#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # SELF=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd) . "$SELF/release-util.sh" function exit_with_usage { local NAME=$(basename $0) cat << EOF usage: $NAME Tags a Spark release on a particular branch. Inputs are specified with the following environment variables: ASF_USERNAME - Apache Username ASF_PASSWORD - Apache Password GIT_NAME - Name to use with git GIT_EMAIL - E-mail address to use with git GIT_BRANCH - Git branch on which to make release RELEASE_VERSION - Version used in pom files for release RELEASE_TAG - Name of release tag NEXT_VERSION - Development version after release EOF exit 1 } set -e set -o pipefail if [[ $@ == *"help"* ]]; then exit_with_usage fi if [[ -z "$ASF_PASSWORD" ]]; then echo 'The environment variable ASF_PASSWORD is not set. Enter the password.' echo stty -echo && printf "ASF password: " && read ASF_PASSWORD && printf '\n' && stty echo fi for env in ASF_USERNAME ASF_PASSWORD RELEASE_VERSION RELEASE_TAG NEXT_VERSION GIT_EMAIL GIT_NAME GIT_BRANCH; do if [ -z "${!env}" ]; then echo "$env must be set to run this script" exit 1 fi done init_java init_maven_sbt ASF_SPARK_REPO="gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/spark.git" function uriencode { jq -nSRr --arg v "$1" '$v|@uri'; } declare -r ENCODED_ASF_PASSWORD=$(uriencode "$ASF_PASSWORD") rm -rf spark git clone "https://$ASF_USERNAME:$ENCODED_ASF_PASSWORD@$ASF_SPARK_REPO" -b $GIT_BRANCH cd spark git config user.name "$GIT_NAME" git config user.email $GIT_EMAIL # Create release version $MVN versions:set -DnewVersion=$RELEASE_VERSION | grep -v "no value" # silence logs if [[ $RELEASE_VERSION != *"preview"* ]]; then # Set the release version in R/pkg/DESCRIPTION sed -i".tmp1" 's/Version.*$/Version: '"$RELEASE_VERSION"'/g' R/pkg/DESCRIPTION else sed -i".tmp1" 's/-SNAPSHOT/'"-$(cut -d "-" -f 2 <<< $RELEASE_VERSION)"'/g' R/pkg/R/sparkR.R fi # Set the release version in docs sed -i".tmp1" 's/SPARK_VERSION:.*$/SPARK_VERSION: '"$RELEASE_VERSION"'/g' docs/_config.yml sed -i".tmp2" 's/SPARK_VERSION_SHORT:.*$/SPARK_VERSION_SHORT: '"$RELEASE_VERSION"'/g' docs/_config.yml sed -i".tmp3" 's/__version__ = .*$/__version__ = "'"$RELEASE_VERSION"'"/' python/pyspark/version.py git commit -a -m "Preparing Spark release $RELEASE_TAG" echo "Creating tag $RELEASE_TAG at the head of $GIT_BRANCH" git tag $RELEASE_TAG # Create next version $MVN versions:set -DnewVersion=$NEXT_VERSION | grep -v "no value" # silence logs # Remove -SNAPSHOT before setting the R version as R expects version strings to only have numbers R_NEXT_VERSION=`echo $NEXT_VERSION | sed 's/-SNAPSHOT//g'` sed -i".tmp4" 's/Version.*$/Version: '"$R_NEXT_VERSION"'/g' R/pkg/DESCRIPTION # Write out the R_NEXT_VERSION to PySpark version info we use dev0 instead of SNAPSHOT to be closer # to PEP440. sed -i".tmp5" 's/__version__ = .*$/__version__ = "'"$R_NEXT_VERSION.dev0"'"/' python/pyspark/version.py # Update docs with next version sed -i".tmp6" 's/SPARK_VERSION:.*$/SPARK_VERSION: '"$NEXT_VERSION"'/g' docs/_config.yml # Use R version for short version sed -i".tmp7" 's/SPARK_VERSION_SHORT:.*$/SPARK_VERSION_SHORT: '"$R_NEXT_VERSION"'/g' docs/_config.yml git commit -a -m "Preparing development version $NEXT_VERSION" if ! is_dry_run; then # Push changes git push origin $RELEASE_TAG if [[ $RELEASE_VERSION != *"preview"* ]]; then git push origin HEAD:$GIT_BRANCH else echo "It's preview release. We only push $RELEASE_TAG to remote." fi cd .. rm -rf spark else cd .. mv spark spark.tag echo "Clone with version changes and tag available as spark.tag in the output directory." fi