zero323 52073ef8ac [SPARK-33254][PYTHON][DOCS] Migration to NumPy documentation style in Core (pyspark.*, pyspark.resource.*, etc.)
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes migration of Core to NumPy documentation style.

### Why are the changes needed?

To improve documentation style.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

Yes, this changes both rendered HTML docs and console representation (SPARK-33243).

### How was this patch tested?

dev/lint-python and manual inspection.

Closes #30320 from zero323/SPARK-33254.

Authored-by: zero323 <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2020-11-16 10:21:50 +09:00

825 lines
27 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import platform
import shutil
import warnings
import gc
import itertools
import operator
import random
import sys
import heapq
from pyspark.serializers import BatchedSerializer, PickleSerializer, FlattenedValuesSerializer, \
CompressedSerializer, AutoBatchedSerializer
from pyspark.util import fail_on_stopiteration
import psutil
process = None
def get_used_memory():
""" Return the used memory in MiB """
global process
if process is None or process._pid != os.getpid():
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
if hasattr(process, "memory_info"):
info = process.memory_info()
info = process.get_memory_info()
return info.rss >> 20
except ImportError:
def get_used_memory():
""" Return the used memory in MiB """
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
for line in open('/proc/self/status'):
if line.startswith('VmRSS:'):
return int(line.split()[1]) >> 10
warnings.warn("Please install psutil to have better "
"support with spilling")
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
import resource
rss = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
return rss >> 20
# TODO: support windows
return 0
def _get_local_dirs(sub):
""" Get all the directories """
path = os.environ.get("SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS", "/tmp")
dirs = path.split(",")
if len(dirs) > 1:
# different order in different processes and instances
rnd = random.Random(os.getpid() + id(dirs))
random.shuffle(dirs, rnd.random)
return [os.path.join(d, "python", str(os.getpid()), sub) for d in dirs]
# global stats
MemoryBytesSpilled = 0
DiskBytesSpilled = 0
class Aggregator(object):
Aggregator has tree functions to merge values into combiner.
createCombiner: (value) -> combiner
mergeValue: (combine, value) -> combiner
mergeCombiners: (combiner, combiner) -> combiner
def __init__(self, createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners):
self.createCombiner = fail_on_stopiteration(createCombiner)
self.mergeValue = fail_on_stopiteration(mergeValue)
self.mergeCombiners = fail_on_stopiteration(mergeCombiners)
class SimpleAggregator(Aggregator):
SimpleAggregator is useful for the cases that combiners have
same type with values
def __init__(self, combiner):
Aggregator.__init__(self, lambda x: x, combiner, combiner)
class Merger(object):
Merge shuffled data together by aggregator
def __init__(self, aggregator):
self.agg = aggregator
def mergeValues(self, iterator):
""" Combine the items by creator and combiner """
raise NotImplementedError
def mergeCombiners(self, iterator):
""" Merge the combined items by mergeCombiner """
raise NotImplementedError
def items(self):
""" Return the merged items ad iterator """
raise NotImplementedError
def _compressed_serializer(self, serializer=None):
# always use PickleSerializer to simplify implementation
ser = PickleSerializer()
return AutoBatchedSerializer(CompressedSerializer(ser))
class ExternalMerger(Merger):
External merger will dump the aggregated data into disks when
memory usage goes above the limit, then merge them together.
This class works as follows:
- It repeatedly combine the items and save them in one dict in
- When the used memory goes above memory limit, it will split
the combined data into partitions by hash code, dump them
into disk, one file per partition.
- Then it goes through the rest of the iterator, combine items
into different dict by hash. Until the used memory goes over
memory limit, it dump all the dicts into disks, one file per
dict. Repeat this again until combine all the items.
- Before return any items, it will load each partition and
combine them separately. Yield them before loading next
- During loading a partition, if the memory goes over limit,
it will partition the loaded data and dump them into disks
and load them partition by partition again.
`data` and `pdata` are used to hold the merged items in memory.
At first, all the data are merged into `data`. Once the used
memory goes over limit, the items in `data` are dumped into
disks, `data` will be cleared, all rest of items will be merged
into `pdata` and then dumped into disks. Before returning, all
the items in `pdata` will be dumped into disks.
Finally, if any items were spilled into disks, each partition
will be merged into `data` and be yielded, then cleared.
>>> agg = SimpleAggregator(lambda x, y: x + y)
>>> merger = ExternalMerger(agg, 10)
>>> N = 10000
>>> merger.mergeValues(zip(range(N), range(N)))
>>> assert merger.spills > 0
>>> sum(v for k,v in merger.items())
>>> merger = ExternalMerger(agg, 10)
>>> merger.mergeCombiners(zip(range(N), range(N)))
>>> assert merger.spills > 0
>>> sum(v for k,v in merger.items())
# the max total partitions created recursively
def __init__(self, aggregator, memory_limit=512, serializer=None,
localdirs=None, scale=1, partitions=59, batch=1000):
Merger.__init__(self, aggregator)
self.memory_limit = memory_limit
self.serializer = _compressed_serializer(serializer)
self.localdirs = localdirs or _get_local_dirs(str(id(self)))
# number of partitions when spill data into disks
self.partitions = partitions
# check the memory after # of items merged
self.batch = batch
# scale is used to scale down the hash of key for recursive hash map
self.scale = scale
# un-partitioned merged data = {}
# partitioned merged data, list of dicts
self.pdata = []
# number of chunks dumped into disks
self.spills = 0
# randomize the hash of key, id(o) is the address of o (aligned by 8)
self._seed = id(self) + 7
def _get_spill_dir(self, n):
""" Choose one directory for spill by number n """
return os.path.join(self.localdirs[n % len(self.localdirs)], str(n))
def _next_limit(self):
Return the next memory limit. If the memory is not released
after spilling, it will dump the data only when the used memory
starts to increase.
return max(self.memory_limit, get_used_memory() * 1.05)
def mergeValues(self, iterator):
""" Combine the items by creator and combiner """
# speedup attribute lookup
creator, comb = self.agg.createCombiner, self.agg.mergeValue
c, data, pdata, hfun, batch = 0,, self.pdata, self._partition, self.batch
limit = self.memory_limit
for k, v in iterator:
d = pdata[hfun(k)] if pdata else data
d[k] = comb(d[k], v) if k in d else creator(v)
c += 1
if c >= batch:
if get_used_memory() >= limit:
limit = self._next_limit()
batch /= 2
c = 0
batch *= 1.5
if get_used_memory() >= limit:
def _partition(self, key):
""" Return the partition for key """
return hash((key, self._seed)) % self.partitions
def _object_size(self, obj):
""" How much of memory for this obj, assume that all the objects
consume similar bytes of memory
return 1
def mergeCombiners(self, iterator, limit=None):
""" Merge (K,V) pair by mergeCombiner """
if limit is None:
limit = self.memory_limit
# speedup attribute lookup
comb, hfun, objsize = self.agg.mergeCombiners, self._partition, self._object_size
c, data, pdata, batch = 0,, self.pdata, self.batch
for k, v in iterator:
d = pdata[hfun(k)] if pdata else data
d[k] = comb(d[k], v) if k in d else v
if not limit:
c += objsize(v)
if c > batch:
if get_used_memory() > limit:
limit = self._next_limit()
batch /= 2
c = 0
batch *= 1.5
if limit and get_used_memory() >= limit:
def _spill(self):
dump already partitioned data into disks.
It will dump the data in batch for better performance.
global MemoryBytesSpilled, DiskBytesSpilled
path = self._get_spill_dir(self.spills)
if not os.path.exists(path):
used_memory = get_used_memory()
if not self.pdata:
# The data has not been partitioned, it will iterator the
# dataset once, write them into different files, has no
# additional memory. It only called when the memory goes
# above limit at the first time.
# open all the files for writing
streams = [open(os.path.join(path, str(i)), 'wb')
for i in range(self.partitions)]
for k, v in
h = self._partition(k)
# put one item in batch, make it compatible with load_stream
# it will increase the memory if dump them in batch
self.serializer.dump_stream([(k, v)], streams[h])
for s in streams:
DiskBytesSpilled += s.tell()
self.pdata.extend([{} for i in range(self.partitions)])
for i in range(self.partitions):
p = os.path.join(path, str(i))
with open(p, "wb") as f:
# dump items in batch
self.serializer.dump_stream(iter(self.pdata[i].items()), f)
DiskBytesSpilled += os.path.getsize(p)
self.spills += 1
gc.collect() # release the memory as much as possible
MemoryBytesSpilled += max(used_memory - get_used_memory(), 0) << 20
def items(self):
""" Return all merged items as iterator """
if not self.pdata and not self.spills:
return iter(
return self._external_items()
def _external_items(self):
""" Return all partitioned items as iterator """
assert not
if any(self.pdata):
# disable partitioning and spilling when merge combiners from disk
self.pdata = []
for i in range(self.partitions):
for v in self._merged_items(i):
yield v
# remove the merged partition
for j in range(self.spills):
path = self._get_spill_dir(j)
os.remove(os.path.join(path, str(i)))
def _merged_items(self, index): = {}
limit = self._next_limit()
for j in range(self.spills):
path = self._get_spill_dir(j)
p = os.path.join(path, str(index))
# do not check memory during merging
with open(p, "rb") as f:
self.mergeCombiners(self.serializer.load_stream(f), 0)
# limit the total partitions
if (self.scale * self.partitions < self.MAX_TOTAL_PARTITIONS
and j < self.spills - 1
and get_used_memory() > limit): # will read from disk again
gc.collect() # release the memory as much as possible
return self._recursive_merged_items(index)
def _recursive_merged_items(self, index):
merge the partitioned items and return the as iterator
If one partition can not be fit in memory, then them will be
partitioned and merged recursively.
subdirs = [os.path.join(d, "parts", str(index)) for d in self.localdirs]
m = ExternalMerger(self.agg, self.memory_limit, self.serializer, subdirs,
self.scale * self.partitions, self.partitions, self.batch)
m.pdata = [{} for _ in range(self.partitions)]
limit = self._next_limit()
for j in range(self.spills):
path = self._get_spill_dir(j)
p = os.path.join(path, str(index))
with open(p, 'rb') as f:
m.mergeCombiners(self.serializer.load_stream(f), 0)
if get_used_memory() > limit:
limit = self._next_limit()
return m._external_items()
def _cleanup(self):
""" Clean up all the files in disks """
for d in self.localdirs:
shutil.rmtree(d, True)
class ExternalSorter(object):
ExtenalSorter will divide the elements into chunks, sort them in
memory and dump them into disks, finally merge them back.
The spilling will only happen when the used memory goes above
the limit.
>>> sorter = ExternalSorter(1) # 1M
>>> import random
>>> l = list(range(1024))
>>> random.shuffle(l)
>>> sorted(l) == list(sorter.sorted(l))
>>> sorted(l) == list(sorter.sorted(l, key=lambda x: -x, reverse=True))
def __init__(self, memory_limit, serializer=None):
self.memory_limit = memory_limit
self.local_dirs = _get_local_dirs("sort")
self.serializer = _compressed_serializer(serializer)
def _get_path(self, n):
""" Choose one directory for spill by number n """
d = self.local_dirs[n % len(self.local_dirs)]
if not os.path.exists(d):
return os.path.join(d, str(n))
def _next_limit(self):
Return the next memory limit. If the memory is not released
after spilling, it will dump the data only when the used memory
starts to increase.
return max(self.memory_limit, get_used_memory() * 1.05)
def sorted(self, iterator, key=None, reverse=False):
Sort the elements in iterator, do external sort when the memory
goes above the limit.
global MemoryBytesSpilled, DiskBytesSpilled
batch, limit = 100, self._next_limit()
chunks, current_chunk = [], []
iterator = iter(iterator)
while True:
# pick elements in batch
chunk = list(itertools.islice(iterator, batch))
if len(chunk) < batch:
used_memory = get_used_memory()
if used_memory > limit:
# sort them inplace will save memory
current_chunk.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
path = self._get_path(len(chunks))
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
self.serializer.dump_stream(current_chunk, f)
def load(f):
for v in self.serializer.load_stream(f):
yield v
# close the file explicit once we consume all the items
# to avoid ResourceWarning in Python3
chunks.append(load(open(path, 'rb')))
current_chunk = []
MemoryBytesSpilled += max(used_memory - get_used_memory(), 0) << 20
DiskBytesSpilled += os.path.getsize(path)
os.unlink(path) # data will be deleted after close
elif not chunks:
batch = min(int(batch * 1.5), 10000)
current_chunk.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
if not chunks:
return current_chunk
if current_chunk:
return heapq.merge(*chunks, key=key, reverse=reverse)
class ExternalList(object):
ExternalList can have many items which cannot be hold in memory in
the same time.
>>> l = ExternalList(list(range(100)))
>>> len(l)
>>> l.append(10)
>>> len(l)
>>> for i in range(20240):
... l.append(i)
>>> len(l)
>>> import pickle
>>> l2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(l))
>>> len(l2)
>>> list(l2)[100]
LIMIT = 10240
def __init__(self, values):
self.values = values
self.count = len(values)
self._file = None
self._ser = None
def __getstate__(self):
if self._file is not None:
with os.fdopen(os.dup(self._file.fileno()), "rb") as f:
serialized =
serialized = b''
return self.values, self.count, serialized
def __setstate__(self, item):
self.values, self.count, serialized = item
if serialized:
self._file = None
self._ser = None
def __iter__(self):
if self._file is not None:
# read all items from disks first
with os.fdopen(os.dup(self._file.fileno()), 'rb') as f:
for v in self._ser.load_stream(f):
yield v
for v in self.values:
yield v
def __len__(self):
return self.count
def append(self, value):
self.count += 1
# dump them into disk if the key is huge
if len(self.values) >= self.LIMIT:
def _open_file(self):
dirs = _get_local_dirs("objects")
d = dirs[id(self) % len(dirs)]
if not os.path.exists(d):
p = os.path.join(d, str(id(self)))
self._file = open(p, "w+b", 65536)
self._ser = BatchedSerializer(CompressedSerializer(PickleSerializer()), 1024)
def __del__(self):
if self._file:
self._file = None
def _spill(self):
""" dump the values into disk """
global MemoryBytesSpilled, DiskBytesSpilled
if self._file is None:
used_memory = get_used_memory()
pos = self._file.tell()
self._ser.dump_stream(self.values, self._file)
self.values = []
DiskBytesSpilled += self._file.tell() - pos
MemoryBytesSpilled += max(used_memory - get_used_memory(), 0) << 20
class ExternalListOfList(ExternalList):
An external list for list.
>>> l = ExternalListOfList([[i, i] for i in range(100)])
>>> len(l)
>>> l.append(range(10))
>>> len(l)
>>> len(list(l))
def __init__(self, values):
ExternalList.__init__(self, values)
self.count = sum(len(i) for i in values)
def append(self, value):
ExternalList.append(self, value)
# already counted 1 in ExternalList.append
self.count += len(value) - 1
def __iter__(self):
for values in ExternalList.__iter__(self):
for v in values:
yield v
class GroupByKey(object):
Group a sorted iterator as [(k1, it1), (k2, it2), ...]
>>> k = [i // 3 for i in range(6)]
>>> v = [[i] for i in range(6)]
>>> g = GroupByKey(zip(k, v))
>>> [(k, list(it)) for k, it in g]
[(0, [0, 1, 2]), (1, [3, 4, 5])]
def __init__(self, iterator):
self.iterator = iterator
def __iter__(self):
key, values = None, None
for k, v in self.iterator:
if values is not None and k == key:
if values is not None:
yield (key, values)
key = k
values = ExternalListOfList([v])
if values is not None:
yield (key, values)
class ExternalGroupBy(ExternalMerger):
Group by the items by key. If any partition of them can not been
hold in memory, it will do sort based group by.
This class works as follows:
- It repeatedly group the items by key and save them in one dict in
- When the used memory goes above memory limit, it will split
the combined data into partitions by hash code, dump them
into disk, one file per partition. If the number of keys
in one partitions is smaller than 1000, it will sort them
by key before dumping into disk.
- Then it goes through the rest of the iterator, group items
by key into different dict by hash. Until the used memory goes over
memory limit, it dump all the dicts into disks, one file per
dict. Repeat this again until combine all the items. It
also will try to sort the items by key in each partition
before dumping into disks.
- It will yield the grouped items partitions by partitions.
If the data in one partitions can be hold in memory, then it
will load and combine them in memory and yield.
- If the dataset in one partition cannot be hold in memory,
it will sort them first. If all the files are already sorted,
it merge them by heap.merge(), so it will do external sort
for all the files.
- After sorting, `GroupByKey` class will put all the continuous
items with the same key as a group, yield the values as
an iterator.
def flattened_serializer(self):
assert isinstance(self.serializer, BatchedSerializer)
ser = self.serializer
return FlattenedValuesSerializer(ser, 20)
def _object_size(self, obj):
return len(obj)
def _spill(self):
dump already partitioned data into disks.
global MemoryBytesSpilled, DiskBytesSpilled
path = self._get_spill_dir(self.spills)
if not os.path.exists(path):
used_memory = get_used_memory()
if not self.pdata:
# The data has not been partitioned, it will iterator the
# data once, write them into different files, has no
# additional memory. It only called when the memory goes
# above limit at the first time.
# open all the files for writing
streams = [open(os.path.join(path, str(i)), 'wb')
for i in range(self.partitions)]
# If the number of keys is small, then the overhead of sort is small
# sort them before dumping into disks
self._sorted = len( < self.SORT_KEY_LIMIT
if self._sorted:
self.serializer = self.flattened_serializer()
for k in sorted(
h = self._partition(k)
self.serializer.dump_stream([(k,[k])], streams[h])
for k, v in
h = self._partition(k)
self.serializer.dump_stream([(k, v)], streams[h])
for s in streams:
DiskBytesSpilled += s.tell()
# self.pdata is cached in `mergeValues` and `mergeCombiners`
self.pdata.extend([{} for i in range(self.partitions)])
for i in range(self.partitions):
p = os.path.join(path, str(i))
with open(p, "wb") as f:
# dump items in batch
if self._sorted:
# sort by key only (stable)
sorted_items = sorted(self.pdata[i].items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
self.serializer.dump_stream(sorted_items, f)
self.serializer.dump_stream(self.pdata[i].items(), f)
DiskBytesSpilled += os.path.getsize(p)
self.spills += 1
gc.collect() # release the memory as much as possible
MemoryBytesSpilled += max(used_memory - get_used_memory(), 0) << 20
def _merged_items(self, index):
size = sum(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self._get_spill_dir(j), str(index)))
for j in range(self.spills))
# if the memory can not hold all the partition,
# then use sort based merge. Because of compression,
# the data on disks will be much smaller than needed memory
if size >= self.memory_limit << 17: # * 1M / 8
return self._merge_sorted_items(index) = {}
for j in range(self.spills):
path = self._get_spill_dir(j)
p = os.path.join(path, str(index))
# do not check memory during merging
with open(p, "rb") as f:
self.mergeCombiners(self.serializer.load_stream(f), 0)
def _merge_sorted_items(self, index):
""" load a partition from disk, then sort and group by key """
def load_partition(j):
path = self._get_spill_dir(j)
p = os.path.join(path, str(index))
with open(p, 'rb', 65536) as f:
for v in self.serializer.load_stream(f):
yield v
disk_items = [load_partition(j) for j in range(self.spills)]
if self._sorted:
# all the partitions are already sorted
sorted_items = heapq.merge(*disk_items, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
# Flatten the combined values, so it will not consume huge
# memory during merging sort.
ser = self.flattened_serializer()
sorter = ExternalSorter(self.memory_limit, ser)
sorted_items = sorter.sorted(itertools.chain(*disk_items),
return ((k, vs) for k, vs in GroupByKey(sorted_items))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
(failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod()
if failure_count: