Added rmat graph generator

This commit is contained in:
Dan Crankshaw 2013-10-03 10:21:34 -07:00
parent 3c3cc1508b
commit 8edd499eff

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@ -1,62 +1,88 @@
package org.apache.spark.graph.util
import util.Random.nextGaussian
import util._
import math._
//import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.graph._
import org.apache.spark.graph.Graph
import org.apache.spark.graph.Vertex
import org.apache.spark.graph.Edge
import org.apache.spark.graph.impl.GraphImpl
// TODO(crankshaw) I might want to pull at least RMAT out into a separate class.
// Might simplify the code to have classwide variables and such.
object GraphGenerator {
TODO(crankshaw) delete
Just notes for me:
for every vertex:
generate the number of outdegrees
create the vertex Vertex(vid, outdegrees)
create the edges: generateRandomEdges
add vertex to vertex list
add edges to edgelist
val RMATa = 0.45
val RMATb = 0.15
val RMATc = 0.15
val RMATd = 0.25
* TODO(crankshaw) delete
* How do I create a spark context and RDD and stuff?
* Like how do I actually make this program run?
def main(args: Array[String]) {
System.setProperty("spark.serializer", "spark.KryoSerializer")
//System.setProperty("spark.shuffle.compress", "false")
System.setProperty("spark.kryo.registrator", "spark.graph.GraphKryoRegistrator")
val host = "local[4]"
val sc = new SparkContext(host, "Lognormal graph generator")
println("hello world")
// For now just writes graph to a file. Eventually
// it will return a spark.graph.Graph
// Right now it just generates a bunch of edges where
// the edge data is the weight (default 1)
def lognormalGraph(numVertices: Long, fname: String) = {
def lognormalGraph(sc: SparkContext, numVertices: Int): GraphImpl[Int, Int] = {
// based on Pregel settings
val mu = 4
val sigma = 1.3
val vertsAndEdges = Range(0, numVertices).flatmap { src => {
val outdegree = sampleLogNormal(mu, sigma, numVertices)
val vertex = Vertex(src, outdegree)
val edges = generateRandomEdges(src, outdegree, numVertices)
(vertex, edges) }
val vertices, edges = vertsAndEdges.unzip
val graph = new GraphImpl[Int, Int](vertices, edges.flatten)
//val vertsAndEdges = (0 until numVertices).flatMap { src => {
val vertices = (0 until numVertices).flatMap { src =>
Array(Vertex(src, sampleLogNormal(mu, sigma, numVertices))) }
val edges = vertices.flatMap( { v =>
generateRandomEdges(,, numVertices) })
new GraphImpl[Int, Int](sc.parallelize(vertices), sc.parallelize(edges))
//for (v <- vertices) {
// println(
//for (e <- edges) {
// println(e.src, e.dst,
def generateRandomEdges(src: Long, numEdges: Long, maxVid): Array[Edge[Int]] = {
var dsts = new Set()
while (dsts.size() < numEdges) {
val nextDst = nextInt(maxVid)
def generateRandomEdges(src: Int, numEdges: Int, maxVid: Int): Array[Edge[Int]] = {
val rand = new Random()
var dsts: Set[Int] = Set()
while (dsts.size < numEdges) {
val nextDst = rand.nextInt(maxVid)
if (nextDst != src) {
dsts += nextDst
val edges = => Array(Edge(src, dst, 1))).toList {dst => Edge[Int](src, dst, 1) }.toArray
@ -74,16 +100,135 @@ object GraphGenerator {
* @param sigma the standard deviation of the normal distribution
* @param macVal exclusive upper bound on the value of the sample
def sampleLogNormal(mu: Float, sigma: Float, maxVal: Long): Long = {
def sampleLogNormal(mu: Double, sigma: Double, maxVal: Int): Int = {
val rand = new Random()
val m = math.exp(mu+(sigma*sigma)/2.0)
val s = math.sqrt((math.exp(sigma*sigma) - 1) * math.exp(2*mu + sigma*sigma))
// Z ~ N(0, 1)
var X = maxVal
var X: Double = maxVal
while (X >= maxVal) {
val Z = nextGaussian()
X = math.exp(m + s*Z)
val Z = rand.nextGaussian()
X = math.exp((m + s*Z))
def rmatGraph(sc: SparkContext, requestedNumVertices: Int, numEdges: Int): GraphImpl[Int, Int] = {
// let N = requestedNumVertices
// the number of vertices is 2^n where n=ceil(log2[N])
// This ensures that the 4 quadrants are the same size at all recursion levels
val numVertices = math.round(math.pow(2.0, math.ceil(math.log(requestedNumVertices)/math.log(2.0)))).toInt
var edges: Set[Edge[Int]] = Set()
while (edges.size < numEdges) {
edges += addEdge(numVertices)
val graph = outDegreeFromEdges(sc.parallelize(edges.toList))
def outDegreeFromEdges[ED: ClassManifest](edges: RDD[Edge[ED]]): GraphImpl[Int, ED] = {
val vertices = edges.flatMap { edge => List((edge.src, 1)) }
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
.map{ case (vid, degree) => Vertex(vid, degree) }
new GraphImpl[Int, ED](vertices, edges)
* @param numVertices Specifies the total number of vertices in the graph (used to get
* the dimensions of the adjacency matrix
def addEdge(numVertices: Int): Edge[Int] = {
//val (src, dst) = chooseCell(numVertices/2.0, numVertices/2.0, numVertices/2.0)
val v = math.round(numVertices.toFloat/2.0).toInt
val (src, dst) = chooseCell(v, v, v)
Edge[Int](src, dst, 1)
* This method recursively subdivides the the adjacency matrix into quadrants
* until it picks a single cell. The naming conventions in this paper match
* those of the R-MAT paper. There are a power of 2 number of nodes in the graph.
* The adjacency matrix looks like:
* dst ->
* (x,y) *************** _
* | | | |
* | a | b | |
* src | | | |
* | *************** | T
* \|/ | | | |
* | c | d | |
* | | | |
* *************** -
* where this represents the subquadrant of the adj matrix currently being
* subdivided. (x,y) represent the upper left hand corner of the subquadrant,
* and T represents the side length (guaranteed to be a power of 2).
* After choosing the next level subquadrant, we get the resulting sets
* of parameters:
* quad = a, x'=x, y'=y, T'=T/2
* quad = b, x'=x+T/2, y'=y, T'=T/2
* quad = c, x'=x, y'=y+T/2, T'=T/2
* quad = d, x'=x+T/2, y'=y+T/2, T'=T/2
* @param src is the
@tailrec def chooseCell(x: Int, y: Int, t: Int): (Int, Int) = {
if (t <= 1)
else {
val newT = math.round(t.toFloat/2.0).toInt
pickQuadrant(RMATa, RMATb, RMATc, RMATd) match {
case 0 => chooseCell(x, y, newT)
case 1 => chooseCell(x+newT, y, newT)
case 2 => chooseCell(x, y+newT, newT)
case 3 => chooseCell(x+newT, y+newT, newT)
// TODO(crankshaw) turn result into an enum (or case class for pattern matching}
def pickQuadrant(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double, d: Double): Int = {
if (a+b+c+d != 1.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("R-MAT probability parameters sum to " + (a+b+c+d) + ", should sum to 1.0")
val rand = new Random()
val result = rand.nextDouble()
result match {
case x if x < a => 0 // 0 corresponds to quadrant a
case x if (x >= a && x < a+b) => 1 // 1 corresponds to b
case x if (x >= a+b && x < a+b+c) => 2 // 2 corresponds to c
case _ => 3 // 3 corresponds to d