPDATE: A parallel collection can be checkpointed to HDFS, which achieves this goal.
var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
@transient var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
val slices = ParallelCollection.slice(data, numSlices).toArray => new ParallelCollectionSplit(id, i, slices(i))).toArray
override def getSplits = splits_.asInstanceOf[Array[Split]]
override def getSplits = splits_
override def compute(s: Split, context: TaskContext) =
override def getPreferredLocations(s: Split): Seq[String] = {
locationPrefs.get(s.index) match {
case Some(s) => s
case _ => Nil
locationPrefs.getOrElse(s.index, Nil)
override def clearDependencies() {
@ -56,7 +52,6 @@ private[spark] class ParallelCollection[T: ClassManifest](
private object ParallelCollection {
* Slice a collection into numSlices sub-collections. One extra thing we do here is to treat Range

View file

@ -1,27 +1,17 @@
package spark
import{ObjectOutputStream, IOException, EOFException, ObjectInputStream}
import java.util.{Date, Random}
import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import scala.collection.Map
import scala.collection.JavaConversions.mapAsScalaMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputCommitter
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.HadoopWriter
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCommitter
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputFormat
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextOutputFormat
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.{Object2LongOpenHashMap => OLMap}
@ -30,7 +20,6 @@ import spark.partial.BoundedDouble
import spark.partial.CountEvaluator
import spark.partial.GroupedCountEvaluator
import spark.partial.PartialResult
import spark.rdd.BlockRDD
import spark.rdd.CartesianRDD
import spark.rdd.FilteredRDD
import spark.rdd.FlatMappedRDD
@ -73,11 +62,11 @@ import SparkContext._
* on RDD internals.
abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
@transient var sc: SparkContext,
var dependencies_ : List[Dependency[_]]
@transient private var sc: SparkContext,
@transient private var deps: Seq[Dependency[_]]
) extends Serializable with Logging {
/** Construct an RDD with just a one-to-one dependency on one parent */
def this(@transient oneParent: RDD[_]) =
this(oneParent.context , List(new OneToOneDependency(oneParent)))
@ -85,14 +74,20 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
// Methods that should be implemented by subclasses of RDD
// =======================================================================
/** Function for computing a given partition. */
/** Implemented by subclasses to compute a given partition. */
def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T]
/** Set of partitions in this RDD. */
protected def getSplits(): Array[Split]
* Implemented by subclasses to return the set of partitions in this RDD. This method will only
* be called once, so it is safe to implement a time-consuming computation in it.
protected def getSplits: Array[Split]
/** How this RDD depends on any parent RDDs. */
protected def getDependencies(): List[Dependency[_]] = dependencies_
* Implemented by subclasses to return how this RDD depends on parent RDDs. This method will only
* be called once, so it is safe to implement a time-consuming computation in it.
protected def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = deps
/** Optionally overridden by subclasses to specify placement preferences. */
protected def getPreferredLocations(split: Split): Seq[String] = Nil
@ -100,7 +95,6 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
/** Optionally overridden by subclasses to specify how they are partitioned. */
val partitioner: Option[Partitioner] = None
// =======================================================================
// Methods and fields available on all RDDs
// =======================================================================
@ -108,6 +102,15 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
/** A unique ID for this RDD (within its SparkContext). */
val id = sc.newRddId()
/** A friendly name for this RDD */
var name: String = null
/** Assign a name to this RDD */
def setName(_name: String) = {
name = _name
* Set this RDD's storage level to persist its values across operations after the first time
* it is computed. Can only be called once on each RDD.
@ -119,6 +122,8 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
"Cannot change storage level of an RDD after it was already assigned a level")
storageLevel = newLevel
// Register the RDD with the SparkContext
sc.persistentRdds(id) = this
@ -131,15 +136,24 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
/** Get the RDD's current storage level, or StorageLevel.NONE if none is set. */
def getStorageLevel = storageLevel
// Our dependencies and splits will be gotten by calling subclass's methods below, and will
// be overwritten when we're checkpointed
private var dependencies_ : Seq[Dependency[_]] = null
@transient private var splits_ : Array[Split] = null
/** An Option holding our checkpoint RDD, if we are checkpointed */
private def checkpointRDD: Option[RDD[T]] = checkpointData.flatMap(_.checkpointRDD)
* Get the preferred location of a split, taking into account whether the
* Get the list of dependencies of this RDD, taking into account whether the
* RDD is checkpointed or not.
final def preferredLocations(split: Split): Seq[String] = {
if (isCheckpointed) {
} else {
final def dependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = { => List(new OneToOneDependency(r))).getOrElse {
if (dependencies_ == null) {
dependencies_ = getDependencies
@ -148,22 +162,21 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
* RDD is checkpointed or not.
final def splits: Array[Split] = {
if (isCheckpointed) {
} else {
getSplits {
if (splits_ == null) {
splits_ = getSplits
* Get the list of dependencies of this RDD, taking into account whether the
* Get the preferred location of a split, taking into account whether the
* RDD is checkpointed or not.
final def dependencies: List[Dependency[_]] = {
if (isCheckpointed) {
} else {
final def preferredLocations(split: Split): Seq[String] = { {
@ -173,10 +186,19 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
* subclasses of RDD.
final def iterator(split: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
if (storageLevel != StorageLevel.NONE) {
SparkEnv.get.cacheManager.getOrCompute(this, split, context, storageLevel)
} else {
computeOrReadCheckpoint(split, context)
* Compute an RDD partition or read it from a checkpoint if the RDD is checkpointing.
private[spark] def computeOrReadCheckpoint(split: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
if (isCheckpointed) {
checkpointData.get.iterator(split, context)
} else if (storageLevel != StorageLevel.NONE) {
SparkEnv.get.cacheTracker.getOrCompute[T](this, split, context, storageLevel)
firstParent[T].iterator(split, context)
} else {
compute(split, context)
@ -348,6 +370,13 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
def toArray(): Array[T] = collect()
* Return an RDD that contains all matching values by applying `f`.
def collect[U: ClassManifest](f: PartialFunction[T, U]): RDD[U] = {
* Reduces the elements of this RDD using the specified associative binary operator.
@ -356,21 +385,23 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
val reducePartition: Iterator[T] => Option[T] = iter => {
if (iter.hasNext) {
}else {
} else {
val options = sc.runJob(this, reducePartition)
val results = new ArrayBuffer[T]
for (opt <- options; elem <- opt) {
results += elem
var jobResult: Option[T] = None
val mergeResult = (index: Int, taskResult: Option[T]) => {
if (taskResult != None) {
jobResult = jobResult match {
case Some(value) => Some(f(value, taskResult.get))
case None => taskResult
if (results.size == 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty collection")
} else {
return results.reduceLeft(cleanF)
sc.runJob(this, reducePartition, mergeResult)
// Get the final result out of our Option, or throw an exception if the RDD was empty
jobResult.getOrElse(throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty collection"))
* Aggregate the elements of each partition, and then the results for all the partitions, using a
@ -379,9 +410,13 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
* modify t2.
def fold(zeroValue: T)(op: (T, T) => T): T = {
// Clone the zero value since we will also be serializing it as part of tasks
var jobResult = Utils.clone(zeroValue, sc.env.closureSerializer.newInstance())
val cleanOp = sc.clean(op)
val results = sc.runJob(this, (iter: Iterator[T]) => iter.fold(zeroValue)(cleanOp))
return results.fold(zeroValue)(cleanOp)
val foldPartition = (iter: Iterator[T]) => iter.fold(zeroValue)(cleanOp)
val mergeResult = (index: Int, taskResult: T) => jobResult = op(jobResult, taskResult)
sc.runJob(this, foldPartition, mergeResult)
@ -393,11 +428,14 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
* allocation.
def aggregate[U: ClassManifest](zeroValue: U)(seqOp: (U, T) => U, combOp: (U, U) => U): U = {
// Clone the zero value since we will also be serializing it as part of tasks
var jobResult = Utils.clone(zeroValue, sc.env.closureSerializer.newInstance())
val cleanSeqOp = sc.clean(seqOp)
val cleanCombOp = sc.clean(combOp)
val results = sc.runJob(this,
(iter: Iterator[T]) => iter.aggregate(zeroValue)(cleanSeqOp, cleanCombOp))
return results.fold(zeroValue)(cleanCombOp)
val aggregatePartition = (it: Iterator[T]) => it.aggregate(zeroValue)(cleanSeqOp, cleanCombOp)
val mergeResult = (index: Int, taskResult: U) => jobResult = combOp(jobResult, taskResult)
sc.runJob(this, aggregatePartition, mergeResult)
@ -408,7 +446,7 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
var result = 0L
while (iter.hasNext) {
result += 1L
@ -423,7 +461,7 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
var result = 0L
while (iter.hasNext) {
result += 1L
@ -529,23 +567,29 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
* Creates tuples of the elements in this RDD by applying `f`.
def keyBy[K](f: T => K): RDD[(K, T)] = {
map(x => (f(x), x))
/** A private method for tests, to look at the contents of each partition */
private[spark] def collectPartitions(): Array[Array[T]] = {
sc.runJob(this, (iter: Iterator[T]) => iter.toArray)
* Mark this RDD for checkpointing. The RDD will be saved to a file inside `checkpointDir`
* (set using setCheckpointDir()) and all references to its parent RDDs will be removed.
* This is used to truncate very long lineages. In the current implementation, Spark will save
* this RDD to a file (using saveAsObjectFile()) after the first job using this RDD is done.
* Hence, it is strongly recommended to use checkpoint() on RDDs when
* (i) checkpoint() is called before the any job has been executed on this RDD.
* (ii) This RDD has been made to persist in memory. Otherwise saving it on a file will
* require recomputation.
* Mark this RDD for checkpointing. It will be saved to a file inside the checkpoint
* directory set with SparkContext.setCheckpointDir() and all references to its parent
* RDDs will be removed. This function must be called before any job has been
* executed on this RDD. It is strongly recommended that this RDD is persisted in
* memory, otherwise saving it on a file will require recomputation.
def checkpoint() {
if (checkpointData.isEmpty) {
if (context.checkpointDir.isEmpty) {
throw new Exception("Checkpoint directory has not been set in the SparkContext")
} else if (checkpointData.isEmpty) {
checkpointData = Some(new RDDCheckpointData(this))
@ -554,15 +598,15 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
* Return whether this RDD has been checkpointed or not
def isCheckpointed(): Boolean = {
if (checkpointData.isDefined) checkpointData.get.isCheckpointed() else false
def isCheckpointed: Boolean = {
* Gets the name of the file to which this RDD was checkpointed
def getCheckpointFile(): Option[String] = {
if (checkpointData.isDefined) checkpointData.get.getCheckpointFile() else None
def getCheckpointFile: Option[String] = {
// =======================================================================
@ -587,31 +631,52 @@ abstract class RDD[T: ClassManifest](
def context = sc
* Performs the checkpointing of this RDD by saving this . It is called by the DAGScheduler
* Performs the checkpointing of this RDD by saving this. It is called by the DAGScheduler
* after a job using this RDD has completed (therefore the RDD has been materialized and
* potentially stored in memory). doCheckpoint() is called recursively on the parent RDDs.
protected[spark] def doCheckpoint() {
if (checkpointData.isDefined) checkpointData.get.doCheckpoint()
private[spark] def doCheckpoint() {
if (checkpointData.isDefined) {
} else {
* Changes the dependencies of this RDD from its original parents to the new RDD
* (`newRDD`) created from the checkpoint file.
* Changes the dependencies of this RDD from its original parents to a new RDD (`newRDD`)
* created from the checkpoint file, and forget its old dependencies and splits.
protected[spark] def changeDependencies(newRDD: RDD[_]) {
private[spark] def markCheckpointed(checkpointRDD: RDD[_]) {
dependencies_ = List(new OneToOneDependency(newRDD))
dependencies_ = null
splits_ = null
deps = null // Forget the constructor argument for dependencies too
* Clears the dependencies of this RDD. This method must ensure that all references
* to the original parent RDDs is removed to enable the parent RDDs to be garbage
* collected. Subclasses of RDD may override this method for implementing their own cleaning
* logic. See [[spark.rdd.UnionRDD]] and [[spark.rdd.ShuffledRDD]] to get a better idea.
* logic. See [[spark.rdd.UnionRDD]] for an example.
protected[spark] def clearDependencies() {
protected def clearDependencies() {
dependencies_ = null
/** A description of this RDD and its recursive dependencies for debugging. */
def toDebugString(): String = {
def debugString(rdd: RDD[_], prefix: String = ""): Seq[String] = {
Seq(prefix + rdd + " (" + rdd.splits.size + " splits)") ++
rdd.dependencies.flatMap(d => debugString(d.rdd, prefix + " "))
override def toString(): String = "%s%s[%d] at %s".format(
Option(name).map(_ + " ").getOrElse(""),

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ private[spark] object CheckpointState extends Enumeration {
* of the checkpointed RDD.
private[spark] class RDDCheckpointData[T: ClassManifest](rdd: RDD[T])
extends Logging with Serializable {
extends Logging with Serializable {
import CheckpointState._
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ extends Logging with Serializable {
@transient var cpFile: Option[String] = None
// The CheckpointRDD created from the checkpoint file, that is, the new parent the associated RDD.
@transient var cpRDD: Option[RDD[T]] = None
var cpRDD: Option[RDD[T]] = None
// Mark the RDD for checkpointing
def markForCheckpoint() {
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ extends Logging with Serializable {
// Is the RDD already checkpointed
def isCheckpointed(): Boolean = {
def isCheckpointed: Boolean = {
RDDCheckpointData.synchronized { cpState == Checkpointed }
// Get the file to which this RDD was checkpointed to as an Option
def getCheckpointFile(): Option[String] = {
def getCheckpointFile: Option[String] = {
RDDCheckpointData.synchronized { cpFile }
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ extends Logging with Serializable {
// Save to file, and reload it as an RDD
val path = new Path(rdd.context.checkpointDir, "rdd-" +
val path = new Path(rdd.context.checkpointDir.get, "rdd-" +
rdd.context.runJob(rdd, CheckpointRDD.writeToFile(path) _)
val newRDD = new CheckpointRDD[T](rdd.context, path)
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ extends Logging with Serializable {
RDDCheckpointData.synchronized {
cpFile = Some(path)
cpRDD = Some(newRDD)
rdd.markCheckpointed(newRDD) // Update the RDD's dependencies and splits
cpState = Checkpointed
logInfo("Done checkpointing RDD " + + ", new parent is RDD " +
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ extends Logging with Serializable {
// Get preferred location of a split after checkpointing
def getPreferredLocations(split: Split) = {
def getPreferredLocations(split: Split): Seq[String] = {
RDDCheckpointData.synchronized {
@ -91,9 +91,10 @@ extends Logging with Serializable {
// Get iterator. This is called at the worker nodes.
def iterator(split: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
rdd.firstParent[T].iterator(split, context)
def checkpointRDD: Option[RDD[T]] = {
RDDCheckpointData.synchronized {

View file

@ -42,7 +42,13 @@ class SequenceFileRDDFunctions[K <% Writable: ClassManifest, V <% Writable : Cla
if (classOf[Writable].isAssignableFrom(classManifest[T].erasure)) {
} else {
implicitly[T => Writable].getClass.getMethods()(0).getReturnType
// We get the type of the Writable class by looking at the apply method which converts
// from T to Writable. Since we have two apply methods we filter out the one which
// is of the form "java.lang.Object apply(java.lang.Object)"
implicitly[T => Writable].getClass.getDeclaredMethods().filter(
m => m.getReturnType().toString != "java.lang.Object" &&
m.getName() == "apply")(0).getReturnType
// TODO: use something like WritableConverter to avoid reflection

View file

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import java.util.Random
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
@ -76,12 +75,20 @@ private[spark] object SizeEstimator extends Logging {
if (System.getProperty("spark.test.useCompressedOops") != null) {
return System.getProperty("spark.test.useCompressedOops").toBoolean
try {
val hotSpotMBeanName = ""
val server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()
// NOTE: This should throw an exception in non-Sun JVMs
val hotSpotMBeanClass = Class.forName("")
val getVMMethod = hotSpotMBeanClass.getDeclaredMethod("getVMOption",
val bean = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(server,
hotSpotMBeanName, classOf[HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean])
return bean.getVMOption("UseCompressedOops").getValue.toBoolean
hotSpotMBeanName, hotSpotMBeanClass)
// TODO: We could use reflection on the VMOption returned ?
return getVMMethod.invoke(bean, "UseCompressedOops").toString.contains("true")
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
// Guess whether they've enabled UseCompressedOops based on whether maxMemory < 32 GB

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package spark
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import{URI, URLClassLoader}
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import scala.collection.Map
import scala.collection.generic.Growable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
@ -42,6 +44,9 @@ import scheduler.{ResultTask, ShuffleMapTask, DAGScheduler, TaskScheduler}
import spark.scheduler.local.LocalScheduler
import spark.scheduler.cluster.{SparkDeploySchedulerBackend, SchedulerBackend, ClusterScheduler}
import spark.scheduler.mesos.{CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend, MesosSchedulerBackend}
import storage.BlockManagerUI
import util.{MetadataCleaner, TimeStampedHashMap}
import storage.{StorageStatus, StorageUtils, RDDInfo}
* Main entry point for Spark functionality. A SparkContext represents the connection to a Spark
@ -57,57 +62,53 @@ import spark.scheduler.mesos.{CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend, MesosSchedulerBackend
class SparkContext(
val master: String,
val jobName: String,
val sparkHome: String,
val jars: Seq[String],
environment: Map[String, String])
val sparkHome: String = null,
val jars: Seq[String] = Nil,
environment: Map[String, String] = Map())
extends Logging {
* @param master Cluster URL to connect to (e.g. mesos://host:port, spark://host:port, local[4]).
* @param jobName A name for your job, to display on the cluster web UI
* @param sparkHome Location where Spark is installed on cluster nodes.
* @param jars Collection of JARs to send to the cluster. These can be paths on the local file
* system or HDFS, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URLs.
def this(master: String, jobName: String, sparkHome: String, jars: Seq[String]) =
this(master, jobName, sparkHome, jars, Map())
* @param master Cluster URL to connect to (e.g. mesos://host:port, spark://host:port, local[4]).
* @param jobName A name for your job, to display on the cluster web UI
def this(master: String, jobName: String) = this(master, jobName, null, Nil, Map())
// Ensure logging is initialized before we spawn any threads
// Set Spark master host and port system properties
if (System.getProperty("") == null) {
System.setProperty("", Utils.localIpAddress)
// Set Spark driver host and port system properties
if (System.getProperty("") == null) {
System.setProperty("", Utils.localIpAddress)
if (System.getProperty("spark.master.port") == null) {
System.setProperty("spark.master.port", "0")
if (System.getProperty("spark.driver.port") == null) {
System.setProperty("spark.driver.port", "0")
private val isLocal = (master == "local" || master.startsWith("local["))
// Create the Spark execution environment (cache, map output tracker, etc)
private[spark] val env = SparkEnv.createFromSystemProperties(
// Start the BlockManager UI
private[spark] val ui = new BlockManagerUI(
env.actorSystem, env.blockManager.master.driverActor, this)
// Used to store a URL for each static file/jar together with the file's local timestamp
private[spark] val addedFiles = HashMap[String, Long]()
private[spark] val addedJars = HashMap[String, Long]()
// Keeps track of all persisted RDDs
private[spark] val persistentRdds = new TimeStampedHashMap[Int, RDD[_]]()
private[spark] val metadataCleaner = new MetadataCleaner("SparkContext", this.cleanup)
// Add each JAR given through the constructor
jars.foreach { addJar(_) }
// Environment variables to pass to our executors
private[spark] val executorEnvs = HashMap[String, String]()
// Note: SPARK_MEM is included for Mesos, but overwritten for standalone mode in ExecutorRunner
val value = System.getenv(key)
@ -127,6 +128,8 @@ class SparkContext(
val LOCAL_CLUSTER_REGEX = """local-cluster\[\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*]""".r
// Regular expression for connecting to Spark deploy clusters
val SPARK_REGEX = """(spark://.*)""".r
//Regular expression for connection to Mesos cluster
val MESOS_REGEX = """(mesos://.*)""".r
master match {
case "local" =>
@ -167,6 +170,9 @@ class SparkContext(
case _ =>
if (MESOS_REGEX.findFirstIn(master).isEmpty) {
logWarning("Master %s does not match expected format, parsing as Mesos URL".format(master))
val scheduler = new ClusterScheduler(this)
val coarseGrained = System.getProperty("spark.mesos.coarse", "false").toBoolean
@ -183,8 +189,28 @@ class SparkContext(
private var dagScheduler = new DAGScheduler(taskScheduler)
private[spark] var checkpointDir: String = null
/** A default Hadoop Configuration for the Hadoop code (e.g. file systems) that we reuse. */
val hadoopConfiguration = {
val conf = new Configuration()
// Explicitly check for S3 environment variables
if (System.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") != null && System.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") != null) {
conf.set("fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId", System.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"))
conf.set("fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", System.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"))
conf.set("fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey", System.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"))
conf.set("fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey", System.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"))
// Copy any "" system properties into conf as "foo=bar"
for (key <- System.getProperties.toMap[String, String].keys if key.startsWith("spark.hadoop.")) {
conf.set(key.substring("spark.hadoop.".length), System.getProperty(key))
val bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536")
conf.set("io.file.buffer.size", bufferSize)
private[spark] var checkpointDir: Option[String] = None
// Methods for creating RDDs
@ -238,10 +264,8 @@ class SparkContext(
valueClass: Class[V],
minSplits: Int = defaultMinSplits
) : RDD[(K, V)] = {
val conf = new JobConf()
val conf = new JobConf(hadoopConfiguration)
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, path)
val bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536")
conf.set("io.file.buffer.size", bufferSize)
new HadoopRDD(this, conf, inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, minSplits)
@ -282,8 +306,7 @@ class SparkContext(
new Configuration)
@ -295,7 +318,7 @@ class SparkContext(
fClass: Class[F],
kClass: Class[K],
vClass: Class[V],
conf: Configuration): RDD[(K, V)] = {
conf: Configuration = hadoopConfiguration): RDD[(K, V)] = {
val job = new NewHadoopJob(conf)
NewFileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(path))
val updatedConf = job.getConfiguration
@ -307,7 +330,7 @@ class SparkContext(
* and extra configuration options to pass to the input format.
def newAPIHadoopRDD[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]](
conf: Configuration,
conf: Configuration = hadoopConfiguration,
fClass: Class[F],
kClass: Class[K],
vClass: Class[V]): RDD[(K, V)] = {
@ -390,14 +413,14 @@ class SparkContext(
* Create an [[spark.Accumulator]] variable of a given type, which tasks can "add" values
* to using the `+=` method. Only the master can access the accumulator's `value`.
* to using the `+=` method. Only the driver can access the accumulator's `value`.
def accumulator[T](initialValue: T)(implicit param: AccumulatorParam[T]) =
new Accumulator(initialValue, param)
* Create an [[spark.Accumulable]] shared variable, to which tasks can add values with `+=`.
* Only the master can access the accumuable's `value`.
* Only the driver can access the accumuable's `value`.
* @tparam T accumulator type
* @tparam R type that can be added to the accumulator
@ -422,9 +445,10 @@ class SparkContext(
def broadcast[T](value: T) = env.broadcastManager.newBroadcast[T](value, isLocal)
* Add a file to be downloaded into the working directory of this Spark job on every node.
* Add a file to be downloaded with this Spark job on every node.
* The `path` passed can be either a local file, a file in HDFS (or other Hadoop-supported
* filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI.
* filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI. To access the file in Spark jobs,
* use `SparkFiles.get(path)` to find its download location.
def addFile(path: String) {
val uri = new URI(path)
@ -437,7 +461,7 @@ class SparkContext(
// Fetch the file locally in case a job is executed locally.
// Jobs that run through LocalScheduler will already fetch the required dependencies,
// but jobs run in DAGScheduler.runLocally() will not so we must fetch the files here.
Utils.fetchFile(path, new File("."))
Utils.fetchFile(path, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory))
logInfo("Added file " + path + " at " + key + " with timestamp " + addedFiles(key))
@ -446,12 +470,27 @@ class SparkContext(
* Return a map from the slave to the max memory available for caching and the remaining
* memory available for caching.
def getSlavesMemoryStatus: Map[String, (Long, Long)] = {
def getExecutorMemoryStatus: Map[String, (Long, Long)] = { { case(blockManagerId, mem) =>
(blockManagerId.ip + ":" + blockManagerId.port, mem)
* Return information about what RDDs are cached, if they are in mem or on disk, how much space
* they take, etc.
def getRDDStorageInfo : Array[RDDInfo] = {
StorageUtils.rddInfoFromStorageStatus(getExecutorStorageStatus, this)
* Return information about blocks stored in all of the slaves
def getExecutorStorageStatus : Array[StorageStatus] = {
* Clear the job's list of files added by `addFile` so that they do not get downloaded to
* any new nodes.
@ -486,6 +525,7 @@ class SparkContext(
/** Shut down the SparkContext. */
def stop() {
if (dagScheduler != null) {
dagScheduler = null
taskScheduler = null
@ -521,10 +561,30 @@ class SparkContext(
* Run a function on a given set of partitions in an RDD and return the results. This is the main
* entry point to the scheduler, by which all actions get launched. The allowLocal flag specifies
* whether the scheduler can run the computation on the master rather than shipping it out to the
* cluster, for short actions like first().
* Run a function on a given set of partitions in an RDD and pass the results to the given
* handler function. This is the main entry point for all actions in Spark. The allowLocal
* flag specifies whether the scheduler can run the computation on the driver rather than
* shipping it out to the cluster, for short actions like first().
def runJob[T, U: ClassManifest](
rdd: RDD[T],
func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
partitions: Seq[Int],
allowLocal: Boolean,
resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit) {
val callSite = Utils.getSparkCallSite
logInfo("Starting job: " + callSite)
val start = System.nanoTime
val result = dagScheduler.runJob(rdd, func, partitions, callSite, allowLocal, resultHandler)
logInfo("Job finished: " + callSite + ", took " + (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9 + " s")
* Run a function on a given set of partitions in an RDD and return the results as an array. The
* allowLocal flag specifies whether the scheduler can run the computation on the driver rather
* than shipping it out to the cluster, for short actions like first().
def runJob[T, U: ClassManifest](
rdd: RDD[T],
@ -532,13 +592,9 @@ class SparkContext(
partitions: Seq[Int],
allowLocal: Boolean
): Array[U] = {
val callSite = Utils.getSparkCallSite
logInfo("Starting job: " + callSite)
val start = System.nanoTime
val result = dagScheduler.runJob(rdd, func, partitions, callSite, allowLocal)
logInfo("Job finished: " + callSite + ", took " + (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9 + " s")
val results = new Array[U](partitions.size)
runJob[T, U](rdd, func, partitions, allowLocal, (index, res) => results(index) = res)
@ -568,6 +624,29 @@ class SparkContext(
runJob(rdd, func, 0 until rdd.splits.size, false)
* Run a job on all partitions in an RDD and pass the results to a handler function.
def runJob[T, U: ClassManifest](
rdd: RDD[T],
processPartition: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit)
runJob[T, U](rdd, processPartition, 0 until rdd.splits.size, false, resultHandler)
* Run a job on all partitions in an RDD and pass the results to a handler function.
def runJob[T, U: ClassManifest](
rdd: RDD[T],
processPartition: Iterator[T] => U,
resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit)
val processFunc = (context: TaskContext, iter: Iterator[T]) => processPartition(iter)
runJob[T, U](rdd, processFunc, 0 until rdd.splits.size, false, resultHandler)
* Run a job that can return approximate results.
@ -595,10 +674,11 @@ class SparkContext(
* Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. This method will
* create this directory and will throw an exception of the path already exists (to avoid
* overwriting existing files may be overwritten). The directory will be deleted on exit
* if indicated.
* Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. The directory must
* be a HDFS path if running on a cluster. If the directory does not exist, it will
* be created. If the directory exists and useExisting is set to true, then the
* exisiting directory will be used. Otherwise an exception will be thrown to
* prevent accidental overriding of checkpoint files in the existing directory.
def setCheckpointDir(dir: String, useExisting: Boolean = false) {
val path = new Path(dir)
@ -610,7 +690,7 @@ class SparkContext(
checkpointDir = dir
checkpointDir = Some(dir)
/** Default level of parallelism to use when not given by user (e.g. for reduce tasks) */
@ -627,6 +707,11 @@ class SparkContext(
/** Register a new RDD, returning its RDD ID */
private[spark] def newRddId(): Int = nextRddId.getAndIncrement()
/** Called by MetadataCleaner to clean up the persistentRdds map periodically */
private[spark] def cleanup(cleanupTime: Long) {
@ -645,6 +730,16 @@ object SparkContext {
def zero(initialValue: Int) = 0
implicit object LongAccumulatorParam extends AccumulatorParam[Long] {
def addInPlace(t1: Long, t2: Long) = t1 + t2
def zero(initialValue: Long) = 0l
implicit object FloatAccumulatorParam extends AccumulatorParam[Float] {
def addInPlace(t1: Float, t2: Float) = t1 + t2
def zero(initialValue: Float) = 0f
// TODO: Add AccumulatorParams for other types, e.g. lists and strings
implicit def rddToPairRDDFunctions[K: ClassManifest, V: ClassManifest](rdd: RDD[(K, V)]) =

View file

@ -19,27 +19,23 @@ import spark.util.AkkaUtils
* SparkEnv.get (e.g. after creating a SparkContext) and set it with SparkEnv.set.
class SparkEnv (
val executorId: String,
val actorSystem: ActorSystem,
val serializer: Serializer,
val closureSerializer: Serializer,
val cacheTracker: CacheTracker,
val cacheManager: CacheManager,
val mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTracker,
val shuffleFetcher: ShuffleFetcher,
val broadcastManager: BroadcastManager,
val blockManager: BlockManager,
val connectionManager: ConnectionManager,
val httpFileServer: HttpFileServer
val httpFileServer: HttpFileServer,
val sparkFilesDir: String
) {
/** No-parameter constructor for unit tests. */
def this() = {
this(null, new JavaSerializer, new JavaSerializer, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
def stop() {
@ -63,17 +59,18 @@ object SparkEnv extends Logging {
def createFromSystemProperties(
executorId: String,
hostname: String,
port: Int,
isMaster: Boolean,
isLocal: Boolean
) : SparkEnv = {
isDriver: Boolean,
isLocal: Boolean): SparkEnv = {
val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("spark", hostname, port)
// Bit of a hack: If this is the master and our port was 0 (meaning bind to any free port),
// figure out which port number Akka actually bound to and set spark.master.port to it.
if (isMaster && port == 0) {
System.setProperty("spark.master.port", boundPort.toString)
// Bit of a hack: If this is the driver and our port was 0 (meaning bind to any free port),
// figure out which port number Akka actually bound to and set spark.driver.port to it.
if (isDriver && port == 0) {
System.setProperty("spark.driver.port", boundPort.toString)
val classLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader
@ -87,23 +84,22 @@ object SparkEnv extends Logging {
val serializer = instantiateClass[Serializer]("spark.serializer", "spark.JavaSerializer")
val masterIp: String = System.getProperty("", "localhost")
val masterPort: Int = System.getProperty("spark.master.port", "7077").toInt
val driverIp: String = System.getProperty("", "localhost")
val driverPort: Int = System.getProperty("spark.driver.port", "7077").toInt
val blockManagerMaster = new BlockManagerMaster(
actorSystem, isMaster, isLocal, masterIp, masterPort)
val blockManager = new BlockManager(actorSystem, blockManagerMaster, serializer)
actorSystem, isDriver, isLocal, driverIp, driverPort)
val blockManager = new BlockManager(executorId, actorSystem, blockManagerMaster, serializer)
val connectionManager = blockManager.connectionManager
val broadcastManager = new BroadcastManager(isMaster)
val broadcastManager = new BroadcastManager(isDriver)
val closureSerializer = instantiateClass[Serializer](
"spark.closure.serializer", "spark.JavaSerializer")
val cacheTracker = new CacheTracker(actorSystem, isMaster, blockManager)
blockManager.cacheTracker = cacheTracker
val cacheManager = new CacheManager(blockManager)
val mapOutputTracker = new MapOutputTracker(actorSystem, isMaster)
val mapOutputTracker = new MapOutputTracker(actorSystem, isDriver)
val shuffleFetcher = instantiateClass[ShuffleFetcher](
"spark.shuffle.fetcher", "spark.BlockStoreShuffleFetcher")
@ -112,6 +108,15 @@ object SparkEnv extends Logging {
System.setProperty("spark.fileserver.uri", httpFileServer.serverUri)
// Set the sparkFiles directory, used when downloading dependencies. In local mode,
// this is a temporary directory; in distributed mode, this is the executor's current working
// directory.
val sparkFilesDir: String = if (isDriver) {
} else {
// Warn about deprecated spark.cache.class property
if (System.getProperty("spark.cache.class") != null) {
logWarning("The spark.cache.class property is no longer being used! Specify storage " +
@ -119,15 +124,17 @@ object SparkEnv extends Logging {
new SparkEnv(

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package spark;
* Resolves paths to files added through `SparkContext.addFile()`.
public class SparkFiles {
private SparkFiles() {}
* Get the absolute path of a file added through `SparkContext.addFile()`.
public static String get(String filename) {
return new File(getRootDirectory(), filename).getAbsolutePath();
* Get the root directory that contains files added through `SparkContext.addFile()`.
public static String getRootDirectory() {
return SparkEnv.get().sparkFilesDir();

View file

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class TaskContext(val stageId: Int, val splitId: Int, val attemptId: Long) extends Serializable {
val onCompleteCallbacks = new ArrayBuffer[() => Unit]
@transient val onCompleteCallbacks = new ArrayBuffer[() => Unit]
// Add a callback function to be executed on task completion. An example use
// is for HadoopRDD to register a callback to close the input stream.

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package spark
import{NetworkInterface, InetAddress, URL, URI}
import java.util.{Locale, Random, UUID}
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ThreadFactory, ThreadPoolExecutor}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.Some
import spark.serializer.SerializerInstance
* Various utility methods used by Spark.
@ -111,20 +114,6 @@ private object Utils extends Logging {
/** Copy a file on the local file system */
def copyFile(source: File, dest: File) {
val in = new FileInputStream(source)
val out = new FileOutputStream(dest)
copyStream(in, out, true)
/** Download a file from a given URL to the local filesystem */
def downloadFile(url: URL, localPath: String) {
val in = url.openStream()
val out = new FileOutputStream(localPath)
Utils.copyStream(in, out, true)
* Download a file requested by the executor. Supports fetching the file in a variety of ways,
* including HTTP, HDFS and files on a standard filesystem, based on the URL parameter.
@ -134,7 +123,7 @@ private object Utils extends Logging {
def fetchFile(url: String, targetDir: File) {
val filename = url.split("/").last
val tempDir = System.getProperty("spark.local.dir", System.getProperty(""))
val tempDir = getLocalDir
val tempFile = File.createTempFile("fetchFileTemp", null, new File(tempDir))
val targetFile = new File(targetDir, filename)
val uri = new URI(url)
@ -201,7 +190,16 @@ private object Utils extends Logging {
Utils.execute(Seq("tar", "-xf", filename), targetDir)
// Make the file executable - That's necessary for scripts
FileUtil.chmod(filename, "a+x")
FileUtil.chmod(targetFile.getAbsolutePath, "a+x")
* Get a temporary directory using Spark's spark.local.dir property, if set. This will always
* return a single directory, even though the spark.local.dir property might be a list of
* multiple paths.
def getLocalDir: String = {
System.getProperty("spark.local.dir", System.getProperty("")).split(',')(0)
@ -242,7 +240,8 @@ private object Utils extends Logging {
// Address resolves to something like, which happens on Debian; try to find
// a better address using the local network interfaces
for (ni <- NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces) {
for (addr <- ni.getInetAddresses if !addr.isLinkLocalAddress && !addr.isLoopbackAddress) {
for (addr <- ni.getInetAddresses if !addr.isLinkLocalAddress &&
!addr.isLoopbackAddress && addr.isInstanceOf[Inet4Address]) {
// We've found an address that looks reasonable!
logWarning("Your hostname, " + InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName + " resolves to" +
" a loopback address: " + address.getHostAddress + "; using " + addr.getHostAddress +
@ -277,29 +276,14 @@ private object Utils extends Logging {
* Returns a standard ThreadFactory except all threads are daemons.
private def newDaemonThreadFactory: ThreadFactory = {
new ThreadFactory {
def newThread(r: Runnable): Thread = {
var t = Executors.defaultThreadFactory.newThread (r)
t.setDaemon (true)
return t
private[spark] val daemonThreadFactory: ThreadFactory =
new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build()
* Wrapper over newCachedThreadPool.
def newDaemonCachedThreadPool(): ThreadPoolExecutor = {
var threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool.asInstanceOf[ThreadPoolExecutor]
threadPool.setThreadFactory (newDaemonThreadFactory)
return threadPool
def newDaemonCachedThreadPool(): ThreadPoolExecutor =
* Return the string to tell how long has passed in seconds. The passing parameter should be in
@ -312,13 +296,8 @@ private object Utils extends Logging {
* Wrapper over newFixedThreadPool.
def newDaemonFixedThreadPool(nThreads: Int): ThreadPoolExecutor = {
var threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads).asInstanceOf[ThreadPoolExecutor]
return threadPool
def newDaemonFixedThreadPool(nThreads: Int): ThreadPoolExecutor =
Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads, daemonThreadFactory).asInstanceOf[ThreadPoolExecutor]
* Delete a file or directory and its contents recursively.
@ -454,4 +433,25 @@ private object Utils extends Logging {
"%s at %s:%s".format(lastSparkMethod, firstUserFile, firstUserLine)
* Try to find a free port to bind to on the local host. This should ideally never be needed,
* except that, unfortunately, some of the networking libraries we currently rely on (e.g. Spray)
* don't let users bind to port 0 and then figure out which free port they actually bound to.
* We work around this by binding a ServerSocket and immediately unbinding it. This is *not*
* necessarily guaranteed to work, but it's the best we can do.
def findFreePort(): Int = {
val socket = new ServerSocket(0)
val portBound = socket.getLocalPort
* Clone an object using a Spark serializer.
def clone[T](value: T, serializer: SerializerInstance): T = {

View file

@ -471,6 +471,16 @@ class JavaPairRDD[K, V](val rdd: RDD[(K, V)])(implicit val kManifest: ClassManif
implicit def toOrdered(x: K): Ordered[K] = new KeyOrdering(x)
fromRDD(new OrderedRDDFunctions(rdd).sortByKey(ascending))
* Return an RDD with the keys of each tuple.
def keys(): JavaRDD[K] = JavaRDD.fromRDD[K](
* Return an RDD with the values of each tuple.
def values(): JavaRDD[V] = JavaRDD.fromRDD[V](
object JavaPairRDD {

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import
trait JavaRDDLike[T, This <: JavaRDDLike[T, This]] extends Serializable {
trait JavaRDDLike[T, This <: JavaRDDLike[T, This]] extends PairFlatMapWorkaround[T] {
def wrapRDD(rdd: RDD[T]): This
implicit val classManifest: ClassManifest[T]
@ -82,10 +82,9 @@ trait JavaRDDLike[T, This <: JavaRDDLike[T, This]] extends Serializable {
* Return a new RDD by first applying a function to all elements of this
* RDD, and then flattening the results.
* Part of the workaround for SPARK-668; called in
def flatMap[K, V](f: PairFlatMapFunction[T, K, V]): JavaPairRDD[K, V] = {
private[spark] def doFlatMap[K, V](f: PairFlatMapFunction[T, K, V]): JavaPairRDD[K, V] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
def fn = (x: T) => f.apply(x).asScala
def cm = implicitly[ClassManifest[AnyRef]].asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[Tuple2[K, V]]]
@ -301,21 +300,26 @@ trait JavaRDDLike[T, This <: JavaRDDLike[T, This]] extends Serializable {
def saveAsObjectFile(path: String) = rdd.saveAsObjectFile(path)
* Mark this RDD for checkpointing. The RDD will be saved to a file inside `checkpointDir`
* (set using setCheckpointDir()) and all references to its parent RDDs will be removed.
* This is used to truncate very long lineages. In the current implementation, Spark will save
* this RDD to a file (using saveAsObjectFile()) after the first job using this RDD is done.
* Hence, it is strongly recommended to use checkpoint() on RDDs when
* (i) checkpoint() is called before the any job has been executed on this RDD.
* (ii) This RDD has been made to persist in memory. Otherwise saving it on a file will
* require recomputation.
* Creates tuples of the elements in this RDD by applying `f`.
def keyBy[K](f: JFunction[T, K]): JavaPairRDD[K, T] = {
implicit val kcm: ClassManifest[K] = implicitly[ClassManifest[AnyRef]].asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[K]]
* Mark this RDD for checkpointing. It will be saved to a file inside the checkpoint
* directory set with SparkContext.setCheckpointDir() and all references to its parent
* RDDs will be removed. This function must be called before any job has been
* executed on this RDD. It is strongly recommended that this RDD is persisted in
* memory, otherwise saving it on a file will require recomputation.
def checkpoint() = rdd.checkpoint()
* Return whether this RDD has been checkpointed or not
def isCheckpointed(): Boolean = rdd.isCheckpointed()
def isCheckpointed: Boolean = rdd.isCheckpointed
* Gets the name of the file to which this RDD was checkpointed
@ -326,4 +330,9 @@ trait JavaRDDLike[T, This <: JavaRDDLike[T, This]] extends Serializable {
case _ => Optional.absent()
/** A description of this RDD and its recursive dependencies for debugging. */
def toDebugString(): String = {

View file

@ -277,6 +277,19 @@ class JavaSparkContext(val sc: SparkContext) extends JavaSparkContextVarargsWork
def doubleAccumulator(initialValue: Double): Accumulator[java.lang.Double] =
* Create an [[spark.Accumulator]] integer variable, which tasks can "add" values
* to using the `add` method. Only the master can access the accumulator's `value`.
def accumulator(initialValue: Int): Accumulator[java.lang.Integer] = intAccumulator(initialValue)
* Create an [[spark.Accumulator]] double variable, which tasks can "add" values
* to using the `add` method. Only the master can access the accumulator's `value`.
def accumulator(initialValue: Double): Accumulator[java.lang.Double] =
* Create an [[spark.Accumulator]] variable of a given type, which tasks can "add" values
* to using the `add` method. Only the master can access the accumulator's `value`.
@ -310,9 +323,10 @@ class JavaSparkContext(val sc: SparkContext) extends JavaSparkContextVarargsWork
def getSparkHome(): Option[String] = sc.getSparkHome()
* Add a file to be downloaded into the working directory of this Spark job on every node.
* Add a file to be downloaded with this Spark job on every node.
* The `path` passed can be either a local file, a file in HDFS (or other Hadoop-supported
* filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI.
* filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI. To access the file in Spark jobs,
* use `SparkFiles.get(path)` to find its download location.
def addFile(path: String) {
@ -344,20 +358,28 @@ class JavaSparkContext(val sc: SparkContext) extends JavaSparkContextVarargsWork
* Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. This method will
* create this directory and will throw an exception of the path already exists (to avoid
* overwriting existing files may be overwritten). The directory will be deleted on exit
* if indicated.
* Returns the Hadoop configuration used for the Hadoop code (e.g. file systems) we reuse.
def hadoopConfiguration(): Configuration = {
* Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. The directory must
* be a HDFS path if running on a cluster. If the directory does not exist, it will
* be created. If the directory exists and useExisting is set to true, then the
* exisiting directory will be used. Otherwise an exception will be thrown to
* prevent accidental overriding of checkpoint files in the existing directory.
def setCheckpointDir(dir: String, useExisting: Boolean) {
sc.setCheckpointDir(dir, useExisting)
* Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. This method will
* create this directory and will throw an exception of the path already exists (to avoid
* overwriting existing files may be overwritten). The directory will be deleted on exit
* if indicated.
* Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. The directory must
* be a HDFS path if running on a cluster. If the directory does not exist, it will
* be created. If the directory exists, an exception will be thrown to prevent accidental
* overriding of checkpoint files.
def setCheckpointDir(dir: String) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Workaround for SPARK-668.
class PairFlatMapWorkaround<T> implements Serializable {
* Return a new RDD by first applying a function to all elements of this
* RDD, and then flattening the results.
public <K, V> JavaPairRDD<K, V> flatMap(PairFlatMapFunction<T, K, V> f) {
return ((JavaRDDLike <T, ?>) this).doFlatMap(f);

View file

@ -17,4 +17,15 @@ public class StorageLevels {
public static final StorageLevel MEMORY_AND_DISK_2 = new StorageLevel(true, true, true, 2);
public static final StorageLevel MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER = new StorageLevel(true, true, false, 1);
public static final StorageLevel MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2 = new StorageLevel(true, true, false, 2);
* Create a new StorageLevel object.
* @param useDisk saved to disk, if true
* @param useMemory saved to memory, if true
* @param deserialized saved as deserialized objects, if true
* @param replication replication factor
public static StorageLevel create(boolean useDisk, boolean useMemory, boolean deserialized, int replication) {
return StorageLevel.apply(useDisk, useMemory, deserialized, replication);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package spark.api.python
import spark.Partitioner
import java.util.Arrays
* A [[spark.Partitioner]] that performs handling of byte arrays, for use by the Python API.
* Stores the unique id() of the Python-side partitioning function so that it is incorporated into
* equality comparisons. Correctness requires that the id is a unique identifier for the
* lifetime of the job (i.e. that it is not re-used as the id of a different partitioning
* function). This can be ensured by using the Python id() function and maintaining a reference
* to the Python partitioning function so that its id() is not reused.
private[spark] class PythonPartitioner(
override val numPartitions: Int,
val pyPartitionFunctionId: Long)
extends Partitioner {
override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = {
if (key == null) {
return 0
else {
val hashCode = {
if (key.isInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]) {
} else {
val mod = hashCode % numPartitions
if (mod < 0) {
mod + numPartitions
} else {
mod // Guard against negative hash codes
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case h: PythonPartitioner =>
h.numPartitions == numPartitions && h.pyPartitionFunctionId == pyPartitionFunctionId
case _ =>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
package spark.api.python
import java.util.{List => JList, ArrayList => JArrayList, Collections}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import{JavaSparkContext, JavaPairRDD, JavaRDD}
import spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import spark._
import spark.rdd.PipedRDD
private[spark] class PythonRDD[T: ClassManifest](
parent: RDD[T],
command: Seq[String],
envVars: java.util.Map[String, String],
preservePartitoning: Boolean,
pythonExec: String,
broadcastVars: JList[Broadcast[Array[Byte]]],
accumulator: Accumulator[JList[Array[Byte]]])
extends RDD[Array[Byte]](parent) {
// Similar to Runtime.exec(), if we are given a single string, split it into words
// using a standard StringTokenizer (i.e. by spaces)
def this(parent: RDD[T], command: String, envVars: java.util.Map[String, String],
preservePartitoning: Boolean, pythonExec: String,
broadcastVars: JList[Broadcast[Array[Byte]]],
accumulator: Accumulator[JList[Array[Byte]]]) =
this(parent, PipedRDD.tokenize(command), envVars, preservePartitoning, pythonExec,
broadcastVars, accumulator)
override def getSplits = parent.splits
override val partitioner = if (preservePartitoning) parent.partitioner else None
override def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[Byte]] = {
val SPARK_HOME = new ProcessBuilder().environment().get("SPARK_HOME")
val pb = new ProcessBuilder(Seq(pythonExec, SPARK_HOME + "/python/pyspark/"))
// Add the environmental variables to the process.
val currentEnvVars = pb.environment()
for ((variable, value) <- envVars) {
currentEnvVars.put(variable, value)
val proc = pb.start()
val env = SparkEnv.get
// Start a thread to print the process's stderr to ours
new Thread("stderr reader for " + command) {
override def run() {
for (line <- Source.fromInputStream(proc.getErrorStream).getLines) {
// Start a thread to feed the process input from our parent's iterator
new Thread("stdin writer for " + command) {
override def run() {
val out = new PrintWriter(proc.getOutputStream)
val dOut = new DataOutputStream(proc.getOutputStream)
// Split index
// sparkFilesDir
PythonRDD.writeAsPickle(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory, dOut)
// Broadcast variables
for (broadcast <- broadcastVars) {
// Serialized user code
for (elem <- command) {
// Data values
for (elem <- parent.iterator(split, context)) {
PythonRDD.writeAsPickle(elem, dOut)
// Return an iterator that read lines from the process's stdout
val stream = new DataInputStream(proc.getInputStream)
return new Iterator[Array[Byte]] {
def next(): Array[Byte] = {
val obj = _nextObj
_nextObj = read()
private def read(): Array[Byte] = {
try {
stream.readInt() match {
case length if length > 0 =>
val obj = new Array[Byte](length)
case -2 =>
// Signals that an exception has been thrown in python
val exLength = stream.readInt()
val obj = new Array[Byte](exLength)
throw new PythonException(new String(obj))
case -1 =>
// We've finished the data section of the output, but we can still read some
// accumulator updates; let's do that, breaking when we get EOFException
while (true) {
val len2 = stream.readInt()
val update = new Array[Byte](len2)
accumulator += Collections.singletonList(update)
new Array[Byte](0)
} catch {
case eof: EOFException => {
val exitStatus = proc.waitFor()
if (exitStatus != 0) {
throw new Exception("Subprocess exited with status " + exitStatus)
new Array[Byte](0)
case e => throw e
var _nextObj = read()
def hasNext = _nextObj.length != 0
val asJavaRDD : JavaRDD[Array[Byte]] = JavaRDD.fromRDD(this)
/** Thrown for exceptions in user Python code. */
private class PythonException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
* Form an RDD[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte])] from key-value pairs returned from Python.
* This is used by PySpark's shuffle operations.
private class PairwiseRDD(prev: RDD[Array[Byte]]) extends
RDD[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte])](prev) {
override def getSplits = prev.splits
override def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext) =
prev.iterator(split, context).grouped(2).map {
case Seq(a, b) => (a, b)
case x => throw new Exception("PairwiseRDD: unexpected value: " + x)
val asJavaPairRDD : JavaPairRDD[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = JavaPairRDD.fromRDD(this)
private[spark] object PythonRDD {
/** Strips the pickle PROTO and STOP opcodes from the start and end of a pickle */
def stripPickle(arr: Array[Byte]) : Array[Byte] = {
arr.slice(2, arr.length - 1)
* Write strings, pickled Python objects, or pairs of pickled objects to a data output stream.
* The data format is a 32-bit integer representing the pickled object's length (in bytes),
* followed by the pickled data.
* Pickle module:
* The pickle protocol is documented in the source of the `pickle` and `pickletools` modules:
* @param elem the object to write
* @param dOut a data output stream
def writeAsPickle(elem: Any, dOut: DataOutputStream) {
if (elem.isInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]) {
val arr = elem.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]
} else if (elem.isInstanceOf[scala.Tuple2[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]) {
val t = elem.asInstanceOf[scala.Tuple2[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]
val length = t._1.length + t._2.length - 3 - 3 + 4 // stripPickle() removes 3 bytes
} else if (elem.isInstanceOf[String]) {
// For uniformity, strings are wrapped into Pickles.
val s = elem.asInstanceOf[String].getBytes("UTF-8")
val length = 2 + 1 + 4 + s.length + 1
} else {
throw new Exception("Unexpected RDD type")
def readRDDFromPickleFile(sc: JavaSparkContext, filename: String, parallelism: Int) :
JavaRDD[Array[Byte]] = {
val file = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))
val objs = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Array[Byte]]
try {
while (true) {
val length = file.readInt()
val obj = new Array[Byte](length)
} catch {
case eof: EOFException => {}
case e => throw e
JavaRDD.fromRDD(, parallelism))
def writeIteratorToPickleFile[T](items: java.util.Iterator[T], filename: String) {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
writeIteratorToPickleFile(items.asScala, filename)
def writeIteratorToPickleFile[T](items: Iterator[T], filename: String) {
val file = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))
for (item <- items) {
writeAsPickle(item, file)
def takePartition[T](rdd: RDD[T], partition: Int): Iterator[T] = {
implicit val cm : ClassManifest[T] = rdd.elementClassManifest
rdd.context.runJob(rdd, ((x: Iterator[T]) => x.toArray), Seq(partition), true).head.iterator
private object Pickle {
val PROTO: Byte = 0x80.toByte
val TWO: Byte = 0x02.toByte
val BINUNICODE: Byte = 'X'
val STOP: Byte = '.'
val TUPLE2: Byte = 0x86.toByte
val EMPTY_LIST: Byte = ']'
val MARK: Byte = '('
val APPENDS: Byte = 'e'
private class BytesToString extends[Array[Byte], String] {
override def call(arr: Array[Byte]) : String = new String(arr, "UTF-8")
* Internal class that acts as an `AccumulatorParam` for Python accumulators. Inside, it
* collects a list of pickled strings that we pass to Python through a socket.
class PythonAccumulatorParam(@transient serverHost: String, serverPort: Int)
extends AccumulatorParam[JList[Array[Byte]]] {
override def zero(value: JList[Array[Byte]]): JList[Array[Byte]] = new JArrayList
override def addInPlace(val1: JList[Array[Byte]], val2: JList[Array[Byte]])
: JList[Array[Byte]] = {
if (serverHost == null) {
// This happens on the worker node, where we just want to remember all the updates
} else {
// This happens on the master, where we pass the updates to Python through a socket
val socket = new Socket(serverHost, serverPort)
val in = socket.getInputStream
val out = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
for (array <- val2) {
// Wait for a byte from the Python side as an acknowledgement
val byteRead =
if (byteRead == -1) {
throw new SparkException("EOF reached before Python server acknowledged")

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
@transient var totalBlocks = -1
@transient var hasBlocks = new AtomicInteger(0)
// Used ONLY by Master to track how many unique blocks have been sent out
// Used ONLY by driver to track how many unique blocks have been sent out
@transient var sentBlocks = new AtomicInteger(0)
@transient var listenPortLock = new Object
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
@transient var serveMR: ServeMultipleRequests = null
// Used only in Master
// Used only in driver
@transient var guideMR: GuideMultipleRequests = null
// Used only in Workers
@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
// Must always come AFTER listenPort is created
val masterSource =
val driverSource =
SourceInfo(hostAddress, listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes)
hasBlocksBitVector.synchronized {
masterSource.hasBlocksBitVector = hasBlocksBitVector
driverSource.hasBlocksBitVector = hasBlocksBitVector
// In the beginning, this is the only known source to Guide
listOfSources += masterSource
listOfSources += driverSource
// Register with the Tracker
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
case None =>
logInfo("Started reading broadcast variable " + id)
// Initializing everything because Master will only send null/0 values
// Initializing everything because driver will only send null/0 values
// Only the 1st worker in a node can be here. Others will get from cache
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
// Initialize variables in the worker node. Master sends everything as 0/null
// Initialize variables in the worker node. Driver sends everything as 0/null
private def initializeWorkerVariables() {
arrayOfBlocks = null
hasBlocksBitVector = null
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
// Receive source information from Guide
var suitableSources =
logDebug("Received suitableSources from Master " + suitableSources)
logDebug("Received suitableSources from Driver " + suitableSources)
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
// CHANGED: Master might send some other block than the one
// CHANGED: Driver might send some other block than the one
// requested to ensure fast spreading of all blocks.
val recvStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val bcBlock = oisSource.readObject.asInstanceOf[BroadcastBlock]
@ -982,9 +982,9 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
// Receive which block to send
var blockToSend = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
// If it is master AND at least one copy of each block has not been
// If it is driver AND at least one copy of each block has not been
// sent out already, MODIFY blockToSend
if (MultiTracker.isMaster && sentBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
if (MultiTracker.isDriver && sentBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
blockToSend = sentBlocks.getAndIncrement
@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal:
private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcastFactory
extends BroadcastFactory {
def initialize(isMaster: Boolean) { MultiTracker.initialize(isMaster) }
def initialize(isDriver: Boolean) { MultiTracker.initialize(isDriver) }
def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long) =
new BitTorrentBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal, id)

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import spark._
abstract class Broadcast[T](id: Long) extends Serializable {
abstract class Broadcast[T](private[spark] val id: Long) extends Serializable {
def value: T
// We cannot have an abstract readObject here due to some weird issues with
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ abstract class Broadcast[T](id: Long) extends Serializable {
class BroadcastManager(val isMaster_ : Boolean) extends Logging with Serializable {
class BroadcastManager(val _isDriver: Boolean) extends Logging with Serializable {
private var initialized = false
private var broadcastFactory: BroadcastFactory = null
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class BroadcastManager(val isMaster_ : Boolean) extends Logging with Serializabl
// Initialize appropriate BroadcastFactory and BroadcastObject
initialized = true
@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ class BroadcastManager(val isMaster_ : Boolean) extends Logging with Serializabl
def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean) =
broadcastFactory.newBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal, nextBroadcastId.getAndIncrement())
def isMaster = isMaster_
def isDriver = _isDriver

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package spark.broadcast
* entire Spark job.
private[spark] trait BroadcastFactory {
def initialize(isMaster: Boolean): Unit
def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long): Broadcast[T]
def initialize(isDriver: Boolean): Unit
def newBroadcast[T](value: T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long): Broadcast[T]
def stop(): Unit

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T](id) with Logging with Serializable {
private[spark] class HttpBroadcastFactory extends BroadcastFactory {
def initialize(isMaster: Boolean) { HttpBroadcast.initialize(isMaster) }
def initialize(isDriver: Boolean) { HttpBroadcast.initialize(isDriver) }
def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long) =
new HttpBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal, id)
@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ private object HttpBroadcast extends Logging {
private val cleaner = new MetadataCleaner("HttpBroadcast", cleanup)
def initialize(isMaster: Boolean) {
def initialize(isDriver: Boolean) {
synchronized {
if (!initialized) {
bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536").toInt
compress = System.getProperty("spark.broadcast.compress", "true").toBoolean
if (isMaster) {
if (isDriver) {
serverUri = System.getProperty("spark.httpBroadcast.uri")
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ private object HttpBroadcast extends Logging {
private def createServer() {
broadcastDir = Utils.createTempDir()
broadcastDir = Utils.createTempDir(Utils.getLocalDir)
server = new HttpServer(broadcastDir)
serverUri = server.uri

View file

@ -23,25 +23,24 @@ extends Logging {
var ranGen = new Random
private var initialized = false
private var isMaster_ = false
private var _isDriver = false
private var stopBroadcast = false
private var trackMV: TrackMultipleValues = null
def initialize(isMaster__ : Boolean) {
def initialize(__isDriver: Boolean) {
synchronized {
if (!initialized) {
_isDriver = __isDriver
isMaster_ = isMaster__
if (isMaster) {
if (isDriver) {
trackMV = new TrackMultipleValues
// Set masterHostAddress to the master's IP address for the slaves to read
System.setProperty("spark.MultiTracker.MasterHostAddress", Utils.localIpAddress)
// Set DriverHostAddress to the driver's IP address for the slaves to read
System.setProperty("spark.MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress", Utils.localIpAddress)
initialized = true
@ -54,10 +53,10 @@ extends Logging {
// Load common parameters
private var MasterHostAddress_ = System.getProperty(
"spark.MultiTracker.MasterHostAddress", "")
private var MasterTrackerPort_ = System.getProperty(
"spark.broadcast.masterTrackerPort", "11111").toInt
private var DriverHostAddress_ = System.getProperty(
"spark.MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress", "")
private var DriverTrackerPort_ = System.getProperty(
"spark.broadcast.driverTrackerPort", "11111").toInt
private var BlockSize_ = System.getProperty(
"spark.broadcast.blockSize", "4096").toInt * 1024
private var MaxRetryCount_ = System.getProperty(
@ -91,11 +90,11 @@ extends Logging {
private var EndGameFraction_ = System.getProperty(
"spark.broadcast.endGameFraction", "0.95").toDouble
def isMaster = isMaster_
def isDriver = _isDriver
// Common config params
def MasterHostAddress = MasterHostAddress_
def MasterTrackerPort = MasterTrackerPort_
def DriverHostAddress = DriverHostAddress_
def DriverTrackerPort = DriverTrackerPort_
def BlockSize = BlockSize_
def MaxRetryCount = MaxRetryCount_
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ extends Logging {
var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool()
var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(MasterTrackerPort)
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(DriverTrackerPort)
logInfo("TrackMultipleValues started at " + serverSocket)
try {
@ -235,7 +234,7 @@ extends Logging {
try {
// Connect to the tracker to find out GuideInfo
clientSocketToTracker =
new Socket(MultiTracker.MasterHostAddress, MultiTracker.MasterTrackerPort)
new Socket(MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress, MultiTracker.DriverTrackerPort)
oosTracker =
new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocketToTracker.getOutputStream)
@ -276,7 +275,7 @@ extends Logging {
def registerBroadcast(id: Long, gInfo: SourceInfo) {
val socket = new Socket(MultiTracker.MasterHostAddress, MasterTrackerPort)
val socket = new Socket(MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress, DriverTrackerPort)
val oosST = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
val oisST = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ extends Logging {
def unregisterBroadcast(id: Long) {
val socket = new Socket(MultiTracker.MasterHostAddress, MasterTrackerPort)
val socket = new Socket(MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress, DriverTrackerPort)
val oosST = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
val oisST = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)

View file

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T](id) with Logging with Serializable {
case None =>
logInfo("Started reading broadcast variable " + id)
// Initializing everything because Master will only send null/0 values
// Initializing everything because Driver will only send null/0 values
// Only the 1st worker in a node can be here. Others will get from cache
@ -157,55 +157,55 @@ extends Broadcast[T](id) with Logging with Serializable {
listenPortLock.synchronized { listenPortLock.wait() }
var clientSocketToMaster: Socket = null
var oosMaster: ObjectOutputStream = null
var oisMaster: ObjectInputStream = null
var clientSocketToDriver: Socket = null
var oosDriver: ObjectOutputStream = null
var oisDriver: ObjectInputStream = null
// Connect and receive broadcast from the specified source, retrying the
// specified number of times in case of failures
var retriesLeft = MultiTracker.MaxRetryCount
do {
// Connect to Master and send this worker's Information
clientSocketToMaster = new Socket(MultiTracker.MasterHostAddress, gInfo.listenPort)
oosMaster = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocketToMaster.getOutputStream)
oisMaster = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocketToMaster.getInputStream)
// Connect to Driver and send this worker's Information
clientSocketToDriver = new Socket(MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress, gInfo.listenPort)
oosDriver = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocketToDriver.getOutputStream)
oisDriver = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocketToDriver.getInputStream)
logDebug("Connected to Master's guiding object")
logDebug("Connected to Driver's guiding object")
// Send local source information
oosMaster.writeObject(SourceInfo(hostAddress, listenPort))
oosDriver.writeObject(SourceInfo(hostAddress, listenPort))
// Receive source information from Master
var sourceInfo = oisMaster.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
// Receive source information from Driver
var sourceInfo = oisDriver.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
totalBlocks = sourceInfo.totalBlocks
arrayOfBlocks = new Array[BroadcastBlock](totalBlocks)
totalBlocksLock.synchronized { totalBlocksLock.notifyAll() }
totalBytes = sourceInfo.totalBytes
logDebug("Received SourceInfo from Master:" + sourceInfo + " My Port: " + listenPort)
logDebug("Received SourceInfo from Driver:" + sourceInfo + " My Port: " + listenPort)
val start = System.nanoTime
val receptionSucceeded = receiveSingleTransmission(sourceInfo)
val time = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9
// Updating some statistics in sourceInfo. Master will be using them later
// Updating some statistics in sourceInfo. Driver will be using them later
if (!receptionSucceeded) {
sourceInfo.receptionFailed = true
// Send back statistics to the Master
// Send back statistics to the Driver
if (oisMaster != null) {
if (oisDriver != null) {
if (oosMaster != null) {
if (oosDriver != null) {
if (clientSocketToMaster != null) {
if (clientSocketToDriver != null) {
retriesLeft -= 1
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T](id) with Logging with Serializable {
private def sendObject() {
// Wait till receiving the SourceInfo from Master
// Wait till receiving the SourceInfo from Driver
while (totalBlocks == -1) {
totalBlocksLock.synchronized { totalBlocksLock.wait() }
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ extends Broadcast[T](id) with Logging with Serializable {
private[spark] class TreeBroadcastFactory
extends BroadcastFactory {
def initialize(isMaster: Boolean) { MultiTracker.initialize(isMaster) }
def initialize(isDriver: Boolean) { MultiTracker.initialize(isDriver) }
def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long) =
new TreeBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal, id)

View file

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import spark.deploy.ExecutorState.ExecutorState
import spark.deploy.master.{WorkerInfo, JobInfo}
import spark.deploy.worker.ExecutorRunner
import scala.collection.immutable.List
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
private[spark] sealed trait DeployMessage extends Serializable
@ -42,7 +41,8 @@ private[spark] case class LaunchExecutor(
execId: Int,
jobDesc: JobDescription,
cores: Int,
memory: Int)
memory: Int,
sparkHome: String)
extends DeployMessage

View file

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ private[spark] class JobDescription(
val name: String,
val cores: Int,
val memoryPerSlave: Int,
val command: Command)
val command: Command,
val sparkHome: String)
extends Serializable {
val user = System.getProperty("", "<unknown>")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package spark.deploy
import master.{JobInfo, WorkerInfo}
import worker.ExecutorRunner
import cc.spray.json._
* spray-json helper class containing implicit conversion to json for marshalling responses
private[spark] object JsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit object WorkerInfoJsonFormat extends RootJsonWriter[WorkerInfo] {
def write(obj: WorkerInfo) = JsObject(
"id" -> JsString(,
"host" -> JsString(,
"webuiaddress" -> JsString(obj.webUiAddress),
"cores" -> JsNumber(obj.cores),
"coresused" -> JsNumber(obj.coresUsed),
"memory" -> JsNumber(obj.memory),
"memoryused" -> JsNumber(obj.memoryUsed)
implicit object JobInfoJsonFormat extends RootJsonWriter[JobInfo] {
def write(obj: JobInfo) = JsObject(
"starttime" -> JsNumber(obj.startTime),
"id" -> JsString(,
"name" -> JsString(,
"cores" -> JsNumber(obj.desc.cores),
"user" -> JsString(obj.desc.user),
"memoryperslave" -> JsNumber(obj.desc.memoryPerSlave),
"submitdate" -> JsString(obj.submitDate.toString))
implicit object JobDescriptionJsonFormat extends RootJsonWriter[JobDescription] {
def write(obj: JobDescription) = JsObject(
"name" -> JsString(,
"cores" -> JsNumber(obj.cores),
"memoryperslave" -> JsNumber(obj.memoryPerSlave),
"user" -> JsString(obj.user)
implicit object ExecutorRunnerJsonFormat extends RootJsonWriter[ExecutorRunner] {
def write(obj: ExecutorRunner) = JsObject(
"id" -> JsNumber(obj.execId),
"memory" -> JsNumber(obj.memory),
"jobid" -> JsString(obj.jobId),
"jobdesc" -> obj.jobDesc.toJson.asJsObject
implicit object MasterStateJsonFormat extends RootJsonWriter[MasterState] {
def write(obj: MasterState) = JsObject(
"url" -> JsString("spark://" + obj.uri),
"workers" -> JsArray(,
"cores" -> JsNumber(,
"coresused" -> JsNumber(,
"memory" -> JsNumber(,
"memoryused" -> JsNumber(,
"activejobs" -> JsArray(,
"completedjobs" -> JsArray(
implicit object WorkerStateJsonFormat extends RootJsonWriter[WorkerState] {
def write(obj: WorkerState) = JsObject(
"id" -> JsString(obj.workerId),
"masterurl" -> JsString(obj.masterUrl),
"masterwebuiurl" -> JsString(obj.masterWebUiUrl),
"cores" -> JsNumber(obj.cores),
"coresused" -> JsNumber(obj.coresUsed),
"memory" -> JsNumber(obj.memory),
"memoryused" -> JsNumber(obj.memoryUsed),
"executors" -> JsArray(,
"finishedexecutors" -> JsArray(

View file

@ -9,43 +9,32 @@ import spark.{Logging, Utils}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Testing class that creates a Spark standalone process in-cluster (that is, running the
* spark.deploy.master.Master and spark.deploy.worker.Workers in the same JVMs). Executors launched
* by the Workers still run in separate JVMs. This can be used to test distributed operation and
* fault recovery without spinning up a lot of processes.
class LocalSparkCluster(numSlaves: Int, coresPerSlave: Int, memoryPerSlave: Int) extends Logging {
class LocalSparkCluster(numWorkers: Int, coresPerWorker: Int, memoryPerWorker: Int) extends Logging {
val localIpAddress = Utils.localIpAddress
private val localIpAddress = Utils.localIpAddress
private val masterActorSystems = ArrayBuffer[ActorSystem]()
private val workerActorSystems = ArrayBuffer[ActorSystem]()
var masterActor : ActorRef = _
var masterActorSystem : ActorSystem = _
var masterPort : Int = _
var masterUrl : String = _
val slaveActorSystems = ArrayBuffer[ActorSystem]()
val slaveActors = ArrayBuffer[ActorRef]()
def start() : String = {
logInfo("Starting a local Spark cluster with " + numSlaves + " slaves.")
def start(): String = {
logInfo("Starting a local Spark cluster with " + numWorkers + " workers.")
/* Start the Master */
val (actorSystem, masterPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("sparkMaster", localIpAddress, 0)
masterActorSystem = actorSystem
masterUrl = "spark://" + localIpAddress + ":" + masterPort
val actor = masterActorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new Master(localIpAddress, masterPort, 0)), name = "Master")
masterActor = actor
val (masterSystem, masterPort) = Master.startSystemAndActor(localIpAddress, 0, 0)
masterActorSystems += masterSystem
val masterUrl = "spark://" + localIpAddress + ":" + masterPort
/* Start the Slaves */
for (slaveNum <- 1 to numSlaves) {
/* We can pretend to test distributed stuff by giving the slaves distinct hostnames.
All of 127/8 should be a loopback, we use 127.100.*.* in hopes that it is
sufficiently distinctive. */
val slaveIpAddress = "127.100.0." + (slaveNum % 256)
val (actorSystem, boundPort) =
AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("sparkWorker" + slaveNum, slaveIpAddress, 0)
slaveActorSystems += actorSystem
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new Worker(slaveIpAddress, boundPort, 0, coresPerSlave, memoryPerSlave, masterUrl)),
name = "Worker")
slaveActors += actor
/* Start the Workers */
for (workerNum <- 1 to numWorkers) {
val (workerSystem, _) = Worker.startSystemAndActor(localIpAddress, 0, 0, coresPerWorker,
memoryPerWorker, masterUrl, null, Some(workerNum))
workerActorSystems += workerSystem
return masterUrl
@ -53,10 +42,10 @@ class LocalSparkCluster(numSlaves: Int, coresPerSlave: Int, memoryPerSlave: Int)
def stop() {
logInfo("Shutting down local Spark cluster.")
// Stop the slaves before the master so they don't get upset that it disconnected
// Stop the workers before the master so they don't get upset that it disconnected

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import spark.{SparkException, Logging}
import akka.remote.RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
import akka.remote.RemoteClientShutdown
import spark.deploy.RegisterJob
import spark.deploy.master.Master
import akka.remote.RemoteClientDisconnected
import akka.dispatch.Await
@ -24,26 +25,18 @@ private[spark] class Client(
listener: ClientListener)
extends Logging {
val MASTER_REGEX = "spark://([^:]+):([0-9]+)".r
var actor: ActorRef = null
var jobId: String = null
if (MASTER_REGEX.unapplySeq(masterUrl) == None) {
throw new SparkException("Invalid master URL: " + masterUrl)
class ClientActor extends Actor with Logging {
var master: ActorRef = null
var masterAddress: Address = null
var alreadyDisconnected = false // To avoid calling listener.disconnected() multiple times
override def preStart() {
val Seq(masterHost, masterPort) = MASTER_REGEX.unapplySeq(masterUrl).get
logInfo("Connecting to master spark://" + masterHost + ":" + masterPort)
val akkaUrl = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/Master".format(masterHost, masterPort)
logInfo("Connecting to master " + masterUrl)
try {
master = context.actorFor(akkaUrl)
master = context.actorFor(Master.toAkkaUrl(masterUrl))
masterAddress = master.path.address
master ! RegisterJob(jobDescription)
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent])

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ private[spark] trait ClientListener {
def disconnected(): Unit
def executorAdded(id: String, workerId: String, host: String, cores: Int, memory: Int): Unit
def executorAdded(fullId: String, workerId: String, host: String, cores: Int, memory: Int): Unit
def executorRemoved(id: String, message: String, exitStatus: Option[Int]): Unit
def executorRemoved(fullId: String, message: String, exitStatus: Option[Int]): Unit

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ private[spark] object TestClient {
val url = args(0)
val (actorSystem, port) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("spark", Utils.localIpAddress, 0)
val desc = new JobDescription(
"TestClient", 1, 512, Command("spark.deploy.client.TestExecutor", Seq(), Map()))
"TestClient", 1, 512, Command("spark.deploy.client.TestExecutor", Seq(), Map()), "dummy-spark-home")
val listener = new TestListener
val client = new Client(actorSystem, url, desc, listener)

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ private[spark] class JobInfo(
val id: String,
val desc: JobDescription,
val submitDate: Date,
val actor: ActorRef)
val driver: ActorRef)
var state = JobState.WAITING
var executors = new mutable.HashMap[Int, ExecutorInfo]

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ private[spark] class Master(ip: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int) extends Actor
execOption match {
case Some(exec) => {
exec.state = state ! ExecutorUpdated(execId, state, message, exitStatus)
exec.job.driver ! ExecutorUpdated(execId, state, message, exitStatus)
if (ExecutorState.isFinished(state)) {
val jobInfo = idToJob(jobId)
// Remove this executor from the worker and job
@ -97,14 +97,12 @@ private[spark] class Master(ip: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int) extends Actor
// Only retry certain number of times so we don't go into an infinite loop.
if (jobInfo.incrementRetryCount <= JobState.MAX_NUM_RETRY) {
if (jobInfo.incrementRetryCount < JobState.MAX_NUM_RETRY) {
} else {
val e = new SparkException("Job %s wth ID %s failed %d times.".format(
logError("Job %s with ID %s failed %d times, removing it".format(,, jobInfo.retryCount))
logError(e.getMessage, e)
throw e
@ -173,7 +171,7 @@ private[spark] class Master(ip: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int) extends Actor
for (pos <- 0 until numUsable) {
if (assigned(pos) > 0) {
val exec = job.addExecutor(usableWorkers(pos), assigned(pos))
launchExecutor(usableWorkers(pos), exec)
launchExecutor(usableWorkers(pos), exec, job.desc.sparkHome)
job.state = JobState.RUNNING
@ -186,7 +184,7 @@ private[spark] class Master(ip: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int) extends Actor
val coresToUse = math.min(worker.coresFree, job.coresLeft)
if (coresToUse > 0) {
val exec = job.addExecutor(worker, coresToUse)
launchExecutor(worker, exec)
launchExecutor(worker, exec, job.desc.sparkHome)
job.state = JobState.RUNNING
@ -195,11 +193,11 @@ private[spark] class Master(ip: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int) extends Actor
def launchExecutor(worker: WorkerInfo, exec: ExecutorInfo) {
def launchExecutor(worker: WorkerInfo, exec: ExecutorInfo, sparkHome: String) {
logInfo("Launching executor " + exec.fullId + " on worker " +
worker.addExecutor(exec) ! LaunchExecutor(,, exec.job.desc, exec.cores, exec.memory) ! ExecutorAdded(,,, exec.cores, exec.memory) ! LaunchExecutor(,, exec.job.desc, exec.cores, exec.memory, sparkHome)
exec.job.driver ! ExecutorAdded(,,, exec.cores, exec.memory)
def addWorker(id: String, host: String, port: Int, cores: Int, memory: Int, webUiPort: Int,
@ -221,19 +219,19 @@ private[spark] class Master(ip: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int) extends Actor
actorToWorker -=
addressToWorker -=
for (exec <- worker.executors.values) { ! ExecutorStateChanged(,, ExecutorState.LOST, None, None)
exec.job.driver ! ExecutorStateChanged(,, ExecutorState.LOST, None, None)
exec.job.executors -=
def addJob(desc: JobDescription, actor: ActorRef): JobInfo = {
def addJob(desc: JobDescription, driver: ActorRef): JobInfo = {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
val date = new Date(now)
val job = new JobInfo(now, newJobId(date), desc, date, actor)
val job = new JobInfo(now, newJobId(date), desc, date, driver)
jobs += job
idToJob( = job
actorToJob(sender) = job
addressToJob(sender.path.address) = job
actorToJob(driver) = job
addressToJob(driver.path.address) = job
return job
@ -242,8 +240,8 @@ private[spark] class Master(ip: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int) extends Actor
logInfo("Removing job " +
jobs -= job
idToJob -=
actorToJob -=
addressToWorker -=
actorToJob -= job.driver
addressToWorker -= job.driver.path.address
completedJobs += job // Remember it in our history
waitingJobs -= job
for (exec <- job.executors.values) {
@ -264,11 +262,29 @@ private[spark] class Master(ip: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int) extends Actor
private[spark] object Master {
private val systemName = "sparkMaster"
private val actorName = "Master"
private val sparkUrlRegex = "spark://([^:]+):([0-9]+)".r
def main(argStrings: Array[String]) {
val args = new MasterArguments(argStrings)
val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("spark", args.ip, args.port)
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new Master(args.ip, boundPort, args.webUiPort)), name = "Master")
val (actorSystem, _) = startSystemAndActor(args.ip, args.port, args.webUiPort)
/** Returns an `akka://...` URL for the Master actor given a sparkUrl `spark://host:ip`. */
def toAkkaUrl(sparkUrl: String): String = {
sparkUrl match {
case sparkUrlRegex(host, port) =>
"akka://%s@%s:%s/user/%s".format(systemName, host, port, actorName)
case _ =>
throw new SparkException("Invalid master URL: " + sparkUrl)
def startSystemAndActor(host: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int): (ActorSystem, Int) = {
val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem(systemName, host, port)
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new Master(host, boundPort, webUiPort)), name = actorName)
(actorSystem, boundPort)

View file

@ -8,18 +8,31 @@ import akka.util.duration._
import cc.spray.Directives
import cc.spray.directives._
import cc.spray.typeconversion.TwirlSupport._
import spark.deploy._
import cc.spray.http.MediaTypes
import cc.spray.typeconversion.SprayJsonSupport._
import spark.deploy._
import spark.deploy.JsonProtocol._
* Web UI server for the standalone master.
class MasterWebUI(val actorSystem: ActorSystem, master: ActorRef) extends Directives {
val RESOURCE_DIR = "spark/deploy/master/webui"
val STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR = "spark/deploy/static"
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 seconds)
implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 seconds)
val handler = {
get {
path("") {
(path("") & parameters('format ?)) {
case Some(js) if js.equalsIgnoreCase("json") =>
val future = master ? RequestMasterState
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx =>
case _ =>
completeWith {
val future = master ? RequestMasterState {
@ -28,18 +41,26 @@ class MasterWebUI(val actorSystem: ActorSystem, master: ActorRef) extends Direct
} ~
path("job") {
parameter("jobId") { jobId =>
parameters("jobId", 'format ?) {
case (jobId, Some(js)) if (js.equalsIgnoreCase("json")) =>
val future = master ? RequestMasterState
val jobInfo = for (masterState <- future.mapTo[MasterState]) yield {
masterState.activeJobs.find( == jobId).getOrElse({
masterState.completedJobs.find( == jobId).getOrElse(null)
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx =>
case (jobId, _) =>
completeWith {
val future = master ? RequestMasterState { state =>
val masterState = state.asInstanceOf[MasterState]
// A bit ugly an inefficient, but we won't have a number of jobs
// so large that it will make a significant difference.
(masterState.activeJobs ++ masterState.completedJobs).find( == jobId) match {
case Some(job) => spark.deploy.master.html.job_details.render(job)
case _ => null
val job = masterState.activeJobs.find( == jobId).getOrElse({
masterState.completedJobs.find( == jobId).getOrElse(null)
@ -50,5 +71,4 @@ class MasterWebUI(val actorSystem: ActorSystem, master: ActorRef) extends Direct

View file

@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ private[spark] class ExecutorRunner(
/** Replace variables such as {{SLAVEID}} and {{CORES}} in a command argument passed to us */
/** Replace variables such as {{EXECUTOR_ID}} and {{CORES}} in a command argument passed to us */
def substituteVariables(argument: String): String = argument match {
case "{{SLAVEID}}" => workerId
case "{{EXECUTOR_ID}}" => execId.toString
case "{{HOSTNAME}}" => hostname
case "{{CORES}}" => cores.toString
case other => other
@ -106,11 +106,6 @@ private[spark] class ExecutorRunner(
throw new IOException("Failed to create directory " + executorDir)
// Download the files it depends on into it (disabled for now)
//for (url <- jobDesc.fileUrls) {
// fetchFile(url, executorDir)
// Launch the process
val command = buildCommandSeq()
val builder = new ProcessBuilder(command: _*).directory(executorDir)
@ -118,8 +113,7 @@ private[spark] class ExecutorRunner(
for ((key, value) <- jobDesc.command.environment) {
env.put(key, value)
env.put("SPARK_CORES", cores.toString)
env.put("SPARK_MEMORY", memory.toString)
env.put("SPARK_MEM", memory.toString + "m")
// In case we are running this from within the Spark Shell, avoid creating a "scala"
// parent process for the executor command

View file

@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
package spark.deploy.worker
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap}
import{ActorRef, Props, Actor}
import{ActorRef, Props, Actor, ActorSystem, Terminated}
import spark.{Logging, Utils}
import spark.util.AkkaUtils
import spark.deploy._
import akka.remote.RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
import akka.remote.{RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent, RemoteClientShutdown, RemoteClientDisconnected}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date
import akka.remote.RemoteClientShutdown
import akka.remote.RemoteClientDisconnected
import spark.deploy.RegisterWorker
import spark.deploy.LaunchExecutor
import spark.deploy.RegisterWorkerFailed
import spark.deploy.master.Master
private[spark] class Worker(
@ -27,7 +25,6 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
extends Actor with Logging {
val DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss") // For worker and executor IDs
val MASTER_REGEX = "spark://([^:]+):([0-9]+)".r
var master: ActorRef = null
var masterWebUiUrl : String = ""
@ -48,11 +45,7 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
def memoryFree: Int = memory - memoryUsed
def createWorkDir() {
workDir = if (workDirPath != null) {
new File(workDirPath)
} else {
new File(sparkHome, "work")
workDir = Option(workDirPath).map(new File(_)).getOrElse(new File(sparkHome, "work"))
try {
if (!workDir.exists() && !workDir.mkdirs()) {
logError("Failed to create work directory " + workDir)
@ -68,8 +61,7 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
override def preStart() {
logInfo("Starting Spark worker %s:%d with %d cores, %s RAM".format(
ip, port, cores, Utils.memoryMegabytesToString(memory)))
val envVar = System.getenv("SPARK_HOME")
sparkHome = new File(if (envVar == null) "." else envVar)
sparkHome = new File(Option(System.getenv("SPARK_HOME")).getOrElse("."))
logInfo("Spark home: " + sparkHome)
@ -77,12 +69,9 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
def connectToMaster() {
masterUrl match {
case MASTER_REGEX(masterHost, masterPort) => {
logInfo("Connecting to master spark://" + masterHost + ":" + masterPort)
val akkaUrl = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/Master".format(masterHost, masterPort)
logInfo("Connecting to master " + masterUrl)
try {
master = context.actorFor(akkaUrl)
master = context.actorFor(Master.toAkkaUrl(masterUrl))
master ! RegisterWorker(workerId, ip, port, cores, memory, webUiPort, publicAddress)
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent]) // Doesn't work with remote actors, but useful for testing
@ -93,12 +82,6 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
case _ =>
logError("Invalid master URL: " + masterUrl)
def startWebUi() {
val webUi = new WorkerWebUI(context.system, self)
try {
@ -119,10 +102,10 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
logError("Worker registration failed: " + message)
case LaunchExecutor(jobId, execId, jobDesc, cores_, memory_) =>
case LaunchExecutor(jobId, execId, jobDesc, cores_, memory_, execSparkHome_) =>
logInfo("Asked to launch executor %s/%d for %s".format(jobId, execId,
val manager = new ExecutorRunner(
jobId, execId, jobDesc, cores_, memory_, self, workerId, ip, sparkHome, workDir)
jobId, execId, jobDesc, cores_, memory_, self, workerId, ip, new File(execSparkHome_), workDir)
executors(jobId + "/" + execId) = manager
coresUsed += cores_
@ -134,7 +117,9 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
val fullId = jobId + "/" + execId
if (ExecutorState.isFinished(state)) {
val executor = executors(fullId)
logInfo("Executor " + fullId + " finished with state " + state)
logInfo("Executor " + fullId + " finished with state " + state +" message " + _).getOrElse("") +" exitStatus " + _).getOrElse(""))
finishedExecutors(fullId) = executor
executors -= fullId
coresUsed -= executor.cores
@ -143,9 +128,13 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
case KillExecutor(jobId, execId) =>
val fullId = jobId + "/" + execId
val executor = executors(fullId)
executors.get(fullId) match {
case Some(executor) =>
logInfo("Asked to kill executor " + fullId)
case None =>
logInfo("Asked to kill unknown executor " + fullId)
case Terminated(_) | RemoteClientDisconnected(_, _) | RemoteClientShutdown(_, _) =>
@ -177,11 +166,19 @@ private[spark] class Worker(
private[spark] object Worker {
def main(argStrings: Array[String]) {
val args = new WorkerArguments(argStrings)
val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("spark", args.ip, args.port)
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new Worker(args.ip, boundPort, args.webUiPort, args.cores, args.memory,
args.master, args.workDir)),
name = "Worker")
val (actorSystem, _) = startSystemAndActor(args.ip, args.port, args.webUiPort, args.cores,
args.memory, args.master, args.workDir)
def startSystemAndActor(host: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int, cores: Int, memory: Int,
masterUrl: String, workDir: String, workerNumber: Option[Int] = None): (ActorSystem, Int) = {
// The LocalSparkCluster runs multiple local sparkWorkerX actor systems
val systemName = "sparkWorker" +"")
val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem(systemName, host, port)
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new Worker(host, boundPort, webUiPort, cores, memory,
masterUrl, workDir)), name = "Worker")
(actorSystem, boundPort)

View file

@ -104,9 +104,25 @@ private[spark] class WorkerArguments(args: Array[String]) {
def inferDefaultMemory(): Int = {
val bean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean
val totalMb = (bean.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize / 1024 / 1024).toInt
val ibmVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor").contains("IBM")
var totalMb = 0
try {
val bean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean()
if (ibmVendor) {
val beanClass = Class.forName("")
val method = beanClass.getDeclaredMethod("getTotalPhysicalMemory")
totalMb = (method.invoke(bean).asInstanceOf[Long] / 1024 / 1024).toInt
} else {
val beanClass = Class.forName("")
val method = beanClass.getDeclaredMethod("getTotalPhysicalMemorySize")
totalMb = (method.invoke(bean).asInstanceOf[Long] / 1024 / 1024).toInt
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
totalMb = 2*1024
System.out.println("Failed to get total physical memory. Using " + totalMb + " MB")
// Leave out 1 GB for the operating system, but don't return a negative memory size
math.max(totalMb - 1024, 512)

View file

@ -7,18 +7,32 @@ import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.util.duration._
import cc.spray.Directives
import cc.spray.typeconversion.TwirlSupport._
import spark.deploy.{WorkerState, RequestWorkerState}
import cc.spray.http.MediaTypes
import cc.spray.typeconversion.SprayJsonSupport._
import spark.deploy.{WorkerState, RequestWorkerState}
import spark.deploy.JsonProtocol._
* Web UI server for the standalone worker.
class WorkerWebUI(val actorSystem: ActorSystem, worker: ActorRef) extends Directives {
val RESOURCE_DIR = "spark/deploy/worker/webui"
val STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR = "spark/deploy/static"
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 seconds)
implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 seconds)
val handler = {
get {
path("") {
(path("") & parameters('format ?)) {
case Some(js) if js.equalsIgnoreCase("json") => {
val future = worker ? RequestWorkerState
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx =>
case _ =>
val future = worker ? RequestWorkerState { workerState =>
@ -39,5 +53,4 @@ class WorkerWebUI(val actorSystem: ActorSystem, worker: ActorRef) extends Direct

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ private[spark] class Executor extends Logging {
def initialize(slaveHostname: String, properties: Seq[(String, String)]) {
def initialize(executorId: String, slaveHostname: String, properties: Seq[(String, String)]) {
// Make sure the local hostname we report matches the cluster scheduler's name for this host
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ private[spark] class Executor extends Logging {
// Initialize Spark environment (using system properties read above)
env = SparkEnv.createFromSystemProperties(slaveHostname, 0, false, false)
env = SparkEnv.createFromSystemProperties(executorId, slaveHostname, 0, false, false)
// Start worker thread pool
@ -159,23 +159,25 @@ private[spark] class Executor extends Logging {
* SparkContext. Also adds any new JARs we fetched to the class loader.
private def updateDependencies(newFiles: HashMap[String, Long], newJars: HashMap[String, Long]) {
synchronized {
// Fetch missing dependencies
for ((name, timestamp) <- newFiles if currentFiles.getOrElse(name, -1L) < timestamp) {
logInfo("Fetching " + name + " with timestamp " + timestamp)
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File("."))
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory))
currentFiles(name) = timestamp
for ((name, timestamp) <- newJars if currentJars.getOrElse(name, -1L) < timestamp) {
logInfo("Fetching " + name + " with timestamp " + timestamp)
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File("."))
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory))
currentJars(name) = timestamp
// Add it to our class loader
val localName = name.split("/").last
val url = new File(".", localName).toURI.toURL
val url = new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory, localName).toURI.toURL
if (!urlClassLoader.getURLs.contains(url)) {
logInfo("Adding " + url + " to class loader")

View file

@ -29,9 +29,14 @@ private[spark] class MesosExecutorBackend(executor: Executor)
executorInfo: ExecutorInfo,
frameworkInfo: FrameworkInfo,
slaveInfo: SlaveInfo) {
logInfo("Registered with Mesos as executor ID " + executorInfo.getExecutorId.getValue)
this.driver = driver
val properties = Utils.deserialize[Array[(String, String)]](executorInfo.getData.toByteArray)
executor.initialize(slaveInfo.getHostname, properties)
override def launchTask(d: ExecutorDriver, taskInfo: TaskInfo) {

View file

@ -4,78 +4,72 @@ import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import spark.Logging
import spark.TaskState.TaskState
import spark.util.AkkaUtils
import{ActorRef, Actor, Props}
import{ActorRef, Actor, Props, Terminated}
import akka.remote.{RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent, RemoteClientShutdown, RemoteClientDisconnected}
import java.util.concurrent.{TimeUnit, ThreadPoolExecutor, SynchronousQueue}
import akka.remote.RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent
import spark.scheduler.cluster._
import spark.scheduler.cluster.RegisteredSlave
import spark.scheduler.cluster.RegisteredExecutor
import spark.scheduler.cluster.LaunchTask
import spark.scheduler.cluster.RegisterSlaveFailed
import spark.scheduler.cluster.RegisterSlave
import spark.scheduler.cluster.RegisterExecutorFailed
import spark.scheduler.cluster.RegisterExecutor
private[spark] class StandaloneExecutorBackend(
executor: Executor,
masterUrl: String,
slaveId: String,
driverUrl: String,
executorId: String,
hostname: String,
cores: Int)
extends Actor
with ExecutorBackend
with Logging {
val threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
1, 128, 600, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue[Runnable])
var master: ActorRef = null
var driver: ActorRef = null
override def preStart() {
try {
logInfo("Connecting to master: " + masterUrl)
master = context.actorFor(masterUrl)
master ! RegisterSlave(slaveId, hostname, cores)
logInfo("Connecting to driver: " + driverUrl)
driver = context.actorFor(driverUrl)
driver ! RegisterExecutor(executorId, hostname, cores)
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent]) // Doesn't work with remote actors, but useful for testing
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError("Failed to connect to master", e)
} // Doesn't work with remote actors, but useful for testing
override def receive = {
case RegisteredSlave(sparkProperties) =>
logInfo("Successfully registered with master")
executor.initialize(hostname, sparkProperties)
case RegisteredExecutor(sparkProperties) =>
logInfo("Successfully registered with driver")
executor.initialize(executorId, hostname, sparkProperties)
case RegisterSlaveFailed(message) =>
case RegisterExecutorFailed(message) =>
logError("Slave registration failed: " + message)
case LaunchTask(taskDesc) =>
logInfo("Got assigned task " + taskDesc.taskId)
executor.launchTask(this, taskDesc.taskId, taskDesc.serializedTask)
case Terminated(_) | RemoteClientDisconnected(_, _) | RemoteClientShutdown(_, _) =>
logError("Driver terminated or disconnected! Shutting down.")
override def statusUpdate(taskId: Long, state: TaskState, data: ByteBuffer) {
master ! StatusUpdate(slaveId, taskId, state, data)
driver ! StatusUpdate(executorId, taskId, state, data)
private[spark] object StandaloneExecutorBackend {
def run(masterUrl: String, slaveId: String, hostname: String, cores: Int) {
def run(driverUrl: String, executorId: String, hostname: String, cores: Int) {
// Create a new ActorSystem to run the backend, because we can't create a SparkEnv / Executor
// before getting started with all our system properties, etc
val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("sparkExecutor", hostname, 0)
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new StandaloneExecutorBackend(new Executor, masterUrl, slaveId, hostname, cores)),
Props(new StandaloneExecutorBackend(new Executor, driverUrl, executorId, hostname, cores)),
name = "Executor")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length != 4) {
System.err.println("Usage: StandaloneExecutorBackend <master> <slaveId> <hostname> <cores>")
System.err.println("Usage: StandaloneExecutorBackend <driverUrl> <executorId> <hostname> <cores>")
run(args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3).toInt)

View file

@ -12,7 +12,14 @@ import
abstract class Connection(val channel: SocketChannel, val selector: Selector) extends Logging {
abstract class Connection(val channel: SocketChannel, val selector: Selector,
val remoteConnectionManagerId: ConnectionManagerId) extends Logging {
def this(channel_ : SocketChannel, selector_ : Selector) = {
this(channel_, selector_,
@ -25,7 +32,6 @@ abstract class Connection(val channel: SocketChannel, val selector: Selector) ex
var onKeyInterestChangeCallback: (Connection, Int) => Unit = null
val remoteAddress = getRemoteAddress()
val remoteConnectionManagerId = ConnectionManagerId.fromSocketAddress(remoteAddress)
def key() = channel.keyFor(selector)
@ -103,8 +109,9 @@ abstract class Connection(val channel: SocketChannel, val selector: Selector) ex
private[spark] class SendingConnection(val address: InetSocketAddress, selector_ : Selector)
extends Connection(, selector_) {
private[spark] class SendingConnection(val address: InetSocketAddress, selector_ : Selector,
remoteId_ : ConnectionManagerId)
extends Connection(, selector_, remoteId_) {
class Outbox(fair: Int = 0) {
val messages = new Queue[Message]()
@ -135,8 +142,11 @@ extends Connection(, selector_) {
val chunk = message.getChunkForSending(defaultChunkSize)
if (chunk.isDefined) {
messages += message // this is probably incorrect, it wont work as fifo
if (!message.started) logDebug("Starting to send [" + message + "]")
if (!message.started) {
logDebug("Starting to send [" + message + "]")
message.started = true
message.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
return chunk
} else {
/*logInfo("Finished sending [" + message + "] to [" + remoteConnectionManagerId + "]")*/

View file

@ -43,17 +43,16 @@ private[spark] class ConnectionManager(port: Int) extends Logging {
val selector = SelectorProvider.provider.openSelector()
val handleMessageExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4)
val handleMessageExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(System.getProperty("spark.core.connection.handler.threads","20").toInt)
val serverChannel =
val connectionsByKey = new HashMap[SelectionKey, Connection] with SynchronizedMap[SelectionKey, Connection]
val connectionsById = new HashMap[ConnectionManagerId, SendingConnection] with SynchronizedMap[ConnectionManagerId, SendingConnection]
val messageStatuses = new HashMap[Int, MessageStatus]
val connectionRequests = new SynchronizedQueue[SendingConnection]
val connectionRequests = new HashMap[ConnectionManagerId, SendingConnection] with SynchronizedMap[ConnectionManagerId, SendingConnection]
val keyInterestChangeRequests = new SynchronizedQueue[(SelectionKey, Int)]
val sendMessageRequests = new Queue[(Message, SendingConnection)]
implicit val futureExecContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(
implicit val futureExecContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool())
var onReceiveCallback: (BufferMessage, ConnectionManagerId) => Option[Message]= null
@ -79,10 +78,10 @@ private[spark] class ConnectionManager(port: Int) extends Logging {
def run() {
try {
while(!selectorThread.isInterrupted) {
while(!connectionRequests.isEmpty) {
val sendingConnection = connectionRequests.dequeue
for( (connectionManagerId, sendingConnection) <- connectionRequests) {
connectionRequests -= connectionManagerId
sendMessageRequests.synchronized {
while(!sendMessageRequests.isEmpty) {
@ -300,8 +299,8 @@ private[spark] class ConnectionManager(port: Int) extends Logging {
private def sendMessage(connectionManagerId: ConnectionManagerId, message: Message) {
def startNewConnection(): SendingConnection = {
val inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(, connectionManagerId.port)
val newConnection = new SendingConnection(inetSocketAddress, selector)
connectionRequests += newConnection
val newConnection = connectionRequests.getOrElseUpdate(connectionManagerId,
new SendingConnection(inetSocketAddress, selector, connectionManagerId))
val lookupKey = ConnectionManagerId.fromSocketAddress(connectionManagerId.toSocketAddress)
@ -473,6 +472,7 @@ private[spark] object ConnectionManager {
val mb = size * count / 1024.0 / 1024.0
val ms = finishTime - startTime
val tput = mb * 1000.0 / ms
println("Sent " + mb + " MB in " + ms + " ms (" + tput + " MB/s)")

View file

@ -13,8 +13,14 @@ import akka.util.duration._
private[spark] object ConnectionManagerTest extends Logging{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//<mesos cluster> - the master URL
//<slaves file> - a list slaves to run connectionTest on
//[num of tasks] - the number of parallel tasks to be initiated default is number of slave hosts
//[size of msg in MB (integer)] - the size of messages to be sent in each task, default is 10
//[count] - how many times to run, default is 3
//[await time in seconds] : await time (in seconds), default is 600
if (args.length < 2) {
println("Usage: ConnectionManagerTest <mesos cluster> <slaves file>")
println("Usage: ConnectionManagerTest <mesos cluster> <slaves file> [num of tasks] [size of msg in MB (integer)] [count] [await time in seconds)] ")
@ -29,16 +35,19 @@ private[spark] object ConnectionManagerTest extends Logging{
val slaveConnManagerIds = sc.parallelize(0 until slaves.length, slaves.length).map(
val tasknum = if (args.length > 2) args(2).toInt else slaves.length
val size = ( if (args.length > 3) (args(3).toInt) else 10 ) * 1024 * 1024
val count = if (args.length > 4) args(4).toInt else 3
val awaitTime = (if (args.length > 5) args(5).toInt else 600 ).second
println("Running "+count+" rounds of test: " + "parallel tasks = " + tasknum + ", msg size = " + size/1024/1024 + " MB, awaitTime = " + awaitTime)
val slaveConnManagerIds = sc.parallelize(0 until tasknum, tasknum).map(
i =>
println("\nSlave ConnectionManagerIds")
val count = 10
(0 until count).foreach(i => {
val resultStrs = sc.parallelize(0 until slaves.length, slaves.length).map(i => {
val resultStrs = sc.parallelize(0 until tasknum, tasknum).map(i => {
val connManager = SparkEnv.get.connectionManager
val thisConnManagerId =
connManager.onReceiveMessage((msg: Message, id: ConnectionManagerId) => {
@ -46,7 +55,6 @@ private[spark] object ConnectionManagerTest extends Logging{
val size = 100 * 1024 * 1024
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size).put(Array.tabulate[Byte](size)(x => x.toByte))
@ -56,13 +64,13 @@ private[spark] object ConnectionManagerTest extends Logging{
logInfo("Sending [" + bufferMessage + "] to [" + slaveConnManagerId + "]")
connManager.sendMessageReliably(slaveConnManagerId, bufferMessage)
val results = => Await.result(f, 1.second))
val results = => Await.result(f, awaitTime))
val finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val mb = size * results.size / 1024.0 / 1024.0
val ms = finishTime - startTime
val resultStr = "Sent " + mb + " MB in " + ms + " ms at " + (mb / ms * 1000.0) + " MB/s"
val resultStr = thisConnManagerId + " Sent " + mb + " MB in " + ms + " ms at " + (mb / ms * 1000.0) + " MB/s"

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ private[spark] class ApproximateActionListener[T, U, R](
if (finishedTasks == totalTasks) {
// If we had already returned a PartialResult, set its final value
resultObject.foreach(r => r.setFinalValue(evaluator.currentResult()))
// Notify any waiting thread that may have called getResult
// Notify any waiting thread that may have called awaitResult
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ private[spark] class ApproximateActionListener[T, U, R](
* Waits for up to timeout milliseconds since the listener was created and then returns a
* PartialResult with the result so far. This may be complete if the whole job is done.
def getResult(): PartialResult[R] = synchronized {
def awaitResult(): PartialResult[R] = synchronized {
val finishTime = startTime + timeout
while (true) {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis()

View file

@ -11,13 +11,11 @@ private[spark]
class BlockRDD[T: ClassManifest](sc: SparkContext, @transient blockIds: Array[String])
extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {
var splits_ : Array[Split] = (0 until blockIds.size).map(i => {
@transient var splits_ : Array[Split] = (0 until blockIds.size).map(i => {
new BlockRDDSplit(blockIds(i), i).asInstanceOf[Split]
lazy val locations_ = {
@transient lazy val locations_ = {
val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager
/*val locations = => blockManager.getLocations(id))*/
val locations = blockManager.getLocations(blockIds)

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package spark.rdd
import{ObjectOutputStream, IOException}
import spark.{OneToOneDependency, NarrowDependency, RDD, SparkContext, Split, TaskContext}
import spark._
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ class CartesianRDD[T: ClassManifest, U:ClassManifest](
val numSplitsInRdd2 = rdd2.splits.size
var splits_ = {
override def getSplits: Array[Split] = {
// create the cross product split
val array = new Array[Split](rdd1.splits.size * rdd2.splits.size)
for (s1 <- rdd1.splits; s2 <- rdd2.splits) {
@ -46,8 +45,6 @@ class CartesianRDD[T: ClassManifest, U:ClassManifest](
override def getSplits = splits_
override def getPreferredLocations(split: Split) = {
val currSplit = split.asInstanceOf[CartesianSplit]
rdd1.preferredLocations(currSplit.s1) ++ rdd2.preferredLocations(currSplit.s2)
@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ class CartesianRDD[T: ClassManifest, U:ClassManifest](
y <- rdd2.iterator(currSplit.s2, context)) yield (x, y)
var deps_ = List(
override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = List(
new NarrowDependency(rdd1) {
def getParents(id: Int): Seq[Int] = List(id / numSplitsInRdd2)
@ -68,11 +65,7 @@ class CartesianRDD[T: ClassManifest, U:ClassManifest](
override def getDependencies = deps_
override def clearDependencies() {
deps_ = Nil
splits_ = null
rdd1 = null
rdd2 = null

View file

@ -9,23 +9,26 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import{File, IOException, EOFException}
import java.text.NumberFormat
private[spark] class CheckpointRDDSplit(idx: Int, val splitFile: String) extends Split {
override val index: Int = idx
private[spark] class CheckpointRDDSplit(val index: Int) extends Split {}
* This RDD represents a RDD checkpoint file (similar to HadoopRDD).
class CheckpointRDD[T: ClassManifest](sc: SparkContext, checkpointPath: String)
class CheckpointRDD[T: ClassManifest](sc: SparkContext, val checkpointPath: String)
extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {
@transient val path = new Path(checkpointPath)
@transient val fs = path.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
@transient val fs = new Path(checkpointPath).getFileSystem(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
@transient val splits_ : Array[Split] = {
val splitFiles = fs.listStatus(path).map(_.getPath.toString).filter(_.contains("part-")).sorted => new CheckpointRDDSplit(x._2, x._1)).toArray
val dirContents = fs.listStatus(new Path(checkpointPath))
val splitFiles ="part-")).sorted
val numSplits = splitFiles.size
if (numSplits > 0 && (!splitFiles(0).endsWith(CheckpointRDD.splitIdToFile(0)) ||
!splitFiles(numSplits-1).endsWith(CheckpointRDD.splitIdToFile(numSplits-1)))) {
throw new SparkException("Invalid checkpoint directory: " + checkpointPath)
Array.tabulate(numSplits)(i => new CheckpointRDDSplit(i))
checkpointData = Some(new RDDCheckpointData[T](this))
@ -34,36 +37,34 @@ class CheckpointRDD[T: ClassManifest](sc: SparkContext, checkpointPath: String)
override def getSplits = splits_
override def getPreferredLocations(split: Split): Seq[String] = {
val status = fs.getFileStatus(path)
val status = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(checkpointPath))
val locations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(status, 0, status.getLen)
locations.firstOption.toList.flatMap(_.getHosts).filter(_ != "localhost")
locations.headOption.toList.flatMap(_.getHosts).filter(_ != "localhost")
override def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
CheckpointRDD.readFromFile(split.asInstanceOf[CheckpointRDDSplit].splitFile, context)
val file = new Path(checkpointPath, CheckpointRDD.splitIdToFile(split.index))
CheckpointRDD.readFromFile(file, context)
override def checkpoint() {
// Do nothing. Hadoop RDD should not be checkpointed.
// Do nothing. CheckpointRDD should not be checkpointed.
private[spark] object CheckpointRDD extends Logging {
def splitIdToFileName(splitId: Int): String = {
val numfmt = NumberFormat.getInstance()
"part-" + numfmt.format(splitId)
def splitIdToFile(splitId: Int): String = {
def writeToFile[T](path: String, blockSize: Int = -1)(context: TaskContext, iterator: Iterator[T]) {
def writeToFile[T](path: String, blockSize: Int = -1)(ctx: TaskContext, iterator: Iterator[T]) {
val outputDir = new Path(path)
val fs = outputDir.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
val finalOutputName = splitIdToFileName(context.splitId)
val finalOutputName = splitIdToFile(ctx.splitId)
val finalOutputPath = new Path(outputDir, finalOutputName)
val tempOutputPath = new Path(outputDir, "." + finalOutputName + "-attempt-" + context.attemptId)
val tempOutputPath = new Path(outputDir, "." + finalOutputName + "-attempt-" + ctx.attemptId)
if (fs.exists(tempOutputPath)) {
throw new IOException("Checkpoint failed: temporary path " +
@ -83,22 +84,22 @@ private[spark] object CheckpointRDD extends Logging {
if (!fs.rename(tempOutputPath, finalOutputPath)) {
if (!fs.delete(finalOutputPath, true)) {
throw new IOException("Checkpoint failed: failed to delete earlier output of task "
+ context.attemptId)
if (!fs.rename(tempOutputPath, finalOutputPath)) {
if (!fs.exists(finalOutputPath)) {
fs.delete(tempOutputPath, false)
throw new IOException("Checkpoint failed: failed to save output of task: "
+ context.attemptId)
+ ctx.attemptId + " and final output path does not exist")
} else {
// Some other copy of this task must've finished before us and renamed it
logInfo("Final output path " + finalOutputPath + " already exists; not overwriting it")
fs.delete(tempOutputPath, false)
def readFromFile[T](path: String, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
val inputPath = new Path(path)
val fs = inputPath.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
def readFromFile[T](path: Path, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
val fs = path.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
val bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536").toInt
val fileInputStream =, bufferSize)
val fileInputStream =, bufferSize)
val serializer = SparkEnv.get.serializer.newInstance()
val deserializeStream = serializer.deserializeStream(fileInputStream)

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package spark.rdd
import{ObjectOutputStream, IOException}
import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import spark.{Aggregator, Logging, Partitioner, RDD, SparkEnv, Split, TaskContext}
import spark.{Dependency, OneToOneDependency, ShuffleDependency}
@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ class CoGroupedRDD[K](@transient var rdds: Seq[RDD[(_, _)]], part: Partitioner)
val aggr = new CoGroupAggregator
var deps_ = {
@transient var deps_ = {
val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
for ((rdd, index) <- rdds.zipWithIndex) {
if (rdd.partitioner == Some(part)) {
@ -63,8 +62,7 @@ class CoGroupedRDD[K](@transient var rdds: Seq[RDD[(_, _)]], part: Partitioner)
override def getDependencies = deps_
var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
@transient var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
val array = new Array[Split](part.numPartitions)
for (i <- 0 until array.size) {
array(i) = new CoGroupSplit(i, { case (r, j) =>
@ -86,9 +84,17 @@ class CoGroupedRDD[K](@transient var rdds: Seq[RDD[(_, _)]], part: Partitioner)
override def compute(s: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(K, Seq[Seq[_]])] = {
val split = s.asInstanceOf[CoGroupSplit]
val numRdds = split.deps.size
val map = new HashMap[K, Seq[ArrayBuffer[Any]]]
// e.g. for `(k, a) cogroup (k, b)`, K -> Seq(ArrayBuffer as, ArrayBuffer bs)
val map = new JHashMap[K, Seq[ArrayBuffer[Any]]]
def getSeq(k: K): Seq[ArrayBuffer[Any]] = {
map.getOrElseUpdate(k, Array.fill(numRdds)(new ArrayBuffer[Any]))
val seq = map.get(k)
if (seq != null) {
} else {
val seq = Array.fill(numRdds)(new ArrayBuffer[Any])
map.put(k, seq)
for ((dep, depNum) <- split.deps.zipWithIndex) dep match {
case NarrowCoGroupSplitDep(rdd, itsSplitIndex, itsSplit) => {
@ -99,16 +105,13 @@ class CoGroupedRDD[K](@transient var rdds: Seq[RDD[(_, _)]], part: Partitioner)
case ShuffleCoGroupSplitDep(shuffleId) => {
// Read map outputs of shuffle
def mergePair(pair: (K, Seq[Any])) {
val mySeq = getSeq(pair._1)
for (v <- pair._2)
mySeq(depNum) += v
val fetcher = SparkEnv.get.shuffleFetcher
fetcher.fetch[K, Seq[Any]](shuffleId, split.index).foreach(mergePair)
for ((k, vs) <- fetcher.fetch[K, Seq[Any]](shuffleId, split.index)) {
getSeq(k)(depNum) ++= vs
override def clearDependencies() {

View file

@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ private[spark] case class CoalescedRDDSplit(
* or to avoid having a large number of small tasks when processing a directory with many files.
class CoalescedRDD[T: ClassManifest](
var prev: RDD[T],
@transient var prev: RDD[T],
maxPartitions: Int)
extends RDD[T](prev.context, Nil) { // Nil, so the dependencies_ var does not refer to parent RDDs
extends RDD[T](prev.context, Nil) { // Nil since we implement getDependencies
@transient var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
override def getSplits: Array[Split] = {
val prevSplits = prev.splits
if (prevSplits.length < maxPartitions) {{idx => new CoalescedRDDSplit(idx, prev, Array(idx)) }
@ -44,26 +44,20 @@ class CoalescedRDD[T: ClassManifest](
override def getSplits = splits_
override def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
split.asInstanceOf[CoalescedRDDSplit].parents.iterator.flatMap { parentSplit =>
firstParent[T].iterator(parentSplit, context)
var deps_ : List[Dependency[_]] = List(
override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = List(
new NarrowDependency(prev) {
def getParents(id: Int): Seq[Int] =
override def getDependencies() = deps_
override def clearDependencies() {
deps_ = Nil
splits_ = null
prev = null

View file

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ private[spark] class FilteredRDD[T: ClassManifest](
override def getSplits = firstParent[T].splits
override val partitioner = prev.partitioner // Since filter cannot change a partition's keys
override def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext) =
firstParent[T].iterator(split, context).filter(f)

View file

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ package spark.rdd
import spark.{RDD, Split, TaskContext}
class MappedRDD[U: ClassManifest, T: ClassManifest](
prev: RDD[T],
f: T => U)
class MappedRDD[U: ClassManifest, T: ClassManifest](prev: RDD[T], f: T => U)
extends RDD[U](prev) {
override def getSplits = firstParent[T].splits

View file

@ -37,11 +37,9 @@ class NewHadoopRDD[K, V](
formatter.format(new Date())
private val jobId = new JobID(jobtrackerId, id)
@transient private val jobId = new JobID(jobtrackerId, id)
private val splits_ : Array[Split] = {
@transient private val splits_ : Array[Split] = {
val inputFormat = inputFormatClass.newInstance
val jobContext = newJobContext(conf, jobId)
val rawSplits = inputFormat.getSplits(jobContext).toArray

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package spark.rdd
import spark.{NarrowDependency, RDD, SparkEnv, Split, TaskContext}
class PartitionPruningRDDSplit(idx: Int, val parentSplit: Split) extends Split {
override val index = idx
* Represents a dependency between the PartitionPruningRDD and its parent. In this
* case, the child RDD contains a subset of partitions of the parents'.
class PruneDependency[T](rdd: RDD[T], @transient partitionFilterFunc: Int => Boolean)
extends NarrowDependency[T](rdd) {
val partitions: Array[Split] = rdd.splits.filter(s => partitionFilterFunc(s.index)) { case(split, idx) => new PartitionPruningRDDSplit(idx, split) : Split }
override def getParents(partitionId: Int) = List(partitions(partitionId).index)
* A RDD used to prune RDD partitions/splits so we can avoid launching tasks on
* all partitions. An example use case: If we know the RDD is partitioned by range,
* and the execution DAG has a filter on the key, we can avoid launching tasks
* on partitions that don't have the range covering the key.
class PartitionPruningRDD[T: ClassManifest](
@transient prev: RDD[T],
@transient partitionFilterFunc: Int => Boolean)
extends RDD[T](prev.context, List(new PruneDependency(prev, partitionFilterFunc))) {
override def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext) = firstParent[T].iterator(
split.asInstanceOf[PartitionPruningRDDSplit].parentSplit, context)
override protected def getSplits =

View file

@ -19,13 +19,12 @@ class SampledRDD[T: ClassManifest](
seed: Int)
extends RDD[T](prev) {
var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
@transient var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
val rg = new Random(seed)
firstParent[T] => new SampledRDDSplit(x, rg.nextInt))
override def getSplits = splits_.asInstanceOf[Array[Split]]
override def getSplits = splits_
override def getPreferredLocations(split: Split) =

View file

@ -22,17 +22,10 @@ class ShuffledRDD[K, V](
override val partitioner = Some(part)
var splits_ = Array.tabulate[Split](part.numPartitions)(i => new ShuffledRDDSplit(i))
override def getSplits = splits_
override def getSplits = Array.tabulate[Split](part.numPartitions)(i => new ShuffledRDDSplit(i))
override def compute(split: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(K, V)] = {
val shuffledId = dependencies.head.asInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[K, V]].shuffleId
SparkEnv.get.shuffleFetcher.fetch[K, V](shuffledId, split.index)
override def clearDependencies() {
splits_ = null

View file

@ -26,10 +26,9 @@ private[spark] class UnionSplit[T: ClassManifest](idx: Int, rdd: RDD[T], splitIn
class UnionRDD[T: ClassManifest](
sc: SparkContext,
@transient var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) { // Nil, so the dependencies_ var does not refer to parent RDDs
extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) { // Nil since we implement getDependencies
var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
override def getSplits: Array[Split] = {
val array = new Array[Split](
var pos = 0
for (rdd <- rdds; split <- rdd.splits) {
@ -39,20 +38,16 @@ class UnionRDD[T: ClassManifest](
override def getSplits = splits_
@transient var deps_ = {
override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
var pos = 0
for (rdd <- rdds) {
deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.splits.size)
pos += rdd.splits.size
override def getDependencies = deps_
override def compute(s: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] =
@ -60,8 +55,6 @@ class UnionRDD[T: ClassManifest](
override def clearDependencies() {
deps_ = null
splits_ = null
rdds = null

View file

@ -32,10 +32,7 @@ class ZippedRDD[T: ClassManifest, U: ClassManifest](
extends RDD[(T, U)](sc, List(new OneToOneDependency(rdd1), new OneToOneDependency(rdd2)))
with Serializable {
var splits_ : Array[Split] = {
override def getSplits: Array[Split] = {
if (rdd1.splits.size != rdd2.splits.size) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't zip RDDs with unequal numbers of partitions")
@ -46,8 +43,6 @@ class ZippedRDD[T: ClassManifest, U: ClassManifest](
override def getSplits = splits_
override def compute(s: Split, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, U)] = {
val (split1, split2) = s.asInstanceOf[ZippedSplit[T, U]].splits
rdd1.iterator(split1, context).zip(rdd2.iterator(split2, context))
@ -59,7 +54,6 @@ class ZippedRDD[T: ClassManifest, U: ClassManifest](
override def clearDependencies() {
splits_ = null
rdd1 = null
rdd2 = null

View file

@ -23,7 +23,16 @@ import util.{MetadataCleaner, TimeStampedHashMap}
* and to report fetch failures (the submitTasks method, and code to add CompletionEvents).
class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with Logging {
class DAGScheduler(
taskSched: TaskScheduler,
mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTracker,
blockManagerMaster: BlockManagerMaster,
env: SparkEnv)
extends TaskSchedulerListener with Logging {
def this(taskSched: TaskScheduler) {
this(taskSched, SparkEnv.get.mapOutputTracker, SparkEnv.get.blockManager.master, SparkEnv.get)
// Called by TaskScheduler to report task completions or failures.
@ -35,12 +44,12 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
eventQueue.put(CompletionEvent(task, reason, result, accumUpdates))
// Called by TaskScheduler when a host fails.
override def hostLost(host: String) {
// Called by TaskScheduler when an executor fails.
override def executorLost(execId: String) {
// Called by TaskScheduler to cancel an entier TaskSet due to repeated failures.
// Called by TaskScheduler to cancel an entire TaskSet due to repeated failures.
override def taskSetFailed(taskSet: TaskSet, reason: String) {
eventQueue.put(TaskSetFailed(taskSet, reason))
@ -54,8 +63,6 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
// resubmit failed stages
private val lock = new Object // Used for access to the entire DAGScheduler
private val eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[DAGSchedulerEvent]
val nextRunId = new AtomicInteger(0)
@ -68,12 +75,13 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
var cacheLocs = new HashMap[Int, Array[List[String]]]
val env = SparkEnv.get
val cacheTracker = env.cacheTracker
val mapOutputTracker = env.mapOutputTracker
val deadHosts = new HashSet[String] // TODO: The code currently assumes these can't come back;
// that's not going to be a realistic assumption in general
// For tracking failed nodes, we use the MapOutputTracker's generation number, which is
// sent with every task. When we detect a node failing, we note the current generation number
// and failed executor, increment it for new tasks, and use this to ignore stray ShuffleMapTask
// results.
// TODO: Garbage collect information about failure generations when we know there are no more
// stray messages to detect.
val failedGeneration = new HashMap[String, Long]
val waiting = new HashSet[Stage] // Stages we need to run whose parents aren't done
val running = new HashSet[Stage] // Stages we are running right now
@ -87,19 +95,27 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
val metadataCleaner = new MetadataCleaner("DAGScheduler", this.cleanup)
// Start a thread to run the DAGScheduler event loop
def start() {
new Thread("DAGScheduler") {
override def run() {
def getCacheLocs(rdd: RDD[_]): Array[List[String]] = {
private def getCacheLocs(rdd: RDD[_]): Array[List[String]] = {
if (!cacheLocs.contains( {
val blockIds => "rdd_%d_%d".format(, index)).toArray
cacheLocs( = blockManagerMaster.getLocations(blockIds).map {
locations =>
def updateCacheLocs() {
cacheLocs = cacheTracker.getLocationsSnapshot()
private def clearCacheLocs() {
@ -107,7 +123,7 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* The priority value passed in will be used if the stage doesn't already exist with
* a lower priority (we assume that priorities always increase across jobs for now).
def getShuffleMapStage(shuffleDep: ShuffleDependency[_,_], priority: Int): Stage = {
private def getShuffleMapStage(shuffleDep: ShuffleDependency[_,_], priority: Int): Stage = {
shuffleToMapStage.get(shuffleDep.shuffleId) match {
case Some(stage) => stage
case None =>
@ -122,12 +138,11 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* as a result stage for the final RDD used directly in an action. The stage will also be given
* the provided priority.
def newStage(rdd: RDD[_], shuffleDep: Option[ShuffleDependency[_,_]], priority: Int): Stage = {
private def newStage(rdd: RDD[_], shuffleDep: Option[ShuffleDependency[_,_]], priority: Int): Stage = {
if (shuffleDep != None) {
// Kind of ugly: need to register RDDs with the cache and map output tracker here
// since we can't do it in the RDD constructor because # of splits is unknown
logInfo("Registering RDD " + + " (" + rdd.origin + ")")
cacheTracker.registerRDD(, rdd.splits.size)
if (shuffleDep != None) {
mapOutputTracker.registerShuffle(shuffleDep.get.shuffleId, rdd.splits.size)
val id = nextStageId.getAndIncrement()
@ -140,7 +155,7 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* Get or create the list of parent stages for a given RDD. The stages will be assigned the
* provided priority if they haven't already been created with a lower priority.
def getParentStages(rdd: RDD[_], priority: Int): List[Stage] = {
private def getParentStages(rdd: RDD[_], priority: Int): List[Stage] = {
val parents = new HashSet[Stage]
val visited = new HashSet[RDD[_]]
def visit(r: RDD[_]) {
@ -148,8 +163,6 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
visited += r
// Kind of ugly: need to register RDDs with the cache here since
// we can't do it in its constructor because # of splits is unknown
logInfo("Registering parent RDD " + + " (" + r.origin + ")")
cacheTracker.registerRDD(, r.splits.size)
for (dep <- r.dependencies) {
dep match {
case shufDep: ShuffleDependency[_,_] =>
@ -164,15 +177,13 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
def getMissingParentStages(stage: Stage): List[Stage] = {
private def getMissingParentStages(stage: Stage): List[Stage] = {
val missing = new HashSet[Stage]
val visited = new HashSet[RDD[_]]
def visit(rdd: RDD[_]) {
if (!visited(rdd)) {
visited += rdd
val locs = getCacheLocs(rdd)
for (p <- 0 until rdd.splits.size) {
if (locs(p) == Nil) {
if (getCacheLocs(rdd).contains(Nil)) {
for (dep <- rdd.dependencies) {
dep match {
case shufDep: ShuffleDependency[_,_] =>
@ -187,28 +198,49 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* Returns (and does not submit) a JobSubmitted event suitable to run a given job, and a
* JobWaiter whose getResult() method will return the result of the job when it is complete.
* The job is assumed to have at least one partition; zero partition jobs should be handled
* without a JobSubmitted event.
private[scheduler] def prepareJob[T, U: ClassManifest](
finalRdd: RDD[T],
func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
partitions: Seq[Int],
callSite: String,
allowLocal: Boolean,
resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit)
: (JobSubmitted, JobWaiter[U]) =
assert(partitions.size > 0)
val waiter = new JobWaiter(partitions.size, resultHandler)
val func2 = func.asInstanceOf[(TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _]
val toSubmit = JobSubmitted(finalRdd, func2, partitions.toArray, allowLocal, callSite, waiter)
return (toSubmit, waiter)
def runJob[T, U: ClassManifest](
finalRdd: RDD[T],
func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,
partitions: Seq[Int],
callSite: String,
allowLocal: Boolean)
: Array[U] =
allowLocal: Boolean,
resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit)
if (partitions.size == 0) {
return new Array[U](0)
val waiter = new JobWaiter(partitions.size)
val func2 = func.asInstanceOf[(TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _]
eventQueue.put(JobSubmitted(finalRdd, func2, partitions.toArray, allowLocal, callSite, waiter))
waiter.getResult() match {
case JobSucceeded(results: Seq[_]) =>
return results.asInstanceOf[Seq[U]].toArray
val (toSubmit, waiter) = prepareJob(
finalRdd, func, partitions, callSite, allowLocal, resultHandler)
waiter.awaitResult() match {
case JobSucceeded => {}
case JobFailed(exception: Exception) =>
logInfo("Failed to run " + callSite)
throw exception
@ -227,32 +259,22 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
val func2 = func.asInstanceOf[(TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _]
val partitions = (0 until rdd.splits.size).toArray
eventQueue.put(JobSubmitted(rdd, func2, partitions, false, callSite, listener))
return listener.getResult() // Will throw an exception if the job fails
return listener.awaitResult() // Will throw an exception if the job fails
* The main event loop of the DAG scheduler, which waits for new-job / task-finished / failure
* events and responds by launching tasks. This runs in a dedicated thread and receives events
* via the eventQueue.
* Process one event retrieved from the event queue.
* Returns true if we should stop the event loop.
def run() {
while (true) {
val event = eventQueue.poll(POLL_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val time = System.currentTimeMillis() // TODO: use a pluggable clock for testability
if (event != null) {
logDebug("Got event of type " + event.getClass.getName)
private[scheduler] def processEvent(event: DAGSchedulerEvent): Boolean = {
event match {
case JobSubmitted(finalRDD, func, partitions, allowLocal, callSite, listener) =>
val runId = nextRunId.getAndIncrement()
val finalStage = newStage(finalRDD, None, runId)
val job = new ActiveJob(runId, finalStage, func, partitions, callSite, listener)
logInfo("Got job " + job.runId + " (" + callSite + ") with " + partitions.length +
" output partitions")
" output partitions (allowLocal=" + allowLocal + ")")
logInfo("Final stage: " + finalStage + " (" + finalStage.origin + ")")
logInfo("Parents of final stage: " + finalStage.parents)
logInfo("Missing parents: " + getMissingParentStages(finalStage))
@ -265,8 +287,8 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
case HostLost(host) =>
case ExecutorLost(execId) =>
case completion: CompletionEvent =>
@ -280,37 +302,74 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
val error = new SparkException("Job cancelled because SparkContext was shut down")
case null =>
// queue.poll() timed out, ignore it
return true
return false
* Resubmit any failed stages. Ordinarily called after a small amount of time has passed since
* the last fetch failure.
private[scheduler] def resubmitFailedStages() {
logInfo("Resubmitting failed stages")
val failed2 = failed.toArray
for (stage <- failed2.sortBy(_.priority)) {
* Check for waiting or failed stages which are now eligible for resubmission.
* Ordinarily run on every iteration of the event loop.
private[scheduler] def submitWaitingStages() {
// TODO: We might want to run this less often, when we are sure that something has become
// runnable that wasn't before.
logTrace("Checking for newly runnable parent stages")
logTrace("running: " + running)
logTrace("waiting: " + waiting)
logTrace("failed: " + failed)
val waiting2 = waiting.toArray
for (stage <- waiting2.sortBy(_.priority)) {
* The main event loop of the DAG scheduler, which waits for new-job / task-finished / failure
* events and responds by launching tasks. This runs in a dedicated thread and receives events
* via the eventQueue.
private def run() {
while (true) {
val event = eventQueue.poll(POLL_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
if (event != null) {
logDebug("Got event of type " + event.getClass.getName)
if (event != null) {
if (processEvent(event)) {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis() // TODO: use a pluggable clock for testability
// Periodically resubmit failed stages if some map output fetches have failed and we have
// waited at least RESUBMIT_TIMEOUT. We wait for this short time because when a node fails,
// tasks on many other nodes are bound to get a fetch failure, and they won't all get it at
// the same time, so we want to make sure we've identified all the reduce tasks that depend
// on the failed node.
if (failed.size > 0 && time > lastFetchFailureTime + RESUBMIT_TIMEOUT) {
logInfo("Resubmitting failed stages")
val failed2 = failed.toArray
for (stage <- failed2.sortBy(_.priority)) {
} else {
// TODO: We might want to run this less often, when we are sure that something has become
// runnable that wasn't before.
logDebug("Checking for newly runnable parent stages")
logDebug("running: " + running)
logDebug("waiting: " + waiting)
logDebug("failed: " + failed)
val waiting2 = waiting.toArray
for (stage <- waiting2.sortBy(_.priority)) {
@ -320,7 +379,7 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* We run the operation in a separate thread just in case it takes a bunch of time, so that we
* don't block the DAGScheduler event loop or other concurrent jobs.
def runLocally(job: ActiveJob) {
private def runLocally(job: ActiveJob) {
logInfo("Computing the requested partition locally")
new Thread("Local computation of job " + job.runId) {
override def run() {
@ -329,9 +388,12 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
val rdd = job.finalStage.rdd
val split = rdd.splits(job.partitions(0))
val taskContext = new TaskContext(, job.partitions(0), 0)
try {
val result = job.func(taskContext, rdd.iterator(split, taskContext))
job.listener.taskSucceeded(0, result)
} finally {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
@ -340,13 +402,14 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
def submitStage(stage: Stage) {
/** Submits stage, but first recursively submits any missing parents. */
private def submitStage(stage: Stage) {
logDebug("submitStage(" + stage + ")")
if (!waiting(stage) && !running(stage) && !failed(stage)) {
val missing = getMissingParentStages(stage).sortBy(
logDebug("missing: " + missing)
if (missing == Nil) {
logInfo("Submitting " + stage + " (" + stage.origin + "), which has no missing parents")
logInfo("Submitting " + stage + " (" + stage.rdd + "), which has no missing parents")
running += stage
} else {
@ -358,7 +421,8 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
def submitMissingTasks(stage: Stage) {
/** Called when stage's parents are available and we can now do its task. */
private def submitMissingTasks(stage: Stage) {
logDebug("submitMissingTasks(" + stage + ")")
// Get our pending tasks and remember them in our pendingTasks entry
val myPending = pendingTasks.getOrElseUpdate(stage, new HashSet)
@ -379,11 +443,14 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
if (tasks.size > 0) {
logInfo("Submitting " + tasks.size + " missing tasks from " + stage)
logInfo("Submitting " + tasks.size + " missing tasks from " + stage + " (" + stage.rdd + ")")
myPending ++= tasks
logDebug("New pending tasks: " + myPending)
new TaskSet(tasks.toArray,, stage.newAttemptId(), stage.priority))
if (!stage.submissionTime.isDefined) {
stage.submissionTime = Some(System.currentTimeMillis())
} else {
logDebug("Stage " + stage + " is actually done; %b %d %d".format(
stage.isAvailable, stage.numAvailableOutputs, stage.numPartitions))
@ -395,9 +462,18 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* Responds to a task finishing. This is called inside the event loop so it assumes that it can
* modify the scheduler's internal state. Use taskEnded() to post a task end event from outside.
def handleTaskCompletion(event: CompletionEvent) {
private def handleTaskCompletion(event: CompletionEvent) {
val task = event.task
val stage = idToStage(task.stageId)
def markStageAsFinished(stage: Stage) = {
val serviceTime = stage.submissionTime match {
case Some(t) => "%.03f".format((System.currentTimeMillis() - t) / 1000.0)
case _ => "Unkown"
logInfo("%s (%s) finished in %s s".format(stage, stage.origin, serviceTime))
running -= stage
event.reason match {
case Success =>
logInfo("Completed " + task)
@ -412,13 +488,13 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
if (!job.finished(rt.outputId)) {
job.finished(rt.outputId) = true
job.numFinished += 1
job.listener.taskSucceeded(rt.outputId, event.result)
// If the whole job has finished, remove it
if (job.numFinished == job.numPartitions) {
activeJobs -= job
resultStageToJob -= stage
running -= stage
job.listener.taskSucceeded(rt.outputId, event.result)
case None =>
logInfo("Ignoring result from " + rt + " because its job has finished")
@ -427,23 +503,32 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
case smt: ShuffleMapTask =>
val stage = idToStage(smt.stageId)
val status = event.result.asInstanceOf[MapStatus]
val host = status.address.ip
logInfo("ShuffleMapTask finished with host " + host)
if (!deadHosts.contains(host)) { // TODO: Make sure hostnames are consistent with Mesos
val execId = status.location.executorId
logDebug("ShuffleMapTask finished on " + execId)
if (failedGeneration.contains(execId) && smt.generation <= failedGeneration(execId)) {
logInfo("Ignoring possibly bogus ShuffleMapTask completion from " + execId)
} else {
stage.addOutputLoc(smt.partition, status)
if (running.contains(stage) && pendingTasks(stage).isEmpty) {
logInfo(stage + " (" + stage.origin + ") finished; looking for newly runnable stages")
running -= stage
logInfo("looking for newly runnable stages")
logInfo("running: " + running)
logInfo("waiting: " + waiting)
logInfo("failed: " + failed)
if (stage.shuffleDep != None) {
// We supply true to increment the generation number here in case this is a
// recomputation of the map outputs. In that case, some nodes may have cached
// locations with holes (from when we detected the error) and will need the
// generation incremented to refetch them.
// TODO: Only increment the generation number if this is not the first time
// we registered these map outputs.
stage.shuffleDep.get.shuffleId, => if (list.isEmpty) null else list.head).toArray) => if (list.isEmpty) null else list.head).toArray,
if (stage.outputLocs.count(_ == Nil) != 0) {
// Some tasks had failed; let's resubmit this stage
// TODO: Lower-level scheduler should also deal with this
@ -462,7 +547,7 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
waiting --= newlyRunnable
running ++= newlyRunnable
for (stage <- newlyRunnable.sortBy( {
logInfo("Submitting " + stage + " (" + stage.origin + "), which is now runnable")
logInfo("Submitting " + stage + " (" + stage.rdd + "), which is now runnable")
@ -493,9 +578,9 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
// Remember that a fetch failed now; this is used to resubmit the broken
// stages later, after a small wait (to give other tasks the chance to fail)
lastFetchFailureTime = System.currentTimeMillis() // TODO: Use pluggable clock
// TODO: mark the host as failed only if there were lots of fetch failures on it
// TODO: mark the executor as failed only if there were lots of fetch failures on it
if (bmAddress != null) {
handleExecutorLost(bmAddress.executorId, Some(task.generation))
case other =>
@ -505,22 +590,31 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* Responds to a host being lost. This is called inside the event loop so it assumes that it can
* modify the scheduler's internal state. Use hostLost() to post a host lost event from outside.
* Responds to an executor being lost. This is called inside the event loop, so it assumes it can
* modify the scheduler's internal state. Use executorLost() to post a loss event from outside.
* Optionally the generation during which the failure was caught can be passed to avoid allowing
* stray fetch failures from possibly retriggering the detection of a node as lost.
def handleHostLost(host: String) {
if (!deadHosts.contains(host)) {
logInfo("Host lost: " + host)
deadHosts += host
private def handleExecutorLost(execId: String, maybeGeneration: Option[Long] = None) {
val currentGeneration = maybeGeneration.getOrElse(mapOutputTracker.getGeneration)
if (!failedGeneration.contains(execId) || failedGeneration(execId) < currentGeneration) {
failedGeneration(execId) = currentGeneration
logInfo("Executor lost: %s (generation %d)".format(execId, currentGeneration))
// TODO: This will be really slow if we keep accumulating shuffle map stages
for ((shuffleId, stage) <- shuffleToMapStage) {
val locs = => if (list.isEmpty) null else list.head).toArray
mapOutputTracker.registerMapOutputs(shuffleId, locs, true)
if (shuffleToMapStage.isEmpty) {
} else {
logDebug("Additional executor lost message for " + execId +
"(generation " + currentGeneration + ")")
@ -528,7 +622,7 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* Aborts all jobs depending on a particular Stage. This is called in response to a task set
* being cancelled by the TaskScheduler. Use taskSetFailed() to inject this event from outside.
def abortStage(failedStage: Stage, reason: String) {
private def abortStage(failedStage: Stage, reason: String) {
val dependentStages = resultStageToJob.keys.filter(x => stageDependsOn(x, failedStage)).toSeq
for (resultStage <- dependentStages) {
val job = resultStageToJob(resultStage)
@ -544,7 +638,7 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
* Return true if one of stage's ancestors is target.
def stageDependsOn(stage: Stage, target: Stage): Boolean = {
private def stageDependsOn(stage: Stage, target: Stage): Boolean = {
if (stage == target) {
return true
@ -571,7 +665,7 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
def getPreferredLocs(rdd: RDD[_], partition: Int): List[String] = {
private def getPreferredLocs(rdd: RDD[_], partition: Int): List[String] = {
// If the partition is cached, return the cache locations
val cached = getCacheLocs(rdd)(partition)
if (cached != Nil) {
@ -597,7 +691,7 @@ class DAGScheduler(taskSched: TaskScheduler) extends TaskSchedulerListener with
return Nil
def cleanup(cleanupTime: Long) {
private def cleanup(cleanupTime: Long) {
var sizeBefore = idToStage.size
logInfo("idToStage " + sizeBefore + " --> " + idToStage.size)

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ private[spark] case class CompletionEvent(
accumUpdates: Map[Long, Any])
extends DAGSchedulerEvent
private[spark] case class HostLost(host: String) extends DAGSchedulerEvent
private[spark] case class ExecutorLost(execId: String) extends DAGSchedulerEvent
private[spark] case class TaskSetFailed(taskSet: TaskSet, reason: String) extends DAGSchedulerEvent

View file

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ package spark.scheduler
private[spark] sealed trait JobResult
private[spark] case class JobSucceeded(results: Seq[_]) extends JobResult
private[spark] case object JobSucceeded extends JobResult
private[spark] case class JobFailed(exception: Exception) extends JobResult

View file

@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ package spark.scheduler
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* An object that waits for a DAGScheduler job to complete.
* An object that waits for a DAGScheduler job to complete. As tasks finish, it passes their
* results to the given handler function.
private[spark] class JobWaiter(totalTasks: Int) extends JobListener {
private val taskResults = ArrayBuffer.fill[Any](totalTasks)(null)
private[spark] class JobWaiter[T](totalTasks: Int, resultHandler: (Int, T) => Unit)
extends JobListener {
private var finishedTasks = 0
private var jobFinished = false // Is the job as a whole finished (succeeded or failed)?
@ -17,11 +19,11 @@ private[spark] class JobWaiter(totalTasks: Int) extends JobListener {
if (jobFinished) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("taskSucceeded() called on a finished JobWaiter")
taskResults(index) = result
resultHandler(index, result.asInstanceOf[T])
finishedTasks += 1
if (finishedTasks == totalTasks) {
jobFinished = true
jobResult = JobSucceeded(taskResults)
jobResult = JobSucceeded
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ private[spark] class JobWaiter(totalTasks: Int) extends JobListener {
def getResult(): JobResult = synchronized {
def awaitResult(): JobResult = synchronized {
while (!jobFinished) {

View file

@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ import{ObjectOutput, ObjectInput, Externalizable}
* task ran on as well as the sizes of outputs for each reducer, for passing on to the reduce tasks.
* The map output sizes are compressed using MapOutputTracker.compressSize.
private[spark] class MapStatus(var address: BlockManagerId, var compressedSizes: Array[Byte])
private[spark] class MapStatus(var location: BlockManagerId, var compressedSizes: Array[Byte])
extends Externalizable {
def this() = this(null, null) // For deserialization only
def writeExternal(out: ObjectOutput) {
def readExternal(in: ObjectInput) {
address = new BlockManagerId(in)
location = BlockManagerId(in)
compressedSizes = new Array[Byte](in.readInt())

View file

@ -72,9 +72,11 @@ private[spark] class ResultTask[T, U](
override def run(attemptId: Long): U = {
val context = new TaskContext(stageId, partition, attemptId)
val result = func(context, rdd.iterator(split, context))
try {
func(context, rdd.iterator(split, context))
} finally {
override def preferredLocations: Seq[String] = locs

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ private[spark] object ShuffleMapTask {
return old
} else {
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance
val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
val objOut = ser.serializeStream(new GZIPOutputStream(out))
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ private[spark] object ShuffleMapTask {
synchronized {
val loader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader
val in = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance
val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
val objIn = ser.deserializeStream(in)
val rdd = objIn.readObject().asInstanceOf[RDD[_]]
val dep = objIn.readObject().asInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[_,_]]
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ private[spark] class ShuffleMapTask(
with Externalizable
with Logging {
def this() = this(0, null, null, 0, null)
protected def this() = this(0, null, null, 0, null)
var split = if (rdd == null) {
@ -117,18 +117,16 @@ private[spark] class ShuffleMapTask(
override def run(attemptId: Long): MapStatus = {
val numOutputSplits = dep.partitioner.numPartitions
val partitioner = dep.partitioner
val taskContext = new TaskContext(stageId, partition, attemptId)
try {
// Partition the map output.
val buckets = Array.fill(numOutputSplits)(new ArrayBuffer[(Any, Any)])
for (elem <- rdd.iterator(split, taskContext)) {
val pair = elem.asInstanceOf[(Any, Any)]
val bucketId = partitioner.getPartition(pair._1)
val bucketId = dep.partitioner.getPartition(pair._1)
buckets(bucketId) += pair
val bucketIterators =
val compressedSizes = new Array[Byte](numOutputSplits)
@ -136,15 +134,16 @@ private[spark] class ShuffleMapTask(
for (i <- 0 until numOutputSplits) {
val blockId = "shuffle_" + dep.shuffleId + "_" + partition + "_" + i
// Get a Scala iterator from Java map
val iter: Iterator[(Any, Any)] = bucketIterators(i)
val iter: Iterator[(Any, Any)] = buckets(i).iterator
val size = blockManager.put(blockId, iter, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY, false)
compressedSizes(i) = MapOutputTracker.compressSize(size)
return new MapStatus(blockManager.blockManagerId, compressedSizes)
} finally {
// Execute the callbacks on task completion.
return new MapStatus(blockManager.blockManagerId, compressedSizes)
override def preferredLocations: Seq[String] = locs

View file

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ private[spark] class Stage(
val outputLocs = Array.fill[List[MapStatus]](numPartitions)(Nil)
var numAvailableOutputs = 0
/** When first task was submitted to scheduler. */
var submissionTime: Option[Long] = None
private var nextAttemptId = 0
def isAvailable: Boolean = {
@ -51,18 +54,18 @@ private[spark] class Stage(
def removeOutputLoc(partition: Int, bmAddress: BlockManagerId) {
val prevList = outputLocs(partition)
val newList = prevList.filterNot(_.address == bmAddress)
val newList = prevList.filterNot(_.location == bmAddress)
outputLocs(partition) = newList
if (prevList != Nil && newList == Nil) {
numAvailableOutputs -= 1
def removeOutputsOnHost(host: String) {
def removeOutputsOnExecutor(execId: String) {
var becameUnavailable = false
for (partition <- 0 until numPartitions) {
val prevList = outputLocs(partition)
val newList = prevList.filterNot(_.address.ip == host)
val newList = prevList.filterNot(_.location.executorId == execId)
outputLocs(partition) = newList
if (prevList != Nil && newList == Nil) {
becameUnavailable = true
@ -70,7 +73,8 @@ private[spark] class Stage(
if (becameUnavailable) {
logInfo("%s is now unavailable on %s (%d/%d, %s)".format(this, host, numAvailableOutputs, numPartitions, isAvailable))
logInfo("%s is now unavailable on executor %s (%d/%d, %s)".format(
this, execId, numAvailableOutputs, numPartitions, isAvailable))
@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ private[spark] class Stage(
def origin: String = rdd.origin
override def toString = "Stage " + id // + ": [RDD = " + + ", isShuffle = " + isShuffleMap + "]"
override def toString = "Stage " + id
override def hashCode(): Int = id

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ private[spark] trait TaskSchedulerListener {
def taskEnded(task: Task[_], reason: TaskEndReason, result: Any, accumUpdates: Map[Long, Any]): Unit
// A node was lost from the cluster.
def hostLost(host: String): Unit
def executorLost(execId: String): Unit
// The TaskScheduler wants to abort an entire task set.
def taskSetFailed(taskSet: TaskSet, reason: String): Unit

View file

@ -27,19 +27,20 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
var activeTaskSetsQueue = new ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager]
val taskIdToTaskSetId = new HashMap[Long, String]
val taskIdToSlaveId = new HashMap[Long, String]
val taskIdToExecutorId = new HashMap[Long, String]
val taskSetTaskIds = new HashMap[String, HashSet[Long]]
// Incrementing Mesos task IDs
val nextTaskId = new AtomicLong(0)
// Which hosts in the cluster are alive (contains hostnames)
val hostsAlive = new HashSet[String]
// Which executor IDs we have executors on
val activeExecutorIds = new HashSet[String]
// Which slave IDs we have executors on
val slaveIdsWithExecutors = new HashSet[String]
// The set of executors we have on each host; this is used to compute hostsAlive, which
// in turn is used to decide when we can attain data locality on a given host
val executorsByHost = new HashMap[String, HashSet[String]]
val slaveIdToHost = new HashMap[String, String]
val executorIdToHost = new HashMap[String, String]
// JAR server, if any JARs were added by the user to the SparkContext
var jarServer: HttpServer = null
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet) {
override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet) {
val tasks = taskSet.tasks
logInfo("Adding task set " + + " with " + tasks.length + " tasks")
this.synchronized {
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
activeTaskSets -=
activeTaskSetsQueue -= manager
taskIdToTaskSetId --= taskSetTaskIds(
taskIdToSlaveId --= taskSetTaskIds(
taskIdToExecutorId --= taskSetTaskIds(
@ -117,8 +118,7 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
// Mark each slave as alive and remember its hostname
for (o <- offers) {
slaveIdToHost(o.slaveId) = o.hostname
hostsAlive += o.hostname
executorIdToHost(o.executorId) = o.hostname
// Build a list of tasks to assign to each slave
val tasks = => new ArrayBuffer[TaskDescription](o.cores))
@ -128,16 +128,20 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
do {
launchedTask = false
for (i <- 0 until offers.size) {
val sid = offers(i).slaveId
val execId = offers(i).executorId
val host = offers(i).hostname
manager.slaveOffer(sid, host, availableCpus(i)) match {
manager.slaveOffer(execId, host, availableCpus(i)) match {
case Some(task) =>
tasks(i) += task
val tid = task.taskId
taskIdToTaskSetId(tid) =
taskSetTaskIds( += tid
taskIdToSlaveId(tid) = sid
slaveIdsWithExecutors += sid
taskIdToExecutorId(tid) = execId
activeExecutorIds += execId
if (!executorsByHost.contains(host)) {
executorsByHost(host) = new HashSet()
executorsByHost(host) += execId
availableCpus(i) -= 1
launchedTask = true
@ -152,25 +156,21 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
def statusUpdate(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
var taskSetToUpdate: Option[TaskSetManager] = None
var failedHost: Option[String] = None
var failedExecutor: Option[String] = None
var taskFailed = false
synchronized {
try {
if (state == TaskState.LOST && taskIdToSlaveId.contains(tid)) {
// We lost the executor on this slave, so remember that it's gone
val slaveId = taskIdToSlaveId(tid)
val host = slaveIdToHost(slaveId)
if (hostsAlive.contains(host)) {
slaveIdsWithExecutors -= slaveId
hostsAlive -= host
failedHost = Some(host)
if (state == TaskState.LOST && taskIdToExecutorId.contains(tid)) {
// We lost this entire executor, so remember that it's gone
val execId = taskIdToExecutorId(tid)
if (activeExecutorIds.contains(execId)) {
failedExecutor = Some(execId)
taskIdToTaskSetId.get(tid) match {
case Some(taskSetId) =>
if (activeTaskSets.contains(taskSetId)) {
taskSetToUpdate = Some(activeTaskSets(taskSetId))
if (TaskState.isFinished(state)) {
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
if (taskSetTaskIds.contains(taskSetId)) {
taskSetTaskIds(taskSetId) -= tid
if (state == TaskState.FAILED) {
taskFailed = true
@ -190,12 +190,12 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
case e: Exception => logError("Exception in statusUpdate", e)
// Update the task set and DAGScheduler without holding a lock on this, because that can deadlock
// Update the task set and DAGScheduler without holding a lock on this, since that can deadlock
if (taskSetToUpdate != None) {
taskSetToUpdate.get.statusUpdate(tid, state, serializedData)
if (failedHost != None) {
if (failedExecutor != None) {
if (taskFailed) {
@ -249,27 +249,42 @@ private[spark] class ClusterScheduler(val sc: SparkContext)
def slaveLost(slaveId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason) {
var failedHost: Option[String] = None
def executorLost(executorId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason) {
var failedExecutor: Option[String] = None
synchronized {
val host = slaveIdToHost(slaveId)
if (hostsAlive.contains(host)) {
logError("Lost an executor on " + host + ": " + reason)
slaveIdsWithExecutors -= slaveId
hostsAlive -= host
failedHost = Some(host)
if (activeExecutorIds.contains(executorId)) {
val host = executorIdToHost(executorId)
logError("Lost executor %s on %s: %s".format(executorId, host, reason))
failedExecutor = Some(executorId)
} else {
// We may get multiple slaveLost() calls with different loss reasons. For example, one
// We may get multiple executorLost() calls with different loss reasons. For example, one
// may be triggered by a dropped connection from the slave while another may be a report
// of executor termination from Mesos. We produce log messages for both so we eventually
// report the termination reason.
logError("Lost an executor on " + host + " (already removed): " + reason)
logError("Lost an executor " + executorId + " (already removed): " + reason)
if (failedHost != None) {
// Call listener.executorLost without holding the lock on this to prevent deadlock
if (failedExecutor != None) {
/** Get a list of hosts that currently have executors */
def hostsAlive: scala.collection.Set[String] = executorsByHost.keySet
/** Remove an executor from all our data structures and mark it as lost */
private def removeExecutor(executorId: String) {
activeExecutorIds -= executorId
val host = executorIdToHost(executorId)
val execs = executorsByHost.getOrElse(host, new HashSet)
execs -= executorId
if (execs.isEmpty) {
executorsByHost -= host
executorIdToHost -= executorId
activeTaskSetsQueue.foreach(_.executorLost(executorId, host))

View file

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package spark.scheduler.cluster
import spark.Utils
* A backend interface for cluster scheduling systems that allows plugging in different ones under
* ClusterScheduler. We assume a Mesos-like model where the application gets resource offers as
@ -11,5 +13,15 @@ private[spark] trait SchedulerBackend {
def reviveOffers(): Unit
def defaultParallelism(): Int
// Memory used by each executor (in megabytes)
protected val executorMemory = {
// TODO: Might need to add some extra memory for the non-heap parts of the JVM
// TODO: Probably want to add a killTask too

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
package spark.scheduler.cluster
class SlaveResources(val slaveId: String, val hostname: String, val coresFree: Int) {}

View file

@ -19,34 +19,25 @@ private[spark] class SparkDeploySchedulerBackend(
var shutdownCallback : (SparkDeploySchedulerBackend) => Unit = _
val maxCores = System.getProperty("spark.cores.max", Int.MaxValue.toString).toInt
val executorIdToSlaveId = new HashMap[String, String]
// Memory used by each executor (in megabytes)
val executorMemory = {
if (System.getenv("SPARK_MEM") != null) {
// TODO: Might need to add some extra memory for the non-heap parts of the JVM
} else {
override def start() {
val masterUrl = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(
System.getProperty(""), System.getProperty("spark.master.port"),
// The endpoint for executors to talk to us
val driverUrl = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(
System.getProperty(""), System.getProperty("spark.driver.port"),
val args = Seq(masterUrl, "{{SLAVEID}}", "{{HOSTNAME}}", "{{CORES}}")
val args = Seq(driverUrl, "{{EXECUTOR_ID}}", "{{HOSTNAME}}", "{{CORES}}")
val command = Command("spark.executor.StandaloneExecutorBackend", args, sc.executorEnvs)
val jobDesc = new JobDescription(jobName, maxCores, executorMemory, command)
val sparkHome = sc.getSparkHome().getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("must supply spark home for spark standalone"))
val jobDesc = new JobDescription(jobName, maxCores, executorMemory, command, sparkHome)
client = new Client(sc.env.actorSystem, master, jobDesc, this)
override def stop() {
stopping = true;
stopping = true
if (shutdownCallback != null) {
@ -54,35 +45,28 @@ private[spark] class SparkDeploySchedulerBackend(
def connected(jobId: String) {
override def connected(jobId: String) {
logInfo("Connected to Spark cluster with job ID " + jobId)
def disconnected() {
override def disconnected() {
if (!stopping) {
logError("Disconnected from Spark cluster!")
scheduler.error("Disconnected from Spark cluster")
def executorAdded(id: String, workerId: String, host: String, cores: Int, memory: Int) {
executorIdToSlaveId += id -> workerId
override def executorAdded(executorId: String, workerId: String, host: String, cores: Int, memory: Int) {
logInfo("Granted executor ID %s on host %s with %d cores, %s RAM".format(
id, host, cores, Utils.memoryMegabytesToString(memory)))
executorId, host, cores, Utils.memoryMegabytesToString(memory)))
def executorRemoved(id: String, message: String, exitStatus: Option[Int]) {
override def executorRemoved(executorId: String, message: String, exitStatus: Option[Int]) {
val reason: ExecutorLossReason = exitStatus match {
case Some(code) => ExecutorExited(code)
case None => SlaveLost(message)
logInfo("Executor %s removed: %s".format(id, message))
executorIdToSlaveId.get(id) match {
case Some(slaveId) =>
scheduler.slaveLost(slaveId, reason)
case None =>
logInfo("No slave ID known for executor %s".format(id))
logInfo("Executor %s removed: %s".format(executorId, message))
scheduler.executorLost(executorId, reason)

View file

@ -6,32 +6,34 @@ import spark.util.SerializableBuffer
private[spark] sealed trait StandaloneClusterMessage extends Serializable
// Master to slaves
// Driver to executors
case class LaunchTask(task: TaskDescription) extends StandaloneClusterMessage
case class RegisteredSlave(sparkProperties: Seq[(String, String)]) extends StandaloneClusterMessage
case class RegisteredExecutor(sparkProperties: Seq[(String, String)])
extends StandaloneClusterMessage
case class RegisterSlaveFailed(message: String) extends StandaloneClusterMessage
case class RegisterExecutorFailed(message: String) extends StandaloneClusterMessage
// Slaves to master
// Executors to driver
case class RegisterSlave(slaveId: String, host: String, cores: Int) extends StandaloneClusterMessage
case class RegisterExecutor(executorId: String, host: String, cores: Int)
extends StandaloneClusterMessage
case class StatusUpdate(slaveId: String, taskId: Long, state: TaskState, data: SerializableBuffer)
case class StatusUpdate(executorId: String, taskId: Long, state: TaskState, data: SerializableBuffer)
extends StandaloneClusterMessage
object StatusUpdate {
/** Alternate factory method that takes a ByteBuffer directly for the data field */
def apply(slaveId: String, taskId: Long, state: TaskState, data: ByteBuffer): StatusUpdate = {
StatusUpdate(slaveId, taskId, state, new SerializableBuffer(data))
def apply(executorId: String, taskId: Long, state: TaskState, data: ByteBuffer): StatusUpdate = {
StatusUpdate(executorId, taskId, state, new SerializableBuffer(data))
// Internal messages in master
// Internal messages in driver
private[spark] case object ReviveOffers extends StandaloneClusterMessage
private[spark] case object StopMaster extends StandaloneClusterMessage
private[spark] case object StopDriver extends StandaloneClusterMessage

View file

@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ class StandaloneSchedulerBackend(scheduler: ClusterScheduler, actorSystem: Actor
// Use an atomic variable to track total number of cores in the cluster for simplicity and speed
var totalCoreCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
class MasterActor(sparkProperties: Seq[(String, String)]) extends Actor {
val slaveActor = new HashMap[String, ActorRef]
val slaveAddress = new HashMap[String, Address]
val slaveHost = new HashMap[String, String]
class DriverActor(sparkProperties: Seq[(String, String)]) extends Actor {
val executorActor = new HashMap[String, ActorRef]
val executorAddress = new HashMap[String, Address]
val executorHost = new HashMap[String, String]
val freeCores = new HashMap[String, Int]
val actorToSlaveId = new HashMap[ActorRef, String]
val addressToSlaveId = new HashMap[Address, String]
val actorToExecutorId = new HashMap[ActorRef, String]
val addressToExecutorId = new HashMap[Address, String]
override def preStart() {
// Listen for remote client disconnection events, since they don't go through Akka's watch()
@ -37,86 +37,86 @@ class StandaloneSchedulerBackend(scheduler: ClusterScheduler, actorSystem: Actor
def receive = {
case RegisterSlave(slaveId, host, cores) =>
if (slaveActor.contains(slaveId)) {
sender ! RegisterSlaveFailed("Duplicate slave ID: " + slaveId)
case RegisterExecutor(executorId, host, cores) =>
if (executorActor.contains(executorId)) {
sender ! RegisterExecutorFailed("Duplicate executor ID: " + executorId)
} else {
logInfo("Registered slave: " + sender + " with ID " + slaveId)
sender ! RegisteredSlave(sparkProperties)
logInfo("Registered executor: " + sender + " with ID " + executorId)
sender ! RegisteredExecutor(sparkProperties)
slaveActor(slaveId) = sender
slaveHost(slaveId) = host
freeCores(slaveId) = cores
slaveAddress(slaveId) = sender.path.address
actorToSlaveId(sender) = slaveId
addressToSlaveId(sender.path.address) = slaveId
executorActor(executorId) = sender
executorHost(executorId) = host
freeCores(executorId) = cores
executorAddress(executorId) = sender.path.address
actorToExecutorId(sender) = executorId
addressToExecutorId(sender.path.address) = executorId
case StatusUpdate(slaveId, taskId, state, data) =>
case StatusUpdate(executorId, taskId, state, data) =>
scheduler.statusUpdate(taskId, state, data.value)
if (TaskState.isFinished(state)) {
freeCores(slaveId) += 1
freeCores(executorId) += 1
case ReviveOffers =>
case StopMaster =>
case StopDriver =>
sender ! true
case Terminated(actor) =>
actorToSlaveId.get(actor).foreach(removeSlave(_, "Akka actor terminated"))
actorToExecutorId.get(actor).foreach(removeExecutor(_, "Akka actor terminated"))
case RemoteClientDisconnected(transport, address) =>
addressToSlaveId.get(address).foreach(removeSlave(_, "remote Akka client disconnected"))
addressToExecutorId.get(address).foreach(removeExecutor(_, "remote Akka client disconnected"))
case RemoteClientShutdown(transport, address) =>
addressToSlaveId.get(address).foreach(removeSlave(_, "remote Akka client shutdown"))
addressToExecutorId.get(address).foreach(removeExecutor(_, "remote Akka client shutdown"))
// Make fake resource offers on all slaves
// Make fake resource offers on all executors
def makeOffers() {
launchTasks(scheduler.resourceOffers( {case (id, host) => new WorkerOffer(id, host, freeCores(id))})) {case (id, host) => new WorkerOffer(id, host, freeCores(id))}))
// Make fake resource offers on just one slave
def makeOffers(slaveId: String) {
// Make fake resource offers on just one executor
def makeOffers(executorId: String) {
Seq(new WorkerOffer(slaveId, slaveHost(slaveId), freeCores(slaveId)))))
Seq(new WorkerOffer(executorId, executorHost(executorId), freeCores(executorId)))))
// Launch tasks returned by a set of resource offers
def launchTasks(tasks: Seq[Seq[TaskDescription]]) {
for (task <- tasks.flatten) {
freeCores(task.slaveId) -= 1
slaveActor(task.slaveId) ! LaunchTask(task)
freeCores(task.executorId) -= 1
executorActor(task.executorId) ! LaunchTask(task)
// Remove a disconnected slave from the cluster
def removeSlave(slaveId: String, reason: String) {
logInfo("Slave " + slaveId + " disconnected, so removing it")
val numCores = freeCores(slaveId)
actorToSlaveId -= slaveActor(slaveId)
addressToSlaveId -= slaveAddress(slaveId)
slaveActor -= slaveId
slaveHost -= slaveId
freeCores -= slaveId
slaveHost -= slaveId
def removeExecutor(executorId: String, reason: String) {
logInfo("Slave " + executorId + " disconnected, so removing it")
val numCores = freeCores(executorId)
actorToExecutorId -= executorActor(executorId)
addressToExecutorId -= executorAddress(executorId)
executorActor -= executorId
executorHost -= executorId
freeCores -= executorId
executorHost -= executorId
scheduler.slaveLost(slaveId, SlaveLost(reason))
scheduler.executorLost(executorId, SlaveLost(reason))
var masterActor: ActorRef = null
var driverActor: ActorRef = null
val taskIdsOnSlave = new HashMap[String, HashSet[String]]
def start() {
override def start() {
val properties = new ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]
val iterator = System.getProperties.entrySet.iterator
while (iterator.hasNext) {
@ -126,15 +126,15 @@ class StandaloneSchedulerBackend(scheduler: ClusterScheduler, actorSystem: Actor
properties += ((key, value))
masterActor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new MasterActor(properties)), name = StandaloneSchedulerBackend.ACTOR_NAME)
driverActor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new DriverActor(properties)), name = StandaloneSchedulerBackend.ACTOR_NAME)
def stop() {
override def stop() {
try {
if (masterActor != null) {
if (driverActor != null) {
val timeout = 5.seconds
val future = masterActor.ask(StopMaster)(timeout)
val future = driverActor.ask(StopDriver)(timeout)
Await.result(future, timeout)
} catch {
@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ class StandaloneSchedulerBackend(scheduler: ClusterScheduler, actorSystem: Actor
def reviveOffers() {
masterActor ! ReviveOffers
override def reviveOffers() {
driverActor ! ReviveOffers
def defaultParallelism(): Int = math.max(totalCoreCount.get(), 2)
override def defaultParallelism(): Int = math.max(totalCoreCount.get(), 2)
private[spark] object StandaloneSchedulerBackend {

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import spark.util.SerializableBuffer
private[spark] class TaskDescription(
val taskId: Long,
val slaveId: String,
val executorId: String,
val name: String,
_serializedTask: ByteBuffer)
extends Serializable {

View file

@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ package spark.scheduler.cluster
* Information about a running task attempt inside a TaskSet.
class TaskInfo(val taskId: Long, val index: Int, val launchTime: Long, val host: String) {
class TaskInfo(
val taskId: Long,
val index: Int,
val launchTime: Long,
val executorId: String,
val host: String) {
var finishTime: Long = 0
var failed = false

View file

@ -17,10 +17,7 @@ import java.nio.ByteBuffer
* Schedules the tasks within a single TaskSet in the ClusterScheduler.
private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
sched: ClusterScheduler,
val taskSet: TaskSet)
extends Logging {
private[spark] class TaskSetManager(sched: ClusterScheduler, val taskSet: TaskSet) extends Logging {
// Maximum time to wait to run a task in a preferred location (in ms)
val LOCALITY_WAIT = System.getProperty("spark.locality.wait", "3000").toLong
@ -100,7 +97,7 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
// Add a task to all the pending-task lists that it should be on.
def addPendingTask(index: Int) {
private def addPendingTask(index: Int) {
val locations = tasks(index).preferredLocations.toSet & sched.hostsAlive
if (locations.size == 0) {
pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
@ -115,7 +112,7 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
// Return the pending tasks list for a given host, or an empty list if
// there is no map entry for that host
def getPendingTasksForHost(host: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
private def getPendingTasksForHost(host: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
pendingTasksForHost.getOrElse(host, ArrayBuffer())
@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
// Return None if the list is empty.
// This method also cleans up any tasks in the list that have already
// been launched, since we want that to happen lazily.
def findTaskFromList(list: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Option[Int] = {
private def findTaskFromList(list: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Option[Int] = {
while (!list.isEmpty) {
val index = list.last
@ -137,11 +134,12 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
// Return a speculative task for a given host if any are available. The task should not have an
// attempt running on this host, in case the host is slow. In addition, if localOnly is set, the
// task must have a preference for this host (or no preferred locations at all).
def findSpeculativeTask(host: String, localOnly: Boolean): Option[Int] = {
private def findSpeculativeTask(host: String, localOnly: Boolean): Option[Int] = {
val hostsAlive = sched.hostsAlive
speculatableTasks.retain(index => !finished(index)) // Remove finished tasks from set
val localTask = speculatableTasks.find {
index =>
val locations = tasks(index).preferredLocations.toSet & sched.hostsAlive
val locations = tasks(index).preferredLocations.toSet & hostsAlive
val attemptLocs = taskAttempts(index).map(
(locations.size == 0 || locations.contains(host)) && !attemptLocs.contains(host)
@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
// Dequeue a pending task for a given node and return its index.
// If localOnly is set to false, allow non-local tasks as well.
def findTask(host: String, localOnly: Boolean): Option[Int] = {
private def findTask(host: String, localOnly: Boolean): Option[Int] = {
val localTask = findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForHost(host))
if (localTask != None) {
return localTask
@ -183,13 +181,13 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
// Does a host count as a preferred location for a task? This is true if
// either the task has preferred locations and this host is one, or it has
// no preferred locations (in which we still count the launch as preferred).
def isPreferredLocation(task: Task[_], host: String): Boolean = {
private def isPreferredLocation(task: Task[_], host: String): Boolean = {
val locs = task.preferredLocations
return (locs.contains(host) || locs.isEmpty)
// Respond to an offer of a single slave from the scheduler by finding a task
def slaveOffer(slaveId: String, host: String, availableCpus: Double): Option[TaskDescription] = {
def slaveOffer(execId: String, host: String, availableCpus: Double): Option[TaskDescription] = {
if (tasksFinished < numTasks && availableCpus >= CPUS_PER_TASK) {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis
val localOnly = (time - lastPreferredLaunchTime < LOCALITY_WAIT)
@ -201,12 +199,16 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
val taskId = sched.newTaskId()
// Figure out whether this should count as a preferred launch
val preferred = isPreferredLocation(task, host)
val prefStr = if (preferred) "preferred" else "non-preferred"
logInfo("Starting task %s:%d as TID %s on slave %s: %s (%s)".format(, index, taskId, slaveId, host, prefStr))
val prefStr = if (preferred) {
} else {
"non-preferred, not one of " + task.preferredLocations.mkString(", ")
logInfo("Starting task %s:%d as TID %s on executor %s: %s (%s)".format(, index, taskId, execId, host, prefStr))
// Do various bookkeeping
copiesRunning(index) += 1
val info = new TaskInfo(taskId, index, time, host)
val info = new TaskInfo(taskId, index, time, execId, host)
taskInfos(taskId) = info
taskAttempts(index) = info :: taskAttempts(index)
if (preferred) {
@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
logInfo("Serialized task %s:%d as %d bytes in %d ms".format(, index, serializedTask.limit, timeTaken))
val taskName = "task %s:%d".format(, index)
return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, slaveId, taskName, serializedTask))
return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, execId, taskName, serializedTask))
case _ =>
@ -330,7 +332,7 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
if (numFailures(index) > MAX_TASK_FAILURES) {
logError("Task %s:%d failed more than %d times; aborting job".format(, index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
abort("Task %d failed more than %d times".format(index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
abort("Task %s:%d failed more than %d times".format(, index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
} else {
@ -352,19 +354,22 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
def hostLost(hostname: String) {
logInfo("Re-queueing tasks for " + hostname + " from TaskSet " +
// If some task has preferred locations only on hostname, put it in the no-prefs list
// to avoid the wait from delay scheduling
def executorLost(execId: String, hostname: String) {
logInfo("Re-queueing tasks for " + execId + " from TaskSet " +
val newHostsAlive = sched.hostsAlive
// If some task has preferred locations only on hostname, and there are no more executors there,
// put it in the no-prefs list to avoid the wait from delay scheduling
if (!newHostsAlive.contains(hostname)) {
for (index <- getPendingTasksForHost(hostname)) {
val newLocs = tasks(index).preferredLocations.toSet & sched.hostsAlive
val newLocs = tasks(index).preferredLocations.toSet & newHostsAlive
if (newLocs.isEmpty) {
pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
// Re-enqueue any tasks that ran on the failed host if this is a shuffle map stage
// Re-enqueue any tasks that ran on the failed executor if this is a shuffle map stage
if (tasks(0).isInstanceOf[ShuffleMapTask]) {
for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if == hostname) {
for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.executorId == execId) {
val index = taskInfos(tid).index
if (finished(index)) {
finished(index) = false
@ -378,7 +383,7 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
// Also re-enqueue any tasks that were running on the node
for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.running && == hostname) {
for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.running && info.executorId == execId) {
taskLost(tid, TaskState.KILLED, null)

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package spark.scheduler.cluster
* Represents free resources available on a worker node.
* Represents free resources available on an executor.
class WorkerOffer(val slaveId: String, val hostname: String, val cores: Int) {
class WorkerOffer(val executorId: String, val hostname: String, val cores: Int) {

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, maxFailures: Int, sc: SparkCon
with Logging {
var attemptId = new AtomicInteger(0)
var threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads, DaemonThreadFactory)
var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(threads)
val env = SparkEnv.get
var listener: TaskSchedulerListener = null
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, maxFailures: Int, sc: SparkCon
def runTask(task: Task[_], idInJob: Int, attemptId: Int) {
logInfo("Running task " + idInJob)
logInfo("Running " + task)
// Set the Spark execution environment for the worker thread
try {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, maxFailures: Int, sc: SparkCon
val resultToReturn = ser.deserialize[Any](ser.serialize(result))
val accumUpdates = ser.deserialize[collection.mutable.Map[Long, Any]](
logInfo("Finished task " + idInJob)
logInfo("Finished " + task)
// If the threadpool has not already been shutdown, notify DAGScheduler
if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted)
@ -116,16 +116,16 @@ private[spark] class LocalScheduler(threads: Int, maxFailures: Int, sc: SparkCon
// Fetch missing dependencies
for ((name, timestamp) <- newFiles if currentFiles.getOrElse(name, -1L) < timestamp) {
logInfo("Fetching " + name + " with timestamp " + timestamp)
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File("."))
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory))
currentFiles(name) = timestamp
for ((name, timestamp) <- newJars if currentJars.getOrElse(name, -1L) < timestamp) {
logInfo("Fetching " + name + " with timestamp " + timestamp)
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File("."))
Utils.fetchFile(name, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory))
currentJars(name) = timestamp
// Add it to our class loader
val localName = name.split("/").last
val url = new File(".", localName).toURI.toURL
val url = new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory, localName).toURI.toURL
if (!classLoader.getURLs.contains(url)) {
logInfo("Adding " + url + " to class loader")

View file

@ -35,16 +35,6 @@ private[spark] class CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend(
val MAX_SLAVE_FAILURES = 2 // Blacklist a slave after this many failures
// Memory used by each executor (in megabytes)
val executorMemory = {
if (System.getenv("SPARK_MEM") != null) {
// TODO: Might need to add some extra memory for the non-heap parts of the JVM
} else {
// Lock used to wait for scheduler to be registered
var isRegistered = false
val registeredLock = new Object()
@ -64,13 +54,9 @@ private[spark] class CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend(
val taskIdToSlaveId = new HashMap[Int, String]
val failuresBySlaveId = new HashMap[String, Int] // How many times tasks on each slave failed
val sparkHome = sc.getSparkHome() match {
case Some(path) =>
case None =>
throw new SparkException("Spark home is not set; set it through the spark.home system " +
"property, the SPARK_HOME environment variable or the SparkContext constructor")
val sparkHome = sc.getSparkHome().getOrElse(throw new SparkException(
"Spark home is not set; set it through the spark.home system " +
"property, the SPARK_HOME environment variable or the SparkContext constructor"))
val extraCoresPerSlave = System.getProperty("spark.mesos.extra.cores", "0").toInt
@ -108,11 +94,11 @@ private[spark] class CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend(
def createCommand(offer: Offer, numCores: Int): CommandInfo = {
val runScript = new File(sparkHome, "run").getCanonicalPath
val masterUrl = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(
System.getProperty(""), System.getProperty("spark.master.port"),
val driverUrl = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(
System.getProperty(""), System.getProperty("spark.driver.port"),
val command = "\"%s\" spark.executor.StandaloneExecutorBackend %s %s %s %d".format(
runScript, masterUrl, offer.getSlaveId.getValue, offer.getHostname, numCores)
runScript, driverUrl, offer.getSlaveId.getValue, offer.getHostname, numCores)
val environment = Environment.newBuilder()
sc.executorEnvs.foreach { case (key, value) =>
@ -184,7 +170,7 @@ private[spark] class CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend(
/** Helper function to pull out a resource from a Mesos Resources protobuf */
def getResource(res: JList[Resource], name: String): Double = {
private def getResource(res: JList[Resource], name: String): Double = {
for (r <- res if r.getName == name) {
return r.getScalar.getValue
@ -193,7 +179,7 @@ private[spark] class CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend(
/** Build a Mesos resource protobuf object */
def createResource(resourceName: String, quantity: Double): Protos.Resource = {
private def createResource(resourceName: String, quantity: Double): Protos.Resource = {
@ -202,7 +188,7 @@ private[spark] class CoarseMesosSchedulerBackend(
/** Check whether a Mesos task state represents a finished task */
def isFinished(state: MesosTaskState) = {
private def isFinished(state: MesosTaskState) = {
state == MesosTaskState.TASK_FINISHED ||
state == MesosTaskState.TASK_FAILED ||
state == MesosTaskState.TASK_KILLED ||

View file

@ -29,16 +29,6 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
with MScheduler
with Logging {
// Memory used by each executor (in megabytes)
if (System.getenv("SPARK_MEM") != null) {
// TODO: Might need to add some extra memory for the non-heap parts of the JVM
} else {
// Lock used to wait for scheduler to be registered
var isRegistered = false
val registeredLock = new Object()
@ -51,7 +41,7 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
val taskIdToSlaveId = new HashMap[Long, String]
// An ExecutorInfo for our tasks
var executorInfo: ExecutorInfo = null
var execArgs: Array[Byte] = null
override def start() {
synchronized {
@ -70,19 +60,14 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
executorInfo = createExecutorInfo()
def createExecutorInfo(): ExecutorInfo = {
val sparkHome = sc.getSparkHome() match {
case Some(path) =>
case None =>
throw new SparkException("Spark home is not set; set it through the spark.home system " +
"property, the SPARK_HOME environment variable or the SparkContext constructor")
def createExecutorInfo(execId: String): ExecutorInfo = {
val sparkHome = sc.getSparkHome().getOrElse(throw new SparkException(
"Spark home is not set; set it through the spark.home system " +
"property, the SPARK_HOME environment variable or the SparkContext constructor"))
val execScript = new File(sparkHome, "spark-executor").getCanonicalPath
val environment = Environment.newBuilder()
sc.executorEnvs.foreach { case (key, value) =>
@ -94,14 +79,14 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
val memory = Resource.newBuilder()
val command = CommandInfo.newBuilder()
@ -113,6 +98,7 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
* containing all the spark.* system properties in the form of (String, String) pairs.
private def createExecArg(): Array[Byte] = {
if (execArgs == null) {
val props = new HashMap[String, String]
val iterator = System.getProperties.entrySet.iterator
while (iterator.hasNext) {
@ -123,7 +109,9 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
// Serialize the map as an array of (String, String) pairs
return Utils.serialize(props.toArray)
execArgs = Utils.serialize(props.toArray)
return execArgs
override def offerRescinded(d: SchedulerDriver, o: OfferID) {}
@ -163,7 +151,7 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
def enoughMemory(o: Offer) = {
val mem = getResource(o.getResourcesList, "mem")
val slaveId = o.getSlaveId.getValue
mem >= EXECUTOR_MEMORY || slaveIdsWithExecutors.contains(slaveId)
mem >= executorMemory || slaveIdsWithExecutors.contains(slaveId)
for ((offer, index) <- offers.zipWithIndex if enoughMemory(offer)) {
@ -220,7 +208,7 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
return MesosTaskInfo.newBuilder()
@ -272,7 +260,7 @@ private[spark] class MesosSchedulerBackend(
synchronized {
slaveIdsWithExecutors -= slaveId.getValue
scheduler.slaveLost(slaveId.getValue, reason)
scheduler.executorLost(slaveId.getValue, reason)
override def slaveLost(d: SchedulerDriver, slaveId: SlaveID) {

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import com.ning.compress.lzf.{LZFInputStream, LZFOutputStream}
import spark.{CacheTracker, Logging, SizeEstimator, SparkEnv, SparkException, Utils}
import spark.{Logging, SizeEstimator, SparkEnv, SparkException, Utils}
import spark.serializer.Serializer
import spark.util.{ByteBufferInputStream, IdGenerator, MetadataCleaner, TimeStampedHashMap}
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ extends Exception(message)
class BlockManager(
executorId: String,
actorSystem: ActorSystem,
val master: BlockManagerMaster,
val serializer: Serializer,
@ -68,11 +69,8 @@ class BlockManager(
val connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(0)
implicit val futureExecContext = connectionManager.futureExecContext
val connectionManagerId =
val blockManagerId = new BlockManagerId(, connectionManagerId.port)
// TODO: This will be removed after cacheTracker is removed from the code base.
var cacheTracker: CacheTracker = null
val blockManagerId = BlockManagerId(
// Max megabytes of data to keep in flight per reducer (to avoid over-allocating memory
// for receiving shuffle outputs)
@ -93,7 +91,10 @@ class BlockManager(
val slaveActor = master.actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new BlockManagerSlaveActor(this)),
name = "BlockManagerActor" +
@volatile private var shuttingDown = false
// Pending reregistration action being executed asynchronously or null if none
// is pending. Accesses should synchronize on asyncReregisterLock.
var asyncReregisterTask: Future[Unit] = null
val asyncReregisterLock = new Object
private def heartBeat() {
if (!master.sendHeartBeat(blockManagerId)) {
@ -109,8 +110,9 @@ class BlockManager(
* Construct a BlockManager with a memory limit set based on system properties.
def this(actorSystem: ActorSystem, master: BlockManagerMaster, serializer: Serializer) = {
this(actorSystem, master, serializer, BlockManager.getMaxMemoryFromSystemProperties)
def this(execId: String, actorSystem: ActorSystem, master: BlockManagerMaster,
serializer: Serializer) = {
this(execId, actorSystem, master, serializer, BlockManager.getMaxMemoryFromSystemProperties)
@ -150,6 +152,8 @@ class BlockManager(
* Reregister with the master and report all blocks to it. This will be called by the heart beat
* thread if our heartbeat to the block amnager indicates that we were not registered.
* Note that this method must be called without any BlockInfo locks held.
def reregister() {
// TODO: We might need to rate limit reregistering.
@ -158,6 +162,32 @@ class BlockManager(
* Reregister with the master sometime soon.
def asyncReregister() {
asyncReregisterLock.synchronized {
if (asyncReregisterTask == null) {
asyncReregisterTask = Future[Unit] {
asyncReregisterLock.synchronized {
asyncReregisterTask = null
* For testing. Wait for any pending asynchronous reregistration; otherwise, do nothing.
def waitForAsyncReregister() {
val task = asyncReregisterTask
if (task != null) {
Await.ready(task, Duration.Inf)
* Get storage level of local block. If no info exists for the block, then returns null.
@ -173,7 +203,7 @@ class BlockManager(
if (needReregister) {
logInfo("Got told to reregister updating block " + blockId)
// Reregistering will report our new block for free.
logDebug("Told master about block " + blockId)
@ -191,7 +221,7 @@ class BlockManager(
case level =>
val inMem = level.useMemory && memoryStore.contains(blockId)
val onDisk = level.useDisk && diskStore.contains(blockId)
val storageLevel = new StorageLevel(onDisk, inMem, level.deserialized, level.replication)
val storageLevel = StorageLevel(onDisk, inMem, level.deserialized, level.replication)
val memSize = if (inMem) memoryStore.getSize(blockId) else 0L
val diskSize = if (onDisk) diskStore.getSize(blockId) else 0L
(storageLevel, memSize, diskSize, info.tellMaster)
@ -213,7 +243,7 @@ class BlockManager(
val startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis
var managers = master.getLocations(blockId)
val locations =
logDebug("Get block locations in " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs))
logDebug("Got block locations in " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs))
return locations
@ -223,7 +253,7 @@ class BlockManager(
def getLocations(blockIds: Array[String]): Array[Seq[String]] = {
val startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis
val locations = master.getLocations(blockIds).map(
logDebug("Get multiple block location in " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs))
logDebug("Got multiple block location in " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs))
return locations
@ -615,7 +645,7 @@ class BlockManager(
var size = 0L
myInfo.synchronized {
logDebug("Put for block " + blockId + " took " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs)
logTrace("Put for block " + blockId + " took " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs)
+ " to get into synchronized block")
if (level.useMemory) {
@ -647,8 +677,10 @@ class BlockManager(
logDebug("Put block " + blockId + " locally took " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs))
// Replicate block if required
if (level.replication > 1) {
val remoteStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
// Serialize the block if not already done
if (bytesAfterPut == null) {
if (valuesAfterPut == null) {
@ -658,16 +690,10 @@ class BlockManager(
bytesAfterPut = dataSerialize(blockId, valuesAfterPut)
replicate(blockId, bytesAfterPut, level)
logDebug("Put block " + blockId + " remotely took " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(remoteStartTime))
// TODO: This code will be removed when CacheTracker is gone.
if (blockId.startsWith("rdd")) {
logDebug("Put block " + blockId + " took " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs))
return size
@ -733,11 +759,6 @@ class BlockManager(
// TODO: This code will be removed when CacheTracker is gone.
if (blockId.startsWith("rdd")) {
// If replication had started, then wait for it to finish
if (level.replication > 1) {
if (replicationFuture == null) {
@ -760,8 +781,7 @@ class BlockManager(
var cachedPeers: Seq[BlockManagerId] = null
private def replicate(blockId: String, data: ByteBuffer, level: StorageLevel) {
val tLevel: StorageLevel =
new StorageLevel(level.useDisk, level.useMemory, level.deserialized, 1)
val tLevel = StorageLevel(level.useDisk, level.useMemory, level.deserialized, 1)
if (cachedPeers == null) {
cachedPeers = master.getPeers(blockManagerId, level.replication - 1)
@ -780,16 +800,6 @@ class BlockManager(
// TODO: This code will be removed when CacheTracker is gone.
private def notifyCacheTracker(key: String) {
if (cacheTracker != null) {
val rddInfo = key.split("_")
val rddId: Int = rddInfo(1).toInt
val partition: Int = rddInfo(2).toInt
cacheTracker.notifyFromBlockManager(spark.AddedToCache(rddId, partition, host))
* Read a block consisting of a single object.
@ -940,6 +950,7 @@ class BlockManager(
logInfo("BlockManager stopped")
@ -968,7 +979,7 @@ object BlockManager extends Logging {
def dispose(buffer: ByteBuffer) {
if (buffer != null && buffer.isInstanceOf[MappedByteBuffer]) {
logDebug("Unmapping " + buffer)
logTrace("Unmapping " + buffer)
if (buffer.asInstanceOf[DirectBuffer].cleaner() != null) {

View file

@ -3,38 +3,67 @@ package
import{Externalizable, IOException, ObjectInput, ObjectOutput}
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
* This class represent an unique identifier for a BlockManager.
* The first 2 constructors of this class is made private to ensure that
* BlockManagerId objects can be created only using the factory method in
* [[$]]. This allows de-duplication of ID objects.
* Also, constructor parameters are private to ensure that parameters cannot
* be modified from outside this class.
private[spark] class BlockManagerId private (
private var executorId_ : String,
private var ip_ : String,
private var port_ : Int
) extends Externalizable {
private[spark] class BlockManagerId(var ip: String, var port: Int) extends Externalizable {
def this() = this(null, 0) // For deserialization only
private def this() = this(null, null, 0) // For deserialization only
def this(in: ObjectInput) = this(in.readUTF(), in.readInt())
def executorId: String = executorId_
def ip: String = ip_
def port: Int = port_
override def writeExternal(out: ObjectOutput) {
override def readExternal(in: ObjectInput) {
ip = in.readUTF()
port = in.readInt()
executorId_ = in.readUTF()
ip_ = in.readUTF()
port_ = in.readInt()
private def readResolve(): Object = BlockManagerId.getCachedBlockManagerId(this)
override def toString = "BlockManagerId(" + ip + ", " + port + ")"
override def toString = "BlockManagerId(%s, %s, %d)".format(executorId, ip, port)
override def hashCode = ip.hashCode * 41 + port
override def hashCode: Int = (executorId.hashCode * 41 + ip.hashCode) * 41 + port
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case id: BlockManagerId => port == id.port && ip == id.ip
case _ => false
case id: BlockManagerId =>
executorId == id.executorId && port == id.port && ip == id.ip
case _ =>
private[spark] object BlockManagerId {
def apply(execId: String, ip: String, port: Int) =
getCachedBlockManagerId(new BlockManagerId(execId, ip, port))
def apply(in: ObjectInput) = {
val obj = new BlockManagerId()
val blockManagerIdCache = new ConcurrentHashMap[BlockManagerId, BlockManagerId]()
def getCachedBlockManagerId(id: BlockManagerId): BlockManagerId = {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap, HashSet}
import scala.util.Random
import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props}
@ -11,52 +15,49 @@ import akka.util.duration._
import spark.{Logging, SparkException, Utils}
private[spark] class BlockManagerMaster(
val actorSystem: ActorSystem,
isMaster: Boolean,
isDriver: Boolean,
isLocal: Boolean,
masterIp: String,
masterPort: Int)
driverIp: String,
driverPort: Int)
extends Logging {
val AKKA_RETRY_ATTEMPS: Int = System.getProperty("spark.akka.num.retries", "3").toInt
val AKKA_RETRY_ATTEMPTS: Int = System.getProperty("spark.akka.num.retries", "3").toInt
val AKKA_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS: Int = System.getProperty("spark.akka.retry.wait", "3000").toInt
val MASTER_AKKA_ACTOR_NAME = "BlockMasterManager"
val SLAVE_AKKA_ACTOR_NAME = "BlockSlaveManager"
val DEFAULT_MANAGER_IP: String = Utils.localHostName()
val DRIVER_AKKA_ACTOR_NAME = "BlockMasterManager"
val timeout = 10.seconds
var masterActor: ActorRef = {
if (isMaster) {
val masterActor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new BlockManagerMasterActor(isLocal)),
var driverActor: ActorRef = {
if (isDriver) {
val driverActor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new BlockManagerMasterActor(isLocal)),
logInfo("Registered BlockManagerMaster Actor")
} else {
val url = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(masterIp, masterPort, MASTER_AKKA_ACTOR_NAME)
val url = "akka://spark@%s:%s/user/%s".format(driverIp, driverPort, DRIVER_AKKA_ACTOR_NAME)
logInfo("Connecting to BlockManagerMaster: " + url)
/** Remove a dead host from the master actor. This is only called on the master side. */
def notifyADeadHost(host: String) {
logInfo("Removed " + host + " successfully in notifyADeadHost")
/** Remove a dead executor from the driver actor. This is only called on the driver side. */
def removeExecutor(execId: String) {
logInfo("Removed " + execId + " successfully in removeExecutor")
* Send the master actor a heart beat from the slave. Returns true if everything works out,
* false if the master does not know about the given block manager, which means the block
* Send the driver actor a heart beat from the slave. Returns true if everything works out,
* false if the driver does not know about the given block manager, which means the block
* manager should re-register.
def sendHeartBeat(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = {
/** Register the BlockManager's id with the master. */
/** Register the BlockManager's id with the driver. */
def registerBlockManager(
blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, maxMemSize: Long, slaveActor: ActorRef) {
logInfo("Trying to register BlockManager")
@ -70,25 +71,25 @@ private[spark] class BlockManagerMaster(
storageLevel: StorageLevel,
memSize: Long,
diskSize: Long): Boolean = {
val res = askMasterWithRetry[Boolean](
val res = askDriverWithReply[Boolean](
UpdateBlockInfo(blockManagerId, blockId, storageLevel, memSize, diskSize))
logInfo("Updated info of block " + blockId)
/** Get locations of the blockId from the master */
/** Get locations of the blockId from the driver */
def getLocations(blockId: String): Seq[BlockManagerId] = {
/** Get locations of multiple blockIds from the master */
/** Get locations of multiple blockIds from the driver */
def getLocations(blockIds: Array[String]): Seq[Seq[BlockManagerId]] = {
/** Get ids of other nodes in the cluster from the master */
/** Get ids of other nodes in the cluster from the driver */
def getPeers(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, numPeers: Int): Seq[BlockManagerId] = {
val result = askMasterWithRetry[Seq[BlockManagerId]](GetPeers(blockManagerId, numPeers))
val result = askDriverWithReply[Seq[BlockManagerId]](GetPeers(blockManagerId, numPeers))
if (result.length != numPeers) {
throw new SparkException(
"Error getting peers, only got " + result.size + " instead of " + numPeers)
@ -98,10 +99,10 @@ private[spark] class BlockManagerMaster(
* Remove a block from the slaves that have it. This can only be used to remove
* blocks that the master knows about.
* blocks that the driver knows about.
def removeBlock(blockId: String) {
@ -111,41 +112,45 @@ private[spark] class BlockManagerMaster(
* amount of remaining memory.
def getMemoryStatus: Map[BlockManagerId, (Long, Long)] = {
askMasterWithRetry[Map[BlockManagerId, (Long, Long)]](GetMemoryStatus)
askDriverWithReply[Map[BlockManagerId, (Long, Long)]](GetMemoryStatus)
/** Stop the master actor, called only on the Spark master node */
def getStorageStatus: Array[StorageStatus] = {
/** Stop the driver actor, called only on the Spark driver node */
def stop() {
if (masterActor != null) {
if (driverActor != null) {
masterActor = null
driverActor = null
logInfo("BlockManagerMaster stopped")
/** Send a one-way message to the master actor, to which we expect it to reply with true. */
private def tell(message: Any) {
if (!askMasterWithRetry[Boolean](message)) {
if (!askDriverWithReply[Boolean](message)) {
throw new SparkException("BlockManagerMasterActor returned false, expected true.")
* Send a message to the master actor and get its result within a default timeout, or
* Send a message to the driver actor and get its result within a default timeout, or
* throw a SparkException if this fails.
private def askMasterWithRetry[T](message: Any): T = {
private def askDriverWithReply[T](message: Any): T = {
// TODO: Consider removing multiple attempts
if (masterActor == null) {
throw new SparkException("Error sending message to BlockManager as masterActor is null " +
if (driverActor == null) {
throw new SparkException("Error sending message to BlockManager as driverActor is null " +
"[message = " + message + "]")
var attempts = 0
var lastException: Exception = null
while (attempts < AKKA_RETRY_ATTEMPS) {
while (attempts < AKKA_RETRY_ATTEMPTS) {
attempts += 1
try {
val future = masterActor.ask(message)(timeout)
val future = driverActor.ask(message)(timeout)
val result = Await.result(future, timeout)
if (result == null) {
throw new Exception("BlockManagerMaster returned null")

View file

@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ class BlockManagerMasterActor(val isLocal: Boolean) extends Actor with Logging {
private val blockManagerInfo =
new HashMap[BlockManagerId, BlockManagerMasterActor.BlockManagerInfo]
// Mapping from host name to block manager id. We allow multiple block managers
// on the same host name (ip).
private val blockManagerIdByHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[BlockManagerId]]
// Mapping from executor ID to block manager ID.
private val blockManagerIdByExecutor = new HashMap[String, BlockManagerId]
// Mapping from block id to the set of block managers that have the block.
private val blockLocations = new JHashMap[String, Pair[Int, HashSet[BlockManagerId]]]
@ -68,11 +67,14 @@ class BlockManagerMasterActor(val isLocal: Boolean) extends Actor with Logging {
case GetMemoryStatus =>
case GetStorageStatus =>
case RemoveBlock(blockId) =>
case RemoveHost(host) =>
case RemoveExecutor(execId) =>
sender ! true
case StopBlockManagerMaster =>
@ -96,16 +98,12 @@ class BlockManagerMasterActor(val isLocal: Boolean) extends Actor with Logging {
def removeBlockManager(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId) {
val info = blockManagerInfo(blockManagerId)
// Remove the block manager from blockManagerIdByHost. If the list of block
// managers belonging to the IP is empty, remove the entry from the hash map.
blockManagerIdByHost.get(blockManagerId.ip).foreach { managers: ArrayBuffer[BlockManagerId] =>
managers -= blockManagerId
if (managers.size == 0) blockManagerIdByHost.remove(blockManagerId.ip)
// Remove the block manager from blockManagerIdByExecutor.
blockManagerIdByExecutor -= blockManagerId.executorId
// Remove it from blockManagerInfo and remove all the blocks.
var iterator = info.blocks.keySet.iterator
val iterator = info.blocks.keySet.iterator
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val blockId =
val locations = blockLocations.get(blockId)._2
@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ class BlockManagerMasterActor(val isLocal: Boolean) extends Actor with Logging {
def expireDeadHosts() {
logDebug("Checking for hosts with no recent heart beats in BlockManagerMaster.")
logTrace("Checking for hosts with no recent heart beats in BlockManagerMaster.")
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
val minSeenTime = now - slaveTimeout
val toRemove = new HashSet[BlockManagerId]
@ -130,17 +128,15 @@ class BlockManagerMasterActor(val isLocal: Boolean) extends Actor with Logging {
def removeHost(host: String) {
logInfo("Trying to remove the host: " + host + " from BlockManagerMaster.")
logInfo("Previous hosts: " + blockManagerInfo.keySet.toSeq)
logInfo("Current hosts: " + blockManagerInfo.keySet.toSeq)
def removeExecutor(execId: String) {
logInfo("Trying to remove executor " + execId + " from BlockManagerMaster.")
sender ! true
def heartBeat(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId) {
if (!blockManagerInfo.contains(blockManagerId)) {
if (blockManagerId.ip == Utils.localHostName() && !isLocal) {
if (blockManagerId.executorId == "<driver>" && !isLocal) {
sender ! true
} else {
sender ! false
@ -177,24 +173,28 @@ class BlockManagerMasterActor(val isLocal: Boolean) extends Actor with Logging {
sender ! res
private def register(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, maxMemSize: Long, slaveActor: ActorRef) {
val startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis()
val tmp = " " + blockManagerId + " "
if (blockManagerId.ip == Utils.localHostName() && !isLocal) {
logInfo("Got Register Msg from master node, don't register it")
} else {
blockManagerIdByHost.get(blockManagerId.ip) match {
case Some(managers) =>
// A block manager of the same host name already exists.
logInfo("Got another registration for host " + blockManagerId)
managers += blockManagerId
case None =>
blockManagerIdByHost += (blockManagerId.ip -> ArrayBuffer(blockManagerId))
private def getStorageStatus() {
val res = { case(blockManagerId, info) =>
import collection.JavaConverters._
StorageStatus(blockManagerId, info.maxMem, info.blocks.asScala.toMap)
sender ! res
blockManagerInfo += (blockManagerId -> new BlockManagerMasterActor.BlockManagerInfo(
blockManagerId, System.currentTimeMillis(), maxMemSize, slaveActor))
private def register(id: BlockManagerId, maxMemSize: Long, slaveActor: ActorRef) {
if (id.executorId == "<driver>" && !isLocal) {
// Got a register message from the master node; don't register it
} else if (!blockManagerInfo.contains(id)) {
blockManagerIdByExecutor.get(id.executorId) match {
case Some(manager) =>
// A block manager of the same host name already exists
logError("Got two different block manager registrations on " + id.executorId)
case None =>
blockManagerIdByExecutor(id.executorId) = id
blockManagerInfo(id) = new BlockManagerMasterActor.BlockManagerInfo(
id, System.currentTimeMillis(), maxMemSize, slaveActor)
sender ! true
@ -206,11 +206,8 @@ class BlockManagerMasterActor(val isLocal: Boolean) extends Actor with Logging {
memSize: Long,
diskSize: Long) {
val startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis()
val tmp = " " + blockManagerId + " " + blockId + " "
if (!blockManagerInfo.contains(blockManagerId)) {
if (blockManagerId.ip == Utils.localHostName() && !isLocal) {
if (blockManagerId.executorId == "<driver>" && !isLocal) {
// We intentionally do not register the master (except in local mode),
// so we should not indicate failure.
sender ! true
@ -342,8 +339,8 @@ object BlockManagerMasterActor {
_lastSeenMs = System.currentTimeMillis()
def updateBlockInfo(blockId: String, storageLevel: StorageLevel, memSize: Long, diskSize: Long)
: Unit = synchronized {
def updateBlockInfo(blockId: String, storageLevel: StorageLevel, memSize: Long,
diskSize: Long) {

View file

@ -54,11 +54,9 @@ class UpdateBlockInfo(
override def readExternal(in: ObjectInput) {
blockManagerId = new BlockManagerId()
blockManagerId = BlockManagerId(in)
blockId = in.readUTF()
storageLevel = new StorageLevel()
storageLevel = StorageLevel(in)
memSize = in.readInt()
diskSize = in.readInt()
@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ private[spark]
case class GetPeers(blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, size: Int) extends ToBlockManagerMaster
case class RemoveHost(host: String) extends ToBlockManagerMaster
case class RemoveExecutor(execId: String) extends ToBlockManagerMaster
case object StopBlockManagerMaster extends ToBlockManagerMaster
@ -100,3 +98,6 @@ case object GetMemoryStatus extends ToBlockManagerMaster
case object ExpireDeadHosts extends ToBlockManagerMaster
case object GetStorageStatus extends ToBlockManagerMaster

View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.util.duration._
import cc.spray.typeconversion.TwirlSupport._
import cc.spray.Directives
import spark.{Logging, SparkContext}
import spark.util.AkkaUtils
import spark.Utils
* Web UI server for the BlockManager inside each SparkContext.
class BlockManagerUI(val actorSystem: ActorSystem, blockManagerMaster: ActorRef, sc: SparkContext)
extends Directives with Logging {
val STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR = "spark/deploy/static"
implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 seconds)
/** Start a HTTP server to run the Web interface */
def start() {
try {
val port = if (System.getProperty("spark.ui.port") != null) {
} else {
// TODO: Unfortunately, it's not possible to pass port 0 to spray and figure out which
// random port it bound to, so we have to try to find a local one by creating a socket.
AkkaUtils.startSprayServer(actorSystem, "", port, handler, "BlockManagerHTTPServer")
logInfo("Started BlockManager web UI at http://%s:%d".format(Utils.localHostName(), port))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError("Failed to create BlockManager WebUI", e)
val handler = {
get {
path("") {
completeWith {
// Request the current storage status from the Master
val storageStatusList = sc.getExecutorStorageStatus
// Calculate macro-level statistics
val maxMem =
val remainingMem =
val diskSpaceUsed = storageStatusList.flatMap(
val rdds = StorageUtils.rddInfoFromStorageStatus(storageStatusList, sc)
render(maxMem, remainingMem, diskSpaceUsed, rdds, storageStatusList)
} ~
path("rdd") {
parameter("id") { id =>
completeWith {
val prefix = "rdd_" + id.toString
val storageStatusList = sc.getExecutorStorageStatus
val filteredStorageStatusList = StorageUtils.
filterStorageStatusByPrefix(storageStatusList, prefix)
val rddInfo = StorageUtils.rddInfoFromStorageStatus(filteredStorageStatusList, sc).head, filteredStorageStatusList)
} ~
pathPrefix("static") {

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