HyukjinKwon ed9e6fc182 [SPARK-33565][INFRA][FOLLOW-UP] Keep the test coverage with Python 3.8 in GitHub Actions
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR proposes to keep the test coverage with Python 3.8 in GitHub Actions. It is not tested for now in Jenkins due to an env issue.

**Before this change in GitHub Actions:**

Running PySpark tests
Running PySpark tests. Output is in /__w/spark/spark/python/unit-tests.log
Will test against the following Python executables: ['python3.6', 'pypy3']

**After this change in GitHub Actions:**

Running PySpark tests
Running PySpark tests. Output is in /__w/spark/spark/python/unit-tests.log
Will test against the following Python executables: ['python3.6', 'python3.8', 'pypy3']

### Why are the changes needed?

To keep the test coverage with Python 3.8 in GitHub Actions.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

No, dev-only.

### How was this patch tested?

GitHub Actions in this build will test.

Closes #30510 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-33565.

Authored-by: HyukjinKwon <>
Signed-off-by: HyukjinKwon <>
2020-11-26 11:42:12 +09:00

797 lines
32 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import itertools
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import subprocess
import glob
import shutil
from sparktestsupport import SPARK_HOME, USER_HOME, ERROR_CODES
from sparktestsupport.shellutils import exit_from_command_with_retcode, run_cmd, rm_r, which
from sparktestsupport.toposort import toposort_flatten
import sparktestsupport.modules as modules
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions for traversing module dependency graph
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def determine_modules_for_files(filenames):
Given a list of filenames, return the set of modules that contain those files.
If a file is not associated with a more specific submodule, then this method will consider that
file to belong to the 'root' module. `.github` directory is counted only in GitHub Actions,
and `appveyor.yml` is always ignored because this file is dedicated only to AppVeyor builds.
>>> sorted( for x in determine_modules_for_files(["python/pyspark/", "sql/core/foo"]))
['pyspark-core', 'sql']
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_for_files(["file_not_matched_by_any_subproject"])]
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_for_files(["appveyor.yml"])]
changed_modules = set()
for filename in filenames:
if filename in ("appveyor.yml",):
if ("GITHUB_ACTIONS" not in os.environ) and filename.startswith(".github"):
matched_at_least_one_module = False
for module in modules.all_modules:
if module.contains_file(filename):
matched_at_least_one_module = True
if not matched_at_least_one_module:
return changed_modules
def identify_changed_files_from_git_commits(patch_sha, target_branch=None, target_ref=None):
Given a git commit and target ref, use the set of files changed in the diff in order to
determine which modules' tests should be run.
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_for_files( \
identify_changed_files_from_git_commits("fc0a1475ef", target_ref="5da21f07"))]
>>> 'root' in [ for x in determine_modules_for_files( \
identify_changed_files_from_git_commits("50a0496a43", target_ref="6765ef9"))]
if target_branch is None and target_ref is None:
raise AttributeError("must specify either target_branch or target_ref")
elif target_branch is not None and target_ref is not None:
raise AttributeError("must specify either target_branch or target_ref, not both")
if target_branch is not None:
diff_target = target_branch
run_cmd(['git', 'fetch', 'origin', str(target_branch+':'+target_branch)])
diff_target = target_ref
raw_output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff', '--name-only', patch_sha, diff_target],
# Remove any empty strings
return [f for f in raw_output.split('\n') if f]
def setup_test_environ(environ):
print("[info] Setup the following environment variables for tests: ")
for (k, v) in environ.items():
print("%s=%s" % (k, v))
os.environ[k] = v
def determine_modules_to_test(changed_modules, deduplicated=True):
Given a set of modules that have changed, compute the transitive closure of those modules'
dependent modules in order to determine the set of modules that should be tested.
Returns a topologically-sorted list of modules (ties are broken by sorting on module names).
If ``deduplicated`` is disabled, the modules are returned without tacking the deduplication
by dependencies into account.
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_to_test([modules.root])]
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_to_test([])]
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_to_test([modules.core])]
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_to_test([modules.launcher])]
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_to_test([modules.graphx])]
['graphx', 'examples']
>>> [ for x in determine_modules_to_test([modules.sql])]
['sql', 'avro', 'hive', 'mllib', 'sql-kafka-0-10', 'examples', 'hive-thriftserver',
'pyspark-sql', 'repl', 'sparkr', 'pyspark-mllib', 'pyspark-ml']
>>> sorted([ for x in determine_modules_to_test(
... [modules.sparkr, modules.sql], deduplicated=False)])
['avro', 'examples', 'hive', 'hive-thriftserver', 'mllib', 'pyspark-ml',
'pyspark-mllib', 'pyspark-sql', 'repl', 'sparkr', 'sql', 'sql-kafka-0-10']
>>> sorted([ for x in determine_modules_to_test(
... [modules.sql, modules.core], deduplicated=False)])
['avro', 'catalyst', 'core', 'examples', 'graphx', 'hive', 'hive-thriftserver',
'mllib', 'mllib-local', 'pyspark-core', 'pyspark-ml', 'pyspark-mllib',
'pyspark-resource', 'pyspark-sql', 'pyspark-streaming', 'repl', 'root',
'sparkr', 'sql', 'sql-kafka-0-10', 'streaming', 'streaming-kafka-0-10',
modules_to_test = set()
for module in changed_modules:
modules_to_test = modules_to_test.union(
determine_modules_to_test(module.dependent_modules, deduplicated))
modules_to_test = modules_to_test.union(set(changed_modules))
if not deduplicated:
return modules_to_test
# If we need to run all of the tests, then we should short-circuit and return 'root'
if modules.root in modules_to_test:
return [modules.root]
return toposort_flatten(
{m: set(m.dependencies).intersection(modules_to_test) for m in modules_to_test}, sort=True)
def determine_tags_to_exclude(changed_modules):
tags = []
for m in modules.all_modules:
if m not in changed_modules:
tags += m.test_tags
return tags
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions for working with subprocesses and shell tools
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def determine_java_executable():
"""Will return the path of the java executable that will be used by Spark's
tests or `None`"""
# Any changes in the way that Spark's build detects java must be reflected
# here. Currently the build looks for $JAVA_HOME/bin/java then falls back to
# the `java` executable on the path
java_home = os.environ.get("JAVA_HOME")
# check if there is an executable at $JAVA_HOME/bin/java
java_exe = which(os.path.join(java_home, "bin", "java")) if java_home else None
# if the java_exe wasn't set, check for a `java` version on the $PATH
return java_exe if java_exe else which("java")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions for running the other build and test scripts
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_title_and_block(title, err_block):
os.environ["CURRENT_BLOCK"] = str(ERROR_CODES[err_block])
line_str = '=' * 72
def run_apache_rat_checks():
set_title_and_block("Running Apache RAT checks", "BLOCK_RAT")
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "check-license")])
def run_scala_style_checks(extra_profiles):
build_profiles = extra_profiles + modules.root.build_profile_flags
set_title_and_block("Running Scala style checks", "BLOCK_SCALA_STYLE")
profiles = " ".join(build_profiles)
print("[info] Checking Scala style using SBT with these profiles: ", profiles)
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "lint-scala"), profiles])
def run_java_style_checks(build_profiles):
set_title_and_block("Running Java style checks", "BLOCK_JAVA_STYLE")
# The same profiles used for building are used to run Checkstyle by SBT as well because
# the previous build looks reused for Checkstyle and affecting Checkstyle. See SPARK-27130.
profiles = " ".join(build_profiles)
print("[info] Checking Java style using SBT with these profiles: ", profiles)
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "sbt-checkstyle"), profiles])
def run_python_style_checks():
set_title_and_block("Running Python style checks", "BLOCK_PYTHON_STYLE")
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "lint-python")])
def run_sparkr_style_checks():
set_title_and_block("Running R style checks", "BLOCK_R_STYLE")
if which("R"):
# R style check should be executed after ``.
# Since warnings about `no visible global function definition` appear
# without the installation. SEE ALSO: SPARK-9121.
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "lint-r")])
print("Ignoring SparkR style check as R was not found in PATH")
def build_spark_documentation():
set_title_and_block("Building Spark Documentation", "BLOCK_DOCUMENTATION")
os.environ["PRODUCTION"] = "1 jekyll build"
os.chdir(os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "docs"))
jekyll_bin = which("jekyll")
if not jekyll_bin:
print("[error] Cannot find a version of `jekyll` on the system; please",
" install one and retry to build documentation.")
sys.exit(int(os.environ.get("CURRENT_BLOCK", 255)))
run_cmd([jekyll_bin, "build"])
def get_zinc_port():
Get a randomized port on which to start Zinc
return random.randrange(3030, 4030)
def exec_maven(mvn_args=()):
"""Will call Maven in the current directory with the list of mvn_args passed
in and returns the subprocess for any further processing"""
zinc_port = get_zinc_port()
os.environ["ZINC_PORT"] = "%s" % zinc_port
zinc_flag = "-DzincPort=%s" % zinc_port
flags = [os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "build", "mvn"), zinc_flag]
run_cmd(flags + mvn_args)
def exec_sbt(sbt_args=()):
"""Will call SBT in the current directory with the list of mvn_args passed
in and returns the subprocess for any further processing"""
sbt_cmd = [os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "build", "sbt")] + sbt_args
sbt_output_filter = re.compile(b"^.*[info].*Resolving" + b"|" +
b"^.*[warn].*Merging" + b"|" +
# NOTE: echo "q" is needed because sbt on encountering a build file
# with failure (either resolution or compilation) prompts the user for
# input either q, r, etc to quit or retry. This echo is there to make it
# not block.
echo_proc = subprocess.Popen(["echo", "\"q\n\""], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
sbt_proc = subprocess.Popen(sbt_cmd,
for line in iter(sbt_proc.stdout.readline, b''):
if not sbt_output_filter.match(line):
print(line.decode('utf-8'), end='')
retcode = sbt_proc.wait()
if retcode != 0:
exit_from_command_with_retcode(sbt_cmd, retcode)
def get_hadoop_profiles(hadoop_version):
For the given Hadoop version tag, return a list of Maven/SBT profile flags for
building and testing against that Hadoop version.
sbt_maven_hadoop_profiles = {
"hadoop2.7": ["-Phadoop-2.7"],
"hadoop3.2": ["-Phadoop-3.2"],
if hadoop_version in sbt_maven_hadoop_profiles:
return sbt_maven_hadoop_profiles[hadoop_version]
print("[error] Could not find", hadoop_version, "in the list. Valid options",
" are", sbt_maven_hadoop_profiles.keys())
sys.exit(int(os.environ.get("CURRENT_BLOCK", 255)))
def get_hive_profiles(hive_version):
For the given Hive version tag, return a list of Maven/SBT profile flags for
building and testing against that Hive version.
sbt_maven_hive_profiles = {
"hive2.3": ["-Phive-2.3"],
if hive_version in sbt_maven_hive_profiles:
return sbt_maven_hive_profiles[hive_version]
print("[error] Could not find", hive_version, "in the list. Valid options",
" are", sbt_maven_hive_profiles.keys())
sys.exit(int(os.environ.get("CURRENT_BLOCK", 255)))
def build_spark_maven(extra_profiles):
# Enable all of the profiles for the build:
build_profiles = extra_profiles + modules.root.build_profile_flags
mvn_goals = ["clean", "package", "-DskipTests"]
profiles_and_goals = build_profiles + mvn_goals
print("[info] Building Spark using Maven with these arguments: ", " ".join(profiles_and_goals))
def build_spark_sbt(extra_profiles):
# Enable all of the profiles for the build:
build_profiles = extra_profiles + modules.root.build_profile_flags
sbt_goals = ["test:package", # Build test jars as some tests depend on them
profiles_and_goals = build_profiles + sbt_goals
print("[info] Building Spark using SBT with these arguments: ", " ".join(profiles_and_goals))
def build_spark_unidoc_sbt(extra_profiles):
set_title_and_block("Building Unidoc API Documentation", "BLOCK_DOCUMENTATION")
# Enable all of the profiles for the build:
build_profiles = extra_profiles + modules.root.build_profile_flags
sbt_goals = ["unidoc"]
profiles_and_goals = build_profiles + sbt_goals
print("[info] Building Spark unidoc using SBT with these arguments: ",
" ".join(profiles_and_goals))
def build_spark_assembly_sbt(extra_profiles, checkstyle=False):
# Enable all of the profiles for the build:
build_profiles = extra_profiles + modules.root.build_profile_flags
sbt_goals = ["assembly/package"]
profiles_and_goals = build_profiles + sbt_goals
print("[info] Building Spark assembly using SBT with these arguments: ",
" ".join(profiles_and_goals))
if checkstyle:
if not os.environ.get("AMPLAB_JENKINS"):
def build_apache_spark(build_tool, extra_profiles):
"""Will build Spark with the extra profiles and the passed in build tool
(either `sbt` or `maven`). Defaults to using `sbt`."""
set_title_and_block("Building Spark", "BLOCK_BUILD")
if build_tool == "maven":
def detect_binary_inop_with_mima(extra_profiles):
build_profiles = extra_profiles + modules.root.build_profile_flags
set_title_and_block("Detecting binary incompatibilities with MiMa", "BLOCK_MIMA")
profiles = " ".join(build_profiles)
print("[info] Detecting binary incompatibilities with MiMa using SBT with these profiles: ",
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "mima"), profiles])
def run_scala_tests_maven(test_profiles):
mvn_test_goals = ["test", "--fail-at-end"]
profiles_and_goals = test_profiles + mvn_test_goals
print("[info] Running Spark tests using Maven with these arguments: ",
" ".join(profiles_and_goals))
def run_scala_tests_sbt(test_modules, test_profiles):
sbt_test_goals = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(m.sbt_test_goals for m in test_modules))
if not sbt_test_goals:
profiles_and_goals = test_profiles + sbt_test_goals
print("[info] Running Spark tests using SBT with these arguments: ",
" ".join(profiles_and_goals))
def run_scala_tests(build_tool, extra_profiles, test_modules, excluded_tags, included_tags):
"""Function to properly execute all tests passed in as a set from the
`determine_test_suites` function"""
set_title_and_block("Running Spark unit tests", "BLOCK_SPARK_UNIT_TESTS")
test_modules = set(test_modules)
test_profiles = extra_profiles + \
list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(m.build_profile_flags for m in test_modules)))
if included_tags:
test_profiles += ['-Dtest.include.tags=' + ",".join(included_tags)]
if excluded_tags:
test_profiles += ['-Dtest.exclude.tags=' + ",".join(excluded_tags)]
# set up java11 env if this is a pull request build with 'test-java11' in the title
if "ghprbPullTitle" in os.environ:
if "test-java11" in os.environ["ghprbPullTitle"].lower():
os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "/usr/java/jdk-11.0.1"
os.environ["PATH"] = "%s/bin:%s" % (os.environ["JAVA_HOME"], os.environ["PATH"])
test_profiles += ['-Djava.version=11']
if build_tool == "maven":
run_scala_tests_sbt(test_modules, test_profiles)
def run_python_tests(test_modules, parallelism, with_coverage=False):
set_title_and_block("Running PySpark tests", "BLOCK_PYSPARK_UNIT_TESTS")
if with_coverage:
# Coverage makes the PySpark tests flaky due to heavy parallelism.
# When we run PySpark tests with coverage, it uses 4 for now as
# workaround.
parallelism = 4
script = "run-tests-with-coverage"
script = "run-tests"
command = [os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "python", script)]
if test_modules != [modules.root]:
command.append("--modules=%s" % ','.join( for m in test_modules))
command.append("--parallelism=%i" % parallelism)
if "GITHUB_ACTIONS" in os.environ:
# See SPARK-33565. Python 3.8 was temporarily removed as its default Python executables
# to test because of Jenkins environment issue. Once Jenkins has Python 3.8 to test,
# we should remove this change back and add python3.8 into python/ script.
command.append("--python-executable=%s" % ','.join(
x for x in ["python3.6", "python3.8", "pypy3"] if which(x)))
if with_coverage:
def post_python_tests_results():
if "SPARK_TEST_KEY" not in os.environ:
print("[error] 'SPARK_TEST_KEY' environment variable was not set. Unable to post "
"PySpark coverage results.")
spark_test_key = os.environ.get("SPARK_TEST_KEY")
# The steps below upload HTMLs to ''.
# 1. Clone PySpark coverage site.
"" % spark_test_key])
# 2. Remove existing HTMLs.
run_cmd(["rm", "-fr"] + glob.glob("pyspark-coverage-site/*"))
# 3. Copy generated coverage HTMLs.
for f in glob.glob("%s/python/test_coverage/htmlcov/*" % SPARK_HOME):
shutil.copy(f, "pyspark-coverage-site/")
# 4. Check out to a temporary branch.
run_cmd(["git", "symbolic-ref", "HEAD", "refs/heads/latest_branch"])
# 5. Add all the files.
run_cmd(["git", "add", "-A"])
# 6. Commit current HTMLs.
"Coverage report at latest commit in Apache Spark",
'--author="Apache Spark Test Account <>"'])
# 7. Delete the old branch.
run_cmd(["git", "branch", "-D", "gh-pages"])
# 8. Rename the temporary branch to master.
run_cmd(["git", "branch", "-m", "gh-pages"])
# 9. Finally, force update to our repository.
run_cmd(["git", "push", "-f", "origin", "gh-pages"])
# 10. Remove the cloned repository.
def run_python_packaging_tests():
set_title_and_block("Running PySpark packaging tests", "BLOCK_PYSPARK_PIP_TESTS")
command = [os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "run-pip-tests")]
def run_build_tests():
set_title_and_block("Running build tests", "BLOCK_BUILD_TESTS")
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "dev", "")])
def run_sparkr_tests():
set_title_and_block("Running SparkR tests", "BLOCK_SPARKR_UNIT_TESTS")
if which("R"):
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "R", "")])
print("Ignoring SparkR tests as R was not found in PATH")
def parse_opts():
parser = ArgumentParser(
"-p", "--parallelism", type=int, default=8,
help="The number of suites to test in parallel (default %(default)d)"
"-m", "--modules", type=str,
help="A comma-separated list of modules to test "
"(default: %s)" % ",".join(sorted([ for m in modules.all_modules]))
"-e", "--excluded-tags", type=str,
help="A comma-separated list of tags to exclude in the tests, "
"e.g., org.apache.spark.tags.ExtendedHiveTest "
"-i", "--included-tags", type=str,
help="A comma-separated list of tags to include in the tests, "
"e.g., org.apache.spark.tags.ExtendedHiveTest "
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
if unknown:
parser.error("Unsupported arguments: %s" % ' '.join(unknown))
if args.parallelism < 1:
parser.error("Parallelism cannot be less than 1")
return args
def main():
opts = parse_opts()
# Ensure the user home directory (HOME) is valid and is an absolute directory
if not USER_HOME or not os.path.isabs(USER_HOME):
print("[error] Cannot determine your home directory as an absolute path;",
" ensure the $HOME environment variable is set properly.")
rm_r(os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "work"))
rm_r(os.path.join(USER_HOME, ".ivy2", "local", "org.apache.spark"))
rm_r(os.path.join(USER_HOME, ".ivy2", "cache", "org.apache.spark"))
java_exe = determine_java_executable()
if not java_exe:
print("[error] Cannot find a version of `java` on the system; please",
" install one and retry.")
# Install SparkR
should_only_test_modules = opts.modules is not None
test_modules = []
if should_only_test_modules:
str_test_modules = [m.strip() for m in opts.modules.split(",")]
test_modules = [m for m in modules.all_modules if in str_test_modules]
if not should_only_test_modules or modules.sparkr in test_modules:
# If tests modules are specified, we will not run R linter.
# SparkR needs the manual SparkR installation.
if which("R"):
run_cmd([os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, "R", "")])
print("Cannot install SparkR as R was not found in PATH")
if os.environ.get("AMPLAB_JENKINS"):
# if we're on the Amplab Jenkins build servers setup variables
# to reflect the environment settings
build_tool = os.environ.get("AMPLAB_JENKINS_BUILD_TOOL", "sbt")
hadoop_version = os.environ.get("AMPLAB_JENKINS_BUILD_PROFILE", "hadoop3.2")
hive_version = os.environ.get("AMPLAB_JENKINS_BUILD_HIVE_PROFILE", "hive2.3")
test_env = "amplab_jenkins"
# add path for Python3 in Jenkins if we're calling from a Jenkins machine
# TODO(sknapp): after all builds are ported to the ubuntu workers, change this to be:
# /home/jenkins/anaconda2/envs/py36/bin
os.environ["PATH"] = "/home/anaconda/envs/py36/bin:" + os.environ.get("PATH")
# else we're running locally or Github Actions.
build_tool = "sbt"
hadoop_version = os.environ.get("HADOOP_PROFILE", "hadoop3.2")
hive_version = os.environ.get("HIVE_PROFILE", "hive2.3")
if "GITHUB_ACTIONS" in os.environ:
test_env = "github_actions"
test_env = "local"
print("[info] Using build tool", build_tool, "with Hadoop profile", hadoop_version,
"and Hive profile", hive_version, "under environment", test_env)
extra_profiles = get_hadoop_profiles(hadoop_version) + get_hive_profiles(hive_version)
changed_modules = []
changed_files = []
included_tags = []
excluded_tags = []
if should_only_test_modules:
# If we're running the tests in Github Actions, attempt to detect and test
# only the affected modules.
if test_env == "github_actions":
if os.environ["GITHUB_INPUT_BRANCH"] != "":
# Dispatched request
# Note that it assumes Github Actions has already merged
# the given `GITHUB_INPUT_BRANCH` branch.
changed_files = identify_changed_files_from_git_commits(
"HEAD", target_branch=os.environ["GITHUB_SHA"])
elif os.environ["GITHUB_BASE_REF"] != "":
# Pull requests
changed_files = identify_changed_files_from_git_commits(
os.environ["GITHUB_SHA"], target_branch=os.environ["GITHUB_BASE_REF"])
# Build for each commit.
changed_files = identify_changed_files_from_git_commits(
os.environ["GITHUB_SHA"], target_ref=os.environ["GITHUB_PREV_SHA"])
modules_to_test = determine_modules_to_test(
determine_modules_for_files(changed_files), deduplicated=False)
if modules.root not in modules_to_test:
# If root module is not found, only test the intersected modules.
# If root module is found, just run the modules as specified initially.
test_modules = list(set(modules_to_test).intersection(test_modules))
changed_modules = test_modules
if len(changed_modules) == 0:
print("[info] There are no modules to test, exiting without testing.")
# If we're running the tests in AMPLab Jenkins, calculate the diff from the targeted branch, and
# detect modules to test.
elif test_env == "amplab_jenkins" and os.environ.get("AMP_JENKINS_PRB"):
target_branch = os.environ["ghprbTargetBranch"]
changed_files = identify_changed_files_from_git_commits("HEAD", target_branch=target_branch)
changed_modules = determine_modules_for_files(changed_files)
test_modules = determine_modules_to_test(changed_modules)
excluded_tags = determine_tags_to_exclude(changed_modules)
# If there is no changed module found, tests all.
if not changed_modules:
changed_modules = [modules.root]
if not test_modules:
test_modules = determine_modules_to_test(changed_modules)
if opts.excluded_tags:
excluded_tags.extend([t.strip() for t in opts.excluded_tags.split(",")])
if opts.included_tags:
included_tags.extend([t.strip() for t in opts.included_tags.split(",")])
print("[info] Found the following changed modules:",
", ".join( for x in changed_modules))
# setup environment variables
# note - the 'root' module doesn't collect environment variables for all modules. Because the
# environment variables should not be set if a module is not changed, even if running the 'root'
# module. So here we should use changed_modules rather than test_modules.
test_environ = {}
for m in changed_modules:
should_run_java_style_checks = False
if not should_only_test_modules:
# license checks
# style checks
if not changed_files or any(f.endswith(".scala")
or f.endswith("scalastyle-config.xml")
for f in changed_files):
if not changed_files or any(f.endswith(".java")
or f.endswith("checkstyle.xml")
or f.endswith("checkstyle-suppressions.xml")
for f in changed_files):
# Run SBT Checkstyle after the build to prevent a side-effect to the build.
should_run_java_style_checks = True
if not changed_files or any(f.endswith("lint-python")
or f.endswith("tox.ini")
or f.endswith(".py")
for f in changed_files):
if not changed_files or any(f.endswith(".R")
or f.endswith("lint-r")
or f.endswith(".lintr")
for f in changed_files):
# determine if docs were changed and if we're inside the amplab environment
# note - the below commented out until *all* Jenkins workers can get `jekyll` installed
# if "DOCS" in changed_modules and test_env == "amplab_jenkins":
# build_spark_documentation()
if any(m.should_run_build_tests for m in test_modules) and test_env != "amplab_jenkins":
# spark build
build_apache_spark(build_tool, extra_profiles)
# backwards compatibility checks
if build_tool == "sbt":
# Note: compatibility tests only supported in sbt for now
# Since we did not build assembly/package before running dev/mima, we need to
# do it here because the tests still rely on it; see SPARK-13294 for details.
build_spark_assembly_sbt(extra_profiles, should_run_java_style_checks)
# run the test suites
run_scala_tests(build_tool, extra_profiles, test_modules, excluded_tags, included_tags)
modules_with_python_tests = [m for m in test_modules if m.python_test_goals]
if modules_with_python_tests:
# We only run PySpark tests with coverage report in one specific job with
# Spark master with SBT in Jenkins.
is_sbt_master_job = "SPARK_MASTER_SBT_HADOOP_2_7" in os.environ
modules_with_python_tests, opts.parallelism, with_coverage=is_sbt_master_job)
if any(m.should_run_r_tests for m in test_modules):
def _test():
import doctest
failure_count = doctest.testmod()[0]
if failure_count:
if __name__ == "__main__":