Liang-Chi Hsieh e39948fada [SPARK-36670][SQL][TEST] Add FileSourceCodecSuite
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This patch mainly proposes to add some e2e test cases in Spark for codec used by main datasources.

### Why are the changes needed?

We found there is no e2e test cases available for main datasources like Parquet, Orc. It makes developers harder to identify possible bugs early. We should add such tests in Spark.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Added tests.

Closes #33912 from viirya/SPARK-36670.

Authored-by: Liang-Chi Hsieh <>
Signed-off-by: Liang-Chi Hsieh <>
(cherry picked from commit 5a0ae694d0)
Signed-off-by: Liang-Chi Hsieh <>
2021-09-07 16:53:25 -07:00

1219 lines
52 KiB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util.Locale
import scala.util.Properties
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import sbt._
import sbt.Classpaths.publishTask
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt.librarymanagement.{ VersionNumber, SemanticSelector }
import com.etsy.sbt.checkstyle.CheckstylePlugin.autoImport._
import com.simplytyped.Antlr4Plugin._
import com.typesafe.sbt.pom.{PomBuild, SbtPomKeys}
import org.scalastyle.sbt.ScalastylePlugin.autoImport._
import org.scalastyle.sbt.Tasks
import sbtassembly.AssemblyPlugin.autoImport._
import spray.revolver.RevolverPlugin._
object BuildCommons {
private val buildLocation = file(".").getAbsoluteFile.getParentFile
val sqlProjects@Seq(catalyst, sql, hive, hiveThriftServer, tokenProviderKafka010, sqlKafka010, avro) = Seq(
"catalyst", "sql", "hive", "hive-thriftserver", "token-provider-kafka-0-10", "sql-kafka-0-10", "avro"
).map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _))
val streamingProjects@Seq(streaming, streamingKafka010) =
Seq("streaming", "streaming-kafka-0-10").map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _))
val allProjects@Seq(
core, graphx, mllib, mllibLocal, repl, networkCommon, networkShuffle, launcher, unsafe, tags, sketch, kvstore, _*
) = Seq(
"core", "graphx", "mllib", "mllib-local", "repl", "network-common", "network-shuffle", "launcher", "unsafe",
"tags", "sketch", "kvstore"
).map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _)) ++ sqlProjects ++ streamingProjects
val optionallyEnabledProjects@Seq(kubernetes, mesos, yarn,
sparkGangliaLgpl, streamingKinesisAsl,
dockerIntegrationTests, hadoopCloud, kubernetesIntegrationTests) =
Seq("kubernetes", "mesos", "yarn",
"ganglia-lgpl", "streaming-kinesis-asl",
"docker-integration-tests", "hadoop-cloud", "kubernetes-integration-tests").map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _))
val assemblyProjects@Seq(networkYarn, streamingKafka010Assembly, streamingKinesisAslAssembly) =
Seq("network-yarn", "streaming-kafka-0-10-assembly", "streaming-kinesis-asl-assembly")
.map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _))
val copyJarsProjects@Seq(assembly, examples) = Seq("assembly", "examples")
.map(ProjectRef(buildLocation, _))
val tools = ProjectRef(buildLocation, "tools")
// Root project.
val spark = ProjectRef(buildLocation, "spark")
val sparkHome = buildLocation
val testTempDir = s"$sparkHome/target/tmp"
val javaVersion = settingKey[String]("source and target JVM version for javac and scalac")
object SparkBuild extends PomBuild {
import BuildCommons._
import sbtunidoc.GenJavadocPlugin
import sbtunidoc.GenJavadocPlugin.autoImport._
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
val projectsMap: Map[String, Seq[Setting[_]]] = Map.empty
override val profiles = {
val profiles = Properties.envOrNone("SBT_MAVEN_PROFILES")
.orElse(Properties.propOrNone("sbt.maven.profiles")) match {
case None => Seq("sbt")
case Some(v) =>
v.split("(\\s+|,)").filterNot(_.isEmpty).map(_.trim.replaceAll("-P", "")).toSeq
if (profiles.contains("jdwp-test-debug")) {
sys.props.put("test.jdwp.enabled", "true")
Properties.envOrNone("SBT_MAVEN_PROPERTIES") match {
case Some(v) =>
v.split("(\\s+|,)").filterNot(_.isEmpty).map(_.split("=")).foreach(x => System.setProperty(x(0), x(1)))
case _ =>
override val userPropertiesMap = System.getProperties.asScala.toMap
lazy val MavenCompile = config("m2r") extend(Compile)
lazy val SbtCompile = config("sbt") extend(Compile)
lazy val sparkGenjavadocSettings: Seq[sbt.Def.Setting[_]] = GenJavadocPlugin.projectSettings ++ Seq(
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
"-P:genjavadoc:strictVisibility=true" // hide package private types
lazy val scalaStyleRules = Project("scalaStyleRules", file("scalastyle"))
libraryDependencies += "org.scalastyle" %% "scalastyle" % "1.0.0"
lazy val scalaStyleOnCompile = taskKey[Unit]("scalaStyleOnCompile")
lazy val scalaStyleOnTest = taskKey[Unit]("scalaStyleOnTest")
// We special case the 'println' lint rule to only be a warning on compile, because adding
// printlns for debugging is a common use case and is easy to remember to remove.
val scalaStyleOnCompileConfig: String = {
val in = "scalastyle-config.xml"
val out = "scalastyle-on-compile.generated.xml"
val replacements = Map(
"""customId="println" level="error"""" -> """customId="println" level="warn""""
var contents = Source.fromFile(in).getLines.mkString("\n")
for ((k, v) <- replacements) {
require(contents.contains(k), s"Could not rewrite '$k' in original scalastyle config.")
contents = contents.replace(k, v)
new PrintWriter(out) {
// Return a cached scalastyle task for a given configuration (usually Compile or Test)
private def cachedScalaStyle(config: Configuration) = Def.task {
val logger = streams.value.log
// We need a different cache dir per Configuration, otherwise they collide
val cacheDir = target.value / s"scalastyle-cache-${}"
val cachedFun = FileFunction.cached(cacheDir, FilesInfo.lastModified, FilesInfo.exists) {
(inFiles: Set[File]) => {
val args: Seq[String] = Seq.empty
val scalaSourceV = Seq(file((config / scalaSource).value.getAbsolutePath))
val configV = (ThisBuild / baseDirectory).value / scalaStyleOnCompileConfig
val configUrlV = (config / scalastyleConfigUrl).value
val streamsV = ((config / streams).value: @sbtUnchecked)
val failOnErrorV = true
val failOnWarningV = false
val scalastyleTargetV = (config / scalastyleTarget).value
val configRefreshHoursV = (config / scalastyleConfigRefreshHours).value
val targetV = (config / target).value
val configCacheFileV = (config / scalastyleConfigUrlCacheFile).value"Running scalastyle on ${name.value} in ${}")
Tasks.doScalastyle(args, configV, configUrlV, failOnErrorV, failOnWarningV, scalaSourceV,
scalastyleTargetV, streamsV, configRefreshHoursV, targetV, configCacheFileV)
cachedFun(findFiles((config / scalaSource).value))
private def findFiles(file: File): Set[File] = if (file.isDirectory) {
file.listFiles().toSet.flatMap(findFiles) + file
} else {
def enableScalaStyle: Seq[sbt.Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
scalaStyleOnCompile := cachedScalaStyle(Compile).value,
scalaStyleOnTest := cachedScalaStyle(Test).value,
(scalaStyleOnCompile / logLevel) := Level.Warn,
(scalaStyleOnTest / logLevel) := Level.Warn,
(Compile / compile) := {
(Compile / compile).value
(Test / compile) := {
(Test / compile).value
// Silencer: Scala compiler plugin for warning suppression
// Aim: enable fatal warnings, but suppress ones related to using of deprecated APIs
// depends on scala version:
// <2.13.2 - silencer 1.7.5 and compiler settings to enable fatal warnings
// 2.13.2+ - no silencer and configured warnings to achieve the same
lazy val compilerWarningSettings: Seq[sbt.Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
libraryDependencies ++= {
if (VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).matchesSemVer(SemanticSelector("<2.13.2"))) {
val silencerVersion = "1.7.5"
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-collection-compat" % "2.2.0",
compilerPlugin("com.github.ghik" % "silencer-plugin" % silencerVersion cross CrossVersion.full),
"com.github.ghik" % "silencer-lib" % silencerVersion % Provided cross CrossVersion.full
} else {
(Compile / scalacOptions) ++= {
if (VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).matchesSemVer(SemanticSelector("<2.13.2"))) {
"-P:silencer:globalFilters=.*deprecated.*" //regex to catch deprecation warnings and suppress them
} else {
// replace -Xfatal-warnings with fine-grained configuration, since 2.13.2
// verbose warning on deprecation, error on all others
// see `scalac -Wconf:help` for details
// 2.13-specific warning hits to be muted (as narrowly as possible) and addressed separately
// TODO(SPARK-33499): Enable this option when Scala 2.12 is no longer supported.
// "-Wunused:imports",
"-Wconf:cat=other-pure-statement&site=org.apache.spark.scheduler.OutputCommitCoordinatorSuite.<local OutputCommitCoordinatorSuite>.futureAction:wv",
// SPARK-33775 Suppress compilation warnings that contain the following contents.
// TODO(SPARK-33805): Undo the corresponding deprecated usage suppression rule after
// fixed.
"-Wconf:msg=^(?=.*?method|value|type|object|trait|inheritance)(?=.*?deprecated)(?=.*?since 2.13).+$:s",
"-Wconf:msg=^(?=.*?Widening conversion from)(?=.*?is deprecated because it loses precision).+$:s",
"-Wconf:msg=Auto-application to \\`\\(\\)\\` is deprecated:s",
"-Wconf:msg=method with a single empty parameter list overrides method without any parameter list:s",
"-Wconf:msg=method without a parameter list overrides a method with a single empty one:s",
// SPARK-35574 Prevent the recurrence of compilation warnings related to `procedure syntax is deprecated`
"-Wconf:cat=deprecation&msg=procedure syntax is deprecated:e"
lazy val sharedSettings = sparkGenjavadocSettings ++
compilerWarningSettings ++
(if (sys.env.contains("NOLINT_ON_COMPILE")) Nil else enableScalaStyle) ++ Seq(
(Compile / exportJars) := true,
(Test / exportJars) := false,
javaHome := sys.env.get("JAVA_HOME")
.orElse(sys.props.get("java.home").map { p => new File(p).getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() })
publishMavenStyle := true,
unidocGenjavadocVersion := "0.18",
// Override SBT's default resolvers:
resolvers := Seq(
// Google Mirror of Maven Central, placed first so that it's used instead of flaky Maven Central.
// See for more info.
"gcs-maven-central-mirror" at "",
Resolver.file("ivyLocal", file(Path.userHome.absolutePath + "/.ivy2/local"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns),
// needed for brotli-codec
"" at ""
externalResolvers := resolvers.value,
otherResolvers := SbtPomKeys.mvnLocalRepository(dotM2 => Seq(Resolver.file("dotM2", dotM2))).value,
(MavenCompile / publishLocalConfiguration) := PublishConfiguration()
(SbtCompile / publishLocalConfiguration) := PublishConfiguration()
(MavenCompile / publishMavenStyle) := true,
(SbtCompile / publishMavenStyle) := false,
(MavenCompile / publishLocal) := publishTask((MavenCompile / publishLocalConfiguration)).value,
(SbtCompile / publishLocal) := publishTask((SbtCompile / publishLocalConfiguration)).value,
publishLocal := Seq((MavenCompile / publishLocal), (SbtCompile / publishLocal)).dependOn.value,
javaOptions ++= {
val versionParts = System.getProperty("java.version").split("[+.\\-]+", 3)
var major = versionParts(0).toInt
if (major >= 16) Seq("--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector,jdk.incubator.foreign", "-Dforeign.restricted=warn") else Seq.empty
(Compile / doc / javacOptions) ++= {
val versionParts = System.getProperty("java.version").split("[+.\\-]+", 3)
var major = versionParts(0).toInt
if (major == 1) major = versionParts(1).toInt
if (major >= 8) Seq("-Xdoclint:all", "-Xdoclint:-missing") else Seq.empty
javaVersion := SbtPomKeys.effectivePom.value.getProperties.get("java.version").asInstanceOf[String],
(Compile / javacOptions) ++= Seq(
"-source", javaVersion.value
// This -target and Xlint:unchecked options cannot be set in the Compile configuration scope since
// `javadoc` doesn't play nicely with them; see
// for additional discussion and explanation.
(Compile / compile / javacOptions) ++= Seq(
"-target", javaVersion.value,
(Compile / scalacOptions) ++= Seq(
"-sourcepath", (ThisBuild / baseDirectory).value.getAbsolutePath // Required for relative source links in scaladoc
SbtPomKeys.profiles := profiles,
// Remove certain packages from Scaladoc
(Compile / doc / scalacOptions) := Seq(
"-skip-packages", Seq(
"-doc-title", "Spark " + version.value.replaceAll("-SNAPSHOT", "") + " ScalaDoc"
) ++ {
// Do not attempt to scaladoc javadoc comments under 2.12 since it can't handle inner classes
if (scalaBinaryVersion.value == "2.12") Seq("-no-java-comments") else Seq.empty
// disable Mima check for all modules,
// to be enabled in specific ones that have previous artifacts
MimaKeys.mimaFailOnNoPrevious := false,
// To prevent intermittent compilation failures, see also SPARK-33297
// Apparently we can remove this when we use JDK 11.
Test / classLoaderLayeringStrategy := ClassLoaderLayeringStrategy.Flat
def enable(settings: Seq[Setting[_]])(projectRef: ProjectRef) = {
val existingSettings = projectsMap.getOrElse(projectRef.project, Seq[Setting[_]]())
projectsMap += (projectRef.project -> (existingSettings ++ settings))
// Note ordering of these settings matter.
/* Enable shared settings on all projects */
(allProjects ++ optionallyEnabledProjects ++ assemblyProjects ++ copyJarsProjects ++ Seq(spark, tools))
.foreach(enable(sharedSettings ++ DependencyOverrides.settings ++
ExcludedDependencies.settings ++ Checkstyle.settings))
/* Enable tests settings for all projects except examples, assembly and tools */
(allProjects ++ optionallyEnabledProjects).foreach(enable(TestSettings.settings))
val mimaProjects = allProjects.filterNot { x =>
spark, hive, hiveThriftServer, catalyst, repl, networkCommon, networkShuffle, networkYarn,
unsafe, tags, tokenProviderKafka010, sqlKafka010, kvstore, avro
mimaProjects.foreach { x =>
enable(MimaBuild.mimaSettings(sparkHome, x))(x)
/* Generate and pick the spark build info from extra-resources */
/* Unsafe settings */
* Set up tasks to copy dependencies during packaging. This step can be disabled in the command
* line, so that dev/mima can run without trying to copy these files again and potentially
* causing issues.
if (!"false".equals(System.getProperty("copyDependencies"))) {
/* Enable Assembly for all assembly projects */
/* Package pyspark artifacts in a separate zip file for YARN. */
/* Enable unidoc only for the root spark project */
/* Catalyst ANTLR generation settings */
/* Spark SQL Core console settings */
/* Hive console settings */
// SPARK-14738 - Remove docker tests from main Spark build
// enable(DockerIntegrationTests.settings)(dockerIntegrationTests)
if (profiles.contains("sparkr")) {
* Adds the ability to run the spark shell directly from SBT without building an assembly
* jar.
* Usage: `build/sbt sparkShell`
val sparkShell = taskKey[Unit]("start a spark-shell.")
val sparkPackage = inputKey[Unit](
|Download and run a spark package.
|Usage `builds/sbt "sparkPackage <group:artifact:version> <MainClass> [args]
val sparkSql = taskKey[Unit]("starts the spark sql CLI.")
(run / connectInput) := true,
fork := true,
(run / outputStrategy) := Some (StdoutOutput),
javaOptions += "-Xmx2g",
sparkShell := {
(Compile / runMain).toTask(" org.apache.spark.repl.Main -usejavacp").value
sparkPackage := {
import complete.DefaultParsers._
val packages :: className :: otherArgs = spaceDelimited("<group:artifact:version> <MainClass> [args]").parsed.toList
val scalaRun = (run / runner).value
val classpath = (Runtime / fullClasspath).value
val args = Seq("--packages", packages, "--class", className, (LocalProject("core") / Compile / Keys.`package`)
.value.getCanonicalPath) ++ otherArgs
println(args)"org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit",, args, streams.value.log)
(Compile / javaOptions) += "-Dspark.master=local",
sparkSql := {
(Compile / runMain).toTask(" org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.SparkSQLCLIDriver").value
enable(Seq(sparkShell := (LocalProject("assembly") / sparkShell).value))(spark)
// TODO: move this to its upstream project.
override def projectDefinitions(baseDirectory: File): Seq[Project] = {
super.projectDefinitions(baseDirectory).map { x =>
if (projectsMap.exists(_._1 == x.settings(projectsMap( _*)
else x.settings(Seq[Setting[_]](): _*)
} ++ Seq[Project](OldDeps.project)
if (!sys.env.contains("SERIAL_SBT_TESTS")) {
object SparkParallelTestGrouping {
// Settings for parallelizing tests. The basic strategy here is to run the slowest suites (or
// collections of suites) in their own forked JVMs, allowing us to gain parallelism within a
// SBT project. Here, we take an opt-in approach where the default behavior is to run all
// tests sequentially in a single JVM, requiring us to manually opt-in to the extra parallelism.
// There are a reasons why such an opt-in approach is good:
// 1. Launching one JVM per suite adds significant overhead for short-running suites. In
// addition to JVM startup time and JIT warmup, it appears that initialization of Derby
// metastores can be very slow so creating a fresh warehouse per suite is inefficient.
// 2. When parallelizing within a project we need to give each forked JVM a different tmpdir
// so that the metastore warehouses do not collide. Unfortunately, it seems that there are
// some tests which have an overly tight dependency on the default tmpdir, so those fragile
// tests need to continue re-running in the default configuration (or need to be rewritten).
// Fixing that problem would be a huge amount of work for limited payoff in most cases
// because most test suites are short-running.
private val testsWhichShouldRunInTheirOwnDedicatedJvm = Set(
private val DEFAULT_TEST_GROUP = "default_test_group"
private val HIVE_EXECUTION_TEST_GROUP = "hive_execution_test_group"
private def testNameToTestGroup(name: String): String = name match {
case _ if testsWhichShouldRunInTheirOwnDedicatedJvm.contains(name) => name
// Different with the cases in testsWhichShouldRunInTheirOwnDedicatedJvm, here we are grouping
// all suites of `org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution.*` into a single group, instead of
// launching one JVM per suite.
case _ if name.contains("org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution") => HIVE_EXECUTION_TEST_GROUP
lazy val settings = Seq(
(Test / testGrouping) := {
val tests: Seq[TestDefinition] = (Test / definedTests).value
val defaultForkOptions = ForkOptions(
javaHome = javaHome.value,
outputStrategy = outputStrategy.value,
bootJars = Vector.empty[],
workingDirectory = Some(baseDirectory.value),
runJVMOptions = (Test / javaOptions).value.toVector,
connectInput = connectInput.value,
envVars = (Test / envVars).value
tests.groupBy(test => testNameToTestGroup( { case (groupName, groupTests) =>
val forkOptions = {
if (groupName == DEFAULT_TEST_GROUP) {
} else {
defaultForkOptions.withRunJVMOptions(defaultForkOptions.runJVMOptions ++
new Tests.Group(
name = groupName,
tests = groupTests,
runPolicy = Tests.SubProcess(forkOptions))
object Core {
import scala.sys.process.Process
lazy val settings = Seq(
(Compile / resourceGenerators) += Def.task {
val buildScript = baseDirectory.value + "/../build/spark-build-info"
val targetDir = baseDirectory.value + "/target/extra-resources/"
val command = Seq("bash", buildScript, targetDir, version.value)
val propsFile = baseDirectory.value / "target" / "extra-resources" / ""
object Unsafe {
lazy val settings = Seq(
// This option is needed to suppress warnings from sun.misc.Unsafe usage
(Compile / javacOptions) += "-XDignore.symbol.file"
object DockerIntegrationTests {
// This serves to override the override specified in DependencyOverrides:
lazy val settings = Seq(
dependencyOverrides += "" % "guava" % "18.0",
resolvers += "DB2" at "",
libraryDependencies += "" % "ojdbc6" % "" from "" // scalastyle:ignore
* These settings run a hardcoded configuration of the Kubernetes integration tests using
* minikube. Docker images will have the "dev" tag, and will be overwritten every time the
* integration tests are run. The integration tests are actually bound to the "test" phase,
* so running "test" on this module will run the integration tests.
* There are two ways to run the tests:
* - the "tests" task builds docker images and runs the test, so it's a little slow.
* - the "run-its" task just runs the tests on a pre-built set of images.
* Note that this does not use the shell scripts that the maven build uses, which are more
* configurable. This is meant as a quick way for developers to run these tests against their
* local changes.
object KubernetesIntegrationTests {
import BuildCommons._
import scala.sys.process.Process
val dockerBuild = TaskKey[Unit]("docker-imgs", "Build the docker images for ITs.")
val runITs = TaskKey[Unit]("run-its", "Only run ITs, skip image build.")
val imageTag = settingKey[String]("Tag to use for images built during the test.")
val namespace = settingKey[String]("Namespace where to run pods.")
// Hack: this variable is used to control whether to build docker images. It's updated by
// the tasks below in a non-obvious way, so that you get the functionality described in
// the scaladoc above.
private var shouldBuildImage = true
lazy val settings = Seq(
imageTag := "dev",
namespace := "default",
dockerBuild := {
if (shouldBuildImage) {
val dockerTool = s"$sparkHome/bin/"
val bindingsDir = s"$sparkHome/resource-managers/kubernetes/docker/src/main/dockerfiles/spark/bindings"
val cmd = Seq(dockerTool, "-m",
"-t", imageTag.value,
"-p", s"$bindingsDir/python/Dockerfile",
"-R", s"$bindingsDir/R/Dockerfile",
val ec = Process(cmd).!
if (ec != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Process '${cmd.mkString(" ")}' exited with $ec.")
shouldBuildImage = true
runITs := Def.taskDyn {
shouldBuildImage = false
Def.task {
(Test / test).value
(Test / test) := (Test / test).dependsOn(dockerBuild).value,
(Test / javaOptions) ++= Seq(
// Force packaging before building images, so that the latest code is tested.
dockerBuild := dockerBuild
.dependsOn(assembly / Compile / packageBin)
.dependsOn(examples / Compile / packageBin)
* Overrides to work around sbt's dependency resolution being different from Maven's.
object DependencyOverrides {
lazy val guavaVersion = sys.props.get("guava.version").getOrElse("14.0.1")
lazy val settings = Seq(
dependencyOverrides += "" % "guava" % guavaVersion,
dependencyOverrides += "xerces" % "xercesImpl" % "2.12.0",
dependencyOverrides += "jline" % "jline" % "2.14.6",
dependencyOverrides += "org.apache.avro" % "avro" % "1.10.2")
* This excludes library dependencies in sbt, which are specified in maven but are
* not needed by sbt build.
object ExcludedDependencies {
lazy val settings = Seq(
libraryDependencies ~= { libs => libs.filterNot( == "groovy-all") },
// SPARK-33705: Due to sbt compiler issues, it brings exclusions defined in maven pom back to
// the classpath directly and assemble test scope artifacts to assembly/target/scala-xx/jars,
// which is also will be added to the classpath of some unit tests that will build a subprocess
// to run `spark-submit`, e.g. HiveThriftServer2Test.
// These artifacts are for the jersey-1 API but Spark use jersey-2 ones, so it cause test
// flakiness w/ jar conflicts issues.
// Also jersey-1 is only used by yarn module(see resource-managers/yarn/pom.xml) for testing
// purpose only. Here we exclude them from the whole project scope and add them w/ yarn only.
excludeDependencies ++= Seq(
ExclusionRule(organization = "com.sun.jersey"),
ExclusionRule("javax.servlet", "javax.servlet-api"),
ExclusionRule("", "jsr311-api"),
ExclusionRule("io.netty", "netty-handler"),
ExclusionRule("io.netty", "netty-transport-native-epoll"))
* Project to pull previous artifacts of Spark for generating Mima excludes.
object OldDeps {
lazy val project = Project("oldDeps", file("dev"))
lazy val allPreviousArtifactKeys = Def.settingDyn[Seq[Set[ModuleID]]] {
.map { project => (project / MimaKeys.mimaPreviousArtifacts) }
.map(k => Def.setting(k.value))
def oldDepsSettings() = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ Seq(
name := "old-deps",
libraryDependencies := allPreviousArtifactKeys.value.flatten
object Catalyst {
import com.simplytyped.Antlr4Plugin
import com.simplytyped.Antlr4Plugin.autoImport._
lazy val settings = Antlr4Plugin.projectSettings ++ Seq(
(Antlr4 / antlr4Version) := SbtPomKeys.effectivePom.value.getProperties.get("antlr4.version").asInstanceOf[String],
(Antlr4 / antlr4PackageName) := Some("org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser"),
(Antlr4 / antlr4GenListener) := true,
(Antlr4 / antlr4GenVisitor) := true,
(Antlr4 / antlr4TreatWarningsAsErrors) := true
object SQL {
lazy val settings = Seq(
(console / initialCommands) :=
|import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
|import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.execution
|import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
|val sc = new SparkContext("local[*]", "dev-shell")
|val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
|import sqlContext.implicits._
|import sqlContext._
(console / cleanupCommands) := "sc.stop()"
object Hive {
lazy val settings = Seq(
// Specially disable assertions since some Hive tests fail them
(Test / javaOptions) := (Test / javaOptions).value.filterNot(_ == "-ea"),
// Hive tests need higher metaspace size
(Test / javaOptions) := (Test / javaOptions).value.filterNot(_.contains("MaxMetaspaceSize")),
(Test / javaOptions) += "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=2g",
// Supporting all SerDes requires us to depend on deprecated APIs, so we turn off the warnings
// only for this subproject.
scalacOptions := (scalacOptions map { currentOpts: Seq[String] =>
currentOpts.filterNot(_ == "-deprecation")
(console / initialCommands) :=
|import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.execution
|import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.hive._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHive._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHive.implicits._
|import org.apache.spark.sql.types._""".stripMargin,
(console / cleanupCommands) := "sparkContext.stop()",
// Some of our log4j jars make it impossible to submit jobs from this JVM to Hive Map/Reduce
// in order to generate golden files. This is only required for developers who are adding new
// new query tests.
(Test / fullClasspath) := (Test / fullClasspath).value.filterNot { f => f.toString.contains("jcl-over") }
object YARN {
val genConfigProperties = TaskKey[Unit]("gen-config-properties",
"Generate which contains a setting whether Hadoop is provided or not")
val propFileName = ""
val hadoopProvidedProp = "spark.yarn.isHadoopProvided"
lazy val settings = Seq(
excludeDependencies --= Seq(
ExclusionRule(organization = "com.sun.jersey"),
ExclusionRule("javax.servlet", "javax.servlet-api"),
ExclusionRule("", "jsr311-api")),
Compile / unmanagedResources :=
(Compile / unmanagedResources).value.filter(!_.getName.endsWith(s"$propFileName")),
genConfigProperties := {
val file = (Compile / classDirectory).value / s"org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/$propFileName"
val isHadoopProvided = SbtPomKeys.effectivePom.value.getProperties.get(hadoopProvidedProp)
IO.write(file, s"$hadoopProvidedProp = $isHadoopProvided")
Compile / copyResources := (Def.taskDyn {
val c = (Compile / copyResources).value
Def.task {
(Compile / genConfigProperties).value
object Assembly {
import sbtassembly.AssemblyUtils._
import sbtassembly.AssemblyPlugin.autoImport._
val hadoopVersion = taskKey[String]("The version of hadoop that spark is compiled against.")
lazy val settings = baseAssemblySettings ++ Seq(
(assembly / test) := {},
hadoopVersion := {
(assembly / assemblyJarName) := {
lazy val hadoopVersionValue = hadoopVersion.value
if (moduleName.value.contains("streaming-kafka-0-10-assembly")
|| moduleName.value.contains("streaming-kinesis-asl-assembly")) {
} else {
(Test / assembly / assemblyJarName) := s"${moduleName.value}-test-${version.value}.jar",
(assembly / assemblyMergeStrategy) := {
case m if m.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith("")
=> MergeStrategy.discard
case m if m.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).matches("meta-inf.*\\.sf$")
=> MergeStrategy.discard
case "" => MergeStrategy.discard
case m if m.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("meta-inf/services/")
=> MergeStrategy.filterDistinctLines
case "reference.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat
case _ => MergeStrategy.first
object PySparkAssembly {
import sbtassembly.AssemblyPlugin.autoImport._
import{ZipOutputStream, ZipEntry}
lazy val settings = Seq(
// Use a resource generator to copy all .py files from python/pyspark into a managed directory
// to be included in the assembly. We can't just add "python/" to the assembly's resource dir
// list since that will copy unneeded / unwanted files.
(Compile / resourceGenerators) += Def.macroValueI((Compile / resourceManaged) map { outDir: File =>
val src = new File(BuildCommons.sparkHome, "python/pyspark")
val zipFile = new File(BuildCommons.sparkHome , "python/lib/")
zipRecursive(src, zipFile)
private def zipRecursive(source: File, destZipFile: File) = {
val destOutput = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(destZipFile))
addFilesToZipStream("", source, destOutput)
private def addFilesToZipStream(parent: String, source: File, output: ZipOutputStream): Unit = {
if (source.isDirectory()) {
output.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(parent + source.getName()))
for (file <- source.listFiles()) {
addFilesToZipStream(parent + source.getName() + File.separator, file, output)
} else {
val in = new FileInputStream(source)
output.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(parent + source.getName()))
val buf = new Array[Byte](8192)
var n = 0
while (n != -1) {
n =
if (n != -1) {
output.write(buf, 0, n)
object SparkR {
import scala.sys.process.Process
val buildRPackage = taskKey[Unit]("Build the R package")
lazy val settings = Seq(
buildRPackage := {
val command = baseDirectory.value / ".." / "R" / ""
(Compile / compile) := (Def.taskDyn {
val c = (Compile / compile).value
Def.task {
(Compile / buildRPackage).value
object Unidoc {
import BuildCommons._
import sbtunidoc.BaseUnidocPlugin
import sbtunidoc.JavaUnidocPlugin
import sbtunidoc.ScalaUnidocPlugin
import sbtunidoc.BaseUnidocPlugin.autoImport._
import sbtunidoc.GenJavadocPlugin.autoImport._
import sbtunidoc.JavaUnidocPlugin.autoImport._
import sbtunidoc.ScalaUnidocPlugin.autoImport._
private def ignoreUndocumentedPackages(packages: Seq[Seq[File]]): Seq[Seq[File]] = {
.map(_.filterNot(f =>
f.getCanonicalPath.contains("org/apache/spark/shuffle") &&
.map(_.filterNot(f =>
f.getCanonicalPath.contains("org/apache/spark/unsafe") &&
private def ignoreClasspaths(classpaths: Seq[Classpath]): Seq[Classpath] = {
val unidocSourceBase = settingKey[String]("Base URL of source links in Scaladoc.")
lazy val settings = BaseUnidocPlugin.projectSettings ++
ScalaUnidocPlugin.projectSettings ++
JavaUnidocPlugin.projectSettings ++
Seq (
publish := {},
(ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocProjectFilter) :=
inAnyProject -- inProjects(OldDeps.project, repl, examples, tools, kubernetes,
yarn, tags, streamingKafka010, sqlKafka010),
(JavaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocProjectFilter) :=
inAnyProject -- inProjects(OldDeps.project, repl, examples, tools, kubernetes,
yarn, tags, streamingKafka010, sqlKafka010),
(ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocAllClasspaths) := {
ignoreClasspaths((ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocAllClasspaths).value)
(JavaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocAllClasspaths) := {
ignoreClasspaths((JavaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocAllClasspaths).value)
// Skip actual catalyst, but include the subproject.
// Catalyst is not public API and contains quasiquotes which break scaladoc.
(ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocAllSources) := {
ignoreUndocumentedPackages((ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocAllSources).value)
// Skip class names containing $ and some internal packages in Javadocs
(JavaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocAllSources) := {
ignoreUndocumentedPackages((JavaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocAllSources).value)
(JavaUnidoc / unidoc / javacOptions) := {
val versionParts = System.getProperty("java.version").split("[+.\\-]+", 3)
var major = versionParts(0).toInt
if (major == 1) major = versionParts(1).toInt
"-windowtitle", "Spark " + version.value.replaceAll("-SNAPSHOT", "") + " JavaDoc",
"-noqualifier", "java.lang",
"-tag", """example:a:Example\:""",
"-tag", """note:a:Note\:""",
"-tag", "group:X",
"-tag", "tparam:X",
"-tag", "constructor:X",
"-tag", "todo:X",
"-tag", "groupname:X",
) ++ { if (major >= 9) Seq("--ignore-source-errors", "-notree") else Seq.empty }
// Use GitHub repository for Scaladoc source links
unidocSourceBase := s"${version.value}",
(ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / scalacOptions) ++= Seq(
"-groups", // Group similar methods together based on the @group annotation.
"-skip-packages", "org.apache.hadoop",
"-sourcepath", (ThisBuild / baseDirectory).value.getAbsolutePath
) ++ (
// Add links to sources when generating Scaladoc for a non-snapshot release
if (!isSnapshot.value) {
Opts.doc.sourceUrl(unidocSourceBase.value + "€{FILE_PATH}.scala")
} else {
object Checkstyle {
lazy val settings = Seq(
checkstyleSeverityLevel := Some(CheckstyleSeverityLevel.Error),
(Compile / checkstyle / javaSource) := baseDirectory.value / "src/main/java",
(Test / checkstyle / javaSource) := baseDirectory.value / "src/test/java",
checkstyleConfigLocation := CheckstyleConfigLocation.File("dev/checkstyle.xml"),
checkstyleOutputFile := baseDirectory.value / "target/checkstyle-output.xml",
(Test / checkstyleOutputFile) := baseDirectory.value / "target/checkstyle-output.xml"
object CopyDependencies {
val copyDeps = TaskKey[Unit]("copyDeps", "Copies needed dependencies to the build directory.")
val destPath = (Compile / crossTarget) { _ / "jars"}
lazy val settings = Seq(
copyDeps := {
val dest = destPath.value
if (!dest.isDirectory() && !dest.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create jars directory.")
(Compile / dependencyClasspath)
.filter { jar => jar.isFile() }
.foreach { jar =>
val destJar = new File(dest, jar.getName())
if (destJar.isFile()) {
Files.copy(jar.toPath(), destJar.toPath())
(Compile / packageBin / crossTarget) := destPath.value,
(Compile / packageBin) := (Compile / packageBin).dependsOn(copyDeps).value
object TestSettings {
import BuildCommons._
private val defaultExcludedTags = Seq("org.apache.spark.tags.ChromeUITest")
lazy val settings = Seq (
// Fork new JVMs for tests and set Java options for those
fork := true,
// Setting SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH is a simple way to make sure any child processes
// launched by the tests have access to the correct test-time classpath.
(Test / envVars) ++= Map(
(Test / fullClasspath)
"SPARK_SCALA_VERSION" -> scalaBinaryVersion.value,
"JAVA_HOME" -> sys.env.get("JAVA_HOME").getOrElse(sys.props("java.home"))),
(Test / javaOptions) += s"$testTempDir",
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dspark.test.home=" + sparkHome,
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dspark.testing=1",
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dspark.port.maxRetries=100",
(Test / javaOptions) += "",
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dspark.memory.debugFill=true",
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dspark.ui.enabled=false",
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dspark.ui.showConsoleProgress=false",
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dspark.unsafe.exceptionOnMemoryLeak=true",
(Test / javaOptions) += "",
(Test / javaOptions) += "",
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dderby.system.durability=test",
(Test / javaOptions) += "-Dio.netty.tryReflectionSetAccessible=true",
(Test / javaOptions) ++= System.getProperties.asScala.filter(_._1.startsWith("spark"))
.map { case (k,v) => s"-D$k=$v" }.toSeq,
(Test / javaOptions) += "-ea",
// SPARK-29282 This is for consistency between JDK8 and JDK11.
(Test / javaOptions) ++= {
val metaspaceSize = sys.env.get("METASPACE_SIZE").getOrElse("1300m")
s"-Xmx4g -Xss4m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=$metaspaceSize -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:-UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m"
.split(" ").toSeq
javaOptions ++= {
val metaspaceSize = sys.env.get("METASPACE_SIZE").getOrElse("1300m")
s"-Xmx4g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=$metaspaceSize".split(" ").toSeq
(Test / javaOptions) ++= {
val jdwpEnabled = sys.props.getOrElse("test.jdwp.enabled", "false").toBoolean
if (jdwpEnabled) {
val jdwpAddr = sys.props.getOrElse("test.jdwp.address", "localhost:0")
val jdwpServer = sys.props.getOrElse("test.jdwp.server", "y")
val jdwpSuspend = sys.props.getOrElse("test.jdwp.suspend", "y")
("-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket," +
s"suspend=$jdwpSuspend,server=$jdwpServer,address=$jdwpAddr").split(" ").toSeq
} else {
// Exclude tags defined in a system property
(Test / testOptions) += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest,
sys.props.get("test.exclude.tags").map { tags =>
tags.split(",").flatMap { tag => Seq("-l", tag) }.toSeq
}.getOrElse(Nil): _*),
(Test / testOptions) += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest,
sys.props.get("test.default.exclude.tags").map(tags => tags.split(",").toSeq)
.map(tags => tags.filter(!_.trim.isEmpty)).getOrElse(defaultExcludedTags)
.flatMap(tag => Seq("-l", tag)): _*),
(Test / testOptions) += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit,
sys.props.get("test.exclude.tags").map { tags =>
Seq("--exclude-categories=" + tags)
}.getOrElse(Nil): _*),
// Include tags defined in a system property
(Test / testOptions) += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest,
sys.props.get("test.include.tags").map { tags =>
tags.split(",").flatMap { tag => Seq("-n", tag) }.toSeq
}.getOrElse(Nil): _*),
(Test / testOptions) += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit,
sys.props.get("test.include.tags").map { tags =>
Seq("--include-categories=" + tags)
}.getOrElse(Nil): _*),
// Show full stack trace and duration in test cases.
(Test / testOptions) += Tests.Argument("-oDF"),
// Slowpoke notifications: receive notifications every 5 minute of tests that have been running
// longer than two minutes.
(Test / testOptions) += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-W", "120", "300"),
(Test / testOptions) += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-v", "-a"),
// Enable Junit testing.
libraryDependencies += "com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.11" % "test",
// `parallelExecutionInTest` controls whether test suites belonging to the same SBT project
// can run in parallel with one another. It does NOT control whether tests execute in parallel
// within the same JVM (which is controlled by `testForkedParallel`) or whether test cases
// within the same suite can run in parallel (which is a ScalaTest runner option which is passed
// to the underlying runner but is not a SBT-level configuration). This needs to be `true` in
// order for the extra parallelism enabled by `SparkParallelTestGrouping` to take effect.
// The `SERIAL_SBT_TESTS` check is here so the extra parallelism can be feature-flagged.
(Test / parallelExecution) := { if (sys.env.contains("SERIAL_SBT_TESTS")) false else true },
// Make sure the test temp directory exists.
(Test / resourceGenerators) += Def.macroValueI((Test / resourceManaged) map { outDir: File =>
var dir = new File(testTempDir)
if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
// Because File.mkdirs() can fail if multiple callers are trying to create the same
// parent directory, this code tries to create parents one at a time, and avoids
// failures when the directories have been created by somebody else.
val stack = new ListBuffer[File]()
while (!dir.isDirectory()) {
dir = dir.getParentFile()
while (stack.nonEmpty) {
val d = stack.remove(0)
require(d.mkdir() || d.isDirectory(), s"Failed to create directory $d")
(Global / concurrentRestrictions) := {
// The number of concurrent test groups is empirically chosen based on experience
// with Jenkins flakiness.
if (sys.env.contains("SERIAL_SBT_TESTS")) (Global / concurrentRestrictions).value
else Seq(Tags.limit(Tags.ForkedTestGroup, 4))