Reynold Xin ae74c3fa84 [RELEASE] Add more contributors & only show names in release notes.
Author: Reynold Xin <>

Closes #8660 from rxin/contrib.
2015-09-08 17:36:00 -07:00

249 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script automates the process of creating release notes.
import os
import re
import sys
from releaseutils import *
# You must set the following before use!
JIRA_API_BASE = os.environ.get("JIRA_API_BASE", "")
RELEASE_TAG = os.environ.get("RELEASE_TAG", "v1.2.0-rc2")
# If the release tags are not provided, prompt the user to provide them
while not tag_exists(RELEASE_TAG):
RELEASE_TAG = raw_input("Please provide a valid release tag: ")
while not tag_exists(PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG):
print "Please specify the previous release tag."
"For instance, if you are releasing v1.2.0, you should specify v1.1.0: ")
# Gather commits found in the new tag but not in the old tag.
# This filters commits based on both the git hash and the PR number.
# If either is present in the old tag, then we ignore the commit.
print "Gathering new commits between tags %s and %s" % (PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG, RELEASE_TAG)
release_commits = get_commits(RELEASE_TAG)
previous_release_commits = get_commits(PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG)
previous_release_hashes = set()
previous_release_prs = set()
for old_commit in previous_release_commits:
if old_commit.get_pr_number():
new_commits = []
for this_commit in release_commits:
this_hash = this_commit.get_hash()
this_pr_number = this_commit.get_pr_number()
if this_hash in previous_release_hashes:
if this_pr_number and this_pr_number in previous_release_prs:
if not new_commits:
sys.exit("There are no new commits between %s and %s!" % (PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG, RELEASE_TAG))
# Prompt the user for confirmation that the commit range is correct
print "\n=================================================================================="
print "JIRA server: %s" % JIRA_API_BASE
print "Release tag: %s" % RELEASE_TAG
print "Previous release tag: %s" % PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG
print "Number of commits in this range: %s" % len(new_commits)
def print_indented(_list):
for x in _list: print " %s" % x
if yesOrNoPrompt("Show all commits?"):
print "==================================================================================\n"
if not yesOrNoPrompt("Does this look correct?"):
sys.exit("Ok, exiting")
# Filter out special commits
releases = []
maintenance = []
reverts = []
nojiras = []
filtered_commits = []
def is_release(commit_title):
return re.findall("\[release\]", commit_title.lower()) or\
"preparing spark release" in commit_title.lower() or\
"preparing development version" in commit_title.lower() or\
"CHANGES.txt" in commit_title
def is_maintenance(commit_title):
return "maintenance" in commit_title.lower() or\
"manually close" in commit_title.lower()
def has_no_jira(commit_title):
return not re.findall("SPARK-[0-9]+", commit_title.upper())
def is_revert(commit_title):
return "revert" in commit_title.lower()
def is_docs(commit_title):
return re.findall("docs*", commit_title.lower()) or\
"programming guide" in commit_title.lower()
for c in new_commits:
t = c.get_title()
if not t: continue
elif is_release(t): releases.append(c)
elif is_maintenance(t): maintenance.append(c)
elif is_revert(t): reverts.append(c)
elif is_docs(t): filtered_commits.append(c) # docs may not have JIRA numbers
elif has_no_jira(t): nojiras.append(c)
else: filtered_commits.append(c)
# Warn against ignored commits
if releases or maintenance or reverts or nojiras:
print "\n=================================================================================="
if releases: print "Found %d release commits" % len(releases)
if maintenance: print "Found %d maintenance commits" % len(maintenance)
if reverts: print "Found %d revert commits" % len(reverts)
if nojiras: print "Found %d commits with no JIRA" % len(nojiras)
print "* Warning: these commits will be ignored.\n"
if yesOrNoPrompt("Show ignored commits?"):
if releases: print "Release (%d)" % len(releases); print_indented(releases)
if maintenance: print "Maintenance (%d)" % len(maintenance); print_indented(maintenance)
if reverts: print "Revert (%d)" % len(reverts); print_indented(reverts)
if nojiras: print "No JIRA (%d)" % len(nojiras); print_indented(nojiras)
print "==================== Warning: the above commits will be ignored ==================\n"
prompt_msg = "%d commits left to process after filtering. Ok to proceed?" % len(filtered_commits)
if not yesOrNoPrompt(prompt_msg):
sys.exit("Ok, exiting.")
# Keep track of warnings to tell the user at the end
warnings = []
# Mapping from the invalid author name to its associated JIRA issues
# E.g. andrewor14 -> set("SPARK-2413", "SPARK-3551", "SPARK-3471")
invalid_authors = {}
# Populate a map that groups issues and components by author
# It takes the form: Author name -> { Contribution type -> Spark components }
# For instance,
# {
# 'Andrew Or': {
# 'bug fixes': ['windows', 'core', 'web ui'],
# 'improvements': ['core']
# },
# 'Tathagata Das' : {
# 'bug fixes': ['streaming']
# 'new feature': ['streaming']
# }
# }
author_info = {}
jira_options = { "server": JIRA_API_BASE }
jira_client = JIRA(options = jira_options)
print "\n=========================== Compiling contributor list ==========================="
for commit in filtered_commits:
_hash = commit.get_hash()
title = commit.get_title()
issues = re.findall("SPARK-[0-9]+", title.upper())
author = commit.get_author()
date = get_date(_hash)
# If the author name is invalid, keep track of it along
# with all associated issues so we can translate it later
if is_valid_author(author):
author = capitalize_author(author)
if author not in invalid_authors:
invalid_authors[author] = set()
for issue in issues:
# Parse components from the commit title, if any
commit_components = find_components(title, _hash)
# Populate or merge an issue into author_info[author]
def populate(issue_type, components):
components = components or [CORE_COMPONENT] # assume core if no components provided
if author not in author_info:
author_info[author] = {}
if issue_type not in author_info[author]:
author_info[author][issue_type] = set()
for component in components:
# Find issues and components associated with this commit
for issue in issues:
jira_issue = jira_client.issue(issue)
jira_type =
jira_type = translate_issue_type(jira_type, issue, warnings)
jira_components = [translate_component(, _hash, warnings)\
for c in jira_issue.fields.components]
all_components = set(jira_components + commit_components)
populate(jira_type, all_components)
except Exception as e:
print "Unexpected error:", e
# For docs without an associated JIRA, manually add it ourselves
if is_docs(title) and not issues:
populate("documentation", commit_components)
print " Processed commit %s authored by %s on %s" % (_hash, author, date)
print "==================================================================================\n"
# Write to contributors file ordered by author names
# Each line takes the format " * Author name -- semi-colon delimited contributions"
# e.g. * Andrew Or -- Bug fixes in Windows, Core, and Web UI; improvements in Core
# e.g. * Tathagata Das -- Bug fixes and new features in Streaming
contributors_file = open(contributors_file_name, "w")
authors = author_info.keys()
for author in authors:
contribution = ""
components = set()
issue_types = set()
for issue_type, comps in author_info[author].items():
# If there is only one component, mention it only once
# e.g. Bug fixes, improvements in MLlib
if len(components) == 1:
contribution = "%s in %s" % (nice_join(issue_types), next(iter(components)))
# Otherwise, group contributions by issue types instead of modules
# e.g. Bug fixes in MLlib, Core, and Streaming; documentation in YARN
contributions = ["%s in %s" % (issue_type, nice_join(comps)) \
for issue_type, comps in author_info[author].items()]
contribution = "; ".join(contributions)
# Do not use python's capitalize() on the whole string to preserve case
assert contribution
contribution = contribution[0].capitalize() + contribution[1:]
# If the author name is invalid, use an intermediate format that
# can be translated through later
# E.g. andrewor14/SPARK-3425/SPARK-1157/SPARK-6672
if author in invalid_authors and invalid_authors[author]:
author = author + "/" + "/".join(invalid_authors[author])
#line = " * %s -- %s" % (author, contribution)
line = author
contributors_file.write(line + "\n")
print "Contributors list is successfully written to %s!" % contributors_file_name
# Prompt the user to translate author names if necessary
if invalid_authors:
warnings.append("Found the following invalid authors:")
for a in invalid_authors:
warnings.append("\t%s" % a)
warnings.append("Please run './' to translate them.")
# Log any warnings encountered in the process
if warnings:
print "\n============ Warnings encountered while creating the contributor list ============"
for w in warnings: print w
print "Please correct these in the final contributors list at %s." % contributors_file_name
print "==================================================================================\n"