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Pop Launch Utils

Some simple launcher addons for pop-launcher.

This is part of my effort to learn Rust, so don't expect anything particularly fancy.


Usage: pass [password]

Requires: The pass utility, which in turn requires xclip.

The utility will do a (case sensitive) search for the phrase password anywhere in the full path of a password file. Selecting a password will invoke pass -c on the file.


Usage: todo [task description] @[date]

Requires: A config file ~/.config/pop_todo.json (see below)

This utility lets you quickly enter TODO items and send them as Tasks to a CalDAV server. The search phrase entered into the launcher will be parsed into a todo quick entry. Special prefixes are used to set fields of the todo.

  • @: Sets the due date. Dates can be entered as mm-dd-yyyy or using natural language, with _ instead of space. For example: @today, @tomorrow, @next_week, @july_20


  • todo create a README file @tomorrow


Create a file: ~/.config/pop_todo.json

    "url" : "https://your.caldav.server/remote.php/dav",
    "username" : "your_username",
    "password" : "super_secret",
    "calendars" : [
  • url: The base CalDAV URL of your server; Tested with Nextcloud. In Nextcloud, you can get this URL by going to the Calendars page, and choosing settings.
  • username: Your CalDAV username. This is your Nextcloud username.
  • password: Your CalDAV password. In Nextcloud, you are encouraged to use an 'app-specific-password', which you can create through the Security settings panel.
  • calendars: A list of calendar-ids to include in the list. In Nextcloud, this is usually the fully lower case name of your calendar; You can get this by going to the calendar page and looking at the URL.