- text: Getting Started url: sql-getting-started.html subitems: - text: "Starting Point: SparkSession" url: sql-getting-started.html#starting-point-sparksession - text: Creating DataFrames url: sql-getting-started.html#creating-dataframes - text: Untyped Dataset Operations (DataFrame operations) url: sql-getting-started.html#untyped-dataset-operations-aka-dataframe-operations - text: Running SQL Queries Programmatically url: sql-getting-started.html#running-sql-queries-programmatically - text: Global Temporary View url: sql-getting-started.html#global-temporary-view - text: Creating Datasets url: sql-getting-started.html#creating-datasets - text: Interoperating with RDDs url: sql-getting-started.html#interoperating-with-rdds - text: Scalar Functions url: sql-getting-started.html#scalar-functions - text: Aggregations url: sql-getting-started.html#aggregations - text: Data Sources url: sql-data-sources.html subitems: - text: "Generic Load/Save Functions" url: sql-data-sources-load-save-functions.html - text: "Generic File Source Options" url: sql-data-sources-generic-options.html - text: Parquet Files url: sql-data-sources-parquet.html - text: ORC Files url: sql-data-sources-orc.html - text: JSON Files url: sql-data-sources-json.html - text: Hive Tables url: sql-data-sources-hive-tables.html - text: JDBC To Other Databases url: sql-data-sources-jdbc.html - text: Avro Files url: sql-data-sources-avro.html - text: Whole Binary Files url: sql-data-sources-binaryFile.html - text: Troubleshooting url: sql-data-sources-troubleshooting.html - text: Performance Tuning url: sql-performance-tuning.html subitems: - text: Caching Data In Memory url: sql-performance-tuning.html#caching-data-in-memory - text: Other Configuration Options url: sql-performance-tuning.html#other-configuration-options - text: Join Strategy Hints for SQL Queries url: sql-performance-tuning.html#join-strategy-hints-for-sql-queries - text: Distributed SQL Engine url: sql-distributed-sql-engine.html subitems: - text: "Running the Thrift JDBC/ODBC server" url: sql-distributed-sql-engine.html#running-the-thrift-jdbcodbc-server - text: Running the Spark SQL CLI url: sql-distributed-sql-engine.html#running-the-spark-sql-cli - text: PySpark Usage Guide for Pandas with Apache Arrow url: sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html subitems: - text: Apache Arrow in Spark url: sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html#apache-arrow-in-spark - text: "Enabling for Conversion to/from Pandas" url: sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html#enabling-for-conversion-tofrom-pandas - text: "Pandas UDFs (a.k.a. Vectorized UDFs)" url: sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html#pandas-udfs-aka-vectorized-udfs - text: "Pandas Function APIs" url: sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html#pandas-function-apis - text: Usage Notes url: sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html#usage-notes - text: Migration Guide url: sql-migration-old.html - text: SQL Reference url: sql-ref.html subitems: - text: Data Types url: sql-ref-datatypes.html - text: Identifiers url: sql-ref-identifier.html - text: Literals url: sql-ref-literals.html - text: Null Semantics url: sql-ref-null-semantics.html - text: ANSI Compliance url: sql-ref-ansi-compliance.html subitems: - text: Arithmetic Operations url: sql-ref-ansi-compliance.html#arithmetic-operations - text: Type Conversion url: sql-ref-ansi-compliance.html#type-conversion - text: SQL Keywords url: sql-ref-ansi-compliance.html#sql-keywords - text: SQL Syntax url: sql-ref-syntax.html subitems: - text: Data Definition Statements url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl.html subitems: - text: ALTER DATABASE url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-alter-database.html - text: ALTER TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-alter-table.html - text: ALTER VIEW url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-alter-view.html - text: CREATE DATABASE url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-database.html - text: CREATE FUNCTION url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-function.html - text: CREATE TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-table.html - text: CREATE VIEW url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-view.html - text: DROP DATABASE url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-drop-database.html - text: DROP FUNCTION url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-drop-function.html - text: DROP TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-drop-table.html - text: DROP VIEW url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-drop-view.html - text: TRUNCATE TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-truncate-table.html - text: REPAIR TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-ddl-repair-table.html - text: USE DATABASE url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-usedb.html - text: Data Manipulation Statements url: sql-ref-syntax-dml.html subitems: - text: INSERT url: sql-ref-syntax-dml-insert.html - text: LOAD url: sql-ref-syntax-dml-load.html - text: Data Retrieval(Queries) url: sql-ref-syntax-qry.html subitems: - text: SELECT url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select.html subitems: - text: WHERE Clause url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-where.html - text: GROUP BY Clause url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-groupby.html - text: HAVING Clause url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-having.html - text: ORDER BY Clause url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-orderby.html - text: SORT BY Clause url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-sortby.html - text: CLUSTER BY Clause url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-clusterby.html - text: DISTRIBUTE BY Clause url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-distribute-by.html - text: LIMIT Clause url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-limit.html - text: JOIN url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-join.html - text: Join Hints url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-hints.html - text: Set Operators url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-setops.html - text: TABLESAMPLE url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-sampling.html - text: Table-valued Function url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-tvf.html - text: Inline Table url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-inline-table.html - text: Common Table Expression url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-cte.html - text: Window Function url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-window.html - text: EXPLAIN url: sql-ref-syntax-qry-explain.html - text: Auxiliary Statements url: sql-ref-syntax-aux.html subitems: - text: ANALYZE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-analyze.html subitems: - text: ANALYZE TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-analyze-table.html - text: CACHE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-cache.html subitems: - text: CACHE TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-cache-cache-table.html - text: UNCACHE TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-cache-uncache-table.html - text: CLEAR CACHE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-cache-clear-cache.html - text: REFRESH TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-refresh-table.html - text: REFRESH url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-cache-refresh.html - text: DESCRIBE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-describe.html subitems: - text: DESCRIBE DATABASE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-describe-database.html - text: DESCRIBE TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-describe-table.html - text: DESCRIBE FUNCTION url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-describe-function.html - text: DESCRIBE QUERY url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-describe-query.html - text: SHOW url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show.html subitems: - text: SHOW COLUMNS url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-columns.html - text: SHOW DATABASES url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-databases.html - text: SHOW FUNCTIONS url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-functions.html - text: SHOW TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-table.html - text: SHOW TABLES url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-tables.html - text: SHOW TBLPROPERTIES url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-tblproperties.html - text: SHOW PARTITIONS url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-partitions.html - text: SHOW CREATE TABLE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-create-table.html - text: SHOW VIEWS url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-show-views.html - text: CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-conf-mgmt.html subitems: - text: SET url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-conf-mgmt-set.html - text: RESET url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-conf-mgmt-reset.html - text: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-resource-mgmt.html subitems: - text: ADD FILE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-resource-mgmt-add-file.html - text: ADD JAR url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-resource-mgmt-add-jar.html - text: LIST FILE url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-resource-mgmt-list-file.html - text: LIST JAR url: sql-ref-syntax-aux-resource-mgmt-list-jar.html - text: Functions url: sql-ref-functions.html subitems: - text: Built-in Functions url: sql-ref-functions-builtin.html - text: Scalar UDFs (User-Defined Functions) url: sql-ref-functions-udf-scalar.html - text: UDAFs (User-Defined Aggregate Functions) url: sql-ref-functions-udf-aggregate.html - text: Integration with Hive UDFs/UDAFs/UDTFs url: sql-ref-functions-udf-hive.html - text: Datetime Pattern url: sql-ref-datetime-pattern.html