
1008 B

The ASTral Compiler Compiler

Project Prerequisites

The versions listed are what have been tested and shown to work.

  • java and the JDK version 17.0.7
  • scala version 3.3.0
  • mill version 0.11.1

You can install Scala and Mill using Coursier

Quick Guide

To clean the project:
make clean, or mill clean

To compile the ASTral Catalyst Optimizer:
make, or make compile, or mill astral.catalyst.impl.compile

To run a basic sanity check on the ASTral Catalyst Optimizer:
make check, or mill

To run a subset of the TPCH Benchmark across ASTral, Spark with ASTral's rule set, and Spark:
make test, or mill astral.catalyst.impl.runMain com.astraldb.catalyst.TPCHTest

-w can be appended to mill in any of the above commands to put mill into watch mode for incremental changes
