Delete old DeployUtils.

This commit is contained in:
Denny 2012-09-04 21:15:23 -07:00
parent cf074f9c96
commit 93fe331e6d

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@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
package spark.deploy
import{ActorRef, Props, Actor, ActorSystem, Terminated}
import spark.deploy.worker.Worker
import spark.deploy.master.Master
import spark.util.AkkaUtils
import spark.{Logging, Utils}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object DeployUtils extends Logging {
/* Starts a local standalone Spark cluster with a specified number of slaves */
def startLocalSparkCluster(numSlaves : Int, coresPerSlave : Int,
memoryPerSlave : Int) : String = {
logInfo("Starting a local Spark cluster with " + numSlaves + " slaves.")
val threadPool = Utils.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(numSlaves + 1)
val localIpAddress = Utils.localIpAddress
val workers = ArrayBuffer[ActorRef]()
/* Start the Master */
val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("sparkMaster", localIpAddress, 0)
val masterUrl = "spark://" + localIpAddress + ":" + boundPort
threadPool.execute(new Runnable {
def run() {
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new Master(localIpAddress, boundPort, 8080)), name = "Master")
/* Start the Slaves */
(1 to numSlaves + 1).foreach { slaveNum =>
val (actorSystem, boundPort) =
AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("sparkWorker" + slaveNum, localIpAddress, 0)
threadPool.execute(new Runnable {
def run() {
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(new Worker(localIpAddress, boundPort, 8080 + slaveNum, coresPerSlave, memoryPerSlave, masterUrl)),
name = "Worker")
workers += actor
return masterUrl