Updated documentation

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Dan Crankshaw 2013-11-11 02:19:07 -08:00 committed by Ankur Dave
parent 7c573a8b43
commit a13460bb64

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@ -5,7 +5,51 @@ package org.apache.spark.graph
sealed trait PartitionStrategy extends Serializable { def getPartition(src: Vid, dst: Vid, numParts: Pid): Pid}
//case object EdgePartition2D extends PartitionStrategy {
* This function implements a classic 2D-Partitioning of a sparse matrix.
* Suppose we have a graph with 11 vertices that we want to partition
* over 9 machines. We can use the following sparse matrix representation:
* __________________________________
* v0 | P0 * | P1 | P2 * |
* v1 | **** | * | |
* v2 | ******* | ** | **** |
* v3 | ***** | * * | * |
* ----------------------------------
* v4 | P3 * | P4 *** | P5 ** * |
* v5 | * * | * | |
* v6 | * | ** | **** |
* v7 | * * * | * * | * |
* ----------------------------------
* v8 | P6 * | P7 * | P8 * *|
* v9 | * | * * | |
* v10 | * | ** | * * |
* v11 | * <-E | *** | ** |
* ----------------------------------
* The edge denoted by E connects v11 with v1 and is assigned to
* processor P6. To get the processor number we divide the matrix
* into sqrt(numProc) by sqrt(numProc) blocks. Notice that edges
* adjacent to v11 can only be in the first colum of
* blocks (P0, P3, P6) or the last row of blocks (P6, P7, P8).
* As a consequence we can guarantee that v11 will need to be
* replicated to at most 2 * sqrt(numProc) machines.
* Notice that P0 has many edges and as a consequence this
* partitioning would lead to poor work balance. To improve
* balance we first multiply each vertex id by a large prime
* to effectively shuffle the vertex locations.
* One of the limitations of this approach is that the number of
* machines must either be a perfect square. We partially address
* this limitation by computing the machine assignment to the next
* largest perfect square and then mapping back down to the actual
* number of machines. Unfortunately, this can also lead to work
* imbalance and so it is suggested that a perfect square is used.
object EdgePartition2D extends PartitionStrategy {
override def getPartition(src: Vid, dst: Vid, numParts: Pid): Pid = {
val ceilSqrtNumParts: Pid = math.ceil(math.sqrt(numParts)).toInt
@ -17,7 +61,6 @@ object EdgePartition2D extends PartitionStrategy {
object EdgePartition1D extends PartitionStrategy {
override def getPartition(src: Vid, dst: Vid, numParts: Pid): Pid = {
val mixingPrime: Vid = 1125899906842597L
@ -26,6 +69,10 @@ object EdgePartition1D extends PartitionStrategy {
* Assign edges to an aribtrary machine corresponding to a
* random vertex cut.
object RandomVertexCut extends PartitionStrategy {
override def getPartition(src: Vid, dst: Vid, numParts: Pid): Pid = {
math.abs((src, dst).hashCode()) % numParts
@ -33,6 +80,11 @@ object RandomVertexCut extends PartitionStrategy {
* Assign edges to an arbitrary machine corresponding to a random vertex cut. This
* function ensures that edges of opposite direction between the same two vertices
* will end up on the same partition.
object CanonicalRandomVertexCut extends PartitionStrategy {
override def getPartition(src: Vid, dst: Vid, numParts: Pid): Pid = {
val lower = math.min(src, dst)