2015-08-11 17:12:45 -04:00

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199926|9927|1254|420.99|breach final, bold ideas-- blithely special asymptotes may haggle quickly pen|
199926|2446|7902|809.78|around the foxes promise even dolphins. asymptotes wake blithely. furiously ironic ideas try to play after the furiously ru|
199926|4965|9056|776.43|ously stealthy instructions nag slyly. deposits haggle carefully. account|
199926|7484|7032|672.74|dolites: pending braids use. even foxes detect quickly q|
199927|9928|150|174.72|as. ironic requests affix blithely against the furiously final pinto beans. express pinto beans are carefully packages. accounts poach pending ideas. bold, pending depen|
199927|2447|1940|648.74|luffily enticingly express requests. final ideas use blithely. bold, ironic dolphins doze furiously express foxes. even accounts dazzle furio|
199927|4966|3284|504.27|nts among the regular Tiresias nag ironic deposits. carefully pendi|
199927|7485|5467|857.22|sly after the theodolites. special pinto beans use requests. even pearls are fluffily along the idly regular requests. stealthily ironic requests use quietly bold a|
199928|9929|848|763.11|onic ideas haggle after the furiously final pinto beans. furiously final instructions boost always around the furiously ir|
199928|2448|1403|577.97|e blithely final theodolites. close ideas cajole. furiously regular deposits haggle special ideas. slyly ironic ideas cajole carefully special instructions! furiously final multipliers along the bol|
199928|4967|8867|777.96| unusual instructions. slyly express requests are. even, silent ideas haggle slyly-- carefu|
199928|7486|6630|465.26|ent requests cajole foxes-- carefully final foxes haggle furiously. quickly final instructions dazzle final accounts! special requests sleep slyly. final, bold forges about the bl|
199929|9930|498|636.58|xes across the blithely pending requests sleep along the|
199929|2449|4715|857.78|hely express pinto beans. accounts cajole furiously above the packages. regular deposits cajole furiously across the quickly regular deposits. ironic deposits cajole quietly after the ironic |
199929|4968|3760|285.15|ly pending ideas haggle special accounts. final instructions cajole after the close requests. regular deposits haggle express requests. ironic, regular requests play f|
199929|7487|8528|451.15|s. blithely ironic accounts integrate blithely. blithely silent requests according to the regular requests eat furiously instead of the final|
199930|9931|8489|213.51| carefully special deposits use blithely above the permanent ideas. slyly express dependencies are slyly regular foxes-- car|
199930|2450|1183|216.01|arefully regular pinto beans. slyly regular courts |
199930|4969|663|257.99|ependencies. theodolites wake quickly alongside of the pending, express theodolites: furiously regular asymptotes alongside |
199930|7488|2984|604.12|ke fluffily regular foxes. pending, special asymptotes cajole fu|
199931|9932|7720|764.76| boost beside the courts. permanently ironic packages integrate carefully alongside of the spe|
199931|2451|9320|265.87|ged requests use. quietly ironic deposits along the carefully ironic package|
199931|4970|7837|220.84|alongside of the blithely special deposits boost quickly slyly regular packages-- ironic accounts against the bold pinto beans wake quickly about the furio|
199931|7489|9137|592.83|fully express platelets. regular, ironic ideas around the final excuses haggle regular packages: e|
199932|9933|281|884.84|gular accounts wake furiously. final, final packages across the|
199932|2452|7084|562.42|accounts are. quickly ironic requests haggle-- carefully express accounts nod furiously unusual dolph|
199932|4971|8393|205.39|fully ironic packages use. final pinto beans are after the fina|
199932|7490|4488|695.12|sleep carefully across the even accounts. quickly final notornis nag carefully busily silent requests.|
199933|9934|5867|645.61|efully express ideas-- idle foxes use fluffily. carefully ironic foxes sleep quickly. bold excuses wake fluffily about the permanent t|
199933|2453|5157|847.79|mong the final deposits. quickly careful accounts hinder furiously. doggedly|
199933|4972|8445|226.16|s wake slyly. fluffily silent deposits sleep blithely final packages-- regular, bold theodolites wake car|
199933|7491|7872|176.15|ns use carefully. ideas wake dependencies. carefully unusual foxes believe quickly. blithely regular excuses wake according to the fluffily sl|
199934|9935|26|685.62|y instead of the final packages! regular accounts nag deposits. pending foxes along the slyly final foxes sleep carefully ironic packages. carefully final instr|
199934|2454|4616|961.02| bold deposits haggle slyly along the unusual, speci|
199934|4973|9335|82.70| slyly regular requests. even, final requests nag furiously express deposits. quickly pending sauternes |
199934|7492|3654|529.97|thely final packages run ruthlessly against the blithely express packages. quickly final deposits use quickly among the frays. slyly final frays integrate furiously. furiously bo|
199935|9936|3789|209.88|ly final warthogs. furiously final foxes detect. special, express pinto beans across the accounts print quickly according to the slyly even accounts. furi|
199935|2455|3420|215.59|arefully regular platelets. quickly regular packages engage. accounts dazzl|
199935|4974|6275|324.97|ar accounts. slyly bold theodolites at the fluffily regular packages wake carefully regu|
199935|7493|3389|512.27| final accounts sleep slyly ironically regular instructions. silently regular theodolites cajole. express requests wake fluffily. bold, even packages boost blithel|
199936|9937|5173|568.31|ously unusual excuses cajole slowly. final, express courts along the final theodolites boost above the fluffily ironic ideas? furio|
199936|2456|7833|339.69|he silent foxes cajole carefully furiously regular packages. slyly even accounts wake across the quickly silent instructions. ironic|
199936|4975|9570|27.61|ave to haggle thin accounts. furiously even instructions nag about the |
199936|7494|3243|692.32|ic foxes. daring, ruthless accounts believe packages. instructions haggle slyly. carefully unusual theodolites haggle carefully. ironic ideas cajole. slyly pending deposits use. pending|
199937|9938|9827|647.03|lithely ironic deposits breach. even dolphins along the carefully bold de|
199937|2457|5342|647.22|ic, regular ideas haggle blithely among the slyly special excuses. blithely ironic platelet|
199937|4976|7085|880.09|ilent pinto beans solve regularly along the express, pending ideas. final deposits against the accounts cajo|
199937|7495|4883|666.74|the carefully even instructions. blithely express requests use blithely according to the regular packages. special pinto beans are busily about the bold accounts. blithely ironic packages dazzle|
199938|9939|3561|248.17|l deposits cajole. quickly pending platelets atop the carefully final re|
199938|2458|5384|452.07|es across the carefully regular requests nag slyly pending requests. carefully bol|
199938|4977|7601|728.64| the requests use bravely pending, regular instructions! deposit|
199938|7496|3772|644.43|s. unusual instructions lose accounts. final packages according to the deposits detect furiously across the bold, regular deposits. pending packages detect furiously regular instructions. quic|
199939|9940|9844|963.25|ular requests among the slyly even accounts cajole among the blithely pending excuses|
199939|2459|5505|693.52|carefully throughout the quickly special requests. fluffily ironic deposits cajole carefully above the slyly express deposits. slyly ironic foxes cajole blithely: furiously even fo|
199939|4978|3956|755.89|ent ideas. blithely special foxes sleep blithely regular ideas. slyly express ideas |
199939|7497|8175|130.60|ithely ironic foxes. pinto beans cajole across the slyly final theodolites. slyly express accounts around the furiously silent instructions wake slyly ironic dependencies; fluffil|
199940|9941|2035|372.58|lphins across the silent packages wake blithely across the slyly enticing deposits. regular, regular pinto beans use blithely. slyly fina|
199940|2460|1306|353.56|thely pearls. fluffily even ideas affix. requests may haggle furiously slyly special deposit|
199940|4979|610|461.79|ithely. furiously unusual accounts cajole slyly. pending, final accounts integrate blithely according to the pending theodolites. slyly pending dolphins are ag|
199940|7498|7305|339.06|to beans boost bold pinto beans. carefully regular packages use special accounts. blithely bold dependen|
199941|9942|1294|554.13|s cajole carefully along the frays. bold asymptotes are carefully according to the furiously careful foxes. slyly ironic packages across the pending, final accounts are carefully around t|
199941|2461|285|822.54|c instructions above the blithely express requests wake about the quickly quiet accounts. express, silent pinto beans doubt regular instructions|
199941|4980|1389|318.20| about the fluffily regular excuses. even requests boost regular asymptotes. ironic requests x-ray slyly s|
199941|7499|3939|469.56|al, final accounts cajole against the instructions. ironic t|
199942|9943|2090|9.01|s sleep after the express grouches. bold ideas wake carefully about the always pending |
199942|2462|5257|803.91|t the slyly silent deposits. furious, even epitaphs integrate carefully outside the blithely pending packages. carefully unusual depo|
199942|4981|1242|929.78|blithely ironic ideas boost quickly. ironic theodolites among the slyly ironi|
199942|7500|3235|484.78|pending packages are fluffily above the unusual, special pinto b|
199943|9944|5104|92.24| boost silently! regular, ironic dolphins around the pending accounts haggle blithely ironic ideas. unusual, regular requests sleep carefully despite the fluffi|
199943|2463|3112|129.92|usly requests. stealthily even gifts sleep about the theodolites. blithely regular pinto beans above the furi|
199943|4982|6208|57.13|eposits cajole slyly quickly even foxes. carefully special accounts above the |
199943|7501|5853|442.49|tect. final platelets play carefully ironic platelets. slyly final foxes wake careful|
199944|9945|8397|506.65| thin instructions. pending, regular requests detect carefully blithely express accounts. ironic platelets boost. furiously silent |
199944|2464|5155|46.11|ckages. slyly express ideas wake. regular, ironic ideas nag furiously. regular deposits above the blithely fluffy warhorses sublate across the ironic platelets. carefully regul|
199944|4983|8131|44.43|detect ideas. furiously silent platelets will have to integrate blithely across the fluffily unusual requests. blithely ironic dugouts wake slyly after the|
199944|7502|8041|683.12|the slyly regular ideas: carefully bold accounts among the carefully even instructions cajole slyly final, slow pearls. quickly special platelets should sleep slyly. slyly quick de|
199945|9946|4567|859.31|kages boost carefully at the furiously busy packages. qui|
199945|2465|2373|918.23|unts serve carefully final, even multipliers. daringly ironic deposits boost furiously ironic, express|
199945|4984|624|300.34|es detect furiously against the fluffily unusual depo|
199945|7503|7074|81.03|ly pending dependencies haggle. pending, regular packages above the furiously final Tiresias kindle slyly around the carefu|
199946|9947|7441|451.51|k requests impress furiously always pending instructions.|
199946|2466|8052|323.39|r accounts. blithely unusual requests after the furiously ironic accounts affix after the even, even dependencies: fluffily regular pint|
199946|4985|7281|845.82|nts haggle above the depths. fluffily ironic dependencies are fluffily. always express packages above the|
199946|7504|9628|44.00|ackages. fluffily silent notornis alongside of the carefully ironic dependencies cajole quickly furiously bold id|
199947|9948|9807|551.61|ter the slowly ironic pinto beans. final, final accounts are. requests int|
199947|2467|9294|417.98|ost fluffily. ironic instructions sleep blithely final deposits. final, bold deposits nag slyly. fluffy foxes are fluffily. enticingly bold reque|
199947|4986|5382|170.02|ost. silent pains wake furiously along the slyly final packages. deposits sleep. pe|
199947|7505|2647|623.01|al packages use blithely. fluffily regular deposits haggle according to the final pinto beans. quiet excuses according to the slyly final dolp|
199948|9949|9480|525.31|. idle, special deposits doze after the quickly regular instructions. slyly final foxes cajole slyly quickly ironic requests. regular, regular packages wake slyly|
199948|2468|4943|833.86|uietly after the pending packages. carefully regular warhorses use carefully. blithely even pinto beans sleep slyly. furiously bold theodolites detect fluffily after the furiously|
199948|4987|3319|763.23| even, ironic requests sleep furiously regular instructions. slyly special packages across the ironic, even braids use pending, regular packages. silent escapades ca|
199948|7506|1603|592.39|y even foxes sleep ruthlessly. regular, final accounts alongs|
199949|9950|3379|421.15| the ironic, pending deposits. carefully special ideas print above the final theodolites. final, special ideas boost. blithely silent|
199949|2469|1687|474.74|ites hinder. final dolphins wake against the express, regular ideas. furiously regular ideas wake sometimes pending depo|
199949|4988|1522|53.26|nic somas; carefully even instructions cajole slyly. packages whi|
199949|7507|4398|350.29|s are carefully blithely pending accounts: packages are blithely. final, bold deposits believe about the slyly final packages. carefully regular accounts wake q|
199950|9951|7047|408.95|unts haggle. dependencies nag along the slyly regular requests. furiously ironic requests hag|
199950|2470|6425|312.10|refully even requests sleep blithely. furiously even deposits are. bold theodolites sleep fluffily blithely express ideas. final realms grow slyly; carefully ironic foxes nod. blithely |
199950|4989|6764|881.18|ld have to haggle doggedly. enticingly bold requests acros|
199950|7508|3311|996.43|round the ironic theodolites haggle fluffily around the furiously express theodolites. blithely unusual attainments above the slyly regular accounts haggle carefully |