2015-08-11 17:12:45 -04:00

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199976|9977|7460|361.68|lar dependencies. accounts are slyly carefully ironic accounts. ironic reque|
199976|2496|2744|966.67|the blithely bold requests. blithely daring instructions h|
199976|5015|6068|267.04|otes nag blithely around the carefully final ideas. blithely regular accounts nag? furiously idle co|
199976|7534|4327|792.16| detect quickly across the slyly thin accounts. slyly pending requests wake carefully regular deposits. excuses are. furiously final d|
199977|9978|6758|295.28| ironic, regular ideas. blithely regular requests wake quickly after the even packages. slyly final ideas eat. carefully even accounts breach unusual ideas. furiously ironi|
199977|2497|9061|961.51|y unusual pinto beans cajole. slyly special pinto beans nag foxes. quickly final asympto|
199977|5016|540|383.81|arefully bold instructions doze carefully about the unusual foxes. quickly pending pinto beans sleep furi|
199977|7535|9664|267.50|packages doubt slyly. slyly unusual deposits nag. regular packages sleep. accounts around the regular theodolites sleep slyly carefully bold warhorses. blithely even sauternes haggle special, expre|
199978|9979|8283|508.02| instructions use above the slyly even instructions. dependencies at the even, final packages |
199978|2498|4778|34.75|usly ironic foxes boost carefully. slyly express instructions nag carefully. slyly final ideas lose carefully. qui|
199978|5017|7218|934.79|y pinto beans. blithely daring dolphins should have to mold furiously above the furiously regular instructions. slyly expres|
199978|7536|7555|863.99|y even pinto beans according to the pending, even requests boost furiously quickly final ideas. regular instructions against the fluffily eve|
199979|9980|7928|651.51|yly regular instructions nag among the final deposits. unusual, even requests about the slyly special requests are blithely after the accounts-- quickly bold accounts haggle carefully after the|
199979|2499|2185|108.50|pending platelets. deposits wake blithely deposits. slyly special asymptotes haggle carefully quickly ironic pearls. furio|
199979|5018|6074|686.73|times furiously bold packages. deposits hang ideas. unusual requests use carefully |
199979|7537|3044|643.02|ideas after the slyly bold ideas haggle furiously special packages. platelets nag across the blithely pending requests. furi|
199980|9981|5717|150.61|uests. slyly even requests haggle furiously upon the fluffily final packages. carefully permanent requests maintain theodolites-- special foxes wake bl|
199980|2500|1645|35.43|ronic instructions cajole blithely according to the quickly final deposits. even forges doubt carefully. slyly bold request|
199980|5019|7080|330.36|itaphs. requests play alongside of the furiously ironic platelets. regular deposits detect express accounts. express de|
199980|7538|3255|201.12|ternes doze carefully carefully regular decoys. carefully e|
199981|9982|7363|843.49|ular, ironic instructions. carefully unusual packages wake quickly according to|
199981|2501|7022|857.64|nis sleep slyly furiously even dependencies. carefully fin|
199981|5020|3623|866.75|, ironic dependencies. slyly even instructions detect carefully against t|
199981|7539|7444|88.00|to the ironic ideas. regular, regular dependencies after the accounts cajole quickly regular foxes. express platelets are carefully ideas. regular re|
199982|9983|8148|793.93|sts. fluffily bold requests run final, idle packages. packages above the gifts sleep across the quickly regular dependencies. furiously regular platelets haggle slyly caref|
199982|2502|5180|54.96|latelets: platelets cajole furiously regular packages. regular, ironic requests after the carefully final requests haggle slyly regular, ironic |
199982|5021|8660|876.42|oxes integrate carefully alongside of the special accounts. carefully pending theodolites cajole slyly fluffily careful depende|
199982|7540|1989|885.53|he asymptotes nag carefully final requests. slyly unusual deposits haggle slyly-- slyly even requests above the carefully|
199983|9984|3753|130.96|blithely pending requests cajole daringly. bold accounts wake carefully furiously regular deposits. furiously final ideas nag against the brave, bold pinto b|
199983|2503|5097|552.01|ckages are. slyly bold pinto beans cajole fluffily. carefully ironic platelets after the deposits x-ray slyly according to the silent dependencies. enticingly express pinto beans across the pendin|
199983|5022|3671|144.37| accounts sublate carefully. special requests sleep slyly unusual packages. special, unusual escapades mold among the slyly even requests. carefully regular pinto beans nag according to t|
199983|7541|1193|112.89|ress accounts after the blithely final packages are slyly against the regular ideas. special pearls wake carefully quickly fin|
199984|9985|1462|437.98|ickly express theodolites wake furiously about the fluffily even requests. silently pending deposits across the enticing, even platelets boo|
199984|2504|313|704.21|thless dolphins use blithely. blithely final dependencies haggle blithely fluffily regular ideas. blithely express theodolites print among the quickly u|
199984|5023|5170|587.74|uickly final requests. fluffily regular requests haggle. blithely pending packages use slyly. quickly final theodolites sleep. thinly silent dolphins wake slyly alongside of the quickl|
199984|7542|681|229.76|the furiously dogged accounts. evenly bold pinto beans nag across the slyly final|
199985|9986|6980|582.38|nal ideas wake slyly pending dependencies. bold theodolites grow quickly carefully regul|
199985|2505|42|977.84|ly final foxes. requests wake about the express frays. slyly bold accounts wake against the furiously regular dependencies. carefully unusual packages |
199985|5024|9720|33.68|telets at the unusual packages haggle above the blithely bold accounts. final foxes detect. final accounts are after the slyly final instructions. ironic acc|
199985|7543|625|951.62|ke slyly blithely final pinto beans! furiously silent theodolites wake fu|
199986|9987|4489|938.14|ronic pinto beans. quickly special requests nag? unusual accounts thrash. furiously express packages wake carefully|
199986|2506|8750|188.82| are slyly fluffily unusual pinto beans. carefully even pa|
199986|5025|3235|887.35|ly final foxes boost carefully slyly regular forges! carefully even theodolites print against the special, even packages. |
199986|7544|2623|775.37|t slyly regular pinto beans: blithely pending asymptotes use quickly carefully pending theodol|
199987|9988|6647|888.00|o beans. special, ironic deposits use fluffily. regular, regular package|
199987|2507|6840|677.51|he courts wake among the quickly pending requests. ironic platelets wake above the |
199987|5026|623|448.87|even dependencies wake blithely across the even accounts. requests are furiously bold pinto beans. blithely special foxes |
199987|7545|1208|823.92| the furiously bold packages lose special requests. slyly pending foxes affix slyly! carefu|
199988|9989|9044|578.70|thely even ideas. carefully even dependencies detect furiously carefully regular packages. quickly bold deposits ar|
199988|2508|1378|193.05|its. fluffily special requests wake blithely. blithely pending deposits haggle. |
199988|5027|4591|98.23| quickly pending requests? blithely ironic packages along the carefully even accounts use against t|
199988|7546|2659|778.32|ow requests. furiously silent packages cajole blithely. carefully final accounts boost according to the carefully regular theodolites. slyly ironic accounts according to the carefully express reques|
199989|9990|4142|502.05|ages after the blithe pinto beans shall have to cajole about the furiously ironic ac|
199989|2509|1511|520.35|olites haggle. ironic, unusual instructions haggle furiously slyly |
199989|5028|1844|489.79|cies. accounts along the final packages nag blithely against the qu|
199989|7547|3907|312.48|oxes. special ideas serve carefully after the bold foxes. even foxes according to the silent deposits sleep slyly quickly bold ideas. pending frets haggle. ironic|
199990|9991|2450|263.31|lly across the carefully regular epitaphs. final, i|
199990|2510|6666|68.27|ons boost quickly special dolphins. even deposits boost furiously above the |
199990|5029|3761|797.88|dolites. platelets integrate ironic asymptotes. special, regular pinto bean|
199990|7548|770|483.93|integrate across the ironic platelets. furiously pending notornis sleep quickly carefully special excuses. blithely regular deposits among the blithely br|
199991|9992|2228|810.78| bold requests nag slyly against the carefully final packages. quickly silent dec|
199991|2511|4103|522.12|express instructions believe fluffily. blithely final asymptotes nag. requests detect after the furiously ironi|
199991|5030|2647|292.31|symptotes! final platelets hang blithely. final instructions cajole blithely. regular ideas boost slyly according to the slyly express packages. reg|
199991|7549|2848|922.24| packages across the blithely pending requests nag quickly according |
199992|9993|9821|726.63|cial foxes use furiously. furiously unusual packages haggle furiously along|
199992|2512|3369|874.88|slyly final foxes. carefully unusual platelets cajole boldly final theodo|
199992|5031|1481|873.53| carefully bold ideas-- blithely ironic deposits play according to the quickly unusual accounts. carefully even ideas affix regularly alongside o|
199992|7550|6421|271.25|final deposits haggle regular packages. carefully final theodolites cajole across the furiously bold ideas. silent, bold escapades cajole. pending packages solve about the slyly regular de|
199993|9994|5672|745.58|carefully. quickly ironic requests cajole around the blithely final requests. fluffily regular deposits kindle fluffily special foxes. bold, pending requests about the regular water|
199993|2513|5914|595.41|iously ironic packages across the pending pinto beans cajole slyly slyly close asymptotes. furiously special t|
199993|5032|4437|210.14|ong the quickly regular dependencies are quickly about|
199993|7551|1273|584.67|ar theodolites. bold multipliers against the furiously e|
199994|9995|7665|477.33|r accounts wake furiously after the silent deposits. regular, silent accounts wake blithely. unusual, final accounts maintain carefully furiously regular accounts. slyly even pinto be|
199994|2514|7104|696.66|e carefully regular waters. carefully final accounts lose blithely. slyly ironic dependencies sleep. slyly special tithes nag blithely. express requests cajole furiously even, blithe deposits. f|
199994|5033|9877|561.02|e accounts. blithely express requests above the expres|
199994|7552|1768|689.69|slyly carefully final decoys. unusual pinto beans promise blithely. final, regular decoy|
199995|9996|4863|284.20|ven deposits along the express accounts nag among the slyly pending instructions. quickly even deposits believe permanent, regular accounts. ca|
199995|2515|8692|560.55|nal requests haggle! silent, silent packages are? blithely ironic deposits boost. |
199995|5034|3621|781.73|. fluffily unusual deposits wake quickly courts. furiously pending foxes nag furiously; furiously express asymptotes eat slyly. ca|
199995|7553|5811|792.57|eep about the blithely express courts. carefully final deposits wake quickly according to the slyly final packages. express packages cajole. regula|
199996|9997|2361|120.57|fully special foxes affix carefully quickly even requests. even, unusual packages poach carefully alongside of the|
199996|2516|2220|726.04|arefully even excuses sleep. final, pending requests wake fluffily about the slyly f|
199996|5035|2592|849.85| foxes sleep slyly even ideas. foxes about the regular pa|
199996|7554|4048|911.45|c requests haggle about the carefully regular packages|
199997|9998|2845|234.72|heodolites about the blithely even packages will detect among the special theodolites. fluffily even foxes x-ray carefully unusual, even realms: ruthlessly u|
199997|2517|7497|115.42|und the slyly silent theodolites. final packages boost. furiously ironic packages could have to x-ray outside the quickly regular requests. furiously special deposits haggle blithely alongside |
199997|5036|8500|992.06| unusual deposits. quickly bold requests was final deposits. blithely ironic packages are furiously. accounts among the blithely regular deposits wake ironic accounts. furiously |
199997|7555|9618|381.51|ed accounts across the slyly final deposits dazzle alongside of the furiously final accounts. furiously bold pinto beans integrate carefull|
199998|9999|7826|630.28|ording to the close multipliers wake blithely furiously unusual accounts. quic|
199998|2518|331|937.37|as are. slyly regular pinto beans haggle bravely above the slyly regular deposits. carefully final pinto beans boost according to the pains. requests use furiously. f|
199998|5037|8225|193.43|dependencies haggle slyly. fluffily even deposits cajole. quickly special deposits wake slyly bold, bold frets. unusual, pending instructions thrash furiously. q|
199998|7556|4045|520.48|y express packages cajole slyly alongside of the bold requests. carefully even requests across the bold foxes boost carefully above the bold, bold pinto bea|
199999|10000|7872|606.64| according to the final pinto beans: carefully silent requests sleep final|
199999|2519|6596|231.95|ts. slyly final dependencies sleep blithely ironic instructions. slyly final deposits haggle furiously after the express pinto bea|
199999|5038|7166|457.93|ggle carefully. regular packages are bravely slyly final requests. steal|
199999|7557|7784|259.56|ts. pending, thin instructions wake furiously special requests. slyly pending deposits after the quickly even dinos would are carefully carefully express packages. ironic reques|
200000|1|3372|74.18|egular, pending warthogs along the even pinto beans boost foxes. blithely ironic deposits along the carefully ironic requests d|
200000|2520|8522|192.45| nag slyly carefully bold attainments. special packages nag silent requests. blithely regular accou|
200000|5039|605|3.91| theodolites wake carefully about the slyly pending requests. express, idle packages lose idea|
200000|7558|2583|996.65|ests affix slyly carefully unusual deposits. packages print blithely. slyly express requests wake c|