# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from typing import overload from typing import Any, Union from pyspark.sql._typing import LiteralType, DecimalLiteral, DateTimeLiteral from pyspark.sql.types import ( # noqa: F401 DataType, StructField, StructType, IntegerType, StringType, ) from pyspark.sql.window import WindowSpec from py4j.java_gateway import JavaObject # type: ignore[import] class Column: def __init__(self, JavaObject) -> None: ... def __neg__(self) -> Column: ... def __add__(self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __sub__(self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __mul__(self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __div__(self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __truediv__( self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DecimalLiteral] ) -> Column: ... def __mod__(self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __radd__(self, other: Union[LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __rsub__(self, other: Union[LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __rmul__(self, other: Union[LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __rdiv__(self, other: Union[LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __rtruediv__(self, other: Union[LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __rmod__(self, other: Union[bool, int, float, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __pow__(self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __rpow__(self, other: Union[LiteralType, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... def __eq__(self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DateTimeLiteral, DecimalLiteral]) -> Column: ... # type: ignore[override] def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> Column: ... # type: ignore[override] def __lt__( self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DateTimeLiteral, DecimalLiteral] ) -> Column: ... def __le__( self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DateTimeLiteral, DecimalLiteral] ) -> Column: ... def __ge__( self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DateTimeLiteral, DecimalLiteral] ) -> Column: ... def __gt__( self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DateTimeLiteral, DecimalLiteral] ) -> Column: ... def eqNullSafe( self, other: Union[Column, LiteralType, DecimalLiteral] ) -> Column: ... def __and__(self, other: Column) -> Column: ... def __or__(self, other: Column) -> Column: ... def __invert__(self) -> Column: ... def __rand__(self, other: Column) -> Column: ... def __ror__(self, other: Column) -> Column: ... def __contains__(self, other: Any) -> Column: ... def __getitem__(self, other: Any) -> Column: ... def bitwiseOR(self, other: Union[Column, int]) -> Column: ... def bitwiseAND(self, other: Union[Column, int]) -> Column: ... def bitwiseXOR(self, other: Union[Column, int]) -> Column: ... def getItem(self, key: Any) -> Column: ... def getField(self, name: Any) -> Column: ... def withField(self, fieldName: str, col: Column) -> Column: ... def dropFields(self, *fieldNames: str) -> Column: ... def __getattr__(self, item: Any) -> Column: ... def __iter__(self) -> None: ... def rlike(self, item: str) -> Column: ... def like(self, item: str) -> Column: ... def startswith(self, item: Union[str, Column]) -> Column: ... def endswith(self, item: Union[str, Column]) -> Column: ... @overload def substr(self, startPos: int, length: int) -> Column: ... @overload def substr(self, startPos: Column, length: Column) -> Column: ... def __getslice__(self, startPos: int, length: int) -> Column: ... def isin(self, *cols: Any) -> Column: ... def asc(self) -> Column: ... def asc_nulls_first(self) -> Column: ... def asc_nulls_last(self) -> Column: ... def desc(self) -> Column: ... def desc_nulls_first(self) -> Column: ... def desc_nulls_last(self) -> Column: ... def isNull(self) -> Column: ... def isNotNull(self) -> Column: ... def alias(self, *alias: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Column: ... def name(self, *alias: str) -> Column: ... def cast(self, dataType: Union[DataType, str]) -> Column: ... def astype(self, dataType: Union[DataType, str]) -> Column: ... def between(self, lowerBound, upperBound) -> Column: ... def when(self, condition: Column, value: Any) -> Column: ... def otherwise(self, value: Any) -> Column: ... def over(self, window: WindowSpec) -> Column: ... def __nonzero__(self) -> None: ... def __bool__(self) -> None: ...