felixcheung 37fefa66cb [SPARK-12168][SPARKR] Add automated tests for conflicted function in R
Currently this is reported when loading the SparkR package in R (probably would add is.nan)
Loading required package: methods

Attaching package: ‘SparkR’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    cov, filter, lag, na.omit, predict, sd, var

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    colnames, colnames<-, intersect, rank, rbind, sample, subset,
    summary, table, transform

Adding this test adds an automated way to track changes to masked method.
Also, the second part of this test check for those functions that would not be accessible without namespace/package prefix.

Incidentally, this might point to how we would fix those inaccessible functions in base or stats.
Looking for feedback for adding this test.

Author: felixcheung <>

Closes #10171 from felixcheung/rmaskedtest.
2016-01-19 16:33:48 -08:00

138 lines
5.3 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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context("test functions in sparkR.R")
test_that("Check masked functions", {
# Check that we are not masking any new function from base, stats, testthat unexpectedly
masked <- conflicts(detail = TRUE)$`package:SparkR`
expect_true("describe" %in% masked) # only when with testthat..
func <- lapply(masked, function(x) { capture.output(showMethods(x))[[1]] })
funcSparkROrEmpty <- grepl("\\(package SparkR\\)$|^$", func)
maskedBySparkR <- masked[funcSparkROrEmpty]
expect_equal(length(maskedBySparkR), 18)
expect_equal(sort(maskedBySparkR), sort(c("describe", "cov", "filter", "lag", "na.omit",
"predict", "sd", "var", "colnames", "colnames<-",
"intersect", "rank", "rbind", "sample", "subset",
"summary", "table", "transform")))
# above are those reported as masked when `library(SparkR)`
# note that many of these methods are still callable without base:: or stats:: prefix
# there should be a test for each of these, except followings, which are currently "broken"
funcHasAny <- unlist(lapply(masked, function(x) {
any(grepl("=\"ANY\"", capture.output(showMethods(x)[-1])))
maskedCompletely <- masked[!funcHasAny]
expect_equal(length(maskedCompletely), 4)
expect_equal(sort(maskedCompletely), sort(c("cov", "filter", "sample", "table")))
test_that("repeatedly starting and stopping SparkR", {
for (i in 1:4) {
sc <- sparkR.init()
rdd <- parallelize(sc, 1:20, 2L)
expect_equal(count(rdd), 20)
test_that("repeatedly starting and stopping SparkR SQL", {
for (i in 1:4) {
sc <- sparkR.init()
sqlContext <- sparkRSQL.init(sc)
df <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, data.frame(a = 1:20))
expect_equal(count(df), 20)
test_that("rdd GC across sparkR.stop", {
sc <- sparkR.init() # sc should get id 0
rdd1 <- parallelize(sc, 1:20, 2L) # rdd1 should get id 1
rdd2 <- parallelize(sc, 1:10, 2L) # rdd2 should get id 2
sc <- sparkR.init() # sc should get id 0 again
# GC rdd1 before creating rdd3 and rdd2 after
rdd3 <- parallelize(sc, 1:20, 2L) # rdd3 should get id 1 now
rdd4 <- parallelize(sc, 1:10, 2L) # rdd4 should get id 2 now
test_that("job group functions can be called", {
sc <- sparkR.init()
setJobGroup(sc, "groupId", "job description", TRUE)
cancelJobGroup(sc, "groupId")
test_that("getClientModeSparkSubmitOpts() returns spark-submit args from whitelist", {
e <- new.env()
e[["spark.driver.memory"]] <- "512m"
ops <- getClientModeSparkSubmitOpts("sparkrmain", e)
expect_equal("--driver-memory \"512m\" sparkrmain", ops)
e[["spark.driver.memory"]] <- "5g"
e[["spark.driver.extraClassPath"]] <- "/opt/class_path" # nolint
e[["spark.driver.extraJavaOptions"]] <- "-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseCompressedStrings"
e[["spark.driver.extraLibraryPath"]] <- "/usr/local/hadoop/lib" # nolint
e[["random"]] <- "skipthis"
ops2 <- getClientModeSparkSubmitOpts("sparkr-shell", e)
# nolint start
expect_equal(ops2, paste0("--driver-class-path \"/opt/class_path\" --driver-java-options \"",
"-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseCompressedStrings\" --driver-library-path \"",
"/usr/local/hadoop/lib\" --driver-memory \"5g\" sparkr-shell"))
# nolint end
e[["spark.driver.extraClassPath"]] <- "/" # too short
ops3 <- getClientModeSparkSubmitOpts("--driver-memory 4g sparkr-shell2", e)
# nolint start
expect_equal(ops3, paste0("--driver-java-options \"-XX:+UseCompressedOops ",
"-XX:+UseCompressedStrings\" --driver-library-path \"/usr/local/hadoop/lib\"",
" --driver-memory 4g sparkr-shell2"))
# nolint end
test_that("sparkJars sparkPackages as comma-separated strings", {
expect_warning(processSparkJars(" a, b "))
jars <- suppressWarnings(processSparkJars(" a, b "))
expect_equal(jars, c("a", "b"))
jars <- suppressWarnings(processSparkJars(" abc ,, def "))
expect_equal(jars, c("abc", "def"))
jars <- suppressWarnings(processSparkJars(c(" abc ,, def ", "", "xyz", " ", "a,b")))
expect_equal(jars, c("abc", "def", "xyz", "a", "b"))
p <- processSparkPackages(c("ghi", "lmn"))
expect_equal(p, c("ghi", "lmn"))
# check normalizePath
f <- dir()[[1]]
expect_that(processSparkJars(f), not(gives_warning()))
expect_match(processSparkJars(f), f)