one more typo

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Oliver Kennedy 2016-04-25 23:49:59 -04:00
parent 74d55288dd
commit 16bea0b80b

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%!TEX root = ../main.tex
Spreadsheet-style interfaces for relational data have been of interest to researchers and practitioners alike for some time now as a desperately needed form of direct data manipulation~\cite{JC07}. Tyszkiewicz~\cite{Tyszkiewicz:2010:SRD:1807167.1807191} demonstrated an embedding of SQL into spreadsheet formula semantics. Excel provides database integration capabilities, and there is a spectrum of attempts at hybrid environments~\cite{Bakke:2011:SUI:1978942.1979313, Kandel:2011:WIV:1978942.1979444, Bendre:2015:DUD:2824032.2824121,Liu:2009:SAD:1546683.1547431}.
Spreadsheet-style interfaces for relational data have been of interest to researchers and practitioners alike for some time now as a desperately needed form of direct data manipulation~\cite{JC07}. Tyszkiewicz~\cite{Tyszkiewicz:2010:SRD:1807167.1807191} demonstrated an embedding of SQL into spreadsheet formula semantics. Excel provides database integration capabilities, and there is a spectrum of attempts at hybrid environments~\cite{Bakke:2011:SUI:1978942.1979313, Kandel:2011:WIV:1978942.1979444, Bendre:2015:DUD:2824032.2824121,Liu:2009:SAD:1546683.1547431,Witkowski:2005:QE:1083592.1083733}.
\tinysection{Spreadsheets with Workflows}
Trifacta/Wrangler~\cite{Kandel:2011:WIV:1978942.1979444} have features that are similar to \sysname. As in \sysname, users generate curation workflows by directly editing data. However, unlike \sysname, there is no support for singleton operations in the workflow language -- user edits must be generalized immediately through a recommendation interface.