Michael Armbrust de80b1ba4d [SQL] Add toString to DataFrame/Column
Author: Michael Armbrust <>

Closes #4436 from marmbrus/dfToString and squashes the following commits:

8a3c35f [Michael Armbrust] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into dfToString
b72a81b [Michael Armbrust] add toString
2015-02-10 13:14:01 -08:00

975 lines
32 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import itertools
import warnings
import random
import os
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from itertools import imap
from py4j.java_collections import ListConverter, MapConverter
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.rdd import RDD, _prepare_for_python_RDD
from pyspark.serializers import BatchedSerializer, AutoBatchedSerializer, PickleSerializer, \
from pyspark.storagelevel import StorageLevel
from pyspark.traceback_utils import SCCallSiteSync
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.types import _create_cls, _parse_datatype_json_string
__all__ = ["DataFrame", "GroupedData", "Column", "Dsl", "SchemaRDD"]
class DataFrame(object):
"""A collection of rows that have the same columns.
A :class:`DataFrame` is equivalent to a relational table in Spark SQL,
and can be created using various functions in :class:`SQLContext`::
people = sqlContext.parquetFile("...")
Once created, it can be manipulated using the various domain-specific-language
(DSL) functions defined in: :class:`DataFrame`, :class:`Column`.
To select a column from the data frame, use the apply method::
ageCol = people.age
Note that the :class:`Column` type can also be manipulated
through its various functions::
# The following creates a new column that increases everybody's age by 10.
people.age + 10
A more concrete example::
# To create DataFrame using SQLContext
people = sqlContext.parquetFile("...")
department = sqlContext.parquetFile("...")
people.filter(people.age > 30).join(department, people.deptId == \
.groupBy(, "gender").agg({"salary": "avg", "age": "max"})
def __init__(self, jdf, sql_ctx):
self._jdf = jdf
self.sql_ctx = sql_ctx
self._sc = sql_ctx and sql_ctx._sc
self.is_cached = False
def rdd(self):
Return the content of the :class:`DataFrame` as an :class:`RDD`
of :class:`Row` s.
if not hasattr(self, '_lazy_rdd'):
jrdd = self._jdf.javaToPython()
rdd = RDD(jrdd, self.sql_ctx._sc, BatchedSerializer(PickleSerializer()))
schema = self.schema()
def applySchema(it):
cls = _create_cls(schema)
return itertools.imap(cls, it)
self._lazy_rdd = rdd.mapPartitions(applySchema)
return self._lazy_rdd
def toJSON(self, use_unicode=False):
"""Convert a DataFrame into a MappedRDD of JSON documents; one document per row.
>>> df.toJSON().first()
rdd = self._jdf.toJSON()
return RDD(rdd.toJavaRDD(), self._sc, UTF8Deserializer(use_unicode))
def saveAsParquetFile(self, path):
"""Save the contents as a Parquet file, preserving the schema.
Files that are written out using this method can be read back in as
a DataFrame using the L{SQLContext.parquetFile} method.
>>> import tempfile, shutil
>>> parquetFile = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> shutil.rmtree(parquetFile)
>>> df.saveAsParquetFile(parquetFile)
>>> df2 = sqlCtx.parquetFile(parquetFile)
>>> sorted(df2.collect()) == sorted(df.collect())
def registerTempTable(self, name):
"""Registers this RDD as a temporary table using the given name.
The lifetime of this temporary table is tied to the L{SQLContext}
that was used to create this DataFrame.
>>> df.registerTempTable("people")
>>> df2 = sqlCtx.sql("select * from people")
>>> sorted(df.collect()) == sorted(df2.collect())
def registerAsTable(self, name):
"""DEPRECATED: use registerTempTable() instead"""
warnings.warn("Use registerTempTable instead of registerAsTable.", DeprecationWarning)
def insertInto(self, tableName, overwrite=False):
"""Inserts the contents of this DataFrame into the specified table.
Optionally overwriting any existing data.
self._jdf.insertInto(tableName, overwrite)
def saveAsTable(self, tableName):
"""Creates a new table with the contents of this DataFrame."""
def schema(self):
"""Returns the schema of this DataFrame (represented by
a L{StructType}).
>>> df.schema()
return _parse_datatype_json_string(self._jdf.schema().json())
def printSchema(self):
"""Prints out the schema in the tree format.
>>> df.printSchema()
|-- age: integer (nullable = true)
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
print (self._jdf.schema().treeString())
def count(self):
"""Return the number of elements in this RDD.
Unlike the base RDD implementation of count, this implementation
leverages the query optimizer to compute the count on the DataFrame,
which supports features such as filter pushdown.
>>> df.count()
return self._jdf.count()
def collect(self):
"""Return a list that contains all of the rows.
Each object in the list is a Row, the fields can be accessed as
>>> df.collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice'), Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
with SCCallSiteSync(self._sc) as css:
bytesInJava = self._jdf.javaToPython().collect().iterator()
tempFile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=self._sc._temp_dir)
# Read the data into Python and deserialize it:
with open(, 'rb') as tempFile:
rs = list(BatchedSerializer(PickleSerializer()).load_stream(tempFile))
cls = _create_cls(self.schema())
return [cls(r) for r in rs]
def limit(self, num):
"""Limit the result count to the number specified.
>>> df.limit(1).collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')]
>>> df.limit(0).collect()
jdf = self._jdf.limit(num)
return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
def take(self, num):
"""Take the first num rows of the RDD.
Each object in the list is a Row, the fields can be accessed as
>>> df.take(2)
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice'), Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
return self.limit(num).collect()
def map(self, f):
""" Return a new RDD by applying a function to each Row, it's a
shorthand for
>>> p:
[u'Alice', u'Bob']
def mapPartitions(self, f, preservesPartitioning=False):
Return a new RDD by applying a function to each partition.
>>> rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4], 4)
>>> def f(iterator): yield 1
>>> rdd.mapPartitions(f).sum()
return self.rdd.mapPartitions(f, preservesPartitioning)
def cache(self):
""" Persist with the default storage level (C{MEMORY_ONLY_SER}).
self.is_cached = True
return self
def persist(self, storageLevel=StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER):
""" Set the storage level to persist its values across operations
after the first time it is computed. This can only be used to assign
a new storage level if the RDD does not have a storage level set yet.
If no storage level is specified defaults to (C{MEMORY_ONLY_SER}).
self.is_cached = True
javaStorageLevel = self._sc._getJavaStorageLevel(storageLevel)
return self
def unpersist(self, blocking=True):
""" Mark it as non-persistent, and remove all blocks for it from
memory and disk.
self.is_cached = False
return self
# def coalesce(self, numPartitions, shuffle=False):
# rdd = self._jdf.coalesce(numPartitions, shuffle, None)
# return DataFrame(rdd, self.sql_ctx)
def repartition(self, numPartitions):
""" Return a new :class:`DataFrame` that has exactly `numPartitions`
rdd = self._jdf.repartition(numPartitions, None)
return DataFrame(rdd, self.sql_ctx)
def sample(self, withReplacement, fraction, seed=None):
Return a sampled subset of this DataFrame.
>>> df.sample(False, 0.5, 97).count()
assert fraction >= 0.0, "Negative fraction value: %s" % fraction
seed = seed if seed is not None else random.randint(0, sys.maxint)
rdd = self._jdf.sample(withReplacement, fraction, long(seed))
return DataFrame(rdd, self.sql_ctx)
# def takeSample(self, withReplacement, num, seed=None):
# """Return a fixed-size sampled subset of this DataFrame.
# >>> df = sqlCtx.inferSchema(rdd)
# >>> df.takeSample(False, 2, 97)
# [Row(field1=3, field2=u'row3'), Row(field1=1, field2=u'row1')]
# """
# seed = seed if seed is not None else random.randint(0, sys.maxint)
# with SCCallSiteSync(self.context) as css:
# bytesInJava = self._jdf \
# .takeSampleToPython(withReplacement, num, long(seed)) \
# .iterator()
# cls = _create_cls(self.schema())
# return map(cls, self._collect_iterator_through_file(bytesInJava))
def dtypes(self):
"""Return all column names and their data types as a list.
>>> df.dtypes
[('age', 'integer'), ('name', 'string')]
return [(str(, f.dataType.jsonValue()) for f in self.schema().fields]
def columns(self):
""" Return all column names as a list.
>>> df.columns
[u'age', u'name']
return [ for f in self.schema().fields]
def join(self, other, joinExprs=None, joinType=None):
Join with another DataFrame, using the given join expression.
The following performs a full outer join between `df1` and `df2`::
:param other: Right side of the join
:param joinExprs: Join expression
:param joinType: One of `inner`, `outer`, `left_outer`, `right_outer`, `semijoin`.
>>> df.join(df2, ==, 'outer').select(, df2.height).collect()
[Row(name=None, height=80), Row(name=u'Bob', height=85), Row(name=u'Alice', height=None)]
if joinExprs is None:
jdf = self._jdf.join(other._jdf)
assert isinstance(joinExprs, Column), "joinExprs should be Column"
if joinType is None:
jdf = self._jdf.join(other._jdf, joinExprs._jc)
assert isinstance(joinType, basestring), "joinType should be basestring"
jdf = self._jdf.join(other._jdf, joinExprs._jc, joinType)
return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
def sort(self, *cols):
""" Return a new :class:`DataFrame` sorted by the specified column.
:param cols: The columns or expressions used for sorting
>>> df.sort(df.age.desc()).collect()
[Row(age=5, name=u'Bob'), Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')]
>>> df.sortBy(df.age.desc()).collect()
[Row(age=5, name=u'Bob'), Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')]
if not cols:
raise ValueError("should sort by at least one column")
jcols = ListConverter().convert([_to_java_column(c) for c in cols],
jdf = self._jdf.sort(self._sc._jvm.PythonUtils.toSeq(jcols))
return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
sortBy = sort
def head(self, n=None):
""" Return the first `n` rows or the first row if n is None.
>>> df.head()
Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')
>>> df.head(1)
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')]
if n is None:
rs = self.head(1)
return rs[0] if rs else None
return self.take(n)
def first(self):
""" Return the first row.
>>> df.first()
Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')
return self.head()
def __getitem__(self, item):
""" Return the column by given name
>>> df['age'].collect()
[Row(age=2), Row(age=5)]
>>> df[ ["name", "age"]].collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=2), Row(name=u'Bob', age=5)]
>>> df[ df.age > 3 ].collect()
[Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
if isinstance(item, basestring):
jc = self._jdf.apply(item)
return Column(jc, self.sql_ctx)
elif isinstance(item, Column):
return self.filter(item)
elif isinstance(item, list):
raise IndexError("unexpected index: %s" % item)
def __getattr__(self, name):
""" Return the column by given name
>>> df.age.collect()
[Row(age=2), Row(age=5)]
if name.startswith("__"):
raise AttributeError(name)
jc = self._jdf.apply(name)
return Column(jc, self.sql_ctx)
def select(self, *cols):
""" Selecting a set of expressions.
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice'), Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice'), Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
>>>'name', 'age').collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=2), Row(name=u'Bob', age=5)]
>>>, (df.age + 10).alias('age')).collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=12), Row(name=u'Bob', age=15)]
if not cols:
cols = ["*"]
jcols = ListConverter().convert([_to_java_column(c) for c in cols],
jdf =
return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
def selectExpr(self, *expr):
Selects a set of SQL expressions. This is a variant of
`select` that accepts SQL expressions.
>>> df.selectExpr("age * 2", "abs(age)").collect()
[Row((age * 2)=4, Abs(age)=2), Row((age * 2)=10, Abs(age)=5)]
jexpr = ListConverter().convert(expr, self._sc._gateway._gateway_client)
jdf = self._jdf.selectExpr(self._sc._jvm.PythonUtils.toSeq(jexpr))
return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
def filter(self, condition):
""" Filtering rows using the given condition, which could be
Column expression or string of SQL expression.
where() is an alias for filter().
>>> df.filter(df.age > 3).collect()
[Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
>>> df.where(df.age == 2).collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')]
>>> df.filter("age > 3").collect()
[Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
>>> df.where("age = 2").collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')]
if isinstance(condition, basestring):
jdf = self._jdf.filter(condition)
elif isinstance(condition, Column):
jdf = self._jdf.filter(condition._jc)
raise TypeError("condition should be string or Column")
return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
where = filter
def groupBy(self, *cols):
""" Group the :class:`DataFrame` using the specified columns,
so we can run aggregation on them. See :class:`GroupedData`
for all the available aggregate functions.
>>> df.groupBy().avg().collect()
>>> df.groupBy('name').agg({'age': 'mean'}).collect()
[Row(name=u'Bob', AVG(age#0)=5.0), Row(name=u'Alice', AVG(age#0)=2.0)]
>>> df.groupBy(
[Row(name=u'Bob', AVG(age#0)=5.0), Row(name=u'Alice', AVG(age#0)=2.0)]
jcols = ListConverter().convert([_to_java_column(c) for c in cols],
jdf = self._jdf.groupBy(self.sql_ctx._sc._jvm.PythonUtils.toSeq(jcols))
return GroupedData(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
def agg(self, *exprs):
""" Aggregate on the entire :class:`DataFrame` without groups
(shorthand for df.groupBy.agg()).
>>> df.agg({"age": "max"}).collect()
>>> from pyspark.sql import Dsl
>>> df.agg(Dsl.min(df.age)).collect()
return self.groupBy().agg(*exprs)
def unionAll(self, other):
""" Return a new DataFrame containing union of rows in this
frame and another frame.
This is equivalent to `UNION ALL` in SQL.
return DataFrame(self._jdf.unionAll(other._jdf), self.sql_ctx)
def intersect(self, other):
""" Return a new :class:`DataFrame` containing rows only in
both this frame and another frame.
This is equivalent to `INTERSECT` in SQL.
return DataFrame(self._jdf.intersect(other._jdf), self.sql_ctx)
def subtract(self, other):
""" Return a new :class:`DataFrame` containing rows in this frame
but not in another frame.
This is equivalent to `EXCEPT` in SQL.
return DataFrame(getattr(self._jdf, "except")(other._jdf), self.sql_ctx)
def addColumn(self, colName, col):
""" Return a new :class:`DataFrame` by adding a column.
>>> df.addColumn('age2', df.age + 2).collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice', age2=4), Row(age=5, name=u'Bob', age2=7)]
return'*', col.alias(colName))
def to_pandas(self):
Collect all the rows and return a `pandas.DataFrame`.
>>> df.to_pandas() # doctest: +SKIP
age name
0 2 Alice
1 5 Bob
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.collect(), columns=self.columns)
# Having SchemaRDD for backward compatibility (for docs)
class SchemaRDD(DataFrame):
SchemaRDD is deprecated, please use DataFrame
def dfapi(f):
def _api(self):
name = f.__name__
jdf = getattr(self._jdf, name)()
return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
_api.__name__ = f.__name__
_api.__doc__ = f.__doc__
return _api
class GroupedData(object):
A set of methods for aggregations on a :class:`DataFrame`,
created by DataFrame.groupBy().
def __init__(self, jdf, sql_ctx):
self._jdf = jdf
self.sql_ctx = sql_ctx
def agg(self, *exprs):
""" Compute aggregates by specifying a map from column name
to aggregate methods.
The available aggregate methods are `avg`, `max`, `min`,
`sum`, `count`.
:param exprs: list or aggregate columns or a map from column
name to aggregate methods.
>>> gdf = df.groupBy(
>>> gdf.agg({"age": "max"}).collect()
[Row(name=u'Bob', MAX(age#0)=5), Row(name=u'Alice', MAX(age#0)=2)]
>>> from pyspark.sql import Dsl
>>> gdf.agg(Dsl.min(df.age)).collect()
[Row(MIN(age#0)=5), Row(MIN(age#0)=2)]
assert exprs, "exprs should not be empty"
if len(exprs) == 1 and isinstance(exprs[0], dict):
jmap = MapConverter().convert(exprs[0],
jdf = self._jdf.agg(jmap)
# Columns
assert all(isinstance(c, Column) for c in exprs), "all exprs should be Column"
jcols = ListConverter().convert([c._jc for c in exprs[1:]],
jdf = self._jdf.agg(exprs[0]._jc, self.sql_ctx._sc._jvm.PythonUtils.toSeq(jcols))
return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
def count(self):
""" Count the number of rows for each group.
>>> df.groupBy(df.age).count().collect()
[Row(age=2, count=1), Row(age=5, count=1)]
def mean(self):
"""Compute the average value for each numeric columns
for each group. This is an alias for `avg`."""
def avg(self):
"""Compute the average value for each numeric columns
for each group."""
def max(self):
"""Compute the max value for each numeric columns for
each group. """
def min(self):
"""Compute the min value for each numeric column for
each group."""
def sum(self):
"""Compute the sum for each numeric columns for each
def _create_column_from_literal(literal):
sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
return sc._jvm.Dsl.lit(literal)
def _create_column_from_name(name):
sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
return sc._jvm.Dsl.col(name)
def _to_java_column(col):
if isinstance(col, Column):
jcol = col._jc
jcol = _create_column_from_name(col)
return jcol
def _unary_op(name, doc="unary operator"):
""" Create a method for given unary operator """
def _(self):
jc = getattr(self._jc, name)()
return Column(jc, self.sql_ctx)
_.__doc__ = doc
return _
def _dsl_op(name, doc=''):
def _(self):
jc = getattr(self._sc._jvm.Dsl, name)(self._jc)
return Column(jc, self.sql_ctx)
_.__doc__ = doc
return _
def _bin_op(name, doc="binary operator"):
""" Create a method for given binary operator
def _(self, other):
jc = other._jc if isinstance(other, Column) else other
njc = getattr(self._jc, name)(jc)
return Column(njc, self.sql_ctx)
_.__doc__ = doc
return _
def _reverse_op(name, doc="binary operator"):
""" Create a method for binary operator (this object is on right side)
def _(self, other):
jother = _create_column_from_literal(other)
jc = getattr(jother, name)(self._jc)
return Column(jc, self.sql_ctx)
_.__doc__ = doc
return _
class Column(DataFrame):
A column in a DataFrame.
`Column` instances can be created by::
# 1. Select a column out of a DataFrame
# 2. Create from an expression
df.colName + 1
1 / df.colName
def __init__(self, jc, sql_ctx=None):
self._jc = jc
super(Column, self).__init__(jc, sql_ctx)
# arithmetic operators
__neg__ = _dsl_op("negate")
__add__ = _bin_op("plus")
__sub__ = _bin_op("minus")
__mul__ = _bin_op("multiply")
__div__ = _bin_op("divide")
__mod__ = _bin_op("mod")
__radd__ = _bin_op("plus")
__rsub__ = _reverse_op("minus")
__rmul__ = _bin_op("multiply")
__rdiv__ = _reverse_op("divide")
__rmod__ = _reverse_op("mod")
# logistic operators
__eq__ = _bin_op("equalTo")
__ne__ = _bin_op("notEqual")
__lt__ = _bin_op("lt")
__le__ = _bin_op("leq")
__ge__ = _bin_op("geq")
__gt__ = _bin_op("gt")
# `and`, `or`, `not` cannot be overloaded in Python,
# so use bitwise operators as boolean operators
__and__ = _bin_op('and')
__or__ = _bin_op('or')
__invert__ = _dsl_op('not')
__rand__ = _bin_op("and")
__ror__ = _bin_op("or")
# container operators
__contains__ = _bin_op("contains")
__getitem__ = _bin_op("getItem")
getField = _bin_op("getField", "An expression that gets a field by name in a StructField.")
# string methods
rlike = _bin_op("rlike")
like = _bin_op("like")
startswith = _bin_op("startsWith")
endswith = _bin_op("endsWith")
def substr(self, startPos, length):
Return a Column which is a substring of the column
:param startPos: start position (int or Column)
:param length: length of the substring (int or Column)
>>>, 3).collect()
[Row(col=u'Ali'), Row(col=u'Bob')]
if type(startPos) != type(length):
raise TypeError("Can not mix the type")
if isinstance(startPos, (int, long)):
jc = self._jc.substr(startPos, length)
elif isinstance(startPos, Column):
jc = self._jc.substr(startPos._jc, length._jc)
raise TypeError("Unexpected type: %s" % type(startPos))
return Column(jc, self.sql_ctx)
__getslice__ = substr
# order
asc = _unary_op("asc")
desc = _unary_op("desc")
isNull = _unary_op("isNull", "True if the current expression is null.")
isNotNull = _unary_op("isNotNull", "True if the current expression is not null.")
def alias(self, alias):
"""Return a alias for this column
>>> df.age.alias("age2").collect()
[Row(age2=2), Row(age2=5)]
return Column(getattr(self._jc, "as")(alias), self.sql_ctx)
def cast(self, dataType):
""" Convert the column into type `dataType`
[Row(ages=u'2'), Row(ages=u'5')]
[Row(ages=u'2'), Row(ages=u'5')]
if self.sql_ctx is None:
sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
ssql_ctx = sc._jvm.SQLContext(
ssql_ctx = self.sql_ctx._ssql_ctx
if isinstance(dataType, basestring):
jc = self._jc.cast(dataType)
elif isinstance(dataType, DataType):
jdt = ssql_ctx.parseDataType(dataType.json())
jc = self._jc.cast(jdt)
return Column(jc, self.sql_ctx)
def to_pandas(self):
Return a pandas.Series from the column
>>> df.age.to_pandas() # doctest: +SKIP
0 2
1 5
dtype: int64
import pandas as pd
data = [c for c, in self.collect()]
return pd.Series(data)
def _aggregate_func(name, doc=""):
""" Create a function for aggregator by name"""
def _(col):
sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
jc = getattr(sc._jvm.Dsl, name)(_to_java_column(col))
return Column(jc)
_.__name__ = name
_.__doc__ = doc
return staticmethod(_)
class UserDefinedFunction(object):
def __init__(self, func, returnType):
self.func = func
self.returnType = returnType
self._broadcast = None
self._judf = self._create_judf()
def _create_judf(self):
f = self.func # put it in closure `func`
func = lambda _, it: imap(lambda x: f(*x), it)
ser = AutoBatchedSerializer(PickleSerializer())
command = (func, None, ser, ser)
sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
pickled_command, broadcast_vars, env, includes = _prepare_for_python_RDD(sc, command, self)
ssql_ctx = sc._jvm.SQLContext(
jdt = ssql_ctx.parseDataType(self.returnType.json())
judf = sc._jvm.UserDefinedPythonFunction(f.__name__, bytearray(pickled_command), env,
includes, sc.pythonExec, broadcast_vars,
sc._javaAccumulator, jdt)
return judf
def __del__(self):
if self._broadcast is not None:
self._broadcast = None
def __call__(self, *cols):
sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
jcols = ListConverter().convert([_to_java_column(c) for c in cols],
jc = self._judf.apply(sc._jvm.PythonUtils.toSeq(jcols))
return Column(jc)
class Dsl(object):
A collections of builtin aggregators
DSLS = {
'lit': 'Creates a :class:`Column` of literal value.',
'col': 'Returns a :class:`Column` based on the given column name.',
'column': 'Returns a :class:`Column` based on the given column name.',
'upper': 'Converts a string expression to upper case.',
'lower': 'Converts a string expression to upper case.',
'sqrt': 'Computes the square root of the specified float value.',
'abs': 'Computes the absolutle value.',
'max': 'Aggregate function: returns the maximum value of the expression in a group.',
'min': 'Aggregate function: returns the minimum value of the expression in a group.',
'first': 'Aggregate function: returns the first value in a group.',
'last': 'Aggregate function: returns the last value in a group.',
'count': 'Aggregate function: returns the number of items in a group.',
'sum': 'Aggregate function: returns the sum of all values in the expression.',
'avg': 'Aggregate function: returns the average of the values in a group.',
'mean': 'Aggregate function: returns the average of the values in a group.',
'sumDistinct': 'Aggregate function: returns the sum of distinct values in the expression.',
for _name, _doc in DSLS.items():
locals()[_name] = _aggregate_func(_name, _doc)
del _name, _doc
def countDistinct(col, *cols):
""" Return a new Column for distinct count of (col, *cols)
>>> from pyspark.sql import Dsl
>>> df.agg(Dsl.countDistinct(df.age,'c')).collect()
>>> df.agg(Dsl.countDistinct("age", "name").alias('c')).collect()
sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
jcols = ListConverter().convert([_to_java_column(c) for c in cols],
jc = sc._jvm.Dsl.countDistinct(_to_java_column(col),
return Column(jc)
def approxCountDistinct(col, rsd=None):
""" Return a new Column for approxiate distinct count of (col, *cols)
>>> from pyspark.sql import Dsl
>>> df.agg(Dsl.approxCountDistinct(df.age).alias('c')).collect()
sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
if rsd is None:
jc = sc._jvm.Dsl.approxCountDistinct(_to_java_column(col))
jc = sc._jvm.Dsl.approxCountDistinct(_to_java_column(col), rsd)
return Column(jc)
def udf(f, returnType=StringType()):
"""Create a user defined function (UDF)
>>> slen = Dsl.udf(lambda s: len(s), IntegerType())
[Row(slen=5), Row(slen=3)]
return UserDefinedFunction(f, returnType)
def _test():
import doctest
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import Row, SQLContext
import pyspark.sql.dataframe
globs = pyspark.sql.dataframe.__dict__.copy()
sc = SparkContext('local[4]', 'PythonTest')
globs['sc'] = sc
globs['sqlCtx'] = sqlCtx = SQLContext(sc)
rdd2 = sc.parallelize([Row(name='Alice', age=2), Row(name='Bob', age=5)])
rdd3 = sc.parallelize([Row(name='Tom', height=80), Row(name='Bob', height=85)])
globs['df'] = sqlCtx.inferSchema(rdd2)
globs['df2'] = sqlCtx.inferSchema(rdd3)
(failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(
pyspark.sql.dataframe, globs=globs, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)
if failure_count:
if __name__ == "__main__":