FROM alpine:3.7 RUN apk add --no-cache \ ca-certificates # set up nsswitch.conf for Go's "netgo" implementation # - # - docker run --rm debian:stretch grep '^hosts:' /etc/nsswitch.conf RUN [ ! -e /etc/nsswitch.conf ] && echo 'hosts: files dns' > /etc/nsswitch.conf ENV GOLANG_VERSION 1.11 RUN set -eux; \ apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \ bash \ gcc \ musl-dev \ openssl \ go \ ; \ export \ # set GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP such that we can actually build Go GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP="$(go env GOROOT)" \ # ... and set "cross-building" related vars to the installed system's values so that we create a build targeting the proper arch # (for example, if our build host is GOARCH=amd64, but our build env/image is GOARCH=386, our build needs GOARCH=386) GOOS="$(go env GOOS)" \ GOARCH="$(go env GOARCH)" \ GOHOSTOS="$(go env GOHOSTOS)" \ GOHOSTARCH="$(go env GOHOSTARCH)" \ ; \ # also explicitly set GO386 and GOARM if appropriate # apkArch="$(apk --print-arch)"; \ case "$apkArch" in \ armhf) export GOARM='6' ;; \ x86) export GO386='387' ;; \ esac; \ \ wget -O go.tgz "$GOLANG_VERSION.src.tar.gz"; \ echo 'afc1e12f5fe49a471e3aae7d906c73e9d5b1fdd36d52d72652dde8f6250152fb *go.tgz' | sha256sum -c -; \ tar -C /usr/local -xzf go.tgz; \ rm go.tgz; \ \ cd /usr/local/go/src; \ ./make.bash; \ \ rm -rf \ # /usr/local/go/pkg/bootstrap \ # # /usr/local/go/pkg/obj \ ; \ apk del .build-deps; \ \ export PATH="/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH"; \ go version ENV GOPATH /go ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH RUN mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src" "$GOPATH/bin" && chmod -R 777 "$GOPATH" ENV PATH $PATH:$GOPATH/bin ENV CGO_ENABLED 0 ENV MINIO_UPDATE off ENV MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_FILE=access_key \ MINIO_SECRET_KEY_FILE=secret_key WORKDIR /go/src/ COPY /usr/bin/ RUN \ apk add --no-cache ca-certificates 'curl>7.61.0' && \ apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps git && \ echo 'hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4' >> /etc/nsswitch.conf && \ go get -v -d && \ cd /go/src/ && \ go install -v -ldflags "$(go run buildscripts/gen-ldflags.go)" && \ rm -rf /go/pkg /go/src /usr/local/go && apk del .build-deps COPY access_key secret_key /go/src/ EXPOSE 9000 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/"] VOLUME ["/data"] HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=5s \ CMD /usr/bin/ CMD ["server", "/data"]