Andrew Or a4dfb4efef [Release] Correctly translate contributors name in release notes
This commit involves three main changes:

(1) It separates the translation of contributor names from the
generation of the contributors list. This is largely motivated
by the Github API limit; even if we exceed this limit, we should
at least be able to proceed manually as before. This is why the
translation logic is abstracted into its own script

(2) When we look for candidate replacements for invalid author
names, we should look for the assignees of the associated JIRAs
too. As a result, the intermediate file must keep track of these.

(3) This provides an interactive mode with which the user can
sit at the terminal and manually pick the candidate replacement
that he/she thinks makes the most sense. As before, there is a
non-interactive mode that picks the first candidate that the
script considers "valid."

TODO: We should have a known_contributors file that stores
known mappings so we don't have to go through all of this
translation every time. This is also valuable because some
contributors simply cannot be automatically translated.
2014-12-03 19:10:07 -08:00

189 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This file contains helper methods used in creating a release.
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from jira.client import JIRA
from jira.exceptions import JIRAError
except ImportError:
print "This tool requires the jira-python library"
print "Install using 'sudo pip install jira-python'"
from github import Github
from github import GithubException
except ImportError:
print "This tool requires the PyGithub library"
print "Install using 'sudo pip install PyGithub'"
import unidecode
except ImportError:
print "This tool requires the unidecode library to decode obscure github usernames"
print "Install using 'sudo pip install unidecode'"
# Contributors list file name
contributors_file_name = "contributors.txt"
# Utility functions run git commands (written with Git 1.8.5)
def run_cmd(cmd): return Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
def get_author(commit_hash):
return run_cmd(["git", "show", "--quiet", "--pretty=format:%an", commit_hash])
def get_date(commit_hash):
return run_cmd(["git", "show", "--quiet", "--pretty=format:%cd", commit_hash])
def get_one_line(commit_hash):
return run_cmd(["git", "show", "--quiet", "--pretty=format:\"%h %cd %s\"", commit_hash])
def get_one_line_commits(start_hash, end_hash):
return run_cmd(["git", "log", "--oneline", "%s..%s" % (start_hash, end_hash)])
def num_commits_in_range(start_hash, end_hash):
output = run_cmd(["git", "log", "--oneline", "%s..%s" % (start_hash, end_hash)])
lines = [line for line in output.split("\n") if line] # filter out empty lines
return len(lines)
# Maintain a mapping for translating issue types to contributions in the release notes
# This serves an additional function of warning the user against unknown issue types
# Note: This list is partially derived from this link:
# Keep these in lower case
known_issue_types = {
"bug": "bug fixes",
"build": "build fixes",
"improvement": "improvements",
"new feature": "new features",
"documentation": "documentation",
"test": "test"
# Maintain a mapping for translating component names when creating the release notes
# This serves an additional function of warning the user against unknown components
# Note: This list is largely derived from this link:
known_components = {
"block manager": CORE_COMPONENT,
"documentation": CORE_COMPONENT,
"ec2": "EC2",
"examples": CORE_COMPONENT,
"graphx": "GraphX",
"input/output": CORE_COMPONENT,
"java api": "Java API",
"mesos": "Mesos",
"ml": "MLlib",
"mllib": "MLlib",
"project infra": "Project Infra",
"pyspark": "PySpark",
"shuffle": "Shuffle",
"spark core": CORE_COMPONENT,
"spark shell": CORE_COMPONENT,
"sql": "SQL",
"streaming": "Streaming",
"web ui": "Web UI",
"windows": "Windows",
"yarn": "YARN"
# Translate issue types using a format appropriate for writing contributions
# If an unknown issue type is encountered, warn the user
def translate_issue_type(issue_type, issue_id, warnings):
issue_type = issue_type.lower()
if issue_type in known_issue_types:
return known_issue_types[issue_type]
warnings.append("Unknown issue type \"%s\" (see %s)" % (issue_type, issue_id))
return issue_type
# Translate component names using a format appropriate for writing contributions
# If an unknown component is encountered, warn the user
def translate_component(component, commit_hash, warnings):
component = component.lower()
if component in known_components:
return known_components[component]
warnings.append("Unknown component \"%s\" (see %s)" % (component, commit_hash))
return component
# Parse components in the commit message
# The returned components are already filtered and translated
def find_components(commit, commit_hash):
components = re.findall("\[\w*\]", commit.lower())
components = [translate_component(c, commit_hash)\
for c in components if c in known_components]
return components
# Join a list of strings in a human-readable manner
# e.g. ["Juice"] -> "Juice"
# e.g. ["Juice", "baby"] -> "Juice and baby"
# e.g. ["Juice", "baby", "moon"] -> "Juice, baby, and moon"
def nice_join(str_list):
str_list = list(str_list) # sometimes it's a set
if not str_list:
return ""
elif len(str_list) == 1:
return next(iter(str_list))
elif len(str_list) == 2:
return " and ".join(str_list)
return ", ".join(str_list[:-1]) + ", and " + str_list[-1]
# Return the full name of the specified user on Github
# If the user doesn't exist, return None
def get_github_name(author, github_client):
if github_client:
return github_client.get_user(author).name
except GithubException as e:
# If this is not a "not found" exception
if e.status != 404:
raise e
return None
# Return the full name of the specified user on JIRA
# If the user doesn't exist, return None
def get_jira_name(author, jira_client):
if jira_client:
return jira_client.user(author).displayName
except JIRAError as e:
# If this is not a "not found" exception
if e.status_code != 404:
raise e
return None
# Return whether the given name is in the form <First Name><space><Last Name>
def is_valid_author(author):
if not author: return False
author_words = len(author.split(" "))
return author_words == 2 or author_words == 3
# Capitalize the first letter of each word in the given author name
def capitalize_author(author):
if not author: return None
words = author.split(" ")
words = [w[0].capitalize() + w[1:] for w in words if w]
return " ".join(words)