
130 lines
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% \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}
\usepackage{balance} % for \balance command ON LAST PAGE (only there!)
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\title{Summarizing Small Data Workloads}
Gokhan Kul, Gourab Mitra, Oliver Kennedy, Lukasz Ziarek\\
\affaddr{University at Buffalo, SUNY}\\
\email{\{gokhanku, gourabmi, okennedy, lziarek\}}
%>>>> Include a list of keywords after the abstract
% \keywords{Benchmark, Database, Workload, Mobile Systems}
\label{sec:intro} % \label{} allows reference to this section
\section{Related Work}
\section{Modeling App Workloads}
%\label{sec:method} % \label{} allows reference to this section
%\section{Building Blocks}
\section{Session Identification}
\section{Session Clustering}
%\label{sec:clustering} % \label{} allows reference to this section
%\subsection{Session Identification}
%\label{sec:session} % \label{} allows reference to this section
%\subsection{Pattern Matching}
%\label{sec:pattern} % \label{} allows reference to this section
%\subsection{Resource Utilization}
%\label{sec:resource} % \label{} allows reference to this section
\label{sec:experiments} % \label{} allows reference to this section
\label{sec:discussion} % \label{} allows reference to this section
\label{sec:conclusion} % \label{} allows reference to this section
%\section{Future Work}
%\label{sec:futurework} % \label{} allows reference to this section