2015-08-11 17:12:45 -04:00

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399999926|9999927|8895|205.49| quickly final platelets. bold, idle theodolites are ironic ideas. blithely ironic packages sleep carefully bold, regular packages. carefully final pack|
399999926|17499940|2993|435.50|beans. special pinto beans according to the pending, silent deposits cajole quickly slyly silent excuses. regular requests cajole blithely quiet packages. slyly ironic ideas cajole|
399999926|24999953|9193|21.12|ses. regular foxes haggle carefully pending packages. regular, final deposits x-ray ironic theodolites-- blithely final notornis among the regular, ironic ideas use furiously silent pack|
399999926|2499966|5349|646.54|deposits haggle atop the slyly ironic packages. unusual, bold accounts among the final accounts are bl|
399999927|9999928|9251|413.61|the ironic sheaves affix furiously after the furiously careful asymptotes. accounts haggle among the final instructions! tithes run evenly along|
399999927|17499941|6348|708.72|e of the furiously unusual deposits are blithely according to the quickly regular dolphins. furiously final asymptotes haggle p|
399999927|24999954|3291|509.21| quick deposits. slyly bold deposits are. carefully regular excuses according to the even, ironic pinto beans|
399999927|2499967|2589|955.08|r grouches. warthogs boost furiously. special theodolites among the carefully express ideas must have to sleep fluffily around the even accounts. courts are quickl|
399999928|9999929|8364|221.44|ously quickly unusual packages. slyly final tithes af|
399999928|17499942|4414|651.31|. instructions nag carefully even packages. final dependencies along the furiously bold foxes hang carefully whithout th|
399999928|24999955|779|697.27| deposits. regular accounts haggle daringly quick, bold pinto beans. care|
399999928|2499968|9710|833.89|ing depths. carefully regular deposits according to the regular, ironic ideas use ideas. even ideas sleep. silent, even requests integrate slyly aga|
399999929|9999930|6683|399.90|lar accounts. furiously pending excuses nag about the ironically pending foxes. slyly pending grouches against the |
399999929|17499943|5832|9.76|structions. carefully regular requests would nag slyly excuses. furiously regular theodolites boost blithely fluffily ironic sentiments. furiously pending theodolites h|
399999929|24999956|2908|400.68|ely regular ideas cajole. ironic packages above the blithely express asymptotes are quickly after the care|
399999929|2499969|9466|106.78|the fluffily ironic accounts haggle fluffily express deposits. carefully regular a|
399999930|9999931|5443|627.40|e blithely slow theodolites. slyly blithe deposits along the ideas cajole regularly final packages. packages are even dep|
399999930|17499944|6541|388.98|alms detect. pending requests play above the slyly silent instructions. furiously bold ide|
399999930|24999957|9774|277.51| even ideas integrate furiously. slyly ironic courts sleep blithely. idle ideas hang. furiously ironic platelets among the carefully silent sheaves affix slyly according to the regular deposits. bli|
399999930|2499970|5501|50.43|nag blithely. carefully ironic deposits wake quickly against the blithely express deposits. courts int|
399999931|9999932|1795|717.03|r accounts on the carefully pending accounts sleep slyly alongside of the ironic theodolites. blithely sil|
399999931|17499945|86|333.60|losely blithely bold deposits. quickly ironic packages according to the pending, regular accounts boost atop the quickly careful packages-- furio|
399999931|24999958|3871|666.17|arefully pending foxes. slyly bold accounts across the unusual, pending ideas could boost regular, express instructions. furiously final foxes doze carefully. sly|
399999931|2499971|528|696.55|heodolites detect carefully alongside of the blithely e|
399999932|9999933|9532|839.64| against the special, unusual packages. final notornis against the slyly express accounts are furiously special deposits. ironic|
399999932|17499946|8640|83.76|ly. packages at the furiously final sauternes cajole blithely pending instructions. ironic accounts sleep across the speci|
399999932|24999959|6137|362.11|carefully final dolphins. furiously special requests affix even|
399999932|2499972|9750|351.60|y final deposits. carefully ironic foxes integrate slyly. express deposits cajole. furiously dogged multipliers sleep. silent foxes dazzle |
399999933|9999934|2135|406.15|ng the slyly final excuses. fluffily unusual dolphins cajole by the regular theodolites. even theodolites cajole around the final packages. ironic deposits boost slyly. asymptotes dazzle|
399999933|17499947|185|259.47|quickly. furiously even deposits use slyly express sauternes. carefully special requests nag quickly furiously express accounts. furiously special pi|
399999933|24999960|9993|491.61|pearls sublate blithely carefully ironic foxes. furiously ironic accounts boost furiously. blithely bold deposits integrate fluffily. packages sleep.|
399999933|2499973|4363|907.11|ages detect carefully. carefully regular theodolites about the even pinto beans wake furious|
399999934|9999935|813|98.69|sts haggle even pinto beans. ironic packages are furiously.|
399999934|17499948|1828|662.26|xcuses haggle slyly. even requests sublate never. furiously express dinos integrate carefully blit|
399999934|24999961|2326|908.69|y special pinto beans must have to wake packages. carefully pending acco|
399999934|2499974|2247|741.00|y enticing packages are about the careful dependencies. express deposits integrate slyly carefully final deposits. slyly regular deposits are according to the final|
399999935|9999936|5245|572.25|enticing deposits wake blithely about the unusual deposits. epitaphs use furiously. furiously regular foxes|
399999935|17499949|2470|593.90|telets sleep furiously furiously idle accounts. regular pinto beans are slyly. carefully ironic requests nag after the quickly blithe|
399999935|24999962|2752|828.46|ggle carefully about the ironic, pending requests|
399999935|2499975|6004|39.04| deposits! quickly regular foxes nag quickly according to the furiously unusual accounts. ruthle|
399999936|9999937|6555|61.36|uctions serve even, regular epitaphs. accounts haggle blithely ironic packages? quickly unusual requests sleep slyly slyly regular foxes. slyly final asymptotes affix furiously. final dependencies|
399999936|17499950|7699|604.57| bravely regular pinto beans are carefully silent instructions. deposits nag blithely. foxes after the ironic, final frets affix furiously regular accounts-- quickly regular dependencie|
399999936|24999963|6353|287.79|iously quick dependencies detect. even packages integrate carefully even ideas. ironic accounts affix carefully pending, unusual account|
399999936|2499976|5383|888.00|p carefully above the quickly regular packages. pending foxes haggle carefully. fluffily special i|
399999937|9999938|864|699.56| decoys haggle slyly furiously ironic ideas; ironic, ironic theodolites boost furiously. carefully ironic acco|
399999937|17499951|8373|385.49|furiously express accounts must have to engage furiously ideas. blithely silent deposits nag sl|
399999937|24999964|9858|631.12|y express packages wake furiously; platelets kindle slyly against the slyly silent instructions. express deposits wake packages. packages against the requests could have to|
399999937|2499977|920|971.69|after the platelets. slyly ironic dependencies above the furiously express deposits sleep quickly final, pending accounts: sauternes are furiously across the express platelets. ironi|
399999938|9999939|3270|596.26|uests use quickly above the carefully ironic packages. blithely final requests lose af|
399999938|17499952|4249|562.67|st the slyly even packages use fluffily furiously even deposits. final platelets |
399999938|24999965|2889|444.47|fully ironic dependencies cajole. blithely unusual requests nag fluffily |
399999938|2499978|8010|900.15| instructions above the regular, regular deposits cajole after the carefully express ideas. sly|
399999939|9999940|4109|136.60|efully pending pinto beans: quickly silent deposits about the slyly ironic pinto beans sleep carefully blithely express packages.|
399999939|17499953|2425|323.92|ular, regular warhorses. ironically even foxes integrate furiously among the fluffily final accounts. carefully pending packages affix a|
399999939|24999966|7586|787.86| the furiously regular deposits. silent requests against the even, express asymptotes shall sleep about the regular ideas|
399999939|2499979|1626|17.72|lieve about the blithely ironic instructions. slyly express theodolites among the slyly final warthogs cajole f|
399999940|9999941|7209|390.23|sly furious frays. carefully final foxes cajole permanently against the furiously unusual deposits. quiet packages doze carefully along the slyly express packages. slyly special accounts cajole|
399999940|17499954|8369|291.73|, silent deposits. carefully ironic excuses alongside of the ruthless accounts nag blithely blithely unusual foxes. quickly express sentiments |
399999940|24999967|9571|245.98|cording to the blithely final ideas solve between the care|
399999940|2499980|3721|565.57|inal pinto beans among the ironic requests wake across the slyly ironic pinto beans. regular, pending pinto beans should have to cajole! never regular requests detect furiously. slyly bold pearls|
399999941|9999942|7880|163.74|he blithely dogged requests. carefully regular reques|
399999941|17499955|9971|1.48| furiously special requests affix carefully blithely bold accou|
399999941|24999968|6227|155.14|ully even courts wake among the carefully regular foxes. evenly pending courts are. fluffily regular requ|
399999941|2499981|4971|222.24|s above the carefully regular packages integrate ruthlessly across the final, unusual packages. slyly regular |
399999942|9999943|4878|186.01|rate bold, even ideas. slyly final deposits boost. quickly regular pac|
399999942|17499956|598|572.88|g instructions. carefully idle accounts cajole fluffily even, close courts. packages are furiously. carefully final packages wake slowly regular deposits. requests are slyly along|
399999942|24999969|8838|185.47|e carefully about the fluffily even requests. carefully speci|
399999942|2499982|2972|576.66|de of the instructions. regular orbits use deposits. unusual requests alongside of the furiously final requests are furiously regular accounts. final ideas haggle slyly according to the fluff|
399999943|9999944|4081|785.85|n packages may wake. slyly bold deposits cajole quickly about the ironic packages. accounts use quickly courts. even braids are carefully furiously ironic packages. furiousl|
399999943|17499957|3427|149.35|oys are permanently slyly bold foxes. fluffily bold platelets x-ray blithely ironic requests. final, pending deposits could have to use quickly furiousl|
399999943|24999970|9371|925.32|ake quickly at the slyly regular packages. slyly unusual dugouts nag bravely even packages. always express deposits ac|
399999943|2499983|7819|528.75|unts wake according to the deposits. deposits cajole fluffily. carefully fluffy deposits engage carefully final, express requests: slyly even requests sleep against the close acc|
399999944|9999945|8558|814.73|special instructions. slyly final ideas impress. pending, final instructions affix slyly even dependencies. regular re|
399999944|17499958|7881|918.14|l instructions grow. ironic dolphins haggle slyly a|
399999944|24999971|4416|794.32|s cajole furiously alongside of the final, final requests. blithely express asymptotes use furiously final foxes. slyly unusual requests across the daringly final |
399999944|2499984|8946|682.28|of the regular deposits. furiously final accounts boost carefully. furiously final requests wake s|
399999945|9999946|7933|677.88|ound the carefully silent pinto beans use blithely across the express, final ideas. quickly bold theod|
399999945|17499959|2495|631.81|ial pinto beans integrate furiously above the deposits. asymptotes sleep slyly after the ironic braids. ironically silent|
399999945|24999972|2450|543.73|ular asymptotes haggle blithely express deposits. ironic packages haggle. slyly final accounts affix above the fluffily bold pea|
399999945|2499985|861|740.48|st the quickly final theodolites. closely bold foxes after the furiously regular requests cajole furiously blithely regular dolphins|
399999946|9999947|868|766.76|e the regular requests. regular accounts use blithely pains. blithely even dependencies after the furiou|
399999946|17499960|746|927.35|ckly ironic ideas affix furiously. slyly even instructions should have to cajo|
399999946|24999973|6838|637.15|hely even deposits nag carefully after the dolphins. ca|
399999946|2499986|5315|489.52|ly pending deposits. slyly final requests integrate slyly regular accounts. bold excuses across the never final decoys sleep thinly |
399999947|9999948|8428|764.43|c accounts. ironic deposits haggle about the packages. boldly unusual packages doubt carefully across the asymptotes. ironic |
399999947|17499961|9385|784.08|usual pinto beans wake carefully over the furiously regular dependencies. blithely |
399999947|24999974|9072|283.94|y ideas among the final, bold pinto beans integrate carefully against the regular, pending requests. asymptotes sleep blithely after the bol|
399999947|2499987|2432|94.27| blithely. furiously daring pinto beans haggle. ideas sleep furiously. furiously bold foxes thrash furiously packages. theodolites nag quickly. package|
399999948|9999949|413|220.46|deposits. final requests sleep slyly regular dolphins. bold, bold deposits sleep. quickly bold accounts sleep regular packages-- daringly bold|
399999948|17499962|9095|167.65|he slyly regular realms. carefully silent excuses use slyly even deposits. express packages across the thinly regular instructions boost even grouches. theodolites accor|
399999948|24999975|9355|730.18|y thin packages haggle furiously final ideas. carefully even packages are slyly|
399999948|2499988|607|480.87|ts. final, regular foxes nag blithely about the pending asymptotes; regular, regular requests sleep along the regular deposits. quickly special courts across the enticing deposits boost fluffily |
399999949|9999950|1957|274.01|deposits boost across the packages. deposits sleep quickly along the pending, even pinto beans. quickly final courts haggle at the even, ironic |
399999949|17499963|8243|138.41|regular, regular asymptotes sleep regular requests. regular, ironic ideas cajole deposits. deposits wake quickly |
399999949|24999976|3735|774.33| the even, fluffy foxes nag slyly unusual requests. ruthlessly express packages sleep carefully. regular requests affix. slyly regular platelets snooze! carefully special notornis are careful|
399999949|2499989|8894|277.55|al foxes detect furiously. deposits are blithely ironic pinto beans. carefully ruthless r|
399999950|9999951|56|715.84|f the deposits cajole quickly along the express packages. slyly bold accounts haggle express packages. theodolites nag quickly|
399999950|17499964|8545|240.96|across the final, special deposits. carefully bold accounts impress for the ironic, pending excuses. carefully unusual excuses across the silently regul|
399999950|24999977|7307|124.75|mptotes. quickly idle gifts are. requests wake fluffily. final, regular accounts haggle. express ideas sleep carefully across the even, ironic ideas. accounts wake. even packages play carefully|
399999950|2499990|5170|86.22|the slyly special packages play across the fluffily even packages. furiously regular foxes cajole around t|