\documentclass[sigconf,10pt]{acmart} \usepackage{cleveref} \usepackage{todonotes} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{colortbl} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage[noend]{algpseudocode} \usepackage{subcaption} \newcommand{\trimfigurespacing}{\vspace*{-5mm}} \input{macros} %% Rights management information. This information is sent to you %% when you complete the rights form. These commands have SAMPLE %% values in them; it is your responsibility as an author to replace %% the commands and values with those provided to you when you %% complete the rights form. \copyrightyear{2023} \acmYear{2023} \setcopyright{acmlicensed}\acmConference[HILDA '23]{Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics}{June 18, 2023}{Seattle, WA, USA} \acmBooktitle{Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics (HILDA '23), June 18, 2023, Seattle, WA, USA} \acmPrice{15.00} \acmDOI{10.1145/3597465.3605220} \acmISBN{979-8-4007-0216-7/23/06} %\setcopyright{none} % \copyrightyear{2018} % \acmYear{2018} % \acmDOI{XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX} %% These commands are for a PROCEEDINGS abstract or paper. % \acmConference[Conference acronym 'XX]{Make sure to enter the correct % conference title from your rights confirmation emai}{June 03--05, % 2018}{Woodstock, NY} %% %% Uncomment \acmBooktitle if the title of the proceedings is different %% from ``Proceedings of ...''! %% %%\acmBooktitle{Woodstock '18: ACM Symposium on Neural Gaze Detection, %% June 03--05, 2018, Woodstock, NY} % \acmPrice{15.00} % \acmISBN{978-1-4503-XXXX-X/18/06} %% %% Submission ID. %% Use this when submitting an article to a sponsored event. You'll %% receive a unique submission ID from the organizers %% of the event, and this ID should be used as the parameter to this command. %%\acmSubmissionID{123-A56-BU3} %% %% For managing citations, it is recommended to use bibliography %% files in BibTeX format. %% %% You can then either use BibTeX with the ACM-Reference-Format style, %% or BibLaTeX with the acmnumeric or acmauthoryear sytles, that include %% support for advanced citation of software artefact from the %% biblatex-software package, also separately available on CTAN. %% %% Look at the sample-*-biblatex.tex files for templates showcasing %% the biblatex styles. %% %% %% The majority of ACM publications use numbered citations and %% references. The command \citestyle{authoryear} switches to the %% "author year" style. %% %% If you are preparing content for an event %% sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH, you must use the "author year" style of %% citations and references. %% Uncommenting %% the next command will enable that style. %%\citestyle{acmauthoryear} %% %% end of the preamble, start of the body of the document source. \begin{document} %% %% The "title" command has an optional parameter, %% allowing the author to define a "short title" to be used in page headers. \title{Overlay Spreadsheets} %% %% The "author" command and its associated commands are used to define %% the authors and their affiliations. %% Of note is the shared affiliation of the first two authors, and the %% "authornote" and "authornotemark" commands %% used to denote shared contribution to the research. \author{Oliver Kennedy} \email{okennedy@buffalo.edu} \affiliation{% \institution{University at Buffalo} \city{Buffalo} \country{USA} } \author{Boris Glavic} \email{bglavic@iit.edu} \affiliation{% \institution{Illinois Institute of Technology} \city{Illinois} \country{USA} } \author{Michael Brachmann} \email{mbrachmann@breadcrumb-analytics.com} \affiliation{% \institution{Breadcrumb Analytics} \city{Buffalo} \country{USA} } %% %% By default, the full list of authors will be used in the page %% headers. Often, this list is too long, and will overlap %% other information printed in the page headers. This command allows %% the author to define a more concise list %% of authors' names for this purpose. \renewcommand{\shortauthors}{Kennedy et al.} %% %% The abstract is a short summary of the work to be presented in the %% article. \begin{abstract} % Spreadsheets provide a convenient, friendly direct manipulation interface to datasets. Efforts to scale spreadsheets either follow a `virtual` strategy that layers a spreadsheet interface on top of an existing database engine or a `materialized' strategy based on re-engineering a spreadsheet engine. Because databases are not optimized for spreadsheet access patterns, the materialized approach has better performance. However, the virtual approach offers several advantages that can not be easily replicated in the materialized approach, including the ability to re-apply user interactions to an updated input dataset. We propose the overlay update model, a hybrid approach that overlays user updates on an existing dataset (as in the virtual approach) and indexes user updates (as in the materialized approach). % We propose a hybrid approach, where patterns of user updates are indexed (as in the materialized approach) and overlaid on an existing dataset (as in the virtual approach). % We introduce the overlay update model, and outline strategies for efficiently accessing an overlay spreadsheet. A key feature of our approach is storing updates generated by bulk operations (e.g., copy/paste) as compact ``patterns" that can be leveraged to reduce execution costs. We % outline strategies for efficiently accessing overlay spreadsheets and implement an overlay spreadsheet over Apache Spark and demonstrate that, compared to DataSpread (a materialized spreadsheet), it can significantly reduce execution costs. \end{abstract} %% %% The code below is generated by the tool at http://dl.acm.org/ccs.cfm. %% Please copy and paste the code instead of the example below. %% % \begin{CCSXML} % \end{CCSXML} % \ccsdesc[500]{Computer systems organization~Embedded systems} % \ccsdesc[300]{Computer systems organization~Redundancy} % \ccsdesc{Computer systems organization~Robotics} % \ccsdesc[100]{Networks~Network reliability} %% %% Keywords. The author(s) should pick words that accurately describe %% the work being presented. Separate the keywords with commas. % \keywords{Spreadsheets, Dataframes, Scalable Data Management} %% A "teaser" image appears between the author and affiliation %% information and the body of the document, and typically spans the %% page. % \begin{teaserfigure} % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{sampleteaser} % \caption{Seattle Mariners at Spring Training, 2010.} % \Description{Enjoying the baseball game from the third-base % seats. Ichiro Suzuki preparing to bat.} % \label{fig:teaser} % \end{teaserfigure} % \received{20 February 2007} % \received[revised]{12 March 2009} % \received[accepted]{5 June 2009} %% %% This command processes the author and affiliation and title %% information and builds the first part of the formatted document. \maketitle \input{sections/introduction} \input{sections/model} % \input{sections/overview} % \input{sections/formalism} \input{sections/system} % \input{sections/data} \input{sections/experiments} \input{sections/relwork} \input{sections/conclusions} %% %% The acknowledgments section is defined using the "acks" environment %% (and NOT an unnumbered section). This ensures the proper %% identification of the section in the article metadata, and the %% consistent spelling of the heading. % \begin{acks} % To Robert, for the bagels and explaining CMYK and color spaces. % \end{acks} %% %% The next two lines define the bibliography style to be used, and %% the bibliography file. \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format} \bibliography{main} % %% % %% If your work has an appendix, this is the place to put it. % \appendix % \section{Research Methods} % \subsection{Part One} % Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi % malesuada, quam in pulvinar varius, metus nunc fermentum urna, id % sollicitudin purus odio sit amet enim. Aliquam ullamcorper eu ipsum % vel mollis. Curabitur quis dictum nisl. Phasellus vel semper risus, et % lacinia dolor. Integer ultricies commodo sem nec semper. % \subsection{Part Two} % Etiam commodo feugiat nisl pulvinar pellentesque. Etiam auctor sodales % ligula, non varius nibh pulvinar semper. Suspendisse nec lectus non % ipsum convallis congue hendrerit vitae sapien. Donec at laoreet % eros. Vivamus non purus placerat, scelerisque diam eu, cursus % ante. Etiam aliquam tortor auctor efficitur mattis. % \section{Online Resources} % Nam id fermentum dui. Suspendisse sagittis tortor a nulla mollis, in % pulvinar ex pretium. Sed interdum orci quis metus euismod, et sagittis % enim maximus. Vestibulum gravida massa ut felis suscipit % congue. Quisque mattis elit a risus ultrices commodo venenatis eget % dui. Etiam sagittis eleifend elementum. % Nam interdum magna at lectus dignissim, ac dignissim lorem % rhoncus. Maecenas eu arcu ac neque placerat aliquam. Nunc pulvinar % massa et mattis lacinia. \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `sample-sigconf.tex'.