
1192 lines
38 KiB

# MicroPython driver for Soldered Inkplate 10
# By Soldered Electronics
# Based on the original contribution by
import time
import micropython
import framebuf
import os
from machine import ADC, I2C, Pin, SDCard
from uarray import array
from PCAL6416A import *
from micropython import const
from shapes import Shapes
from gfx import GFX
from gfx_standard_font_01 import text_dict as std_font
# Raw display constants for Inkplate 10
D_ROWS = const(825)
D_COLS = const(1200)
# Waveforms for 2 bits per pixel grey-scale.
# Order of 4 values in each tuple: blk, dk-grey, light-grey, white
# Meaning of values: 0=dischg, 1=black, 2=white, 3=skip
# Uses "colors" 0 (black), 3, 5, and 7 (white) from 3-bit waveforms below
WAVE_2B = ( # For Inkplate 10, colors 0, 3, 5-tweaked, and 7 from arduino driver
(0, 1, 0, 0), # (arduino color 5 was too light and color 4 too dark)
(0, 2, 0, 0),
(0, 2, 0, 2),
(0, 1, 2, 2),
(0, 2, 1, 2),
(0, 2, 1, 2),
(1, 1, 2, 2),
(0, 0, 0, 0),
TPS65186_addr = const(0x48) # I2C address
# ESP32 GPIO set and clear registers to twiddle 32 gpio bits at once
# from esp-idf:
# define DR_REG_GPIO_BASE 0x3ff44000
# define GPIO_OUT_W1TS_REG (DR_REG_GPIO_BASE + 0x0008)
# define GPIO_OUT_W1TC_REG (DR_REG_GPIO_BASE + 0x000c)
ESP32_GPIO = const(0x3FF44000) # ESP32 GPIO base
# register offsets from ESP32_GPIO
W1TS0 = const(2) # offset for "write one to set" register for gpios 0..31
W1TC0 = const(3) # offset for "write one to clear" register for gpios 0..31
W1TS1 = const(5) # offset for "write one to set" register for gpios 32..39
W1TC1 = const(6) # offset for "write one to clear" register for gpios 32..39
# bit masks in W1TS/W1TC registers
EPD_DATA = const(0x0E8C0030) # EPD_D0..EPD_D7
EPD_CL = const(0x00000001) # in W1Tx0
EPD_LE = const(0x00000004) # in W1Tx0
EPD_CKV = const(0x00000001) # in W1Tx1
EPD_SPH = const(0x00000002) # in W1Tx1
# Inkplate provides access to the pins of the Inkplate 10 as well as to low-level display
# functions.
RTC_I2C_ADDR = 0x51
RTC_RAM_by = 0x03
class _Inkplate:
def init(cls, i2c):
cls._i2c = i2c
cls._PCAL6416A_1 = PCAL6416A(i2c)
cls._PCAL6416A_2 = PCAL6416A(i2c, 0x21)
# Display control lines
cls.EPD_CL = Pin(0, Pin.OUT, value=0)
cls.EPD_LE = Pin(2, Pin.OUT, value=0)
cls.EPD_CKV = Pin(32, Pin.OUT, value=0)
cls.EPD_SPH = Pin(33, Pin.OUT, value=1)
cls.EPD_OE = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 0, modeOUTPUT)
cls.EPD_GMODE = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 1, modeOUTPUT)
cls.EPD_SPV = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 2, modeOUTPUT)
# Display data lines - we only use the Pin class to init the pins
Pin(4, Pin.OUT) # D0
Pin(5, Pin.OUT) # D1
Pin(18, Pin.OUT) # D2
Pin(19, Pin.OUT) # D3
Pin(23, Pin.OUT) # D4
Pin(25, Pin.OUT) # D5
Pin(26, Pin.OUT) # D6
Pin(27, Pin.OUT) # D7
# TPS65186 power regulator control
cls.TPS_WAKEUP = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 3, modeOUTPUT)
cls.TPS_PWRUP = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 4, modeOUTPUT)
cls.TPS_VCOM = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 5, modeOUTPUT)
cls.TPS_INT = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 6, modeINPUT)
cls.TPS_PWR_GOOD = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 7, modeINPUT)
# Misc
cls.GPIO0_PUP = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 8, modeOUTPUT)
cls.VBAT_EN = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 9, modeOUTPUT)
cls.VBAT_EN.digitalWrite(0) # Initially disable the battery read
cls.VBAT = ADC(Pin(35))
cls.SD_ENABLE = gpioPin(cls._PCAL6416A_1, 10, modeOUTPUT)
cls._on = False # whether panel is powered on or not
if len(_Inkplate.byte2gpio) == 0:
def begin(self):
_Inkplate.init(I2C(0, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21)))
self.ipg = InkplateGS2()
self.ipm = InkplateMono()
self.ipp = InkplatePartial(self.ipm)
self.GFX = GFX(
def clearDisplay(self):
def display(self):
if self.displayMode == 0:
elif self.displayMode == 1:
def partialUpdate(self):
if self.displayMode == 1:
# Read the battery voltage. Note that the result depends on the ADC calibration, and be a bit off.
def read_battery(cls):
# Probably don't need to delay since Micropython is slow, but we do it anyway
value =
result = (value / 4095.0) * 1.1 * 3.548133892 * 2
return result
# Read panel temperature. I varies +- 2 degree
def read_temperature(cls):
# start temperature measurement and wait 5 ms
cls._i2c.writeto_mem(TPS65186_addr, 0x0D, bytes((0x80,)))
# request temperature data from panel
cls._i2c.writeto(TPS65186_addr, bytearray((0x00,)))
cls._temperature = cls._i2c.readfrom(TPS65186_addr, 1)
# convert data from bytes to integer
cls.temperatureInt = int.from_bytes(cls._temperature, "big", True)
return cls.temperatureInt
# _tps65186_write writes an 8-bit value to a register
def _tps65186_write(cls, reg, v):
cls._i2c.writeto_mem(TPS65186_addr, reg, bytes((v,)))
# _tps65186_read reads an 8-bit value from a register
def _tps65186_read(cls, reg):
cls._i2c.readfrom_mem(TPS65186_addr, reg, 1)[0]
# power_on turns the voltage regulator on and wakes up the display (GMODE and OE)
def power_on(cls):
if cls._on:
cls._on = True
# turn on power regulator
# enable all rails
cls._tps65186_write(0x01, 0x3F) # ???
cls._tps65186_write(0x0D, 0x80) # ???
cls._temperature = cls._tps65186_read(1)
# wake-up display
# power_off puts the display to sleep and cuts the power
def power_off(cls):
if not cls._on:
cls._on = False
# put display to sleep
# turn off power regulator
# ===== Methods that are independent of pixel bit depth
# vscan_start begins a vertical scan by toggling CKV and SPV
# sleep_us calls are commented out 'cause MP is slow enough...
def vscan_start(cls):
def ckv_pulse():
# start a vertical scan pulse
cls.EPD_CKV(1) # time.sleep_us(7)
cls.EPD_SPV.digitalWrite(0) # time.sleep_us(10)
ckv_pulse() # time.sleep_us(8)
cls.EPD_SPV.digitalWrite(1) # time.sleep_us(10)
# pulse through 3 scan lines that end up being invisible
ckv_pulse() # time.sleep_us(18)
ckv_pulse() # time.sleep_us(18)
# vscan_write latches the row into the display pixels and moves to the next row
def vscan_write():
w1ts0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TS0))
w1tc0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TC0))
w1tc0[W1TC1 - W1TC0] = EPD_CKV # remove gate drive
w1ts0[0] = EPD_LE # pulse to latch row --
w1ts0[0] = EPD_LE # delay a tiny bit
w1tc0[0] = EPD_LE
w1tc0[0] = EPD_LE # delay a tiny bit
w1ts0[W1TS1 - W1TS0] = EPD_CKV # apply gate drive to next row
# byte2gpio converts a byte of data for the screen to 32 bits of gpio0..31
# (oh, e-radionica, why didn't you group the gpios better?!)
byte2gpio = []
def gen_byte2gpio(cls):
cls.byte2gpio = array("L", bytes(4 * 256))
for b in range(256):
cls.byte2gpio[b] = (
(b & 0x3) << 4 | (b & 0xC) << 16 | (
b & 0x10) << 19 | (b & 0xE0) << 20
# sanity check that all EPD_DATA bits got set at some point and no more
union = 0
for i in range(256):
union |= cls.byte2gpio[i]
assert union == EPD_DATA
# fill_screen writes the same value to all bytes of the screen, it is used for cleaning
def fill_screen(data: int):
w1ts0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TS0))
w1tc0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TC0))
# set the data output gpios
w1tc0[0] = EPD_DATA | EPD_CL
w1ts0[0] = data
vscan_write = _Inkplate.vscan_write
epd_cl = EPD_CL
# send all rows
for r in range(D_ROWS):
# send first byte of row with start-row signal
w1tc0[W1TC1 - W1TC0] = EPD_SPH
w1ts0[0] = epd_cl
w1tc0[0] = epd_cl
w1ts0[W1TS1 - W1TS0] = EPD_SPH
# send remaining bytes (we overshoot by one, which is OK)
i = int(D_COLS >> 3)
while i > 0:
w1ts0[0] = epd_cl
w1tc0[0] = epd_cl
w1ts0[0] = epd_cl
w1tc0[0] = epd_cl
i -= 1
# latch row and increment to next
# inlined vscan_write()
w1tc0[W1TC1 - W1TC0] = EPD_CKV # remove gate drive
w1ts0[0] = EPD_LE # pulse to latch row --
w1ts0[0] = EPD_LE # delay a tiny bit
w1tc0[0] = EPD_LE
w1tc0[0] = EPD_LE # delay a tiny bit
w1ts0[W1TS1 - W1TS0] = EPD_CKV # apply gate drive to next row
# clean fills the screen with one of the four possible pixel patterns
def clean(cls, patt, rep):
c = [0xAA, 0x55, 0x00, 0xFF][patt]
data = _Inkplate.byte2gpio[c] & ~EPD_CL
for i in range(rep):
def rtc_dec_to_bcd(cls, val):
return (val // 10 * 16) + (val % 10)
def rtc_bcd_to_dec(cls, val):
return (val // 16 * 10) + (val % 16)
def rtc_set_time(cls, rtc_hour, rtc_minute, rtc_second):
data = bytearray([
170, # Write in RAM 170 to know that RTC is set
cls._i2c.writeto(RTC_I2C_ADDR, data)
def rtc_set_date(cls, rtc_weekday, rtc_day, rtc_month, rtc_yr):
rtcYear = rtc_yr - 2000
data = bytearray([
170, # Write in RAM 170 to know that RTC is set
cls._i2c.writeto(RTC_I2C_ADDR, data)
data = bytearray([
cls._i2c.writeto(RTC_I2C_ADDR, data)
def rtc_get_rtc_data(cls):
cls._i2c.writeto(RTC_I2C_ADDR, bytearray([RTC_SECOND_ADDR]))
data = cls._i2c.readfrom(RTC_I2C_ADDR, 7)
rtc_second = cls.rtc_bcd_to_dec(data[0] & 0x7F) # Ignore bit 7
rtc_minute = cls.rtc_bcd_to_dec(data[1] & 0x7F)
rtc_hour = cls.rtc_bcd_to_dec(data[2] & 0x3F) # Ignore bits 7 & 6
rtc_day = cls.rtc_bcd_to_dec(data[3] & 0x3F)
rtc_weekday = cls.rtc_bcd_to_dec(data[4] & 0x07) # Ignore bits 7,6,5,4 & 3
rtc_month = cls.rtc_bcd_to_dec(data[5] & 0x1F) # Ignore bits 7,6 & 5
rtc_year = cls.rtc_bcd_to_dec(data[6]) + 2000
return {
'second': rtc_second,
'minute': rtc_minute,
'hour': rtc_hour,
'day': rtc_day,
'weekday': rtc_weekday,
'month': rtc_month,
'year': rtc_year
class InkplateMono(framebuf.FrameBuffer):
def __init__(self):
self._framebuf = bytearray(D_ROWS * D_COLS // 8)
super().__init__(self._framebuf, D_COLS, D_ROWS, framebuf.MONO_HMSB)
ip = InkplateMono
ip._wave = [ip.lut_blk, ip.lut_blk, ip.lut_blk,
ip.lut_blk, ip.lut_blk, ip.lut_bw]
# gen_luts generates the look-up tables to convert a nibble (4 bits) of pixels to the
# 32-bits that need to be pushed into the gpio port.
# The LUTs used here were copied from the e-Radionica Inkplate-6-Arduino-library.
def _gen_luts(cls):
# is there a better way to init an array with 16 words???
b16 = bytes(4 * 16)
# bits to ship to gpio to make pixels white
cls.lut_wht = array("L", b16)
# bits to ship to gpio to make pixels black
cls.lut_blk = array("L", b16)
# bits to ship to gpio to make pixels black and white
cls.lut_bw = array("L", b16)
for i in range(16):
wht = 0
blk = 0
bw = 0
# display uses 2 bits per pixel: 00=discharge, 01=black, 10=white, 11=skip
for bit in range(4):
wht = wht | ((2 if (i >> bit) & 1 == 0 else 3) << (2 * bit))
blk = blk | ((1 if (i >> bit) & 1 == 1 else 3) << (2 * bit))
bw = bw | ((1 if (i >> bit) & 1 == 1 else 2) << (2 * bit))
cls.lut_wht[i] = _Inkplate.byte2gpio[wht] | EPD_CL
cls.lut_blk[i] = _Inkplate.byte2gpio[blk] | EPD_CL
cls.lut_bw[i] = _Inkplate.byte2gpio[bw] | EPD_CL
# print("Black: %08x, White:%08x Data:%08x" % (cls.lut_bw[0xF], cls.lut_bw[0], EPD_DATA))
# _send_row writes a row of data to the display
def _send_row(lut_in, framebuf, row: int):
ROW_LEN = D_COLS >> 3 # length of row in bytes
# cache vars into locals
w1ts0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TS0))
w1tc0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TC0))
off = int(EPD_DATA | EPD_CL) # mask with all data bits and clock bit
fb = ptr8(framebuf)
ix = int(row * ROW_LEN + ROW_LEN - 1) # index into framebuffer
lut = ptr32(lut_in)
# send first byte
data = int(fb[ix])
ix -= 1
w1tc0[0] = off
w1tc0[W1TC1 - W1TC0] = EPD_SPH
w1ts0[0] = lut[data >> 4] # set data bits and assert clock
# w1tc0[0] = EPD_CL # clear clock, leaving data bits (unreliable if data also cleared)
w1tc0[0] = off # clear data bits as well ready for next byte
w1ts0[W1TS1 - W1TS0] = EPD_SPH
w1ts0[0] = lut[data & 0xF]
# w1tc0[0] = EPD_CL
w1tc0[0] = off
# send the remaining bytes
for c in range(ROW_LEN - 1):
data = int(fb[ix])
ix -= 1
w1ts0[0] = lut[data >> 4]
# w1tc0[0] = EPD_CL
w1tc0[0] = off
w1ts0[0] = lut[data & 0xF]
# w1tc0[0] = EPD_CL
w1tc0[0] = off
# display_mono sends the monochrome buffer to the display, clearing it first
def display(self):
ip = _Inkplate
# clean the display
t0 = time.ticks_ms()
ip.clean(0, 1)
ip.clean(1, 12)
ip.clean(2, 1)
ip.clean(0, 11)
ip.clean(2, 1)
ip.clean(1, 12)
ip.clean(2, 1)
ip.clean(0, 11)
# the display gets written N times
t1 = time.ticks_ms()
n = 0
send_row = InkplateMono._send_row
vscan_write = ip.vscan_write
fb = self._framebuf
for lut in self._wave:
# write all rows
r = D_ROWS - 1
while r >= 0:
send_row(lut, fb, r)
r -= 1
n += 1
t2 = time.ticks_ms()
tc = time.ticks_diff(t1, t0)
td = time.ticks_diff(t2, t1)
tt = time.ticks_diff(t2, t0)
"Mono: clean %dms (%dms ea), draw %dms (%dms ea), total %dms"
% (tc, tc // (4 + 22 + 24), td, td // len(self._wave), tt)
ip.clean(2, 2)
ip.clean(3, 1)
# @micropython.viper
def clear(self):
# fb = ptr8(self._framebuf)
# for ix in range(D_ROWS * D_COLS // 8):
# fb[ix] = 0
# Inkplate display with 2 bits of gray scale (4 levels)
class InkplateGS2(framebuf.FrameBuffer):
_wave = None
def __init__(self):
self._framebuf = bytearray(D_ROWS * D_COLS // 4)
super().__init__(self._framebuf, D_COLS, D_ROWS, framebuf.GS2_HMSB)
if not InkplateGS2._wave:
# _gen_wave generates the waveform table. The table consists of N phases or steps during
# each of which the entire display gets written. The array in each phase gets indexed with
# a nibble of data and contains the 32-bits that need to be pushed into the gpio port.
# The waveform used here was adapted from the e-Radionica Inkplate-6-Arduino-library
# by taking colors 0 (black), 3, 5, and 7 (white) from "waveform3Bit[8][7]".
def _gen_wave(cls):
# genlut generates the lookup table that maps a nibble (2 pixels, 4 bits) to a 32-bit
# word to push into the GPIO port
def genlut(op):
return bytes([op[j] | op[i] << 2 for i in range(4) for j in range(4)])
cls._wave = [genlut(w) for w in WAVE_2B]
# _send_row writes a row of data to the display
def _send_row(lut_in, framebuf, row: int):
ROW_LEN = D_COLS >> 2 # length of row in bytes
# cache vars into locals
w1ts0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TS0))
w1tc0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TC0))
off = int(EPD_DATA | EPD_CL) # mask with all data bits and clock bit
fb = ptr8(framebuf)
ix = int(row * ROW_LEN + (ROW_LEN - 1)) # index into framebuffer
lut = ptr8(lut_in)
b2g = ptr32(_Inkplate.byte2gpio)
# send first byte
data = int(fb[ix])
ix -= 1
w1tc0[0] = off
w1tc0[W1TC1 - W1TC0] = EPD_SPH
w1ts0[0] = b2g[lut[data >> 4] << 4 | lut[data & 0xF]
] | EPD_CL # set data bits and clock
# w1tc0[0] = EPD_CL # clear clock, leaving data bits (unreliable if data also cleared)
w1tc0[0] = off # clear data bits as well ready for next byte
w1ts0[W1TS1 - W1TS0] = EPD_SPH
# send the remaining bytes
for c in range(ROW_LEN - 1):
data = int(fb[ix])
ix -= 1
w1ts0[0] = b2g[lut[data >> 4] << 4 | lut[data & 0xF]] | EPD_CL
# w1tc0[0] = EPD_CL
w1tc0[0] = off
# display_mono sends the monochrome buffer to the display, clearing it first
def display(self):
ip = _Inkplate
# clean the display
t0 = time.ticks_ms()
ip.clean(0, 1)
ip.clean(1, 12)
ip.clean(2, 1)
ip.clean(0, 11)
ip.clean(2, 1)
ip.clean(1, 12)
ip.clean(2, 1)
ip.clean(0, 11)
# the display gets written N times
t1 = time.ticks_ms()
n = 0
send_row = InkplateGS2._send_row
vscan_write = ip.vscan_write
fb = self._framebuf
for lut in InkplateGS2._wave:
# write all rows
r = D_ROWS - 1
while r >= 0:
send_row(lut, fb, r)
r -= 1
n += 1
t2 = time.ticks_ms()
tc = time.ticks_diff(t1, t0)
td = time.ticks_diff(t2, t1)
tt = time.ticks_diff(t2, t0)
"GS2: clean %dms (%dms ea), draw %dms (%dms ea), total %dms"
% (tc, tc // (4 + 22 + 24), td, td // len(InkplateGS2._wave), tt)
ip.clean(2, 1) # ??
ip.clean(3, 1)
# @micropython.viper
def clear(self):
# fb = ptr8(self._framebuf)
# for ix in range(int(len(self._framebuf))):
# fb[ix] = 0xFF
# InkplatePartial managed partial updates. It starts by making a copy of the current framebuffer
# and then when asked to draw it renders the differences between the copy and the new framebuffer
# state. The constructor needs a reference to the current/main display object (InkplateMono).
# Only InkplateMono is supported at the moment.
class InkplatePartial:
def __init__(self, base):
self._base = base
self._framebuf = bytearray(len(base._framebuf))
# start makes a reference copy of the current framebuffer
def start(self):
self._framebuf[:] = self._base._framebuf[:]
# display the changes between our reference copy and the current framebuffer contents
def display(self, x=0, y=0, w=D_COLS, h=D_ROWS):
ip = _Inkplate
# the display gets written a couple of times
t0 = time.ticks_ms()
n = 0
send_row = InkplatePartial._send_row
skip_rows = InkplatePartial._skip_rows
vscan_write = ip.vscan_write
nfb = self._base._framebuf # new framebuffer
ofb = self._framebuf # old framebuffer
lut = InkplatePartial._lut_mono
h -= 1
for _ in range(5):
r = D_ROWS - 1
# skip rows that supposedly have no change
if r > y + h:
skip_rows(r - (y + h))
r = y + h
# write changed rows
while r >= y:
send_row(lut, ofb, nfb, r)
r -= 1
# skip remaining rows (doesn't seem to be necessary for Inkplate 6 but it is for 10)
if r > 0:
n += 1
t1 = time.ticks_ms()
td = time.ticks_diff(t1, t0)
"Partial: draw %dms (%dms/frame %dus/row) (y=%d..%d)"
% (td, td // n, td * 1000 // n // (D_ROWS - y), y, y + h + 1)
ip.clean(2, 2)
ip.clean(3, 1)
# gen_lut_mono generates a look-up tables to change the display from a nibble of old
# pixels (4 bits = 4 pixels) to a nibble of new pixels. The LUT contains the
# 32-bits that need to be pushed into the gpio port to effect the change.
def _gen_lut_mono(cls):
lut = cls._lut_mono = array("L", bytes(4 * 256))
for o in range(16): # iterate through all old-pixels combos
for n in range(16): # iterate through all new-pixels combos
bw = 0
for bit in range(4):
# value to send to display: turns out that if we juxtapose the old and new
# bits we get the right value except for the 00 combination...
val = (((o >> bit) << 1) & 2) | ((n >> bit) & 1)
if val == 0:
val = 3
bw = bw | (val << (2 * bit))
lut[o * 16 + n] = _Inkplate.byte2gpio[bw] | EPD_CL
# print("Black: %08x, White:%08x Data:%08x" % (cls.lut_bw[0xF], cls.lut_bw[0], EPD_DATA))
# _skip_rows skips N rows
def _skip_rows(rows: int):
if rows <= 0:
# cache vars into locals
w1ts0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TS0))
w1tc0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TC0))
# need to fill the column latches with "no-change" values (all ones)
epd_cl = EPD_CL
w1tc0[0] = epd_cl
w1ts0[0] = EPD_DATA
# send first byte of row with start-row signal
w1tc0[W1TC1 - W1TC0] = EPD_SPH
w1ts0[0] = epd_cl
w1tc0[0] = epd_cl
w1ts0[W1TS1 - W1TS0] = EPD_SPH
# send remaining bytes
i = int(D_COLS >> 3)
while i > 0:
w1ts0[0] = epd_cl
w1tc0[0] = epd_cl
w1ts0[0] = epd_cl
w1tc0[0] = epd_cl
i -= 1
# write the same row over and over, weird thing is that we need the sleep otherwise
# the rows we subsequently draw don't draw proper whites leaving ghosts behind - hard to
# understand why the speed at which we "skip" rows affects rows that are drawn later...
while rows > 0:
rows -= 1
# _send_row writes a row of data to the display
def _send_row(lut_in, old_framebuf, new_framebuf, row: int):
ROW_LEN = D_COLS >> 3 # length of row in bytes
# cache vars into locals
w1ts0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TS0))
w1tc0 = ptr32(int(ESP32_GPIO + 4 * W1TC0))
off = int(EPD_DATA | EPD_CL) # mask with all data bits and clock bit
ofb = ptr8(old_framebuf)
nfb = ptr8(new_framebuf)
ix = int(row * ROW_LEN + (ROW_LEN - 1)) # index into framebuffer
lut = ptr32(lut_in)
# send first byte
odata = int(ofb[ix])
ndata = int(nfb[ix])
ix -= 1
w1tc0[0] = off
w1tc0[W1TC1 - W1TC0] = EPD_SPH
if odata == ndata:
w1ts0[0] = off # send all-ones: no change to any of the pixels
w1tc0[0] = EPD_CL
w1ts0[W1TS1 - W1TS0] = EPD_SPH
w1ts0[0] = EPD_CL
w1tc0[0] = off
w1ts0[0] = lut[(odata & 0xF0) + (ndata >> 4)]
w1tc0[0] = off # clear data bits as well ready for next byte
w1ts0[W1TS1 - W1TS0] = EPD_SPH
w1ts0[0] = lut[((odata & 0xF) << 4) + (ndata & 0xF)]
w1tc0[0] = off
# send the remaining bytes
for c in range(ROW_LEN - 1):
odata = int(ofb[ix])
ndata = int(nfb[ix])
ix -= 1
if odata == ndata:
w1ts0[0] = off # send all-ones: no change to any of the pixels
w1tc0[0] = EPD_CL
w1ts0[0] = EPD_CL
w1tc0[0] = off
w1ts0[0] = lut[(odata & 0xF0) + ((ndata >> 4) & 0xF)]
w1tc0[0] = off
w1ts0[0] = lut[((odata & 0xF) << 4) + (ndata & 0xF)]
w1tc0[0] = off
# Inkplate wraper to make it more easy for use
class Inkplate:
_width = D_COLS
_height = D_ROWS
rotation = 0
displayMode = 0
textSize = 1
def __init__(self, mode):
self.displayMode = mode
def begin(self):
_Inkplate.init(I2C(0, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21)))
self.ipg = InkplateGS2()
self.ipm = InkplateMono()
self.ipp = InkplatePartial(self.ipm)
self.GFX = GFX(
def initSDCard(self):
print("Sd card could not be read")
def SDCardSleep(self):
def SDCardWake(self):
def gpioExpanderPin(self, expander, pin, mode):
if (expander == 1):
return gpioPin(_Inkplate._PCAL6416A_1, pin, mode)
elif (expander == 2):
return gpioPin(_Inkplate._PCAL6416A_2, pin, mode)
def clearDisplay(self):
def display(self):
if self.displayMode == 0:
elif self.displayMode == 1:
self.ipp.start() # making framebuffer copy for partial update
def partialUpdate(self):
if self.displayMode == self.INKPLATE_2BIT:
self.ipp.start() # making framebuffer copy for partial update
def clean(self):
_Inkplate.clean(0, 1)
_Inkplate.clean(1, 12)
_Inkplate.clean(2, 1)
_Inkplate.clean(0, 11)
_Inkplate.clean(2, 1)
_Inkplate.clean(1, 12)
_Inkplate.clean(2, 1)
_Inkplate.clean(0, 11)
def einkOn(self):
def einkOff(self):
def readBattery(self):
return _Inkplate.read_battery()
def readTemperature(self):
return _Inkplate.read_temperature()
def width(self):
return self._width
def height(self):
return self._height
# Arduino compatibility functions
def setRotation(self, x):
self.rotation = x % 4
if self.rotation == 0 or self.rotation == 2:
self.GFX.width = D_COLS
self.GFX.height = D_ROWS
self._width = D_COLS
self._height = D_ROWS
elif self.rotation == 1 or self.rotation == 3:
self.GFX.width = D_ROWS
self.GFX.height = D_COLS
self._width = D_ROWS
self._height = D_COLS
def getRotation(self):
return self.rotation
def drawPixel(self, x, y, c):
self.writePixel(x, y, c)
def startWrite(self):
def _rotateCoordinates(self, x, y):
if self.rotation == 1:
x, y = y, x
x = self.height() - x - 1
elif self.rotation == 2:
x = self.width() - x - 1
y = self.height() - y - 1
elif self.rotation == 3:
x, y = y, x
y = self.width() - y - 1
return x, y
def writePixel(self, x, y, c):
if x > self.width() - 1 or y > self.height() - 1 or x < 0 or y < 0:
if self.rotation == 1:
x, y = y, x
x = self.height() - x - 1
elif self.rotation == 2:
x = self.width() - x - 1
y = self.height() - y - 1
elif self.rotation == 3:
x, y = y, x
y = self.width() - y - 1
(self.ipm.pixel if self.displayMode == self.INKPLATE_1BIT else self.ipg.pixel)(
x, y, c
def writeFillRect(self, x, y, w, h, c):
x, y = self._rotateCoordinates(x, y)
if self.rotation in (1, 3):
w, h = h, w
if self.rotation in (1, 2):
x -= w - 1
if self.rotation in (2, 3):
y -= h - 1
(self.ipm.fill_rect if self.displayMode == self.INKPLATE_1BIT else self.ipg.fill_rect)(
x, y, w, h, c
def writeFastVLine(self, x, y, h, c):
if self.rotation in (1, 3):
self._writeFastHLine(x, y, h, c)
self._writeFastVLine(x, y, h, c)
def _writeFastVLine(self, x, y, h, c):
x, y = self._rotateCoordinates(x, y)
if self.rotation in (2, 3):
y -= h - 1
(self.ipm.vline if self.displayMode == self.INKPLATE_1BIT else self.ipg.vline)(
x, y, h, c
def writeFastHLine(self, x, y, w, c):
if self.rotation in (1, 3):
self._writeFastVLine(x, y, w, c)
self._writeFastHLine(x, y, w, c)
def _writeFastHLine(self, x, y, w, c):
x, y = self._rotateCoordinates(x, y)
if self.rotation in (1, 2):
x -= w - 1
(self.ipm.hline if self.displayMode == self.INKPLATE_1BIT else self.ipg.hline)(
x, y, w, c
def writeLine(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, c):
self.GFX.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, c)
def endWrite(self):
def drawFastVLine(self, x, y, h, c):
self.writeFastVLine(x, y, h, c)
def drawFastHLine(self, x, y, w, c):
self.writeFastHLine(x, y, w, c)
def fillRect(self, x, y, w, h, c):
self.writeFillRect(x, y, w, h, c)
def fillScreen(self, c):
self.fillRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height(), c)
def drawLine(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, c):
self.writeLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, c)
def drawRect(self, x, y, w, h, c):
self.GFX.rect(x, y, w, h, c)
def drawCircle(self, x, y, r, c):, y, r, c)
def fillCircle(self, x, y, r, c):
self.GFX.fill_circle(x, y, r, c)
def drawTriangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c):
self.GFX.triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c)
def fillTriangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c):
self.GFX.fill_triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c)
def drawRoundRect(self, x, y, q, h, r, c):
self.GFX.round_rect(x, y, q, h, r, c)
def fillRoundRect(self, x, y, q, h, r, c):
self.GFX.fill_round_rect(x, y, q, h, r, c)
def setDisplayMode(self, mode):
self.displayMode = mode
def selectDisplayMode(self, mode):
self.displayMode = mode
def getDisplayMode(self):
return self.displayMode
def setTextSize(self, s):
self.textSize = s
def setFont(self, f):
self.GFX.font = f
def printText(self, x, y, s):
self.GFX._very_slow_text(x, y, s, self.textSize, 1)
def drawBitmap(self, x, y, data, w, h):
byteWidth = (w + 7) // 8
byte = 0
for j in range(h):
for i in range(w):
if i & 7:
byte <<= 1
byte = data[j * byteWidth + i // 8]
if byte & 0x80:
self.writePixel(x + i, y + j, 1)
def drawImageFile(self, x, y, path, invert=False):
with open(path, "rb") as f:
header14 =
if header14[0] != 0x42 or header14[1] != 0x4D:
return 0
header40 =
w = int(
(header40[7] << 24)
+ (header40[6] << 16)
+ (header40[5] << 8)
+ header40[4]
h = int(
(header40[11] << 24)
+ (header40[10] << 16)
+ (header40[9] << 8)
+ header40[8]
dataStart = int((header14[11] << 8) + header14[10])
depth = int((header40[15] << 8) + header40[14])
totalColors = int((header40[33] << 8) + header40[32])
rowSize = 4 * ((depth * w + 31) // 32)
if totalColors == 0:
totalColors = 1 << depth
palette = None
if depth <= 8:
palette = [0 for i in range(totalColors)]
p = * 4)
for i in range(totalColors):
palette[i] = (
54 * p[i * 4] + 183 * p[i * 4 + 1] + 19 * p[i * 4 + 2]
) >> 14
# print(palette)
for j in range(h):
# print(100 * j // h, "% complete")
buffer =
for i in range(w):
val = 0
if depth == 1:
px = int(
^ (palette[0] < palette[1])
^ bool(buffer[i >> 3] & (1 << (7 - i & 7)))
val = palette[px]
elif depth == 4:
px = (buffer[i >> 1] & (0x0F if i & 1 == 1 else 0xF0)) >> (
0 if i & 1 else 4
val = palette[px]
if invert:
val = 3 - val
elif depth == 8:
px = buffer[i]
val = palette[px]
if invert:
val = 3 - val
elif depth == 16:
px = (buffer[(i << 1) | 1] << 8) | buffer[(i << 1)]
r = (px & 0x7C00) >> 7
g = (px & 0x3E0) >> 2
b = (px & 0x1F) << 3
val = (54 * r + 183 * g + 19 * b) >> 14
if invert:
val = 3 - val
elif depth == 24:
r = buffer[i * 3]
g = buffer[i * 3 + 1]
b = buffer[i * 3 + 2]
val = (54 * r + 183 * g + 19 * b) >> 14
if invert:
val = 3 - val
elif depth == 32:
r = buffer[i * 4]
g = buffer[i * 4 + 1]
b = buffer[i * 4 + 2]
val = (54 * r + 183 * g + 19 * b) >> 14
if invert:
val = 3 - val
if self.getDisplayMode() == self.INKPLATE_1BIT:
val >>= 1
self.drawPixel(x + i, y + h - j, val)
def rtcSetTime(self, rtc_hour, rtc_minute, rtc_second):
return _Inkplate.rtc_set_time(rtc_hour, rtc_minute, rtc_second)
def rtcSetDate(self, rtc_weekday, rtc_day, rtc_month, rtc_yr):
return _Inkplate.rtc_set_date(rtc_weekday, rtc_day, rtc_month, rtc_yr)
def rtcGetData(self):
return _Inkplate.rtc_get_rtc_data()