name: Run benchmarks on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: class: description: 'Benchmark class' required: true default: '*' jdk: description: 'JDK version: 8 or 11' required: true default: '8' failfast: description: 'Failfast: true or false' required: true default: 'true' num-splits: description: 'Number of job splits' required: true default: '1' jobs: matrix-gen: name: Generate matrix for job splits runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 outputs: matrix: ${{ steps.set-matrix.outputs.matrix }} env: SPARK_BENCHMARK_NUM_SPLITS: ${{ github.event.inputs.num-splits }} steps: - name: Generate matrix id: set-matrix run: echo "::set-output name=matrix::["`seq -s, 1 $SPARK_BENCHMARK_NUM_SPLITS`"]" benchmark: name: "Run benchmarks: ${{ github.event.inputs.class }} (JDK ${{ github.event.inputs.jdk }}, ${{ matrix.split }} out of ${{ github.event.inputs.num-splits }} splits)" needs: matrix-gen # Ubuntu 20.04 is the latest LTS. The next LTS is 22.04. runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: split: ${{fromJSON(needs.matrix-gen.outputs.matrix)}} env: SPARK_BENCHMARK_FAILFAST: ${{ github.event.inputs.failfast }} SPARK_BENCHMARK_NUM_SPLITS: ${{ github.event.inputs.num-splits }} SPARK_BENCHMARK_CUR_SPLIT: ${{ matrix.split }} SPARK_GENERATE_BENCHMARK_FILES: 1 SPARK_LOCAL_IP: localhost steps: - name: Checkout Spark repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 # In order to get diff files with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Cache Scala, SBT and Maven uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: | build/apache-maven-* build/scala-* build/*.jar ~/.sbt key: build-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml', 'project/', 'build/mvn', 'build/sbt', 'build/sbt-launch-lib.bash', 'build/spark-build-info') }} restore-keys: | build- - name: Cache Coursier local repository uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.cache/coursier key: benchmark-coursier-${{ github.event.inputs.jdk }}-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml', '**/plugins.sbt') }} restore-keys: | benchmark-coursier-${{ github.event.inputs.jdk }} - name: Install Java ${{ github.event.inputs.jdk }} uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: ${{ github.event.inputs.jdk }} - name: Run benchmarks run: | ./build/sbt -Pyarn -Pmesos -Pkubernetes -Phive -Phive-thriftserver -Phadoop-cloud -Pkinesis-asl -Pspark-ganglia-lgpl test:package # Make less noisy cp conf/ conf/ sed -i 's/log4j.rootCategory=INFO, console/log4j.rootCategory=WARN, console/g' conf/ # In benchmark, we use local as master so set driver memory only. Note that GitHub Actions has 7 GB memory limit. bin/spark-submit \ --driver-memory 6g --class org.apache.spark.benchmark.Benchmarks \ --jars "`find . -name '*-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar' -o -name '*avro*-SNAPSHOT.jar' | paste -sd ',' -`" \ "`find . -name 'spark-core*-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar'`" \ "${{ github.event.inputs.class }}" # To keep the directory structure and file permissions, tar them # See also echo "Preparing the benchmark results:" tar -cvf benchmark-results-${{ github.event.inputs.jdk }}.tar `git diff --name-only` - name: Upload benchmark results uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: benchmark-results-${{ github.event.inputs.jdk }}-${{ matrix.split }} path: benchmark-results-${{ github.event.inputs.jdk }}.tar