Weichen Xu 80161238fe [SPARK-33592] Fix: Pyspark ML Validator params in estimatorParamMaps may be lost after saving and reloading
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
Fix: Pyspark ML Validator params in estimatorParamMaps may be lost after saving and reloading

When saving validator estimatorParamMaps, will check all nested stages in tuned estimator to get correct param parent.

Two typical cases to manually test:
tokenizer = Tokenizer(inputCol="text", outputCol="words")
hashingTF = HashingTF(inputCol=tokenizer.getOutputCol(), outputCol="features")
lr = LogisticRegression()
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[tokenizer, hashingTF, lr])

paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder() \
    .addGrid(hashingTF.numFeatures, [10, 100]) \
    .addGrid(lr.maxIter, [100, 200]) \
tvs = TrainValidationSplit(estimator=pipeline,
loadedTvs = TrainValidationSplit.load(tvsPath)

# check `loadedTvs.getEstimatorParamMaps()` restored correctly.

lr = LogisticRegression()
ova = OneVsRest(classifier=lr)
grid = ParamGridBuilder().addGrid(lr.maxIter, [100, 200]).build()
evaluator = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
tvs = TrainValidationSplit(estimator=ova, estimatorParamMaps=grid, evaluator=evaluator)
loadedTvs = TrainValidationSplit.load(tvsPath)

# check `loadedTvs.getEstimatorParamMaps()` restored correctly.

### Why are the changes needed?
Bug fix.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
Unit test.

Closes #30539 from WeichenXu123/fix_tuning_param_maps_io.

Authored-by: Weichen Xu <>
Signed-off-by: Ruifeng Zheng <>
2020-12-01 09:36:42 +08:00

633 lines
20 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
import time
import uuid
from pyspark import SparkContext, since
from import inherit_doc
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.util import VersionUtils
def _jvm():
Returns the JVM view associated with SparkContext. Must be called
after SparkContext is initialized.
jvm = SparkContext._jvm
if jvm:
return jvm
raise AttributeError("Cannot load _jvm from SparkContext. Is SparkContext initialized?")
class Identifiable(object):
Object with a unique ID.
def __init__(self):
#: A unique id for the object.
self.uid = self._randomUID()
def __repr__(self):
return self.uid
def _randomUID(cls):
Generate a unique string id for the object. The default implementation
concatenates the class name, "_", and 12 random hex chars.
return str(cls.__name__ + "_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[-12:])
class BaseReadWrite(object):
Base class for MLWriter and MLReader. Stores information about the SparkContext
and SparkSession.
.. versionadded:: 2.3.0
def __init__(self):
self._sparkSession = None
def session(self, sparkSession):
Sets the Spark Session to use for saving/loading.
self._sparkSession = sparkSession
return self
def sparkSession(self):
Returns the user-specified Spark Session or the default.
if self._sparkSession is None:
self._sparkSession = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
return self._sparkSession
def sc(self):
Returns the underlying `SparkContext`.
return self.sparkSession.sparkContext
class MLWriter(BaseReadWrite):
Utility class that can save ML instances.
.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
def __init__(self):
super(MLWriter, self).__init__()
self.shouldOverwrite = False
def _handleOverwrite(self, path):
from import JavaWrapper
_java_obj = JavaWrapper._new_java_obj("")
wrapper = JavaWrapper(_java_obj)
wrapper._call_java("handleOverwrite", path, True, self.sparkSession._jsparkSession)
def save(self, path):
"""Save the ML instance to the input path."""
if self.shouldOverwrite:
def saveImpl(self, path):
save() handles overwriting and then calls this method. Subclasses should override this
method to implement the actual saving of the instance.
raise NotImplementedError("MLWriter is not yet implemented for type: %s" % type(self))
def overwrite(self):
"""Overwrites if the output path already exists."""
self.shouldOverwrite = True
return self
class GeneralMLWriter(MLWriter):
Utility class that can save ML instances in different formats.
.. versionadded:: 2.4.0
def format(self, source):
Specifies the format of ML export (e.g. "pmml", "internal", or the fully qualified class
name for export).
self.source = source
return self
class JavaMLWriter(MLWriter):
(Private) Specialization of :py:class:`MLWriter` for :py:class:`JavaParams` types
def __init__(self, instance):
super(JavaMLWriter, self).__init__()
_java_obj = instance._to_java()
self._jwrite = _java_obj.write()
def save(self, path):
"""Save the ML instance to the input path."""
if not isinstance(path, str):
raise TypeError("path should be a string, got type %s" % type(path))
def overwrite(self):
"""Overwrites if the output path already exists."""
return self
def option(self, key, value):
self._jwrite.option(key, value)
return self
def session(self, sparkSession):
"""Sets the Spark Session to use for saving."""
return self
class GeneralJavaMLWriter(JavaMLWriter):
(Private) Specialization of :py:class:`GeneralMLWriter` for :py:class:`JavaParams` types
def __init__(self, instance):
super(GeneralJavaMLWriter, self).__init__(instance)
def format(self, source):
Specifies the format of ML export (e.g. "pmml", "internal", or the fully qualified class
name for export).
return self
class MLWritable(object):
Mixin for ML instances that provide :py:class:`MLWriter`.
.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
def write(self):
"""Returns an MLWriter instance for this ML instance."""
raise NotImplementedError("MLWritable is not yet implemented for type: %r" % type(self))
def save(self, path):
"""Save this ML instance to the given path, a shortcut of 'write().save(path)'."""
class JavaMLWritable(MLWritable):
(Private) Mixin for ML instances that provide :py:class:`JavaMLWriter`.
def write(self):
"""Returns an MLWriter instance for this ML instance."""
return JavaMLWriter(self)
class GeneralJavaMLWritable(JavaMLWritable):
(Private) Mixin for ML instances that provide :py:class:`GeneralJavaMLWriter`.
def write(self):
"""Returns an GeneralMLWriter instance for this ML instance."""
return GeneralJavaMLWriter(self)
class MLReader(BaseReadWrite):
Utility class that can load ML instances.
.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
def __init__(self):
super(MLReader, self).__init__()
def load(self, path):
"""Load the ML instance from the input path."""
raise NotImplementedError("MLReader is not yet implemented for type: %s" % type(self))
class JavaMLReader(MLReader):
(Private) Specialization of :py:class:`MLReader` for :py:class:`JavaParams` types
def __init__(self, clazz):
super(JavaMLReader, self).__init__()
self._clazz = clazz
self._jread = self._load_java_obj(clazz).read()
def load(self, path):
"""Load the ML instance from the input path."""
if not isinstance(path, str):
raise TypeError("path should be a string, got type %s" % type(path))
java_obj = self._jread.load(path)
if not hasattr(self._clazz, "_from_java"):
raise NotImplementedError("This Java ML type cannot be loaded into Python currently: %r"
% self._clazz)
return self._clazz._from_java(java_obj)
def session(self, sparkSession):
"""Sets the Spark Session to use for loading."""
return self
def _java_loader_class(cls, clazz):
Returns the full class name of the Java ML instance. The default
implementation replaces "pyspark" by "org.apache.spark" in
the Python full class name.
java_package = clazz.__module__.replace("pyspark", "org.apache.spark")
if clazz.__name__ in ("Pipeline", "PipelineModel"):
# Remove the last package name "pipeline" for Pipeline and PipelineModel.
java_package = ".".join(java_package.split(".")[0:-1])
return java_package + "." + clazz.__name__
def _load_java_obj(cls, clazz):
"""Load the peer Java object of the ML instance."""
java_class = cls._java_loader_class(clazz)
java_obj = _jvm()
for name in java_class.split("."):
java_obj = getattr(java_obj, name)
return java_obj
class MLReadable(object):
Mixin for instances that provide :py:class:`MLReader`.
.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
def read(cls):
"""Returns an MLReader instance for this class."""
raise NotImplementedError(" not implemented for type: %r" % cls)
def load(cls, path):
"""Reads an ML instance from the input path, a shortcut of `read().load(path)`."""
class JavaMLReadable(MLReadable):
(Private) Mixin for instances that provide JavaMLReader.
def read(cls):
"""Returns an MLReader instance for this class."""
return JavaMLReader(cls)
class DefaultParamsWritable(MLWritable):
Helper trait for making simple :py:class:`Params` types writable. If a :py:class:`Params`
class stores all data as :py:class:`Param` values, then extending this trait will provide
a default implementation of writing saved instances of the class.
This only handles simple :py:class:`Param` types; e.g., it will not handle
:py:class:`Dataset`. See :py:class:`DefaultParamsReadable`, the counterpart to this trait.
.. versionadded:: 2.3.0
def write(self):
"""Returns a DefaultParamsWriter instance for this class."""
from import Params
if isinstance(self, Params):
return DefaultParamsWriter(self)
raise TypeError("Cannot use DefautParamsWritable with type %s because it does not " +
" extend Params.", type(self))
class DefaultParamsWriter(MLWriter):
Specialization of :py:class:`MLWriter` for :py:class:`Params` types
Class for writing Estimators and Transformers whose parameters are JSON-serializable.
.. versionadded:: 2.3.0
def __init__(self, instance):
super(DefaultParamsWriter, self).__init__()
self.instance = instance
def saveImpl(self, path):
DefaultParamsWriter.saveMetadata(self.instance, path,
def saveMetadata(instance, path, sc, extraMetadata=None, paramMap=None):
Saves metadata + Params to: path + "/metadata"
- class
- timestamp
- sparkVersion
- uid
- paramMap
- defaultParamMap (since 2.4.0)
- (optionally, extra metadata)
extraMetadata : dict, optional
Extra metadata to be saved at same level as uid, paramMap, etc.
paramMap : dict, optional
If given, this is saved in the "paramMap" field.
metadataPath = os.path.join(path, "metadata")
metadataJson = DefaultParamsWriter._get_metadata_to_save(instance,
sc.parallelize([metadataJson], 1).saveAsTextFile(metadataPath)
def _get_metadata_to_save(instance, sc, extraMetadata=None, paramMap=None):
Helper for :py:meth:`DefaultParamsWriter.saveMetadata` which extracts the JSON to save.
This is useful for ensemble models which need to save metadata for many sub-models.
See :py:meth:`DefaultParamsWriter.saveMetadata` for details on what this includes.
uid = instance.uid
cls = instance.__module__ + '.' + instance.__class__.__name__
# User-supplied param values
params = instance._paramMap
jsonParams = {}
if paramMap is not None:
jsonParams = paramMap
for p in params:
jsonParams[] = params[p]
# Default param values
jsonDefaultParams = {}
for p in instance._defaultParamMap:
jsonDefaultParams[] = instance._defaultParamMap[p]
basicMetadata = {"class": cls, "timestamp": int(round(time.time() * 1000)),
"sparkVersion": sc.version, "uid": uid, "paramMap": jsonParams,
"defaultParamMap": jsonDefaultParams}
if extraMetadata is not None:
return json.dumps(basicMetadata, separators=[',', ':'])
class DefaultParamsReadable(MLReadable):
Helper trait for making simple :py:class:`Params` types readable.
If a :py:class:`Params` class stores all data as :py:class:`Param` values,
then extending this trait will provide a default implementation of reading saved
instances of the class. This only handles simple :py:class:`Param` types;
e.g., it will not handle :py:class:`Dataset`. See :py:class:`DefaultParamsWritable`,
the counterpart to this trait.
.. versionadded:: 2.3.0
def read(cls):
"""Returns a DefaultParamsReader instance for this class."""
return DefaultParamsReader(cls)
class DefaultParamsReader(MLReader):
Specialization of :py:class:`MLReader` for :py:class:`Params` types
Default :py:class:`MLReader` implementation for transformers and estimators that
contain basic (json-serializable) params and no data. This will not handle
more complex params or types with data (e.g., models with coefficients).
.. versionadded:: 2.3.0
def __init__(self, cls):
super(DefaultParamsReader, self).__init__()
self.cls = cls
def __get_class(clazz):
Loads Python class from its name.
parts = clazz.split('.')
module = ".".join(parts[:-1])
m = __import__(module)
for comp in parts[1:]:
m = getattr(m, comp)
return m
def load(self, path):
metadata = DefaultParamsReader.loadMetadata(path,
py_type = DefaultParamsReader.__get_class(metadata['class'])
instance = py_type()
DefaultParamsReader.getAndSetParams(instance, metadata)
return instance
def loadMetadata(path, sc, expectedClassName=""):
Load metadata saved using :py:meth:`DefaultParamsWriter.saveMetadata`
path : str
sc : :py:class:`pyspark.SparkContext`
expectedClassName : str, optional
If non empty, this is checked against the loaded metadata.
metadataPath = os.path.join(path, "metadata")
metadataStr = sc.textFile(metadataPath, 1).first()
loadedVals = DefaultParamsReader._parseMetaData(metadataStr, expectedClassName)
return loadedVals
def _parseMetaData(metadataStr, expectedClassName=""):
Parse metadata JSON string produced by :py:meth`DefaultParamsWriter._get_metadata_to_save`.
This is a helper function for :py:meth:`DefaultParamsReader.loadMetadata`.
metadataStr : str
JSON string of metadata
expectedClassName : str, optional
If non empty, this is checked against the loaded metadata.
metadata = json.loads(metadataStr)
className = metadata['class']
if len(expectedClassName) > 0:
assert className == expectedClassName, "Error loading metadata: Expected " + \
"class name {} but found class name {}".format(expectedClassName, className)
return metadata
def getAndSetParams(instance, metadata):
Extract Params from metadata, and set them in the instance.
# Set user-supplied param values
for paramName in metadata['paramMap']:
param = instance.getParam(paramName)
paramValue = metadata['paramMap'][paramName]
instance.set(param, paramValue)
# Set default param values
majorAndMinorVersions = VersionUtils.majorMinorVersion(metadata['sparkVersion'])
major = majorAndMinorVersions[0]
minor = majorAndMinorVersions[1]
# For metadata file prior to Spark 2.4, there is no default section.
if major > 2 or (major == 2 and minor >= 4):
assert 'defaultParamMap' in metadata, "Error loading metadata: Expected " + \
"`defaultParamMap` section not found"
for paramName in metadata['defaultParamMap']:
paramValue = metadata['defaultParamMap'][paramName]
instance._setDefault(**{paramName: paramValue})
def loadParamsInstance(path, sc):
Load a :py:class:`Params` instance from the given path, and return it.
This assumes the instance inherits from :py:class:`MLReadable`.
metadata = DefaultParamsReader.loadMetadata(path, sc)
pythonClassName = metadata['class'].replace("org.apache.spark", "pyspark")
py_type = DefaultParamsReader.__get_class(pythonClassName)
instance = py_type.load(path)
return instance
class HasTrainingSummary(object):
Base class for models that provides Training summary.
.. versionadded:: 3.0.0
def hasSummary(self):
Indicates whether a training summary exists for this model
return self._call_java("hasSummary")
def summary(self):
Gets summary of the model trained on the training set. An exception is thrown if
no summary exists.
return (self._call_java("summary"))
class MetaAlgorithmReadWrite:
def isMetaEstimator(pyInstance):
from import Estimator, Pipeline
from import _ValidatorParams
from import OneVsRest
return isinstance(pyInstance, Pipeline) or isinstance(pyInstance, OneVsRest) or \
(isinstance(pyInstance, Estimator) and isinstance(pyInstance, _ValidatorParams))
def getAllNestedStages(pyInstance):
from import Pipeline, PipelineModel
from import _ValidatorParams
from import OneVsRest, OneVsRestModel
# TODO: We need to handle `RFormulaModel.pipelineModel` here after Pyspark RFormulaModel
# support pipelineModel property.
if isinstance(pyInstance, Pipeline):
pySubStages = pyInstance.getStages()
elif isinstance(pyInstance, PipelineModel):
pySubStages = pyInstance.stages
elif isinstance(pyInstance, _ValidatorParams):
raise ValueError('PySpark does not support nested validator.')
elif isinstance(pyInstance, OneVsRest):
pySubStages = [pyInstance.getClassifier()]
elif isinstance(pyInstance, OneVsRestModel):
pySubStages = [pyInstance.getClassifier()] + pyInstance.models
pySubStages = []
nestedStages = []
for pySubStage in pySubStages:
return [pyInstance] + nestedStages