import sbt._ import Keys._ import import scala.collection.mutable import import Project.Initialize /* * This is based on the AssemblyPlugin. For now it was easier to copy and modify than to wait for * the required changes needed for us to customise it so that it does what we want. We may revisit * this in the future. */ object DepJarPlugin extends Plugin { val DepJar = config("dep-jar") extend(Runtime) val depJar = TaskKey[File]("dep-jar", "Builds a single-file jar of all dependencies.") val jarName = SettingKey[String]("jar-name") val outputPath = SettingKey[File]("output-path") val excludedFiles = SettingKey[Seq[File] => Seq[File]]("excluded-files") val conflictingFiles = SettingKey[Seq[File] => Seq[File]]("conflicting-files") private def assemblyTask: Initialize[Task[File]] = (test, packageOptions, cacheDirectory, outputPath, fullClasspath, excludedFiles, conflictingFiles, streams) map { (test, options, cacheDir, jarPath, cp, exclude, conflicting, s) => IO.withTemporaryDirectory { tempDir => val srcs = assemblyPaths(tempDir, cp, exclude, conflicting, s.log) val config = new Package.Configuration(srcs, jarPath, options) Package(config, cacheDir, s.log) jarPath } } private def assemblyPackageOptionsTask: Initialize[Task[Seq[PackageOption]]] = (packageOptions in Compile, mainClass in DepJar) map { (os, mainClass) => mainClass map { s => os find { o => o.isInstanceOf[Package.MainClass] } map { _ => os } getOrElse { Package.MainClass(s) +: os } } getOrElse {os} } private def assemblyExcludedFiles(base: Seq[File]): Seq[File] = { ((base / "scala" ** "*") +++ // exclude scala library (base / "spark" ** "*") +++ // exclude Spark classes ((base / "META-INF" ** "*") --- // generally ignore the hell out of META-INF (base / "META-INF" / "services" ** "*") --- // include all service providers (base / "META-INF" / "maven" ** "*"))).get // include all Maven POMs and such } private def assemblyPaths(tempDir: File, classpath: Classpath, exclude: Seq[File] => Seq[File], conflicting: Seq[File] => Seq[File], log: Logger) = { import sbt.classpath.ClasspathUtilities val (libs, directories) = val services = mutable.Map[String, mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]]() for(jar <- libs) { val jarName = jar.asFile.getName"Including %s".format(jarName)) IO.unzip(jar, tempDir) IO.delete(conflicting(Seq(tempDir))) val servicesDir = tempDir / "META-INF" / "services" if (servicesDir.asFile.exists) { for (service <- (servicesDir ** "*").get) { val serviceFile = service.asFile if (serviceFile.exists && serviceFile.isFile) { val entries = services.getOrElseUpdate(serviceFile.getName, new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]()) for (provider <- Source.fromFile(serviceFile).getLines) { if (!entries.contains(provider)) { entries += provider } } } } } } for ((service, providers) <- services) { log.debug("Merging providers for %s".format(service)) val serviceFile = (tempDir / "META-INF" / "services" / service).asFile val writer = new PrintWriter(serviceFile) for (provider <- { _.trim }.filter { !_.isEmpty }) { log.debug("- %s".format(provider)) writer.println(provider) } writer.close() } val base = tempDir +: directories val descendants = ((base ** (-DirectoryFilter)) --- exclude(base)).get descendants x relativeTo(base) } lazy val depJarSettings = inConfig(DepJar)(Seq( depJar <<= packageBin.identity, packageBin <<= assemblyTask, jarName <<= (name, version) { (name, version) => name + "-dep-" + version + ".jar" }, outputPath <<= (target, jarName) { (t, s) => t / s }, test <<= (test in Test).identity, mainClass <<= (mainClass in Runtime).identity, fullClasspath <<= (fullClasspath in Runtime).identity, packageOptions <<= assemblyPackageOptionsTask, excludedFiles := assemblyExcludedFiles _, conflictingFiles := assemblyExcludedFiles _ )) ++ Seq( depJar <<= (depJar in DepJar).identity ) }