Cheng Su 7bcadedbd2 [SPARK-35349][SQL] Add code-gen for left/right outer sort merge join
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR is to add code-gen support for LEFT OUTER / RIGHT OUTER sort merge join. Currently sort merge join only supports inner join type ( ). There's no fundamental reason why we cannot support code-gen for other join types. Here we add code-gen for LEFT OUTER / RIGHT OUTER join. Will submit followup PRs to add LEFT SEMI, LEFT ANTI and FULL OUTER code-gen separately.

The change is to extend current sort merge join logic to work with LEFT OUTER and RIGHT OUTER (should work with LEFT SEMI/ANTI as well, but FULL OUTER join needs some other more code change). Replace left/right with streamed/buffered to make code extendable to other join types besides inner join.

Example query:

val df1 = spark.range(10).select($"id".as("k1"), $"id".as("k3"))
val df2 = spark.range(4).select($"id".as("k2"), $"id".as("k4"))
df1.join(df2.hint("SHUFFLE_MERGE"), $"k1" === $"k2" && $"k3" + 1 < $"k4", "left_outer").explain("codegen")

Example generated code:

== Subtree 5 / 5 (maxMethodCodeSize:396; maxConstantPoolSize:159(0.24% used); numInnerClasses:0) ==
*(5) SortMergeJoin [k1#2L], [k2#8L], LeftOuter, ((k3#3L + 1) < k4#9L)
:- *(2) Sort [k1#2L ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
:  +- Exchange hashpartitioning(k1#2L, 5), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [id=#26]
:     +- *(1) Project [id#0L AS k1#2L, id#0L AS k3#3L]
:        +- *(1) Range (0, 10, step=1, splits=2)
+- *(4) Sort [k2#8L ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
   +- Exchange hashpartitioning(k2#8L, 5), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [id=#32]
      +- *(3) Project [id#6L AS k2#8L, id#6L AS k4#9L]
         +- *(3) Range (0, 4, step=1, splits=2)

Generated code:
/* 001 */ public Object generate(Object[] references) {
/* 002 */   return new GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage5(references);
/* 003 */ }
/* 004 */
/* 005 */ // codegenStageId=5
/* 006 */ final class GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage5 extends org.apache.spark.sql.execution.BufferedRowIterator {
/* 007 */   private Object[] references;
/* 008 */   private scala.collection.Iterator[] inputs;
/* 009 */   private scala.collection.Iterator smj_streamedInput_0;
/* 010 */   private scala.collection.Iterator smj_bufferedInput_0;
/* 011 */   private InternalRow smj_streamedRow_0;
/* 012 */   private InternalRow smj_bufferedRow_0;
/* 013 */   private long smj_value_2;
/* 014 */   private org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ExternalAppendOnlyUnsafeRowArray smj_matches_0;
/* 015 */   private long smj_value_3;
/* 016 */   private org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter[] smj_mutableStateArray_0 = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter[1];
/* 017 */
/* 018 */   public GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage5(Object[] references) {
/* 019 */     this.references = references;
/* 020 */   }
/* 021 */
/* 022 */   public void init(int index, scala.collection.Iterator[] inputs) {
/* 023 */     partitionIndex = index;
/* 024 */     this.inputs = inputs;
/* 025 */     smj_streamedInput_0 = inputs[0];
/* 026 */     smj_bufferedInput_0 = inputs[1];
/* 027 */
/* 028 */     smj_matches_0 = new org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ExternalAppendOnlyUnsafeRowArray(2147483632, 2147483647);
/* 029 */     smj_mutableStateArray_0[0] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(4, 0);
/* 030 */
/* 031 */   }
/* 032 */
/* 033 */   private boolean findNextJoinRows(
/* 034 */     scala.collection.Iterator streamedIter,
/* 035 */     scala.collection.Iterator bufferedIter) {
/* 036 */     smj_streamedRow_0 = null;
/* 037 */     int comp = 0;
/* 038 */     while (smj_streamedRow_0 == null) {
/* 039 */       if (!streamedIter.hasNext()) return false;
/* 040 */       smj_streamedRow_0 = (InternalRow);
/* 041 */       long smj_value_0 = smj_streamedRow_0.getLong(0);
/* 042 */       if (false) {
/* 043 */         if (!smj_matches_0.isEmpty()) {
/* 044 */           smj_matches_0.clear();
/* 045 */         }
/* 046 */         return false;
/* 047 */
/* 048 */       }
/* 049 */       if (!smj_matches_0.isEmpty()) {
/* 050 */         comp = 0;
/* 051 */         if (comp == 0) {
/* 052 */           comp = (smj_value_0 > smj_value_3 ? 1 : smj_value_0 < smj_value_3 ? -1 : 0);
/* 053 */         }
/* 054 */
/* 055 */         if (comp == 0) {
/* 056 */           return true;
/* 057 */         }
/* 058 */         smj_matches_0.clear();
/* 059 */       }
/* 060 */
/* 061 */       do {
/* 062 */         if (smj_bufferedRow_0 == null) {
/* 063 */           if (!bufferedIter.hasNext()) {
/* 064 */             smj_value_3 = smj_value_0;
/* 065 */             return !smj_matches_0.isEmpty();
/* 066 */           }
/* 067 */           smj_bufferedRow_0 = (InternalRow);
/* 068 */           long smj_value_1 = smj_bufferedRow_0.getLong(0);
/* 069 */           if (false) {
/* 070 */             smj_bufferedRow_0 = null;
/* 071 */             continue;
/* 072 */           }
/* 073 */           smj_value_2 = smj_value_1;
/* 074 */         }
/* 075 */
/* 076 */         comp = 0;
/* 077 */         if (comp == 0) {
/* 078 */           comp = (smj_value_0 > smj_value_2 ? 1 : smj_value_0 < smj_value_2 ? -1 : 0);
/* 079 */         }
/* 080 */
/* 081 */         if (comp > 0) {
/* 082 */           smj_bufferedRow_0 = null;
/* 083 */         } else if (comp < 0) {
/* 084 */           if (!smj_matches_0.isEmpty()) {
/* 085 */             smj_value_3 = smj_value_0;
/* 086 */             return true;
/* 087 */           } else {
/* 088 */             return false;
/* 089 */           }
/* 090 */         } else {
/* 091 */           smj_matches_0.add((UnsafeRow) smj_bufferedRow_0);
/* 092 */           smj_bufferedRow_0 = null;
/* 093 */         }
/* 094 */       } while (smj_streamedRow_0 != null);
/* 095 */     }
/* 096 */     return false; // unreachable
/* 097 */   }
/* 098 */
/* 099 */   protected void processNext() throws {
/* 100 */     while (smj_streamedInput_0.hasNext()) {
/* 101 */       findNextJoinRows(smj_streamedInput_0, smj_bufferedInput_0);
/* 102 */       long smj_value_4 = -1L;
/* 103 */       long smj_value_5 = -1L;
/* 104 */       boolean smj_loaded_0 = false;
/* 105 */       smj_value_5 = smj_streamedRow_0.getLong(1);
/* 106 */       scala.collection.Iterator<UnsafeRow> smj_iterator_0 = smj_matches_0.generateIterator();
/* 107 */       boolean smj_foundMatch_0 = false;
/* 108 */
/* 109 */       // the last iteration of this loop is to emit an empty row if there is no matched rows.
/* 110 */       while (smj_iterator_0.hasNext() || !smj_foundMatch_0) {
/* 111 */         InternalRow smj_bufferedRow_1 = smj_iterator_0.hasNext() ?
/* 112 */         (InternalRow) : null;
/* 113 */         boolean smj_isNull_5 = true;
/* 114 */         long smj_value_9 = -1L;
/* 115 */         if (smj_bufferedRow_1 != null) {
/* 116 */           long smj_value_8 = smj_bufferedRow_1.getLong(1);
/* 117 */           smj_isNull_5 = false;
/* 118 */           smj_value_9 = smj_value_8;
/* 119 */         }
/* 120 */         if (smj_bufferedRow_1 != null) {
/* 121 */           boolean smj_isNull_6 = true;
/* 122 */           boolean smj_value_10 = false;
/* 123 */           long smj_value_11 = -1L;
/* 124 */
/* 125 */           smj_value_11 = smj_value_5 + 1L;
/* 126 */
/* 127 */           if (!smj_isNull_5) {
/* 128 */             smj_isNull_6 = false; // resultCode could change nullability.
/* 129 */             smj_value_10 = smj_value_11 < smj_value_9;
/* 130 */
/* 131 */           }
/* 132 */           if (smj_isNull_6 || !smj_value_10) {
/* 133 */             continue;
/* 134 */           }
/* 135 */         }
/* 136 */         if (!smj_loaded_0) {
/* 137 */           smj_loaded_0 = true;
/* 138 */           smj_value_4 = smj_streamedRow_0.getLong(0);
/* 139 */         }
/* 140 */         boolean smj_isNull_3 = true;
/* 141 */         long smj_value_7 = -1L;
/* 142 */         if (smj_bufferedRow_1 != null) {
/* 143 */           long smj_value_6 = smj_bufferedRow_1.getLong(0);
/* 144 */           smj_isNull_3 = false;
/* 145 */           smj_value_7 = smj_value_6;
/* 146 */         }
/* 147 */         smj_foundMatch_0 = true;
/* 148 */         ((org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetric) references[0] /* numOutputRows */).add(1);
/* 149 */
/* 150 */         smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].reset();
/* 151 */
/* 152 */         smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].zeroOutNullBytes();
/* 153 */
/* 154 */         smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].write(0, smj_value_4);
/* 155 */
/* 156 */         smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].write(1, smj_value_5);
/* 157 */
/* 158 */         if (smj_isNull_3) {
/* 159 */           smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].setNullAt(2);
/* 160 */         } else {
/* 161 */           smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].write(2, smj_value_7);
/* 162 */         }
/* 163 */
/* 164 */         if (smj_isNull_5) {
/* 165 */           smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].setNullAt(3);
/* 166 */         } else {
/* 167 */           smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].write(3, smj_value_9);
/* 168 */         }
/* 169 */         append((smj_mutableStateArray_0[0].getRow()).copy());
/* 170 */
/* 171 */       }
/* 172 */       if (shouldStop()) return;
/* 173 */     }
/* 174 */     ((org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.SortMergeJoinExec) references[1] /* plan */).cleanupResources();
/* 175 */   }
/* 176 */
/* 177 */ }

### Why are the changes needed?

Improve query CPU performance. Example micro benchmark below showed 10% run-time improvement.

def sortMergeJoinWithDuplicates(): Unit = {
    val N = 2 << 20
    codegenBenchmark("sort merge join with duplicates", N) {
      val df1 = spark.range(N)
        .selectExpr(s"(id * 15485863) % ${N*10} as k1", "id as k3")
      val df2 = spark.range(N)
        .selectExpr(s"(id * 15485867) % ${N*10} as k2", "id as k4")
      val df = df1.join(df2, col("k1") === col("k2") && col("k3") * 3 < col("k4"), "left_outer")

Running benchmark: sort merge join with duplicates
  Running case: sort merge join with duplicates outer-smj-codegen off
  Stopped after 2 iterations, 2696 ms
  Running case: sort merge join with duplicates outer-smj-codegen on
  Stopped after 5 iterations, 6058 ms

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_181-b13 on Mac OS X 10.16
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU  2.40GHz
sort merge join with duplicates:                       Best Time(ms)   Avg Time(ms)   Stdev(ms)    Rate(M/s)   Per Row(ns)   Relative
sort merge join with duplicates outer-smj-codegen off           1333           1348          21          1.6         635.7       1.0X
sort merge join with duplicates outer-smj-codegen on            1169           1212          47          1.8         557.4       1.1X

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Added unit test in `WholeStageCodegenSuite.scala` and `WholeStageCodegenSuite.scala`.

Closes #32476 from c21/smj-outer-codegen.

Authored-by: Cheng Su <>
Signed-off-by: Wenchen Fan <>
2021-05-12 14:10:15 +00:00
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Spark SQL

This module provides support for executing relational queries expressed in either SQL or the DataFrame/Dataset API.

Spark SQL is broken up into four subprojects:

  • Catalyst (sql/catalyst) - An implementation-agnostic framework for manipulating trees of relational operators and expressions.
  • Execution (sql/core) - A query planner / execution engine for translating Catalyst's logical query plans into Spark RDDs. This component also includes a new public interface, SQLContext, that allows users to execute SQL or LINQ statements against existing RDDs and Parquet files.
  • Hive Support (sql/hive) - Includes extensions that allow users to write queries using a subset of HiveQL and access data from a Hive Metastore using Hive SerDes. There are also wrappers that allow users to run queries that include Hive UDFs, UDAFs, and UDTFs.
  • HiveServer and CLI support (sql/hive-thriftserver) - Includes support for the SQL CLI (bin/spark-sql) and a HiveServer2 (for JDBC/ODBC) compatible server.

Running ./sql/ generates SQL documentation for built-in functions under sql/site, and SQL configuration documentation that gets included as part of in the main docs directory.