2 ReadingList Database Usability
juuseung edited this page 2024-09-14 14:53:45 -04:00

Programming Languages Usability

Programmers Are Users Too: Human-Centered Methods for Improving Programming Tools

Several existing Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) methods are discussed in the paper, including rapid prototyping, natural programming elicitation, and think-aloud usability evaluations. The main benefits of these methods include low-cost feedback, insights into developer expectations, and identification of usability issues and developer intent. However, these methods have disadvantages, such as differences from real-world contexts, the need for appropriate participants, and lower fidelity than the final tool.

PLIERS: A Process that Integrates User-Centered Methods into Programming Language Design

PLIERS is a process designed to help language designers create programming languages that make programmers more effective by directly considering user needs. Recognizing the challenges of applying existing HCI methods in language design (e.g. difficulties in recruiting, training, and high prototype cost), PLIERS consists of five phases and combines both formative and summative HCI methods into the programming language design. It modifies existing methods by pre-screening participants, using multi-tutorials, and employing the Wizard of OZ evaluation techniques to simulate tools that do not exist yet.

Database Usability

Gestural Query Specification

With the increasing demand for non-keyboard computing devices and the challenge faced by users unfamiliar with database schemas or query languages, GestureDB enables users to specify relational database queries through gestures. It performs query specification tasks using gestures provided by the user (e.g. dragging, swiping, pinching) through a touch-based interface to interact with the database. GestureDB continually provides feedback, including the most likely operation results and statistics based on the gesture features (e.g., proximity, compatibility) and the state of the database, helping users complete the articulation of their query and narrow down the query space until the desired result is achieved.

Constructing an Interactive Natural Language Interface for Relational Databases