A few clean up for yarn 2.0 code

This commit is contained in:
Raymond Liu 2013-12-17 13:19:14 +08:00
parent 7815a3ace9
commit dd6d347f4f
2 changed files with 7 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -39,28 +39,27 @@ class WorkerLauncher(args: ApplicationMasterArguments, conf: Configuration) exte
def this(args: ApplicationMasterArguments) = this(args, new Configuration())
private val rpc: YarnRPC = YarnRPC.create(conf)
private var resourceManager: AMRMProtocol = null
private var appAttemptId: ApplicationAttemptId = null
private var reporterThread: Thread = null
private var resourceManager: AMRMProtocol = _
private var appAttemptId: ApplicationAttemptId = _
private var reporterThread: Thread = _
private val yarnConf: YarnConfiguration = new YarnConfiguration(conf)
private var yarnAllocator: YarnAllocationHandler = null
private var yarnAllocator: YarnAllocationHandler = _
private var driverClosed:Boolean = false
private val sparkConf = new SparkConf
val actorSystem : ActorSystem = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("sparkYarnAM", Utils.localHostName, 0,
conf = sparkConf)._1
var actor: ActorRef = null
var actor: ActorRef = _
// This actor just working as a monitor to watch on Driver Actor.
class MonitorActor(driverUrl: String) extends Actor {
var driver: ActorSelection = null
var driver: ActorSelection = _
override def preStart() {
logInfo("Listen to driver: " + driverUrl)
driver = context.actorSelection(driverUrl)
driver ! "hello"
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[RemotingLifecycleEvent])

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class WorkerRunnable(
extends Runnable with Logging {
var rpc: YarnRPC = YarnRPC.create(conf)
var cm: ContainerManager = null
var cm: ContainerManager = _
val yarnConf: YarnConfiguration = new YarnConfiguration(conf)
def run = {