# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union import pandas as pd from pyspark.pandas.plot import ( HistogramPlotBase, name_like_string, PandasOnSparkPlotAccessor, BoxPlotBase, KdePlotBase, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: import pyspark.pandas as ps # noqa: F401 (SPARK-34943) def plot_pandas_on_spark(data: Union["ps.DataFrame", "ps.Series"], kind: str, **kwargs): import plotly # pandas-on-Spark specific plots if kind == "pie": return plot_pie(data, **kwargs) if kind == "hist": return plot_histogram(data, **kwargs) if kind == "box": return plot_box(data, **kwargs) if kind == "kde" or kind == "density": return plot_kde(data, **kwargs) # Other plots. return plotly.plot(PandasOnSparkPlotAccessor.pandas_plot_data_map[kind](data), kind, **kwargs) def plot_pie(data: Union["ps.DataFrame", "ps.Series"], **kwargs): from plotly import express data = PandasOnSparkPlotAccessor.pandas_plot_data_map["pie"](data) if isinstance(data, pd.Series): pdf = data.to_frame() return express.pie(pdf, values=pdf.columns[0], names=pdf.index, **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): values = kwargs.pop("y", None) default_names = None if values is not None: default_names = data.index return express.pie( data, values=kwargs.pop("values", values), names=kwargs.pop("names", default_names), **kwargs, ) else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected type: [%s]" % type(data)) def plot_histogram(data: Union["ps.DataFrame", "ps.Series"], **kwargs): import plotly.graph_objs as go import pyspark.pandas as ps bins = kwargs.get("bins", 10) y = kwargs.get("y") if y and isinstance(data, ps.DataFrame): # Note that the results here are matched with matplotlib. x and y # handling is different from pandas' plotly output. data = data[y] psdf, bins = HistogramPlotBase.prepare_hist_data(data, bins) assert len(bins) > 2, "the number of buckets must be higher than 2." output_series = HistogramPlotBase.compute_hist(psdf, bins) prev = float("%.9f" % bins[0]) # to make it prettier, truncate. text_bins = [] for b in bins[1:]: norm_b = float("%.9f" % b) text_bins.append("[%s, %s)" % (prev, norm_b)) prev = norm_b text_bins[-1] = text_bins[-1][:-1] + "]" # replace ) to ] for the last bucket. bins = 0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) output_series = list(output_series) bars = [] for series in output_series: bars.append( go.Bar( x=bins, y=series, name=name_like_string(series.name), text=text_bins, hovertemplate=( "variable=" + name_like_string(series.name) + "
count=%{y}" ), ) ) fig = go.Figure(data=bars, layout=go.Layout(barmode="stack")) fig["layout"]["xaxis"]["title"] = "value" fig["layout"]["yaxis"]["title"] = "count" return fig def plot_box(data: Union["ps.DataFrame", "ps.Series"], **kwargs): import plotly.graph_objs as go import pyspark.pandas as ps if isinstance(data, ps.DataFrame): raise RuntimeError( "plotly does not support a box plot with pandas-on-Spark DataFrame. Use Series instead." ) # 'whis' isn't actually an argument in plotly (but in matplotlib). But seems like # plotly doesn't expose the reach of the whiskers to the beyond the first and # third quartiles (?). Looks they use default 1.5. whis = kwargs.pop("whis", 1.5) # 'precision' is pandas-on-Spark specific to control precision for approx_percentile precision = kwargs.pop("precision", 0.01) # Plotly options boxpoints = kwargs.pop("boxpoints", "suspectedoutliers") notched = kwargs.pop("notched", False) if boxpoints not in ["suspectedoutliers", False]: raise ValueError( "plotly plotting backend does not support 'boxpoints' set to '%s'. " "Set to 'suspectedoutliers' or False." % boxpoints ) if notched: raise ValueError( "plotly plotting backend does not support 'notched' set to '%s'. " "Set to False." % notched ) colname = name_like_string(data.name) spark_column_name = data._internal.spark_column_name_for(data._column_label) # Computes mean, median, Q1 and Q3 with approx_percentile and precision col_stats, col_fences = BoxPlotBase.compute_stats(data, spark_column_name, whis, precision) # Creates a column to flag rows as outliers or not outliers = BoxPlotBase.outliers(data, spark_column_name, *col_fences) # Computes min and max values of non-outliers - the whiskers whiskers = BoxPlotBase.calc_whiskers(spark_column_name, outliers) fliers = None if boxpoints: fliers = BoxPlotBase.get_fliers(spark_column_name, outliers, whiskers[0]) fliers = [fliers] if len(fliers) > 0 else None fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Box( name=colname, q1=[col_stats["q1"]], median=[col_stats["med"]], q3=[col_stats["q3"]], mean=[col_stats["mean"]], lowerfence=[whiskers[0]], upperfence=[whiskers[1]], y=fliers, boxpoints=boxpoints, notched=notched, **kwargs, # this is for workarounds. Box takes different options from express.box. ) ) fig["layout"]["xaxis"]["title"] = colname fig["layout"]["yaxis"]["title"] = "value" return fig def plot_kde(data: Union["ps.DataFrame", "ps.Series"], **kwargs): from plotly import express import pyspark.pandas as ps if isinstance(data, ps.DataFrame) and "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = "names" psdf = KdePlotBase.prepare_kde_data(data) sdf = psdf._internal.spark_frame data_columns = psdf._internal.data_spark_columns ind = KdePlotBase.get_ind(sdf.select(*data_columns), kwargs.pop("ind", None)) bw_method = kwargs.pop("bw_method", None) pdfs = [] for label in psdf._internal.column_labels: pdfs.append( pd.DataFrame( { "Density": KdePlotBase.compute_kde( sdf.select(psdf._internal.spark_column_for(label)), ind=ind, bw_method=bw_method, ), "names": name_like_string(label), "index": ind, } ) ) pdf = pd.concat(pdfs) fig = express.line(pdf, x="index", y="Density", **kwargs) fig["layout"]["xaxis"]["title"] = None return fig