Commit graph

14 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Fokko Driesprong 9fcf0ea718 [SPARK-32319][PYSPARK] Disallow the use of unused imports
Disallow the use of unused imports:

- Unnecessary increases the memory footprint of the application
- Removes the imports that are required for the examples in the docstring from the file-scope to the example itself. This keeps the files itself clean, and gives a more complete example as it also includes the imports :)

fokkodriesprongFan spark % flake8 python | grep -i "imported but unused"
python/pyspark/ F401 'functools.partial' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'traceback' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 '_heapq.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark.version.__version__' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark._globals._NoValue' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark.sql.SQLContext' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark.sql.HiveContext' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark.sql.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 're' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_linalg.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'numpy.random' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'numpy.exp' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.Vector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.VectorUDT' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_feature.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_util.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.Vector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.VectorUDT' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg._convert_to_vector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.DenseMatrix' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseMatrix' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.MatrixUDT' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_stat.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'time.time' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'time.sleep' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_streaming_algorithms.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_algorithms.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'xmlrunner' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.resource.ResourceProfile' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_rdd.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'array.array' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_readwrite.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_join.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'shutil' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_taskcontext.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_conf.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_broadcast.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_daemon.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_util.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'random' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_pin_thread.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'resource' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_worker.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_profiler.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_shuffle.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_rddbarrier.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'userlibrary.UserClass' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'userlib.UserClass' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_context.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_appsubmit.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.RDD' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.streaming.tests.test_dstream.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.streaming.tests.test_kinesis.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.streaming.tests.test_listener.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.streaming.tests.test_context.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/testing/ F401 'scipy.sparse' imported but unused
python/pyspark/testing/ F401 'numpy as np' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions as F' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'py4j' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'pyspark.testing.mlutils.PySparkTestCase' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/param/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/resource/tests/ F401 'random' imported but unused
python/pyspark/resource/tests/ F401 'pyspark.resource.ResourceProfile' imported but unused
python/pyspark/resource/tests/ F401 'pyspark.resource.tests.test_resources.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.udf.UserDefinedFunction' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.pandas.functions.pandas_udf' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.StringType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.IntegerType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.StringType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.udf.UDFRegistration' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_utils.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.pandas_udf' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.PandasUDFType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_map.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_catalog.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_group.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_session.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_conf.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.sum' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.PandasUDFType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pandas.util.testing.assert_series_equal' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyarrow as pa' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_cogrouped_map.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'py4j' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_typehints.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.exists' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_functions.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyarrow as pa' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_window.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyarrow as pa' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyarrow as pa' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.DataFrame' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/avro/ F401 'pyspark.sql.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/pandas/ F401 'sys' imported but unused

fokkodriesprongFan spark % flake8 python | grep -i "imported but unused"
fokkodriesprongFan spark %

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Removing unused imports from the Python files to keep everything nice and tidy.

### Why are the changes needed?

Cleaning up of the imports that aren't used, and suppressing the imports that are used as references to other modules, preserving backward compatibility.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Adding the rule to the existing Flake8 checks.

Closes #29121 from Fokko/SPARK-32319.

Authored-by: Fokko Driesprong <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>
2020-08-08 08:51:57 -07:00
Takuya UESHIN 7b66882c9d [SPARK-32338][SQL][PYSPARK][FOLLOW-UP] Update slice to accept Column for start and length
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This is a follow-up of #29138 which added overload `slice` function to accept `Column` for `start` and `length` in Scala.

This PR is updating the equivalent Python function to accept `Column` as well.

### Why are the changes needed?

Now that Scala version accepts `Column`, Python version should also accept it.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, PySpark users will also be able to pass Column object to `start` and `length` parameter in `slice` function.

### How was this patch tested?

Added tests.

Closes #29195 from ueshin/issues/SPARK-32338/slice.

Authored-by: Takuya UESHIN <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2020-07-23 13:53:50 +09:00
HyukjinKwon 4ad9bfd53b [SPARK-32138] Drop Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR aims to drop Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.

Roughly speaking, it removes all the widely known Python 2 compatibility workarounds such as `sys.version` comparison, `__future__`. Also, it removes the Python 2 dedicated codes such as `ArrayConstructor` in Spark.

### Why are the changes needed?

 1. Unsupport EOL Python versions
 2. Reduce maintenance overhead and remove a bit of legacy codes and hacks for Python 2.
 3. PyPy2 has a critical bug that causes a flaky test, SPARK-28358 given my testing and investigation.
 4. Users can use Python type hints with Pandas UDFs without thinking about Python version
 5. Users can leverage one latest cloudpickle, With Python 3.8+ it can also leverage C pickle.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, users cannot use Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5 in the upcoming Spark version.

### How was this patch tested?

Manually tested and also tested in Jenkins.

Closes #28957 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-32138.

Authored-by: HyukjinKwon <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2020-07-14 11:22:44 +09:00
zero323 01f20394ac [SPARK-30569][SQL][PYSPARK][SPARKR] Add percentile_approx DSL functions
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

- Adds following overloaded variants to Scala `o.a.s.sql.functions`:

  - `percentile_approx(e: Column, percentage: Array[Double], accuracy: Long): Column`
  - `percentile_approx(columnName: String, percentage: Array[Double], accuracy: Long): Column`
  - `percentile_approx(e: Column, percentage: Double, accuracy: Long): Column`
  - `percentile_approx(columnName: String, percentage: Double, accuracy: Long): Column`
  - `percentile_approx(e: Column, percentage: Seq[Double], accuracy: Long): Column` (primarily for
Python interop).
  - `percentile_approx(columnName: String, percentage: Seq[Double], accuracy: Long): Column`

- Adds `percentile_approx` to `pyspark.sql.functions`.

- Adds `percentile_approx` function to SparkR.

### Why are the changes needed?

Currently we support `percentile_approx` only in SQL expression. It is inconvenient and makes this function relatively unknown.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

New unit tests for SparkR an PySpark.

As for now there are no additional tests in Scala API ‒ `ApproximatePercentile` is well tested and Python (including docstrings) and R tests provide additional tests, so it seems unnecessary.

Closes #27278 from zero323/SPARK-30569.

Lead-authored-by: zero323 <>
Co-authored-by: HyukjinKwon <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2020-03-17 10:44:21 +09:00
zero323 7de33f56e8 [SPARK-30681][PYSPARK][SQL] Add higher order functions API to PySpark
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR add Python API for invoking following higher functions:

- `transform`
- `exists`
- `forall`
- `filter`
- `aggregate`
- `zip_with`
- `transform_keys`
- `transform_values`
- `map_filter`
- `map_zip_with`

to `pyspark.sql`. Each of these accepts plain Python functions of one of the following types

- `(Column) -> Column: ...`
- `(Column, Column) -> Column: ...`
- `(Column, Column, Column) -> Column: ...`

Internally this proposal piggbacks on objects supporting Scala implementation ([SPARK-27297]( by:

1. Creating  required `UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariables`  exposing these as PySpark `Columns`
2. Invoking Python function with these columns as arguments.
3. Using the result, and underlying JVM objects from 1., to create `expressions.LambdaFunction` which is passed to desired expression, and repacked as Python `Column`.

### Why are the changes needed?

Currently higher order functions are available only using SQL and Scala API and can use only SQL expressions

df.selectExpr("transform(values, x -> x + 1)")

This works reasonably well for simple functions, but can get really ugly with complex functions (complex functions, casts), resulting objects are somewhat verbose and we don't get any IDE support.  Additionally DSL used, though  very simple, is not documented.

With changes propose here, above query could be rewritten as:

```python"values", lambda x: x + 1))

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

- For positive cases this PR adds doctest strings covering possible usage patterns.
- For negative cases (unsupported function types) this PR adds unit tests.

### Notes

If approved, the same approach can be used in SparkR.

Closes #27406 from zero323/SPARK-30681.

Authored-by: zero323 <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2020-02-28 12:59:39 +09:00
zero323 2330a5682d [SPARK-30607][SQL][PYSPARK][SPARKR] Add overlay wrappers for SparkR and PySpark
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR adds:

- `pyspark.sql.functions.overlay` function to PySpark
- `overlay` function to SparkR

### Why are the changes needed?

Feature parity. At the moment R and Python users can access this function only using SQL or `expr` / `selectExpr`.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

New unit tests.

Closes #27325 from zero323/SPARK-30607.

Authored-by: zero323 <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2020-01-23 16:16:47 +09:00
HyukjinKwon b8e13b0aea [SPARK-28153][PYTHON] Use AtomicReference at InputFileBlockHolder (to support input_file_name with Python UDF)
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes to use `AtomicReference` so that parent and child threads can access to the same file block holder.

Python UDF expressions are turned to a plan and then it launches a separate thread to consume the input iterator. In the separate child thread, the iterator sets `InputFileBlockHolder.set` before the parent does which the parent thread is unable to read later.

1. In this separate child thread, if it happens to call `InputFileBlockHolder.set` first without initialization of the parent's thread local (which is done when the `ThreadLocal.get()` is first called), the child thread seems calling its own `initialValue` to initialize.

2. After that, the parent calls its own `initialValue` to initializes at the first call of `ThreadLocal.get()`.

3. Both now have two different references. Updating at child isn't reflected to parent.

This PR fixes it via initializing parent's thread local with `AtomicReference` for file status so that they can be used in each task, and children thread's update is reflected.

I also tried to explain this a bit more at

## How was this patch tested?

Manually tested and unittest was added.

Closes #24958 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-28153.

Authored-by: HyukjinKwon <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>
2019-07-31 22:40:01 +08:00
zero323 a0c2fa63ab [SPARK-28439][PYTHON][SQL] Add support for count: Column in array_repeat
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This adds simple check for `count` argument:

- If it is a `Column` we apply `_to_java_column` before invoking JVM counterpart
- Otherwise we proceed as before.

## How was this patch tested?

Manual testing.

Closes #25193 from zero323/SPARK-28278.

Authored-by: zero323 <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>
2019-07-18 12:58:48 -07:00
HyukjinKwon 7c05f61514 [SPARK-28130][PYTHON] Print pretty messages for skipped tests when xmlrunner is available in PySpark
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Currently, pretty skipped message added by f7435bec6a mechanism seems not working when xmlrunner is installed apparently.

This PR fixes two things:

1. When `xmlrunner` is installed, seems `xmlrunner` does not respect `vervosity` level in unittests (default is level 1).

    So the output looks as below

    Running tests...

    So it is not caught by our message detection mechanism.

2. If we manually set the `vervocity` level to `xmlrunner`, it prints messages as below:

    test_mixed_udf (pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_scalar.ScalarPandasUDFTests) ... SKIP (0.000s)
    test_mixed_udf_and_sql (pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_scalar.ScalarPandasUDFTests) ... SKIP (0.000s)

    This is different in our Jenkins machine:

    test_createDataFrame_column_name_encoding (pyspark.sql.tests.test_arrow.ArrowTests) ... skipped 'Pandas >= 0.23.2 must be installed; however, it was not found.'
    test_createDataFrame_does_not_modify_input (pyspark.sql.tests.test_arrow.ArrowTests) ... skipped 'Pandas >= 0.23.2 must be installed; however, it was not found.'

    Note that last `SKIP` is different. This PR fixes the regular expression to catch `SKIP` case as well.

## How was this patch tested?

Manually tested.


Starting test(python2.7): pyspark....
Finished test(python2.7): pyspark.... (0s)
Tests passed in 562 seconds



Starting test(python2.7): pyspark....
Finished test(python2.7): pyspark.... (48s) ... 93 tests were skipped
Tests passed in 560 seconds

Skipped tests pyspark.... with python2.7:
      pyspark...(...) ... SKIP (0.000s)


Closes #24927 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-28130.

Authored-by: HyukjinKwon <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2019-06-24 09:58:17 +09:00
Jose Torres 5fae8f7b1d [SPARK-27711][CORE] Unset InputFileBlockHolder at the end of tasks
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Unset InputFileBlockHolder at the end of tasks to stop the file name from leaking over to other tasks in the same thread. This happens in particular in Pyspark because of its complex threading model.

## How was this patch tested?

new pyspark test

Closes #24605 from jose-torres/fix254.

Authored-by: Jose Torres <>
Signed-off-by: Xingbo Jiang <>
2019-05-22 18:35:50 -07:00
Maxim Gekk 027ed2d11b [SPARK-23643][CORE][SQL][ML] Shrinking the buffer in hashSeed up to size of the seed parameter
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

The hashSeed method allocates 64 bytes instead of 8. Other bytes are always zeros (thanks to default behavior of ByteBuffer). And they could be excluded from hash calculation because they don't differentiate inputs.

## How was this patch tested?

By running the existing tests - XORShiftRandomSuite

Closes #20793 from MaxGekk/hash-buff-size.

Lead-authored-by: Maxim Gekk <>
Co-authored-by: Maxim Gekk <>
Signed-off-by: Sean Owen <>
2019-03-23 11:26:09 -05:00
Hyukjin Kwon c99463d4cf [SPARK-26979][PYTHON][FOLLOW-UP] Make binary math/string functions take string as columns as well
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This is a followup of to handle binary math/string functions. For instance, see the cases below:


>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, ascii
>>> spark.range(1).select(lit('a').alias("value")).select(ascii("value"))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/.../spark/python/pyspark/sql/", line 51, in _
    jc = getattr(sc._jvm.functions, name)(col._jc if isinstance(col, Column) else col)
  File "/.../spark/python/lib/", line 1286, in __call__
  File "/.../spark/python/pyspark/sql/", line 63, in deco
    return f(*a, **kw)
  File "/.../spark/python/lib/", line 332, in get_return_value
py4j.protocol.Py4JError: An error occurred while calling z:org.apache.spark.sql.functions.ascii. Trace:
py4j.Py4JException: Method ascii([class java.lang.String]) does not exist
	at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.getMethod(
	at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.getMethod(
	at py4j.Gateway.invoke(
	at py4j.commands.AbstractCommand.invokeMethod(
	at py4j.commands.CallCommand.execute(

>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import atan2
>>> spark.range(1).select(atan2("id", "id"))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/.../spark/python/pyspark/sql/", line 78, in _
    jc = getattr(sc._jvm.functions, name)(col1._jc if isinstance(col1, Column) else float(col1),
ValueError: could not convert string to float: id


>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, ascii
>>> spark.range(1).select(lit('a').alias("value")).select(ascii("value"))
DataFrame[ascii(value): int]

>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import atan2
>>> spark.range(1).select(atan2("id", "id"))
DataFrame[ATAN2(id, id): double]

Note that,

- This PR causes a slight behaviour changes for math functions. For instance, numbers as strings (e.g., `"1"`) were supported as arguments of binary math functions before. After this PR, it recognises it as column names.

- I also intentionally didn't document this behaviour changes since we're going ahead for Spark 3.0 and I don't think numbers as strings make much sense in math functions.

- There is another exception `when`, which takes string as literal values as below. This PR doeesn't fix this ambiguity.
  >>> spark.range(1).select(when(lit(True), col("id"))).show()

  |CASE WHEN true THEN id END|
  |                         0|

  >>> spark.range(1).select(when(lit(True), "id")).show()

  |CASE WHEN true THEN id END|
  |                        id|

This PR also fixes as below: fixed it to:

- Rename `_create_function` to `_create_name_function`
- Define new `_create_function` to take strings as column names.

This PR, I proposes to:

- Revert `_create_name_function` name to `_create_function`.
- Define new `_create_function_over_column` to take strings as column names.

## How was this patch tested?

Some unit tests were added for binary math / string functions.

Closes #24121 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-26979.

Authored-by: Hyukjin Kwon <>
Signed-off-by: Hyukjin Kwon <>
2019-03-20 08:06:10 +09:00
hyukjinkwon 03306a6df3 [SPARK-26036][PYTHON] Break large files into smaller files
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR continues to break down a big large file into smaller files. See It targets to follow

Basically this PR proposes to break down `pyspark/` into ...:

├── testing
│   └──
├── tests
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## How was this patch tested?

Existing tests should cover.

`cd python` and .`/run-tests-with-coverage`. Manually checked they are actually being ran.

Each test (not officially) can be ran via:

SPARK_TESTING=1 ./bin/pyspark pyspark.tests.test_context

Note that if you're using Mac and Python 3, you might have to `OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES`.

Closes #23033 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-26036.

Authored-by: hyukjinkwon <>
Signed-off-by: hyukjinkwon <>
2018-11-15 12:30:52 +08:00
hyukjinkwon a7a331df6e [SPARK-26032][PYTHON] Break large sql/ files into smaller files
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This is the official first attempt to break huge single `` file - I did it locally before few times and gave up for some reasons. Now, currently it really makes the unittests super hard to read and difficult to check. To me, it even bothers me to to scroll down the big file. It's one single 7000 lines file!

This is not only readability issue. Since one big test takes most of tests time, the tests don't run in parallel fully - although it will costs to start and stop the context.

We could pick up one example and follow. Given my investigation, the current style looks closer to NumPy structure and looks easier to follow. Please see

Basically this PR proposes to break down `pyspark/sql/` into ...:

├── sql
│   ├── tests  # Includes all tests broken down from 'pyspark/sql/'
│   │   │      # Each matchs to module in 'pyspark/sql'. Additionally, some logical group can
│   │   │      # be added. For instance, '', '' ...
│   │   ├──
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│   │   └──
├── testing  # Includes testing utils that can be used in unittests.
│   ├──
│   └──

## How was this patch tested?

Existing tests should cover.

`cd python` and `./run-tests-with-coverage`. Manually checked they are actually being ran.

Each test (not officially) can be ran via:

SPARK_TESTING=1 ./bin/pyspark pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_scalar

Note that if you're using Mac and Python 3, you might have to `OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES`.

Closes #23021 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-25344.

Authored-by: hyukjinkwon <>
Signed-off-by: hyukjinkwon <>
2018-11-14 14:51:11 +08:00