package spark import import import import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap @serializable sealed trait CoGroupSplitDep case class NarrowCoGroupSplitDep(rdd: RDD[_], split: Split) extends CoGroupSplitDep case class ShuffleCoGroupSplitDep(shuffleId: Int) extends CoGroupSplitDep @serializable class CoGroupSplit(idx: Int, val deps: Seq[CoGroupSplitDep]) extends Split { override val index = idx override def hashCode(): Int = idx } @serializable class CoGroupAggregator extends Aggregator[Any, Any, ArrayBuffer[Any]] ( { x => ArrayBuffer(x) }, { (b, x) => b += x }, { (b1, b2) => b1 ++ b2 } ) class CoGroupedRDD[K](rdds: Seq[RDD[(_, _)]], part: Partitioner) extends RDD[(K, Seq[Seq[_]])](rdds.first.context) with Logging { val aggr = new CoGroupAggregator override val dependencies = { val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]] for ((rdd, index) <- rdds.zipWithIndex) { if (rdd.partitioner == Some(part)) { logInfo("Adding one-to-one dependency with " + rdd) deps += new OneToOneDependency(rdd) } else { logInfo("Adding shuffle dependency with " + rdd) deps += new ShuffleDependency[Any, Any, ArrayBuffer[Any]]( context.newShuffleId, rdd, aggr, part) } } deps.toList } @transient val splits_ : Array[Split] = { val firstRdd = rdds.first val array = new Array[Split](part.numPartitions) for (i <- 0 until array.size) { array(i) = new CoGroupSplit(i, { case (r, j) => dependencies(j) match { case s: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _] => new ShuffleCoGroupSplitDep(s.shuffleId): CoGroupSplitDep case _ => new NarrowCoGroupSplitDep(r, r.splits(i)): CoGroupSplitDep } }.toList) } array } override def splits = splits_ override val partitioner = Some(part) override def preferredLocations(s: Split) = Nil override def compute(s: Split): Iterator[(K, Seq[Seq[_]])] = { val split = s.asInstanceOf[CoGroupSplit] val map = new HashMap[K, Seq[ArrayBuffer[Any]]] def getSeq(k: K): Seq[ArrayBuffer[Any]] = { map.getOrElseUpdate(k, Array.fill(rdds.size)(new ArrayBuffer[Any])) } for ((dep, depNum) <- split.deps.zipWithIndex) dep match { case NarrowCoGroupSplitDep(rdd, itsSplit) => { // Read them from the parent for ((k: K, v) <- rdd.iterator(itsSplit)) { getSeq(k)(depNum) += v } } case ShuffleCoGroupSplitDep(shuffleId) => { // Read map outputs of shuffle logInfo("Grabbing map outputs for shuffle ID " + shuffleId) val splitsByUri = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]] val serverUris = MapOutputTracker.getServerUris(shuffleId) for ((serverUri, index) <- serverUris.zipWithIndex) { splitsByUri.getOrElseUpdate(serverUri, ArrayBuffer()) += index } for ((serverUri, inputIds) <- Utils.shuffle(splitsByUri)) { for (i <- inputIds) { val url = "%s/shuffle/%d/%d/%d".format(serverUri, shuffleId, i, split.index) val inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(new URL(url).openStream()) logInfo("Opened stream to " + url) try { while (true) { val (k, vs) = inputStream.readObject().asInstanceOf[(K, Seq[Any])] val mySeq = getSeq(k) for (v <- vs) mySeq(depNum) += v } } catch { case e: EOFException => {} } inputStream.close() } } } } map.iterator } }