Ekasit Kijsipongse 1f96c97f23 [SPARK-13238][CORE] Add ganglia dmax parameter
The current ganglia reporter doesn't set metric expiration time (dmax). The metrics of all finished applications are indefinitely left displayed in ganglia web. The dmax parameter allows user to set the lifetime of the metrics. The default value is 0 for compatibility with previous versions.

Author: Ekasit Kijsipongse <>

Closes #11127 from ekasitk/ganglia-dmax.
2016-08-05 13:07:52 -07:00

171 lines
7.1 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# syntax: [instance].sink|source.[name].[options]=[value]
# This file configures Spark's internal metrics system. The metrics system is
# divided into instances which correspond to internal components.
# Each instance can be configured to report its metrics to one or more sinks.
# Accepted values for [instance] are "master", "worker", "executor", "driver",
# and "applications". A wildcard "*" can be used as an instance name, in
# which case all instances will inherit the supplied property.
# Within an instance, a "source" specifies a particular set of grouped metrics.
# there are two kinds of sources:
# 1. Spark internal sources, like MasterSource, WorkerSource, etc, which will
# collect a Spark component's internal state. Each instance is paired with a
# Spark source that is added automatically.
# 2. Common sources, like JvmSource, which will collect low level state.
# These can be added through configuration options and are then loaded
# using reflection.
# A "sink" specifies where metrics are delivered to. Each instance can be
# assigned one or more sinks.
# The sink|source field specifies whether the property relates to a sink or
# source.
# The [name] field specifies the name of source or sink.
# The [options] field is the specific property of this source or sink. The
# source or sink is responsible for parsing this property.
# Notes:
# 1. To add a new sink, set the "class" option to a fully qualified class
# name (see examples below).
# 2. Some sinks involve a polling period. The minimum allowed polling period
# is 1 second.
# 3. Wildcard properties can be overridden by more specific properties.
# For example, master.sink.console.period takes precedence over
# *.sink.console.period.
# 4. A metrics specific configuration
# "spark.metrics.conf=${SPARK_HOME}/conf/" should be
# added to Java properties using -Dspark.metrics.conf=xxx if you want to
# customize metrics system. You can also put the file in ${SPARK_HOME}/conf
# and it will be loaded automatically.
# 5. The MetricsServlet sink is added by default as a sink in the master,
# worker and driver, and you can send HTTP requests to the "/metrics/json"
# endpoint to get a snapshot of all the registered metrics in JSON format.
# For master, requests to the "/metrics/master/json" and
# "/metrics/applications/json" endpoints can be sent separately to get
# metrics snapshots of the master instance and applications. This
# MetricsServlet does not have to be configured.
## List of available common sources and their properties.
# org.apache.spark.metrics.source.JvmSource
# Note: Currently, JvmSource is the only available common source.
# It can be added to an instance by setting the "class" option to its
# fully qualified class name (see examples below).
## List of available sinks and their properties.
# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.ConsoleSink
# Name: Default: Description:
# period 10 Poll period
# unit seconds Unit of the poll period
# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.CSVSink
# Name: Default: Description:
# period 10 Poll period
# unit seconds Unit of the poll period
# directory /tmp Where to store CSV files
# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.GangliaSink
# Name: Default: Description:
# host NONE Hostname or multicast group of the Ganglia server,
# must be set
# port NONE Port of the Ganglia server(s), must be set
# period 10 Poll period
# unit seconds Unit of the poll period
# ttl 1 TTL of messages sent by Ganglia
# dmax 0 Lifetime in seconds of metrics (0 never expired)
# mode multicast Ganglia network mode ('unicast' or 'multicast')
# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.JmxSink
# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.MetricsServlet
# Name: Default: Description:
# path VARIES* Path prefix from the web server root
# sample false Whether to show entire set of samples for histograms
# ('false' or 'true')
# * Default path is /metrics/json for all instances except the master. The
# master has two paths:
# /metrics/applications/json # App information
# /metrics/master/json # Master information
# org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.GraphiteSink
# Name: Default: Description:
# host NONE Hostname of the Graphite server, must be set
# port NONE Port of the Graphite server, must be set
# period 10 Poll period
# unit seconds Unit of the poll period
# prefix EMPTY STRING Prefix to prepend to every metric's name
# protocol tcp Protocol ("tcp" or "udp") to use
## Examples
# Enable JmxSink for all instances by class name
# Enable ConsoleSink for all instances by class name
# Polling period for the ConsoleSink
# Unit of the polling period for the ConsoleSink
# Polling period for the ConsoleSink specific for the master instance
# Unit of the polling period for the ConsoleSink specific for the master
# instance
# Enable CsvSink for all instances by class name
# Polling period for the CsvSink
# Unit of the polling period for the CsvSink
# Polling directory for CsvSink
# Polling period for the CsvSink specific for the worker instance
# Unit of the polling period for the CsvSink specific for the worker instance
# Enable Slf4jSink for all instances by class name
# Polling period for the Slf4JSink
# Unit of the polling period for the Slf4jSink
# Enable JvmSource for instance master, worker, driver and executor