#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Utility for updating JIRA's with information about GitHub pull requests import json import os import re import sys from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.request import Request from urllib.error import HTTPError try: import jira.client except ImportError: print("This tool requires the jira-python library") print("Install using 'sudo pip3 install jira'") sys.exit(-1) # User facing configs GITHUB_API_BASE = os.environ.get("GITHUB_API_BASE", "https://api.github.com/repos/apache/spark") GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY = os.environ.get("GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY") JIRA_PROJECT_NAME = os.environ.get("JIRA_PROJECT_NAME", "SPARK") JIRA_API_BASE = os.environ.get("JIRA_API_BASE", "https://issues.apache.org/jira") JIRA_USERNAME = os.environ.get("JIRA_USERNAME", "apachespark") JIRA_PASSWORD = os.environ.get("JIRA_PASSWORD", "XXX") # Maximum number of updates to perform in one run MAX_UPDATES = int(os.environ.get("MAX_UPDATES", "100000")) # Cut-off for oldest PR on which to comment. Useful for avoiding # "notification overload" when running for the first time. MIN_COMMENT_PR = int(os.environ.get("MIN_COMMENT_PR", "1496")) # File used as an optimization to store maximum previously seen PR # Used mostly because accessing ASF JIRA is slow, so we want to avoid checking # the state of JIRA's that are tied to PR's we've already looked at. MAX_FILE = ".github-jira-max" def get_url(url): try: request = Request(url) request.add_header('Authorization', 'token %s' % GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY) return urlopen(request) except HTTPError: print("Unable to fetch URL, exiting: %s" % url) sys.exit(-1) def get_json(urllib_response): return json.loads(urllib_response.read().decode("utf-8")) # Return a list of (JIRA id, JSON dict) tuples: # e.g. [('SPARK-1234', {.. json ..}), ('SPARK-5687', {.. json ..})} def get_jira_prs(): result = [] has_next_page = True page_num = 0 while has_next_page: page = get_url(GITHUB_API_BASE + "/pulls?page=%s&per_page=100" % page_num) page_json = get_json(page) for pull in page_json: jiras = re.findall(JIRA_PROJECT_NAME + "-[0-9]{4,5}", pull['title']) for jira in jiras: result = result + [(jira, pull)] # Check if there is another page link_headers = list(filter(lambda k: k.startswith("Link"), page.headers)) if not link_headers or "next" not in link_headers[0]: has_next_page = False else: page_num += 1 return result def set_max_pr(max_val): f = open(MAX_FILE, 'w') f.write("%s" % max_val) f.close() print("Writing largest PR number seen: %s" % max_val) def get_max_pr(): if os.path.exists(MAX_FILE): result = int(open(MAX_FILE, 'r').read()) print("Read largest PR number previously seen: %s" % result) return result else: return 0 def build_pr_component_dic(jira_prs): print("Build PR dictionary") dic = {} for issue, pr in jira_prs: print(issue) page = get_json(get_url(JIRA_API_BASE + "/rest/api/2/issue/" + issue)) jira_components = [c['name'].upper() for c in page['fields']['components']] if pr['number'] in dic: dic[pr['number']][1].update(jira_components) else: pr_components = set(label['name'].upper() for label in pr['labels']) dic[pr['number']] = (pr_components, set(jira_components)) return dic def reset_pr_labels(pr_num, jira_components): url = '%s/issues/%s/labels' % (GITHUB_API_BASE, pr_num) labels = ', '.join(('"%s"' % c) for c in jira_components) try: request = Request(url, data=('{"labels":[%s]}' % labels).encode('utf-8')) request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') request.add_header('Authorization', 'token %s' % GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY) request.get_method = lambda: 'PUT' urlopen(request) print("Set %s with labels %s" % (pr_num, labels)) except HTTPError: print("Unable to update PR labels, exiting: %s" % url) sys.exit(-1) jira_client = jira.client.JIRA({'server': JIRA_API_BASE}, basic_auth=(JIRA_USERNAME, JIRA_PASSWORD)) jira_prs = get_jira_prs() previous_max = get_max_pr() print("Retrieved %s JIRA PR's from GitHub" % len(jira_prs)) jira_prs = [(k, v) for k, v in jira_prs if int(v['number']) > previous_max] print("%s PR's remain after excluding visited ones" % len(jira_prs)) num_updates = 0 considered = [] for issue, pr in sorted(jira_prs, key=lambda kv: int(kv[1]['number'])): if num_updates >= MAX_UPDATES: break pr_num = int(pr['number']) print("Checking issue %s" % issue) considered = considered + [pr_num] url = pr['html_url'] title = "[GitHub] Pull Request #%s (%s)" % (pr['number'], pr['user']['login']) try: page = get_json(get_url(JIRA_API_BASE + "/rest/api/2/issue/" + issue + "/remotelink")) existing_links = map(lambda l: l['object']['url'], page) except: print("Failure reading JIRA %s (does it exist?)" % issue) print(sys.exc_info()[0]) continue if url in existing_links: continue icon = {"title": "Pull request #%s" % pr['number'], "url16x16": "https://assets-cdn.github.com/favicon.ico"} destination = {"title": title, "url": url, "icon": icon} # For all possible fields see: # https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/Fields+in+Remote+Issue+Links # application = {"name": "GitHub pull requests", "type": "org.apache.spark.jira.github"} jira_client.add_remote_link(issue, destination) comment = "User '%s' has created a pull request for this issue:" % pr['user']['login'] comment += "\n%s" % pr['html_url'] if pr_num >= MIN_COMMENT_PR: jira_client.add_comment(issue, comment) print("Added link %s <-> PR #%s" % (issue, pr['number'])) num_updates += 1 if len(considered) > 0: set_max_pr(max(considered)) # Additionally, expose the JIRA labels to the PR num_updates = 0 for pr_num, (pr_components, jira_components) in build_pr_component_dic(jira_prs).items(): print(pr_num) if pr_components == jira_components: continue if num_updates >= MAX_UPDATES: break reset_pr_labels(pr_num, jira_components) num_updates += 1