\subsection{PhoneLab} \PhoneLab{}~\cite{phonelab} is a public smartphone platform testbed operated at the University at Buffalo (UB). Approximately 200~UB students, faculty, and staff use instrumented LG Nexus~5 smartphones as their primary device and receive discounted service in return for providing data to smartphone experiments. \PhoneLab{} participants are balanced between genders and distributed across ages, and thus representative of the broader smartphone user population. \PhoneLab{} smartphones run a modified version of the Android Open Source Platform (AOSP) 4.4.4 "KitKat" including instrumentation and logging developed in collaboration with the mobile systems community. Participating smartphones log experimental results which are uploaded to a centralized server when the device is charging. \subsection{Data Collection and Analysis} We instrumented the \PhoneLab{} AOSP platform image to log SQLite activity by modifying the SQLite source code and distributing the updated binary library as an over-the-air (OTA) platform update to \PhoneLab{} participants. % Our logging recorded each SQL statement that was executed, along with its resulting runtime and the number of rows returned as appropriate. % All current \PhoneLab{} instrumentation including our SQLite logging statements are documented at \url{https://phone-lab.org/experiment/data/}. % To protect participant privacy, our instrumentation removes as much personally-identifying information as possible, as well as recording prepared statement arguments only as hash values. Our trace data-set is drawn from publicly-available data provided by 11~\PhoneLab{} developers who willingly released\footnote{\url{https://phone-lab.org/static/experiment/sample_dataset.tgz}} complete trace data for their phones for March, 2015. Of the eleven participants, seven had phones that were participating in the SQLite experiment every day for the full month, with the remaining phones were active for 1, 3, 14, and 19 days. A total of 254 phone/days of data were collected including 45,399,550 SQL statements. Of these, we were unable to interpret 308,752 statements (representing slightly over half a percent of the trace) due to a combination of data corruption and the use of unusual SQL syntax. Results presented in this paper that include SQL interpretation are based on the 45,090,798 queries that we were able to successfully parse. %% LocalWords: PhoneLab smartphone testbed UB LG smartphones AOSP %% LocalWords: Android KitKat SQLite OTA