Commit graph

15 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Fokko Driesprong 9fcf0ea718 [SPARK-32319][PYSPARK] Disallow the use of unused imports
Disallow the use of unused imports:

- Unnecessary increases the memory footprint of the application
- Removes the imports that are required for the examples in the docstring from the file-scope to the example itself. This keeps the files itself clean, and gives a more complete example as it also includes the imports :)

fokkodriesprongFan spark % flake8 python | grep -i "imported but unused"
python/pyspark/ F401 'functools.partial' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'traceback' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 '_heapq.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark.version.__version__' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark._globals._NoValue' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark.sql.SQLContext' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark.sql.HiveContext' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'pyspark.sql.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 're' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ F401 'tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_linalg.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'numpy.random' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'numpy.exp' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.Vector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.VectorUDT' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_feature.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_util.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.Vector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.DenseVector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.VectorUDT' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg._convert_to_vector' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.DenseMatrix' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.SparseMatrix' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.linalg.MatrixUDT' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_stat.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'time.time' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'time.sleep' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_streaming_algorithms.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/mllib/tests/ F401 'pyspark.mllib.tests.test_algorithms.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'xmlrunner' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.resource.ResourceProfile' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_rdd.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'array.array' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_readwrite.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_join.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'shutil' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_taskcontext.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_conf.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_broadcast.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_daemon.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_util.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'random' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_pin_thread.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'resource' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_worker.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_profiler.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_shuffle.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_rddbarrier.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'userlibrary.UserClass' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'userlib.UserClass' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_context.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/tests/ F401 'pyspark.tests.test_appsubmit.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.RDD' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.streaming.tests.test_dstream.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.streaming.tests.test_kinesis.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.streaming.tests.test_listener.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/streaming/tests/ F401 'pyspark.streaming.tests.test_context.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/testing/ F401 'scipy.sparse' imported but unused
python/pyspark/testing/ F401 'numpy as np' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/ F401 '' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions as F' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'py4j' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'pyspark.testing.mlutils.PySparkTestCase' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/tests/ F401 '*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/ml/param/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/resource/tests/ F401 'random' imported but unused
python/pyspark/resource/tests/ F401 'pyspark.resource.ResourceProfile' imported but unused
python/pyspark/resource/tests/ F401 'pyspark.resource.tests.test_resources.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.udf.UserDefinedFunction' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.pandas.functions.pandas_udf' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.StringType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.IntegerType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.types.StringType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.udf.UDFRegistration' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/ F401 'pyspark.sql.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_utils.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.pandas_udf' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.PandasUDFType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_map.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_catalog.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_group.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_session.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_conf.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.sum' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.PandasUDFType' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pandas.util.testing.assert_series_equal' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyarrow as pa' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_cogrouped_map.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'py4j' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_typehints.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.functions.exists' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_functions.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyarrow as pa' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_window.*' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyarrow as pa' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyarrow as pa' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/tests/ F401 'pyspark.sql.DataFrame' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/avro/ F401 'pyspark.sql.Row' imported but unused
python/pyspark/sql/pandas/ F401 'sys' imported but unused

fokkodriesprongFan spark % flake8 python | grep -i "imported but unused"
fokkodriesprongFan spark %

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Removing unused imports from the Python files to keep everything nice and tidy.

### Why are the changes needed?

Cleaning up of the imports that aren't used, and suppressing the imports that are used as references to other modules, preserving backward compatibility.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Adding the rule to the existing Flake8 checks.

Closes #29121 from Fokko/SPARK-32319.

Authored-by: Fokko Driesprong <>
Signed-off-by: Dongjoon Hyun <>
2020-08-08 08:51:57 -07:00
HyukjinKwon 4ad9bfd53b [SPARK-32138] Drop Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR aims to drop Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.

Roughly speaking, it removes all the widely known Python 2 compatibility workarounds such as `sys.version` comparison, `__future__`. Also, it removes the Python 2 dedicated codes such as `ArrayConstructor` in Spark.

### Why are the changes needed?

 1. Unsupport EOL Python versions
 2. Reduce maintenance overhead and remove a bit of legacy codes and hacks for Python 2.
 3. PyPy2 has a critical bug that causes a flaky test, SPARK-28358 given my testing and investigation.
 4. Users can use Python type hints with Pandas UDFs without thinking about Python version
 5. Users can leverage one latest cloudpickle, With Python 3.8+ it can also leverage C pickle.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, users cannot use Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5 in the upcoming Spark version.

### How was this patch tested?

Manually tested and also tested in Jenkins.

Closes #28957 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-32138.

Authored-by: HyukjinKwon <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2020-07-14 11:22:44 +09:00
yi.wu b517f991fe [SPARK-30969][CORE] Remove resource coordination support from Standalone
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Remove automatically resource coordination support from Standalone.

### Why are the changes needed?

Resource coordination is mainly designed for the scenario where multiple workers launched on the same host. However, it's, actually, a non-existed  scenario for today's Spark. Because, Spark now can start multiple executors in a single Worker, while it only allow one executor per Worker at very beginning. So, now, it really help nothing for user to launch multiple workers on the same host. Thus, it's not worth for us to bring over complicated implementation and potential high maintain cost for such an impossible scenario.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?

No, it's Spark 3.0 feature.

### How was this patch tested?

Pass Jenkins.

Closes #27722 from Ngone51/abandon_coordination.

Authored-by: yi.wu <>
Signed-off-by: Xingbo Jiang <>
2020-03-02 11:23:07 -08:00
sarthfrey-db 274b328f57 [SPARK-30667][CORE] Add all gather method to BarrierTaskContext
Fix for #27395

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

The `allGather` method is added to the `BarrierTaskContext`. This method contains the same functionality as the `BarrierTaskContext.barrier` method; it blocks the task until all tasks make the call, at which time they may continue execution. In addition, the `allGather` method takes an input message. Upon returning from the `allGather` the task receives a list of all the messages sent by all the tasks that made the `allGather` call.

### Why are the changes needed?

There are many situations where having the tasks communicate in a synchronized way is useful. One simple example is if each task needs to start a server to serve requests from one another; first the tasks must find a free port (the result of which is undetermined beforehand) and then start making requests, but to do so they each must know the port chosen by the other task. An `allGather` method would allow them to inform each other of the port they will run on.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?

Yes, an `BarrierTaskContext.allGather` method will be available through the Scala, Java, and Python APIs.

### How was this patch tested?

Most of the code path is already covered by tests to the `barrier` method, since this PR includes a refactor so that much code is shared by the `barrier` and `allGather` methods. However, a test is added to assert that an all gather on each tasks partition ID will return a list of every partition ID.

An example through the Python API:
>>> from pyspark import BarrierTaskContext
>>> def f(iterator):
...     context = BarrierTaskContext.get()
...     return [context.allGather('{}'.format(context.partitionId()))]
>>> sc.parallelize(range(4), 4).barrier().mapPartitions(f).collect()[0]
[u'3', u'1', u'0', u'2']

Closes #27640 from sarthfrey/master.

Lead-authored-by: sarthfrey-db <>
Co-authored-by: sarthfrey <>
Signed-off-by: Xingbo Jiang <>
2020-02-21 11:40:28 -08:00
Xingbo Jiang e32411eb07 Revert "[SPARK-30667][CORE] Add allGather method to BarrierTaskContext"
This reverts commit af63971cb7.
2020-02-19 17:04:47 -08:00
sarthfrey-db af63971cb7 [SPARK-30667][CORE] Add allGather method to BarrierTaskContext
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

The `allGather` method is added to the `BarrierTaskContext`. This method contains the same functionality as the `BarrierTaskContext.barrier` method; it blocks the task until all tasks make the call, at which time they may continue execution. In addition, the `allGather` method takes an input message. Upon returning from the `allGather` the task receives a list of all the messages sent by all the tasks that made the `allGather` call.

### Why are the changes needed?

There are many situations where having the tasks communicate in a synchronized way is useful. One simple example is if each task needs to start a server to serve requests from one another; first the tasks must find a free port (the result of which is undetermined beforehand) and then start making requests, but to do so they each must know the port chosen by the other task. An `allGather` method would allow them to inform each other of the port they will run on.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?

Yes, an `BarrierTaskContext.allGather` method will be available through the Scala, Java, and Python APIs.

### How was this patch tested?

Most of the code path is already covered by tests to the `barrier` method, since this PR includes a refactor so that much code is shared by the `barrier` and `allGather` methods. However, a test is added to assert that an all gather on each tasks partition ID will return a list of every partition ID.

An example through the Python API:
>>> from pyspark import BarrierTaskContext
>>> def f(iterator):
...     context = BarrierTaskContext.get()
...     return [context.allGather('{}'.format(context.partitionId()))]
>>> sc.parallelize(range(4), 4).barrier().mapPartitions(f).collect()[0]
[u'3', u'1', u'0', u'2']

Closes #27395 from sarthfrey/master.

Lead-authored-by: sarthfrey-db <>
Co-authored-by: sarthfrey <>
Signed-off-by: Xiangrui Meng <>
(cherry picked from commit 57254c9719)
Signed-off-by: Xiangrui Meng <>
2020-02-19 12:10:51 -08:00
Xingbo Jiang fa3517cdb1 Revert "[SPARK-30667][CORE] Add allGather method to BarrierTaskContext"
This reverts commit 57254c9719.
2020-02-13 17:43:55 -08:00
sarthfrey-db 57254c9719 [SPARK-30667][CORE] Add allGather method to BarrierTaskContext
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

The `allGather` method is added to the `BarrierTaskContext`. This method contains the same functionality as the `BarrierTaskContext.barrier` method; it blocks the task until all tasks make the call, at which time they may continue execution. In addition, the `allGather` method takes an input message. Upon returning from the `allGather` the task receives a list of all the messages sent by all the tasks that made the `allGather` call.

### Why are the changes needed?

There are many situations where having the tasks communicate in a synchronized way is useful. One simple example is if each task needs to start a server to serve requests from one another; first the tasks must find a free port (the result of which is undetermined beforehand) and then start making requests, but to do so they each must know the port chosen by the other task. An `allGather` method would allow them to inform each other of the port they will run on.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?

Yes, an `BarrierTaskContext.allGather` method will be available through the Scala, Java, and Python APIs.

### How was this patch tested?

Most of the code path is already covered by tests to the `barrier` method, since this PR includes a refactor so that much code is shared by the `barrier` and `allGather` methods. However, a test is added to assert that an all gather on each tasks partition ID will return a list of every partition ID.

An example through the Python API:
>>> from pyspark import BarrierTaskContext
>>> def f(iterator):
...     context = BarrierTaskContext.get()
...     return [context.allGather('{}'.format(context.partitionId()))]
>>> sc.parallelize(range(4), 4).barrier().mapPartitions(f).collect()[0]
[u'3', u'1', u'0', u'2']

Closes #27395 from sarthfrey/master.

Lead-authored-by: sarthfrey-db <>
Co-authored-by: sarthfrey <>
Signed-off-by: Xiangrui Meng <>
2020-02-13 16:15:00 -08:00
Thomas Graves 496f6ac860 [SPARK-29148][CORE] Add stage level scheduling dynamic allocation and scheduler backend changes
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This is another PR for stage level scheduling. In particular this adds changes to the dynamic allocation manager and the scheduler backend to be able to track what executors are needed per ResourceProfile.  Note the api is still private to Spark until the entire feature gets in, so this functionality will be there but only usable by tests for profiles other then the DefaultProfile.

The main changes here are simply tracking things on a ResourceProfile basis as well as sending the executor requests to the scheduler backend for all ResourceProfiles.

I introduce a ResourceProfileManager in this PR that will track all the actual ResourceProfile objects so that we can keep them all in a single place and just pass around and use in datastructures the resource profile id. The resource profile id can be used with the ResourceProfileManager to get the actual ResourceProfile contents.

There are various places in the code that use executor "slots" for things.  The ResourceProfile adds functionality to keep that calculation in it.   This logic is more complex then it should due to standalone mode and mesos coarse grained not setting the executor cores config. They default to all cores on the worker, so calculating slots is harder there.
This PR keeps the functionality to make the cores the limiting resource because the scheduler still uses that for "slots" for a few things.

This PR does also add the resource profile id to the Stage and stage info classes to be able to test things easier.   That full set of changes will come with the scheduler PR that will be after this one.

The PR stops at the scheduler backend pieces for the cluster manager and the real YARN support hasn't been added in this PR, that again will be in a separate PR, so this has a few of the API changes up to the cluster manager and then just uses the default profile requests to continue.

The code for the entire feature is here for reference: although it needs to be upmerged again as well.

### Why are the changes needed?

Needed for stage level scheduling feature.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?

No user facing api changes added here.

### How was this patch tested?

Lots of unit tests and manually testing. I tested on yarn, k8s, standalone, local modes. Ran both failure and success cases.

Closes #27313 from tgravescs/SPARK-29148.

Authored-by: Thomas Graves <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Graves <>
2020-02-12 16:45:42 -06:00
Xianyang Liu 1e599e5005 [SPARK-29582][PYSPARK] Support TaskContext.get() in a barrier task from Python side
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Add support of `TaskContext.get()` in a barrier task from Python side, this makes it easier to migrate legacy user code to barrier execution mode.

### Why are the changes needed?

In Spark Core, there is a `TaskContext` object which is a singleton. We set a task context instance which can be TaskContext or BarrierTaskContext before the task function startup, and unset it to none after the function end. So we can both get TaskContext and BarrierTaskContext with the object. However we can only get the BarrierTaskContext with `BarrierTaskContext`, we will get `None` if we get it by `TaskContext.get` in a barrier stage.

This is useful when people switch from normal code to barrier code, and only need a little update.

### Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?

def func(iterator):
    task_context = TaskContext.get() . # this could be None.
    barrier_task_context = BarrierTaskContext.get() # get the BarrierTaskContext instance


def func(iterator):
    task_context = TaskContext.get() . # this could also get the BarrierTaskContext instance which is same as barrier_task_context
    barrier_task_context = BarrierTaskContext.get() # get the BarrierTaskContext instance


### How was this patch tested?

New UT tests.

Closes #26239 from ConeyLiu/barrier_task_context.

Authored-by: Xianyang Liu <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2019-10-31 13:10:44 +09:00
wuyi cbad616d4c [SPARK-27371][CORE] Support GPU-aware resources scheduling in Standalone
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

In this PR, we implements a complete process of GPU-aware resources scheduling
in Standalone. The whole process looks like: Worker sets up isolated resources
when it starts up and registers to master along with its resources. And, Master
picks up usable workers according to driver/executor's resource requirements to
launch driver/executor on them. Then, Worker launches the driver/executor after
preparing resources file, which is created under driver/executor's working directory,
with specified resource addresses(told by master). When driver/executor finished,
their resources could be recycled to worker. Finally, if a worker stops, it
should always release its resources firstly.

For the case of Workers and Drivers in **client** mode run on the same host, we introduce
a config option named `spark.resources.coordinate.enable`(default true) to indicate
whether Spark should coordinate resources for user. If `spark.resources.coordinate.enable=false`, user should be responsible for configuring different resources for Workers and Drivers when use resourcesFile or discovery script. If true, Spark would help user to assign different  resources for Workers and Drivers.

The solution for Spark to coordinate resources among Workers and Drivers is:

Generally, use a shared file named *____allocated_resources____.json* to sync allocated
resources info among Workers and Drivers on the same host.

After a Worker or Driver found all resources using the configured resourcesFile and/or
discovery script during launching, it should filter out available resources by excluding resources already allocated in *____allocated_resources____.json* and acquire resources from available resources according to its own requirement. After that, it should write its allocated resources along with its process id (pid) into *____allocated_resources____.json*.  Pid (proposed by tgravescs) here used to check whether the allocated resources are still valid in case of Worker or Driver crashes and doesn't release resources properly. And when a Worker or Driver finished, normally, it would always clean up its own allocated resources in *____allocated_resources____.json*.

Note that we'll always get a file lock before any access to file *____allocated_resources____.json*
and release the lock finally.

Futhermore, we appended resources info in `WorkerSchedulerStateResponse` to work
around master change behaviour in HA mode.

## How was this patch tested?

Added unit tests in WorkerSuite, MasterSuite, SparkContextSuite.

Manually tested with client/cluster mode (e.g. multiple workers) in a single node Standalone.

Closes #25047 from Ngone51/SPARK-27371.

Authored-by: wuyi <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Graves <>
2019-08-09 07:49:03 -05:00
Thomas Graves f84cca2d84 [SPARK-28234][CORE][PYTHON] Add python and JavaSparkContext support to get resources
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Add python api support and JavaSparkContext support for resources().  I needed the JavaSparkContext support for it to properly translate into python with the py4j stuff.

## How was this patch tested?

Unit tests added and manually tested in local cluster mode and on yarn.

Closes #25087 from tgravescs/SPARK-28234-python.

Authored-by: Thomas Graves <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2019-07-11 09:32:58 +09:00
HyukjinKwon 7c05f61514 [SPARK-28130][PYTHON] Print pretty messages for skipped tests when xmlrunner is available in PySpark
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Currently, pretty skipped message added by f7435bec6a mechanism seems not working when xmlrunner is installed apparently.

This PR fixes two things:

1. When `xmlrunner` is installed, seems `xmlrunner` does not respect `vervosity` level in unittests (default is level 1).

    So the output looks as below

    Running tests...

    So it is not caught by our message detection mechanism.

2. If we manually set the `vervocity` level to `xmlrunner`, it prints messages as below:

    test_mixed_udf (pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_scalar.ScalarPandasUDFTests) ... SKIP (0.000s)
    test_mixed_udf_and_sql (pyspark.sql.tests.test_pandas_udf_scalar.ScalarPandasUDFTests) ... SKIP (0.000s)

    This is different in our Jenkins machine:

    test_createDataFrame_column_name_encoding (pyspark.sql.tests.test_arrow.ArrowTests) ... skipped 'Pandas >= 0.23.2 must be installed; however, it was not found.'
    test_createDataFrame_does_not_modify_input (pyspark.sql.tests.test_arrow.ArrowTests) ... skipped 'Pandas >= 0.23.2 must be installed; however, it was not found.'

    Note that last `SKIP` is different. This PR fixes the regular expression to catch `SKIP` case as well.

## How was this patch tested?

Manually tested.


Starting test(python2.7): pyspark....
Finished test(python2.7): pyspark.... (0s)
Tests passed in 562 seconds



Starting test(python2.7): pyspark....
Finished test(python2.7): pyspark.... (48s) ... 93 tests were skipped
Tests passed in 560 seconds

Skipped tests pyspark.... with python2.7:
      pyspark...(...) ... SKIP (0.000s)


Closes #24927 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-28130.

Authored-by: HyukjinKwon <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2019-06-24 09:58:17 +09:00
Yuanjian Li 98e831d321 [SPARK-25921][FOLLOW UP][PYSPARK] Fix barrier task run without BarrierTaskContext while python worker reuse
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

It's the follow-up PR for #22962, contains the following works:
- Remove `__init__` in TaskContext and BarrierTaskContext.
- Add more comments to explain the fix.
- Rewrite UT in a new class.

## How was this patch tested?

New UT in

Closes #23435 from xuanyuanking/SPARK-25921-follow.

Authored-by: Yuanjian Li <>
Signed-off-by: Hyukjin Kwon <>
2019-01-11 14:28:37 +08:00
hyukjinkwon 03306a6df3 [SPARK-26036][PYTHON] Break large files into smaller files
## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR continues to break down a big large file into smaller files. See It targets to follow

Basically this PR proposes to break down `pyspark/` into ...:

├── testing
│   └──
├── tests
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

## How was this patch tested?

Existing tests should cover.

`cd python` and .`/run-tests-with-coverage`. Manually checked they are actually being ran.

Each test (not officially) can be ran via:

SPARK_TESTING=1 ./bin/pyspark pyspark.tests.test_context

Note that if you're using Mac and Python 3, you might have to `OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES`.

Closes #23033 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-26036.

Authored-by: hyukjinkwon <>
Signed-off-by: hyukjinkwon <>
2018-11-15 12:30:52 +08:00