2015-08-11 17:12:45 -04:00

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19999951|1999952|8449|164.93|sleep according to the quickly regular pinto beans: silent packages are. pending dependencies detect quickly ironic theodolites. busily special pinto beans sleep slyly quickly ironic de|
19999951|2749958|2778|62.81|ironic, special foxes. ironic, final forges sleep furiously furious packages. bold, regular i|
19999951|499964|6580|19.92|cajole against the furiously ironic requests. furiously careful requests integrate quickly slyly even accounts. fluffy frays sleep. furiously regular excuses according to the pinto|
19999951|1249970|5562|389.30|s-- ironic accounts nod fluffily according to the blithely ironic platelets|
19999952|1999953|7436|737.82|l dependencies sleep after the even deposits. slyly furious accounts dazzle furiously. quickly even requests sleep quickly express instructions. blithely ruthless packages according to the fur|
19999952|2749959|8251|95.15|inly special patterns sleep carefully closely ironic patterns. fluffily even instructions was. slyly silent courts haggle furiously. ideas co|
19999952|499965|1734|19.62|. fluffily express instructions haggle blithely. ideas cajole carefully; final, ironic accounts wake furiously. carefully unusual asymptotes d|
19999952|1249971|2890|417.92|yly regular patterns? even sentiments across the quickly regular theodolites nag bravely past the even foxes. depos|
19999953|1999954|3568|146.15|regular Tiresias. fluffily unusual theodolites above the ironic, pending |
19999953|2749960|756|60.89|ironic deposits affix furiously regular accounts. quickly ironic platelets sleep excuses! pending foxes cajol|
19999953|499966|1604|703.25|ly quickly ironic dependencies. fluffily regular deposits cajole blithely.|
19999953|1249972|9592|472.06|grate after the even accounts. ironic dolphins cajole blithely pending requests. slyly special deposits are. pinto beans|
19999954|1999955|3039|956.44|iments are furiously. blithely pending ideas wake carefully final, pending requests. requests sleep. quickly eve|
19999954|2749961|8431|38.43| slyly ironic requests mold quickly. express courts shall have to cajole carefully final gifts-- slyly bold deposits sleep quickly. slyly ironic accounts sleep blithely ev|
19999954|499967|2564|761.85|onic, ironic requests sleep ruthlessly carefully regular packages! furiously even pearls promise about the fluffily bold deposits. regular requests during the boldl|
19999954|1249973|2304|319.44|ily final excuses. furiously ironic excuses wake furiously at the final accounts. furiously even requests was blithely. slyly silent deposits lose carefully along the s|
19999955|1999956|6134|421.31|c asymptotes according to the carefully regular deposits wake blith|
19999955|2749962|7531|217.62|ffix blithely ironic dependencies. special instructions alongside of the regular, silent requests cajo|
19999955|499968|6005|366.20| at the silent instructions. ironic dependencies solve across the carefully permanent packages; express deposits haggle|
19999955|1249974|391|145.97|eep requests. fluffily special accounts mold furiously above the carefully regular accounts. foxes are carefully above t|
19999956|1999957|2309|9.68|tes integrate carefully. slyly regular theodolites was according to the carefully silent packages. brave, regular somas promise above the eve|
19999956|2749963|106|66.42| express requests. blithely express accounts at the express platelets are furiously unusual deposits.|
19999956|499969|9567|624.94|aggle slyly. furiously even packages about the requests wake carefully among the quickly silent instructions-- blithely final packages across the careful|
19999956|1249975|4820|30.42|efully final accounts haggle hockey players. unusual instructions impress slyly above the bold, unusual excuses. pending requ|
19999957|1999958|1286|75.54|le carefully final, regular packages; furiously pending tithes sleep slyly regular, final de|
19999957|2749964|2509|144.49|nusual decoys. even ideas boost carefully final pint|
19999957|499970|7234|35.20|c packages engage slyly even platelets. fluffily regular requests haggle carefully. bold, regular accounts according to |
19999957|1249976|2698|434.13|ts wake regular platelets. quickly bold instructions nag about the ironic, regular packages? blithely sly|
19999958|1999959|8269|927.17|lly ironic packages wake carefully. pending packages impress accordi|
19999958|2749965|4851|646.59|to beans around the pending, regular theodolites breac|
19999958|499971|1109|190.97| deposits should maintain enticingly carefully ironic deposits; carefully special deposits cajole fluffily furiously ironic deposits. even, special ide|
19999958|1249977|4790|148.56| cajole furiously regular, regular requests. slyly pending theodolites cajole blithely furiously final excuses. blithely silent f|
19999959|1999960|6927|606.39|s boost even notornis. even, unusual dependencies use slyly alongside of the accounts? furiously even grouches engage b|
19999959|2749966|3857|995.84| even ideas. final instructions sleep slyly around the even instructions. instructions use furiously across the bli|
19999959|499972|3845|941.86|ily; blithely silent foxes sleep furiously. final, even requests wake furiously unusual foxes. quick|
19999959|1249978|4821|860.39| maintain above the accounts. instructions promise carefully across the furiously unusual requests. final requests cajole special sentiments. bold requests affix blithely unusual deposits|
19999960|1999961|6761|134.13|iously pending braids. packages integrate final requests. blithely express requests against the blithely regular theodolites haggle blithe|
19999960|2749967|8753|742.64|ithely. carefully regular accounts serve. final instructions integrate|
19999960|499973|3418|174.63|lithely? quickly express foxes nod blithely quickly quiet deposits. packages serve carefully packages. furiously bold ideas nag|
19999960|1249979|4537|144.80|ly pending accounts. final, final platelets boost. quickly unusual packages boost about the special deposits. blithely regular ideas are final packages. ironic decoys wake. ironic requests boo|
19999961|1999962|5566|389.98|ironic deposits. express instructions throughout the regular, ironic deposits boos|
19999961|2749968|3798|113.68|s nag among the ideas. unusual platelets after the requests poach carefully carefully even requests. |
19999961|499974|4780|824.14| the regular, ironic packages. furiously even accounts cajole blithely pending packages. slyly ironic f|
19999961|1249980|7937|330.47|e blithely regular packages. furiously daring instructions are carefully. furiously silent packages against the blithely ironic requests |
19999962|1999963|3675|910.32|fully ironic deposits along the fluffily careful deposits boost quickly unusual instructions. pinto beans use fluffily carefully unusual theodolites. express escapades eat |
19999962|2749969|8854|220.06| beans. final ideas affix after the blithely ironic requests. ideas play notornis. regular dependencies across the carefully final packages are above the furiously even accounts. furio|
19999962|499975|1678|508.78|s. express depths haggle carefully. even, final deposits after the quickly silent asymptotes use instructions. regular deposits wake slyly|
19999962|1249981|2785|747.69|ironic instructions. blithely pending platelets would haggle carefully carefully ironic ideas. slowly ruthless deposits promise furiously after the slyly regular theodolites. quickly final|
19999963|1999964|6088|74.05|. furiously regular packages are blithely. silent, |
19999963|2749970|9916|996.76| theodolites use carefully bold instructions. even accounts nag sometimes. blithely unusual theodolites sleep furiously final requests. silent, ironic packages wake q|
19999963|499976|5782|362.41| packages boost fluffily among the furiously final asymptotes. slyly ironic deposits cajole furiously ironic excuses. accounts wake. slyly regular packages sleep furiously. quickly e|
19999963|1249982|7214|240.39| excuses according to the blithely regular dependencies cajole among the carefully brave instructions. carefully final packages sleep blithely. furiously ironic theodolites wake closely silent pi|
19999964|1999965|2801|564.60|uriously about the carefully even excuses. blithely final pinto beans wake special deposits. fluffily unusual dolphins |
19999964|2749971|5807|834.17|y express epitaphs. slyly final dependencies cajole careful|
19999964|499977|1717|86.36|al, ironic pinto beans. packages sleep furiously about the furiously ironic instructions. pending foxes wake blithely carefully even requests: final dependencies after the pending, regular accounts |
19999964|1249983|8435|233.25|er the slyly quick instructions. packages nag permanently. pending packages x-ray slyly special packages. busily special deposits use final requests. carefully bold courts detect slyly ironic reque|
19999965|1999966|9566|421.40|the packages. regular, final asymptotes use slyly along the ironic, unusual requests. ironic asymptotes wake never about the slyly ironic|
19999965|2749972|8877|752.38|ajole carefully. blithely ironic deposits sleep quickly enticing, pending packages. accounts integrate slyly. furiously sly patterns alongside of the final dinos run slyly pinto beans. even |
19999965|499978|4643|2.93| blithely permanent requests cajole ironic, special requests. quickly regular requests across the express, un|
19999965|1249984|1388|486.08|y along the daring requests. quickly regular accounts shal|
19999966|1999967|4189|946.48| foxes according to the express foxes haggle slyly regular deposits. ironic, pending accounts unwind? quickly final requests cajole slyly. furiously even deposits affix|
19999966|2749973|2535|482.20| nag carefully alongside of the slyly final deposits. carefully ironic instructions after the final pinto beans |
19999966|499979|2559|629.56|nto beans about the slow ideas engage blithely among the special, ironic deposits. even theodolites hinder furiously sheaves. even foxes nag slyly deposits. blithe deposits wake above the carefully|
19999966|1249985|3874|725.05|mptotes wake furiously blithely even excuses-- unusual dependencies wake quickly. bold, regular platelets after the regular deposits sleep blithely regular requests. even, regular package|
19999967|1999968|9128|287.97|ccounts use quickly. dependencies sleep fluffily. quickly ironic packag|
19999967|2749974|5029|41.22|ng to the unusual, pending epitaphs sleep blithely above the furiously silent accounts. slyly regular accounts kindle evenly. packages haggle. furiously unusua|
19999967|499980|4611|805.14|ckly unusual foxes cajole. final, bold pinto beans wake. bold dependencies use furiously among the silently final|
19999967|1249986|730|652.95|usual, furious pinto beans after the final accounts affix even foxes. carefully special dependencies cajole above the final reques|
19999968|1999969|994|318.07|usly above the ironic requests. furiously unusual orbits according to the special, ironic foxes wake among the carefully final idea|
19999968|2749975|2834|287.92|g to the slyly regular packages. fluffily silent requests cajol|
19999968|499981|6157|167.35|ending Tiresias boost carefully regular excuses. blithely regular excuses detect furiously around the fluffily ironic deposits: slyly final foxes under the blithely even request|
19999968|1249987|5334|663.54|t packages beneath the blithely special accounts cajole slyly ironically final instructions. deposits doubt requests. regular deposits at the fluffily special pl|
19999969|1999970|2061|363.86|posits sleep fluffily courts. special pinto beans wake carefully after the sometimes even requests. ironic deposits affix blithely. regu|
19999969|2749976|810|699.66| the furiously express foxes. pending asymptotes nag carefully dolphins. ironic platelets detect regular accounts. regular,|
19999969|499982|333|88.20| special ideas wake quickly until the unusual requests. furiou|
19999969|1249988|6294|125.91|hely ironic asymptotes. furiously special platelets affix quickly |
19999970|1999971|1469|508.65| requests against the furiously even packages sleep finally even requests. furiously ironic ideas sleep. pinto beans haggle slyly. bold, bo|
19999970|2749977|837|548.95|riously pending asymptotes are carefully furiously final instr|
19999970|499983|7154|690.33|ckages above the careful asymptotes are carefully along the carefully express deposits. special, express ideas wake furiously. regular, regular grouches affix car|
19999970|1249989|8889|103.90|pecial, ironic ideas should have to boost slyly. slyly pending requests sleep fluffily about the blithely bold platelets. accounts |
19999971|1999972|1248|186.91|ously ironic requests detect daring requests. furiously bold foxes sleep fluffily among the quickly ironic ideas. furiously silent requests nag after the final req|
19999971|2749978|8264|825.72|ts. slyly regular deposits integrate above the quickly thin platelets. requests serve carefully unusual deposits. blithely special f|
19999971|499984|9067|915.42|ular foxes cajole furiously furiously ironic inst|
19999971|1249990|975|990.47|excuses. fluffily ironic accounts sleep. regular ideas above the blithely regular deposits sleep always bold courts. ruthlessly regular attainments doze across the requests. furiously ir|
19999972|1999973|5114|539.61| blithely after the dependencies. ironic asymptotes boost carefully bold excuses. slyly pending theodolites cajole according to|
19999972|2749979|8902|397.72|efully near the blithely ironic asymptotes. slyly final accounts boost final accounts. slyly even dependencies nag furiously ironic patterns. quickly slo|
19999972|499985|8782|366.64|requests. fluffily express theodolites need to affix carefully regul|
19999972|1249991|9200|474.95|egular packages: special pinto beans thrash busily fluffily bold asymptotes. regular pinto beans except the ironic asym|
19999973|1999974|4746|700.67|lly express requests integrate closely according to the furiously unusual packages. blithely ironic packages are slyly about the regular deposits|
19999973|2749980|7877|138.92|efully regular asymptotes cajole carefully after the special deposits. furiously even requests haggle carefully above the carefully ironic theodolites. slyly regular asymptotes |
19999973|499986|9761|428.53|ost blithely according to the carefully ironic excuses. carefully bold deposits maintain slyly to the blithely regular|
19999973|1249992|1903|687.17|totes are slyly sentiments. never ironic requests integrate. slyly unusual requests sleep carefully carefully|
19999974|1999975|6395|944.13|y final patterns poach furiously. carefully pending courts need to sublate after the final, final requests. unusual, even theodolites serve blithely regular asymptotes. furious|
19999974|2749981|8922|909.32|ests wake across the even platelets. regular asymptotes can wake carefully. slyly pending courts nag. slyly ironic deposits are slyly after the furi|
19999974|499987|1707|374.70|sly special deposits wake blithely. slyly regular instructions h|
19999974|1249993|7848|46.32|. slyly even deposits nag among the carefully regular pinto beans. slyly ironic packages wake quickly blithe requests. furiously bold packages de|
19999975|1999976|906|542.98| pains haggle carefully regularly final sheaves. silent, ironic foxes wake quickly regular deposits. carefully final excuses cajole final, unusual instructions. express, final deposits haggle |
19999975|2749982|7248|124.15|lly against the quickly express requests. furiously pending theodolites among the regular accounts maintain across the blithely final requests. dolphins wake idly. theodolites are sl|
19999975|499988|8696|909.12|symptotes haggle. furiously express theodolites cajole blithely. deposits engage slyly final instructions. final, ironic multipliers are fluffily. deposits doze furiously alongsi|
19999975|1249994|8986|54.67|lar accounts are sometimes slyly pending requests. bold, regular forges cajole furiously. furiously bold instructions use slyly quickly unusual requests. furiously special accou|