Tom.Howland 3d8ee492d6 [SPARK-34015][R] Fixing input timing in gapply
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

When sparkR is run at log level INFO, a summary of how the worker spent its time processing the partition is printed. There is a logic error where it is over-reporting the time inputting rows.

In detail: the variable inputElap in a wider context is used to mark the end of reading rows, but in the part changed here it was used as a local variable for measuring the beginning of compute time in a loop over the groups in the partition. Thus, the error is not observable if there is only one group per partition, which is what you get in unit tests.

For our application, here's what a log entry looks like before these changes were applied:

`20/10/09 04:08:58 INFO RRunner: Times: boot = 0.013 s, init = 0.005 s, broadcast = 0.000 s, read-input = 529.471 s, compute = 492.037 s, write-output = 0.020 s, total = 1021.546 s`

this indicates that we're spending more time reading rows than operating on the rows.

After these changes, it looks like this:

`20/12/15 06:43:29 INFO RRunner: Times: boot = 0.013 s, init = 0.010 s, broadcast = 0.000 s, read-input = 120.275 s, compute = 1680.161 s, write-output = 0.045 s, total = 1812.553 s
### Why are the changes needed?

Metrics shouldn't mislead?

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Aside from no longer misleading, no

### How was this patch tested?

unit tests passed. Field test results seem plausible

Closes #31021 from WamBamBoozle/input_timing.

Authored-by: Tom.Howland <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2021-01-06 11:40:02 +09:00

293 lines
10 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Worker class
# Get current system time
currentTimeSecs <- function() {
# Get elapsed time
elapsedSecs <- function() {
compute <- function(mode, partition, serializer, deserializer, key,
colNames, computeFunc, inputData) {
if (mode > 0) {
if (deserializer == "row") {
# Transform the list of rows into a data.frame
# Note that the optional argument stringsAsFactors for rbind is
# available since R 3.2.4. So we set the global option here.
oldOpt <- getOption("stringsAsFactors")
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Handle binary data types
if ("raw" %in% sapply(inputData[[1]], class)) {
inputData <- SparkR:::rbindRaws(inputData)
} else {
inputData <-, inputData)
options(stringsAsFactors = oldOpt)
names(inputData) <- colNames
} else {
# Check to see if inputData is a valid data.frame
stopifnot(deserializer == "byte" || deserializer == "arrow")
if (mode == 2) {
output <- computeFunc(key, inputData)
} else {
output <- computeFunc(inputData)
if (serializer == "row") {
# Transform the result data.frame back to a list of rows
output <- split(output, seq(nrow(output)))
} else {
# Serialize the output to a byte array
stopifnot(serializer == "byte" || serializer == "arrow")
} else {
output <- computeFunc(partition, inputData)
outputResult <- function(serializer, output, outputCon) {
if (serializer == "byte") {
SparkR:::writeRawSerialize(outputCon, output)
} else if (serializer == "row") {
SparkR:::writeRowSerialize(outputCon, output)
} else if (serializer == "arrow") {
SparkR:::writeSerializeInArrow(outputCon, output)
} else {
# write lines one-by-one with flag
lapply(output, function(line) SparkR:::writeString(outputCon, line))
# Constants
specialLengths <- list(END_OF_STREAM = 0L, TIMING_DATA = -1L)
# Timing R process boot
bootTime <- currentTimeSecs()
bootElap <- elapsedSecs()
rLibDir <- Sys.getenv("SPARKR_RLIBDIR")
connectionTimeout <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("SPARKR_BACKEND_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT", "6000"))
dirs <- strsplit(rLibDir, ",")[[1]]
# Set libPaths to include SparkR package as loadNamespace needs this
# TODO: Figure out if we can avoid this by not loading any objects that require
# SparkR namespace
.libPaths(c(dirs, .libPaths()))
port <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("SPARKR_WORKER_PORT"))
inputCon <- socketConnection(
port = port, blocking = TRUE, open = "wb", timeout = connectionTimeout)
SparkR:::doServerAuth(inputCon, Sys.getenv("SPARKR_WORKER_SECRET"))
outputCon <- socketConnection(
port = port, blocking = TRUE, open = "wb", timeout = connectionTimeout)
SparkR:::doServerAuth(outputCon, Sys.getenv("SPARKR_WORKER_SECRET"))
# read the index of the current partition inside the RDD
partition <- SparkR:::readInt(inputCon)
deserializer <- SparkR:::readString(inputCon)
serializer <- SparkR:::readString(inputCon)
# Include packages as required
packageNames <- unserialize(SparkR:::readRaw(inputCon))
for (pkg in packageNames) {
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(as.character(pkg), character.only = TRUE))
# read function dependencies
funcLen <- SparkR:::readInt(inputCon)
computeFunc <- unserialize(SparkR:::readRawLen(inputCon, funcLen))
env <- environment(computeFunc)
parent.env(env) <- .GlobalEnv # Attach under global environment.
# Timing init envs for computing
initElap <- elapsedSecs()
# Read and set broadcast variables
numBroadcastVars <- SparkR:::readInt(inputCon)
if (numBroadcastVars > 0) {
for (bcast in seq(1:numBroadcastVars)) {
bcastId <- SparkR:::readInt(inputCon)
value <- unserialize(SparkR:::readRaw(inputCon))
SparkR:::setBroadcastValue(bcastId, value)
# Timing broadcast
broadcastElap <- elapsedSecs()
# Initial input timing
inputElap <- broadcastElap
# If -1: read as normal RDD; if >= 0, treat as pairwise RDD and treat the int
# as number of partitions to create.
numPartitions <- SparkR:::readInt(inputCon)
# 0 - RDD mode, 1 - dapply mode, 2 - gapply mode
mode <- SparkR:::readInt(inputCon)
if (mode > 0) {
colNames <- SparkR:::readObject(inputCon)
isEmpty <- SparkR:::readInt(inputCon)
computeInputElapsDiff <- 0
outputComputeElapsDiff <- 0
if (isEmpty != 0) {
if (numPartitions == -1) {
if (deserializer == "byte") {
# Now read as many characters as described in funcLen
data <- SparkR:::readDeserialize(inputCon)
} else if (deserializer == "string") {
data <- as.list(readLines(inputCon))
} else if (deserializer == "row" && mode == 2) {
dataWithKeys <- SparkR:::readMultipleObjectsWithKeys(inputCon)
keys <- dataWithKeys$keys
data <- dataWithKeys$data
} else if (deserializer == "row") {
data <- SparkR:::readMultipleObjects(inputCon)
} else if (deserializer == "arrow" && mode == 2) {
dataWithKeys <- SparkR:::readDeserializeWithKeysInArrow(inputCon)
keys <- dataWithKeys$keys
data <- dataWithKeys$data
} else if (deserializer == "arrow" && mode == 1) {
data <- SparkR:::readDeserializeInArrow(inputCon)
# See
# rbind.fill might be an alternative to make it faster if plyr is installed.
# Also, note that, 'dapply' applies a function to each partition.
data <-"rbind", data)
# Timing reading input data for execution
inputElap <- elapsedSecs()
if (mode > 0) {
if (mode == 1) {
output <- compute(mode, partition, serializer, deserializer, NULL,
colNames, computeFunc, data)
} else {
# gapply mode
outputs <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(data))) {
# Timing reading input data for execution
computeStart <- elapsedSecs()
output <- compute(mode, partition, serializer, deserializer, keys[[i]],
colNames, computeFunc, data[[i]])
computeElap <- elapsedSecs()
if (serializer == "arrow") {
outputs[[length(outputs) + 1L]] <- output
} else {
outputResult(serializer, output, outputCon)
outputComputeElapsDiff <- outputComputeElapsDiff + (elapsedSecs() - computeElap)
computeInputElapsDiff <- computeInputElapsDiff + (computeElap - computeStart)
if (serializer == "arrow") {
# See
# rbind.fill might be an alternative to make it faster if plyr is installed.
outputStart <- elapsedSecs()
combined <-"rbind", outputs)
SparkR:::writeSerializeInArrow(outputCon, combined)
outputComputeElapsDiff <- elapsedSecs() - outputStart
} else {
output <- compute(mode, partition, serializer, deserializer, NULL,
colNames, computeFunc, data)
if (mode != 2) {
# Not a gapply mode
computeElap <- elapsedSecs()
outputResult(serializer, output, outputCon)
outputElap <- elapsedSecs()
computeInputElapsDiff <- computeElap - inputElap
outputComputeElapsDiff <- outputElap - computeElap
} else {
if (deserializer == "byte") {
# Now read as many characters as described in funcLen
data <- SparkR:::readDeserialize(inputCon)
} else if (deserializer == "string") {
data <- readLines(inputCon)
} else if (deserializer == "row") {
data <- SparkR:::readMultipleObjects(inputCon)
# Timing reading input data for execution
inputElap <- elapsedSecs()
res <- new.env()
# Step 1: hash the data to an environment
hashTupleToEnvir <- function(tuple) {
# NOTE: execFunction is the hash function here
hashVal <- computeFunc(tuple[[1]])
bucket <- as.character(hashVal %% numPartitions)
acc <- res[[bucket]]
# Create a new accumulator
if (is.null(acc)) {
acc <- SparkR:::initAccumulator()
SparkR:::addItemToAccumulator(acc, tuple)
res[[bucket]] <- acc
invisible(lapply(data, hashTupleToEnvir))
# Timing computing
computeElap <- elapsedSecs()
# Step 2: write out all of the environment as key-value pairs.
for (name in ls(res)) {
SparkR:::writeInt(outputCon, 2L)
SparkR:::writeInt(outputCon, as.integer(name))
# Truncate the accumulator list to the number of elements we have
length(res[[name]]$data) <- res[[name]]$counter
SparkR:::writeRawSerialize(outputCon, res[[name]]$data)
# Timing output
outputElap <- elapsedSecs()
computeInputElapsDiff <- computeElap - inputElap
outputComputeElapsDiff <- outputElap - computeElap
# Report timing
SparkR:::writeInt(outputCon, specialLengths$TIMING_DATA)
SparkR:::writeDouble(outputCon, bootTime)
SparkR:::writeDouble(outputCon, initElap - bootElap) # init
SparkR:::writeDouble(outputCon, broadcastElap - initElap) # broadcast
SparkR:::writeDouble(outputCon, inputElap - broadcastElap) # input
SparkR:::writeDouble(outputCon, computeInputElapsDiff) # compute
SparkR:::writeDouble(outputCon, outputComputeElapsDiff) # output
# End of output
SparkR:::writeInt(outputCon, specialLengths$END_OF_STREAM)